August 2016 watermelons!

I'm from New England and the weather can be unpredictable here. The saying around here is "if you don't like the weather, wait a minute" lol they usually don't know until last minute what is going to happen with snow storms and even then, they are usually wrong. They might say 4-8 inches and you get two feet lol

Ha - wild. I guess you can never be too prepared with your gear for cold weather! I live just outside Seattle. This 46ish degree weather is probably just going to be what it is until late spring when we break 60 degrees. The joke around here is that summer starts on the 4th of July. We do get some sunny days in between all of the clouds though and people break out the shorts. It's a little bit ridiculous but makes me chuckle. I'm from California originally so I think the shorts are hilarious when I see them come out because we've hit 60 or just had a sunny day.
I'm from New England and the weather can be unpredictable here. The saying around here is "if you don't like the weather, wait a minute" lol they usually don't know until last minute what is going to happen with snow storms and even then, they are usually wrong. They might say 4-8 inches and you get two feet lol

LOL yeah I remember one time DH and I took a trip to upstate New York in late summer. When we arrived, it was sunny and warm. Within a few hours it was raining and cold. You all are pretty hardy up there!
ok third post in a row. Sorry guys. Bad habit when I am catching up on threads. I'll get better at consolidating :)

I just wanted to share that we had our 9 week scan today! Baby was moving around and HB is strong :) I can't believe how much bigger "she" (I'm going with the intuition there) is! We graduated from the fertility clinic today. On to an OB! Even though I never even got to the meds or IVF stage with the fertility clinic it is an emotional day considering the shit news that landed me there. I was literally told by a gynecologist that there was pretty much no chance of conceiving with my own eggs and referred to the fertility clinic. They gave me hope, set up some appointments and BAM I was pregnant naturally before they could even give me any fertility meds, count follicles or stim.

I am a very happy Mama today. Keep sticking around baby!

Andrea, I do the same thing :blush: I'm always having to go back a few pages on this thread and see what everyone else wrote because it is so hard to keep up on everything, this thread moves so quickly.

I was going to do a Valentine's Day Facebook announcement as well... I think it is appropriate since I'll be about 11/12 weeks and it is the holiday of love after all :) I'm also hoping I get another ultrasound before then to make sure everything is still going ok.

What a beautiful scan btw! Glad baby is doing well and you can now be transferred to a regular OB!

Thank you!

I'm glad I'm not alone with the catching up thing. It's especially hard from my phone. I might try the multi quote button in the future. I logged on to my computer to catch up and post the U/S and just noticed that button. :) Oh well. I do love this thread!

I think valentines day is an awesome day to do an announcement. So many cute ways to share the news on that holiday.

so I bought my first set of maternity tops to grow into today - I hit up the sale rack at Target because this stuff is not cheap! (I did cave and buy 1 full price and two sale). I'm not really showing but my regular shirts are getting a little snug. I figure these will let me hide the bloat a bit and just be a little more comfortable. I really think no one is going to notice though if they haven't been told. I've always had a little belly - so it just looks a little soft as usual to everyone else probably :)
I'm from New England and the weather can be unpredictable here. The saying around here is "if you don't like the weather, wait a minute" lol they usually don't know until last minute what is going to happen with snow storms and even then, they are usually wrong. They might say 4-8 inches and you get two feet lol

Ha - wild. I guess you can never be too prepared with your gear for cold weather! I live just outside Seattle. This 46ish degree weather is probably just going to be what it is until late spring when we break 60 degrees. The joke around here is that summer starts on the 4th of July. We do get some sunny days in between all of the clouds though and people break out the shorts. It's a little bit ridiculous but makes me chuckle. I'm from California originally so I think the shorts are hilarious when I see them come out because we've hit 60 or just had a sunny day.

If it's like 50 degrees here we are in t-shirts! It was unseasonably warm this Christmas, about 60 degrees and I shut my heat off and opened all my windows. I visited Seattle a couple years ago in August and the weather was gorgeous, but the locals kept saying how it's usually rainy and stuff, but I was so in love with Washington, I begged my husband to let us move there. Of course, we haven't lol but I really enjoyed the west coast for the tiny period of time I was there haha
Nicki it sounds like constipation cramping to me especially if you've been having that issue. I get some really bad ones that used to freak me out but if I pay attention they feel different than abdominal cramping (those are more so annoying right now and not painful). Sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of the night and it'll be 20 minutes before I feel ok enough to go back to bed.

fairy I'm in the midwest too (WI) so it's been bitter cold up here as well. I'm never prepared for below zero temps but they seem to sneak up on us every year and it's awful.

AFM I have my appointment tomorrow and boy o boy am I freaking myself out. I need to calm down and relax. My family keeps telling me that things will go perfect and I'll be fine once I'm there but I can't help but be nervous. Thinking positively is hard to do until I know for sure things are where they need to be. But my friend at home found out she has a heartbeat and baby is moving around at 14-15 weeks. She has had 4 mcs and this time she said screw it I'm not going in or doing anything until my 2nd trimester because she was sick of bad news. Well it worked for her so maybe my waiting later on will be a good thing for me too. **Good Vibes**
I'm from New England and the weather can be unpredictable here. The saying around here is "if you don't like the weather, wait a minute" lol they usually don't know until last minute what is going to happen with snow storms and even then, they are usually wrong. They might say 4-8 inches and you get two feet lol

Ha - wild. I guess you can never be too prepared with your gear for cold weather! I live just outside Seattle. This 46ish degree weather is probably just going to be what it is until late spring when we break 60 degrees. The joke around here is that summer starts on the 4th of July. We do get some sunny days in between all of the clouds though and people break out the shorts. It's a little bit ridiculous but makes me chuckle. I'm from California originally so I think the shorts are hilarious when I see them come out because we've hit 60 or just had a sunny day.

If it's like 50 degrees here we are in t-shirts! It was unseasonably warm this Christmas, about 60 degrees and I shut my heat off and opened all my windows. I visited Seattle a couple years ago in August and the weather was gorgeous, but the locals kept saying how it's usually rainy and stuff, but I was so in love with Washington, I begged my husband to let us move there. Of course, we haven't lol but I really enjoyed the west coast for the tiny period of time I was there haha

Summer here is *amazing* once it gets here. And it is usually long. Like nice through early October. Fall is pretty nice too sunny days and cloudy ones but either way the colors are bright and beautiful. It's really Christmas thru June that the cloudy days feel long. But we really do start getting some nice days in spring. They just don't stay consistently until summer. The locals are lying. We have gorgeous summers. When I decided to do a trial run here oh...almost 12 yrs ago, the summer stole my heart and I wound up staying. I do love Seattle!
ok third post in a row. Sorry guys. Bad habit when I am catching up on threads. I'll get better at consolidating :)

I just wanted to share that we had our 9 week scan today! Baby was moving around and HB is strong :) I can't believe how much bigger "she" (I'm going with the intuition there) is! We graduated from the fertility clinic today. On to an OB! Even though I never even got to the meds or IVF stage with the fertility clinic it is an emotional day considering the shit news that landed me there. I was literally told by a gynecologist that there was pretty much no chance of conceiving with my own eggs and referred to the fertility clinic. They gave me hope, set up some appointments and BAM I was pregnant naturally before they could even give me any fertility meds, count follicles or stim.

I am a very happy Mama today. Keep sticking around baby!

Andrea, super cute baby scan!! SHE looks great!
Andrea - congrats!!!! Happy 9 weeks! Omg i went to Jamba Juice on Saturday and it tasted amaaazzziinngg!! I love their Peach Perfection. I've been having smoothies for breakfast too, I'm also on a smoothie kick!

Hollie - I'm the same in thinking of having a boy. I don't know how to relate with boys at all, it's really a wonder i got married, since my husband is my first long term relationship lol. But if I had a boy I'd love him, but I wouldn't know what to do either.
I'm from New England and the weather can be unpredictable here. The saying around here is "if you don't like the weather, wait a minute" lol they usually don't know until last minute what is going to happen with snow storms and even then, they are usually wrong. They might say 4-8 inches and you get two feet lol

Ha - wild. I guess you can never be too prepared with your gear for cold weather! I live just outside Seattle. This 46ish degree weather is probably just going to be what it is until late spring when we break 60 degrees. The joke around here is that summer starts on the 4th of July. We do get some sunny days in between all of the clouds though and people break out the shorts. It's a little bit ridiculous but makes me chuckle. I'm from California originally so I think the shorts are hilarious when I see them come out because we've hit 60 or just had a sunny day.

If it's like 50 degrees here we are in t-shirts! It was unseasonably warm this Christmas, about 60 degrees and I shut my heat off and opened all my windows. I visited Seattle a couple years ago in August and the weather was gorgeous, but the locals kept saying how it's usually rainy and stuff, but I was so in love with Washington, I begged my husband to let us move there. Of course, we haven't lol but I really enjoyed the west coast for the tiny period of time I was there haha

Andrea - congrats!!!! Happy 9 weeks! Omg i went to Jamba Juice on Saturday and it tasted amaaazzziinngg!! I love their Peach Perfection. I've been having smoothies for breakfast too, I'm also on a smoothie kick!

Hollie - I'm the same in thinking of having a boy. I don't know how to relate with boys at all, it's really a wonder i got married, since my husband is my first long term relationship lol. But if I had a boy I'd love him, but I wouldn't know what to do either.

Obsessed with smoothies right now. It all started because I had leftover frozen peaches to use up and wanted a treat that would also help my stomach to be erm...more regular. Tastes way better than prune juice or fiber gummies haha.

Speaking of boys...I got to visit with my friends 5 month old boy yesterday. Omgz...he is a sweet little lovey chunk! He was just so chill and observant. He gazes at people and smiles. Swoon.
I've forgotten to ask. Does anybody else feel gaggy when brushing their teeth? Every single time I feel like I could gag, and it makes brushing so uncomfortable. As gross as it is, I haven't been brushing as much as I should... I just can't stand it. I feel like a freak of nature right now.
Sometimes I do fairy but it isn't bad all the time. It depends on how nauseous I am before I brush my teeth.

First ultrasound/doctors appointment today. About 7 hours away at this point and I am so so nervous. I want good news so my fingers are double crossed right now. Send positive vibes my way ladies, I'll post once I get home with the update
Mine isn't even nausea, I guess my gag reflexes are on overdrive for some reason. Maybe it's due to acid reflux or something, who knows.

Good luck Angel, let us know how it goes! Wishing you a great scan!
I can't keep up lately with everyone! I have been a giant ball of anxiety mess. I normally handle things well but the pregnancy has totally got me on a crazy woman level. Ah well! Next week I finally get to see if baby is ok but I also have to do an early test for GD... The wonderful bits about being overweight I auto have to do it even though ive never had bad sugar levels and had 3 normal sized babies. :dohh:

Angel- GL hun! Can't wait to hear the update I am sure everything is great! :hugs:
I changed my appointment from Saturday to Friday night because we are suppose to get a snow storm starting late Friday night. And I couldn't wait an entire week to see if my bean is OK. So here's to hoping Friday brings good news!
Good luck today, Angel! My appointment is a few hours after yours.

USAF - I feel like a crazy person too but I think mine is due to itchy legs and sometimes when I haven't eaten well I start to feel manic. It's really weird. Glad your appointment is getting close and I guess extra testing is ok if they ensure a healthy baby and pregnancy, right?

1nce - that's great you'll get to go in a day early to make sure you don't miss it. Sorry you have to do it on a weekday when it's such a far drive, but yeah that's great you don't have to postpone!

Afm - Nausea has been stronger again and my itchy legs have been really bad the last couple of days. I'm glad I'm having symptoms again though. I'm debating when to tell my work. Maybe after today's appointment once we make sure bean is still ok? They knew last time with my loss and that was helpful, and this time with more appointments and nausea it might be nice. Although every time I start to plan a time to do it, I decide against it. Hmm.
Sometimes I do fairy but it isn't bad all the time. It depends on how nauseous I am before I brush my teeth.

First ultrasound/doctors appointment today. About 7 hours away at this point and I am so so nervous. I want good news so my fingers are double crossed right now. Send positive vibes my way ladies, I'll post once I get home with the update

I've got everything crossed for you Angel. You're going to see a lovely bean :). Can't wait to see a photo :)
Good luck today, Angel! My appointment is a few hours after yours.

USAF - I feel like a crazy person too but I think mine is due to itchy legs and sometimes when I haven't eaten well I start to feel manic. It's really weird. Glad your appointment is getting close and I guess extra testing is ok if they ensure a healthy baby and pregnancy, right?

1nce - that's great you'll get to go in a day early to make sure you don't miss it. Sorry you have to do it on a weekday when it's such a far drive, but yeah that's great you don't have to postpone!

Afm - Nausea has been stronger again and my itchy legs have been really bad the last couple of days. I'm glad I'm having symptoms again though. I'm debating when to tell my work. Maybe after today's appointment once we make sure bean is still ok? They knew last time with my loss and that was helpful, and this time with more appointments and nausea it might be nice. Although every time I start to plan a time to do it, I decide against it. Hmm.

Good luck with your appointment today :) As far as itchy lets go, I have bad eczema and a lotion that really helps me is aveeno eczema relief ... It has colloidal oatmeal in it and it's very soothing. I asked the doctor and they said this lotion is fine while pregnant, so if you need a good lotion, I can vouch for that one.
Finally all caught up!

So I'm freaking out because I went for my first routine blood work and urine test this past Friday. I already had a doctor's appointment scheduled for next Tuesday, but my doctor's office called me last night saying the doctor wants to see me tonight to discuss my test results. So I have an appointment at 7:40pm. Keep your fingers crossed for me ladies!

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