~~~August Apples 2019~~~

I'm being induced at 37 weeks if all goes to plan. Mine is because he was an identical twin so there is a risk of his placenta ageing as he shared it for a chunk of the pregnancy.

I've never had an epidural, i had my 3 boys with just gas & air so will do the same this time hopefully. I think we are ready for him now although DH has decided to re-decorate our bedroom, hoping he finishes in the next 3 weeks lol x
Hi @bumble b Any tips on usage or what to expect with gas and air? My hospital is offering it, but it is not common in the USA for Labor pain management, so i have no real people to talk about that. Most of the Internet talk on it is good though, so i might think about it. But some people mention nausea and throwing up with it.
I got my results! Bile acid its at 14 and preeclampsia labs are not super bad but not great neither. So I have my induction schedule for July 26 (38 wks) but most likely will be changed to the 19 (37 wks) bc my DR and I are concern with my symptoms and I don't want to turn into severe preeclampsia like last time! So if symptoms continue by Friday she will change my induction date! So nervous to have a set date
@JJB2 Sorry the results are not great! I understand Induction is to give you a better chance to not progress into severe preeclampsia, so that's good for you and the baby both. :)

AFM, had my Dr visit today 36+4, was checked, barely fingertip dilated (Dr said she counts it as almost closed) and no effacement at all, baby is still very high up.
JJB2- Well, glad to hear that your levels aren't too bad.

It's amazing to think that some of these babies will be here soon. And I hope for a smooth induction for those of you being induced!

HappyWay- I am slightly jealous. I had my 36 week appointment yesterday and they didn't check me. I guess I could have asked, but I had just kind of thought they would.

She did check the baby's position and she is head down, so that's reassuring. My provider is going on vacation starting today and will be back on August 5th. She said she thinks I will have had my baby by then. She said the baby seems quite long already. Her butt is by my ribs and her head is right around the top of my pelvic bone. I am carrying her pretty low and have been this whole pregnancy. All it will take is for her to get a little bit bigger and her head to keep pressing down and that will likely start something.
This week has been crawling by for me! It's because I have what I am certain are real contractions. I never know if or when they might pick up and become labor and I am not ready yet! I will heave a huge sigh of relief come Friday. Then after that I just have to hope I don't go through what I did with my daughter where I had labor start and stop for 2 weeks straight. I was so done by the end, tired of it all, and angry at my body. I don't mind the contractions here and there. But with her they would start up, be consistent and even get to being regular and 5 minutes apart and it would all stop. When I was admitted on her due date, I was 5 cm dilated. Things kept going but they ended up augmenting with pitocin because I was at 6 cm after hours of those contractions. I didn't even care by the time I got the pitocin because I just wanted it to be over with. I also had pitocin with my son because my water broke first and my body wouldn't go into labor on its own. This tone I hope my body just gets with the program because I would rather just be in labor or not. Anyway, now I am rambling. I still can't believe that due dates are fast approaching and our little ones will be here soon!
I had my 36 week appointment today and final scan. My boy is weighing in at 5lbs 14oz and this is starting to all feel soooooo real!

I let my OB know my heartburn is getting outta control now she said to ditch the Tums and move onto Zantac so I'll pick that up after work today.

I also started back seeing my naturopath this week. I'm going to be seeing her weekly to prepare for labour doing acupuncture. I saw her regularly during TTC and the first trimester and loved it.

Weekly appointments now too with my OB - I can't believe it. Finally going to be a mom. Feels so unreal.
HappyWay- I was definitely done with it by the end. And I also learned that real labor can start and stop. I know some people call it false labor. My mom did. But I told her if it was false labor, I wouldn't have been getting dilated and effaced by it. It was just labor starting and stopping. I am more prepared for that this time so I am a bit calmer and will likely wait a little while longer before going to the hospital. I am hoping that my labor will just happen this time and not do the on again off again thing.
The bonus this time is that this baby is quite low (much lower than her sister was even at the end) and I feel she is bigger than her sister was. My daughter was a tiny little thing even being born on her due date. So I have a feeling that these two factors may spare me that annoying kind of labor. I can at least be hopeful!

Dream143r- I am glad you got help with your heartburn! I had it bad with my first 2 pregnancies and I had to go on Nexium. This time, I somehow got mostly spared from it. I am trying to keep mine controlled with my diet from now until the end. You are so lucky to get weekly appointments! It's awesome that you have an idea of how big your little boy is now!
Hi @bumble b Any tips on usage or what to expect with gas and air? My hospital is offering it, but it is not common in the USA for Labor pain management, so i have no real people to talk about that. Most of the Internet talk on it is good though, so i might think about it. But some people mention nausea and throwing up with it.
I love gas & air, it never made me sick but the first few puffs made me dizzy. It's good though because if you don't like it you literally stop & its out of your system. You just take a breathe of it as you would breathing, super easy.

I've just lost a bit of plug after a few strong braxton hicks so hoping its a sign of things getting ready & him being a bit lower. He seems high up which makes me worried that my induction might take ages. Ds2 was induced & active labour was 19 minutes lol, i don't think i will be so smug this time lol x
Bumble b- It's great that you seem to be showing some changes! I hope that will all help your induction go well.

Shorty- So great to see you here again! How are you doing right now?

AFM- I started having some contractions last night that lasted for an hour, but I couldn't tell if they were real at the time. I was waiting it out. They seemed to only occur when I was sitting. So I wondered if my position was causing her head to put some pressure in me and prompting contractions. Sipping water made no difference, but standing up and laying down both did. I was kind of relieved because I wasn't quite ready yet! I still need to install her carseat but I wanted to vacuum my car first. I had my 8 yo son clean a bathroom for me. I am finding it good to delegate some of these tasks that I want done but that my body is not always up for doing right now. I am thinking of so many more things my kids could be helping me do. I don't think I have them do enough. For example, he cleaned the bathroom because it's their bathroom and they are honestly the ones who messed it up. Not me! Anyway, I think I have about 3 more things to do cleaning wise before I feel fully ready. My mom won't be here until July 30th and she is anxious too because she doesn't want the baby to get here before her, but she can't change her plane ticket. She always waits until the last minute to arrive. She was too late for my son, and he was 5 days old when she made it. She managed to make it 2 days before my daughter came. So sometimes I find myself hoping that the baby will wait until she gets here. But then other times I think that I would be just fine if she showed up any time after 38 weeks. I am going on and on again.

How is everyone else doing? Anyone feeling ready for baby?
I'm currently 35.5 weeks. I have never made it to 36 weeks but I'm crossing my fingers! I would love to hold my baby after delivery, even though this is my 3rd I've never gotten to experience that.

I've started packing my hospital bag. I found some super comfy summer lounge wear and underwear I'm excited about, lol. No elastic waistband!

We have to install the car seat bases in our cars. We're just using the same one we used for DD. And I also need to get her bassinet out of storage and get that ready too. Other than that we are all set since I don't plan on doing anything else until after our baby arrives.

Hope everyone is doing well. It's so exciting to see the finish line!
So exciting we get to meet our little ones soon!!!
I am 36.3 and I have my induction schedule for Saturday! Im so nervous!! I hope everything goes quick during induction.
Any of you ladies have had inductions for 1st and 2nd pregnancies?
Were your inductions same different?
How long did it take to get to active labor?
So many questions sorry
So exciting we get to meet our little ones soon!!!
I am 36.3 and I have my induction schedule for Saturday! Im so nervous!! I hope everything goes quick during induction.
Any of you ladies have had inductions for 1st and 2nd pregnancies?
Were your inductions same different?
How long did it take to get to active labor?
So many questions sorry
My labor was augmented with pitocin both times. With my son, my water broke. However labor wouldn't start up. My contractions were too inconsistent. So honestly it was pretty close to an induction because I needed the pitocin to get contractions going. I don't remember how long I was in labor from the time they started the pitocin, but it was 24 hours from the time my water broke to the time I delivered. The 2nd time I was fairly well dilated and my cervix was also mostly there. They let me labor on my own for several hours. Then they started pitocin. It was so fast after that. I think I was only on the pitocin for 2-3 hours. But that time my body was already mostly there. So the pitocin just made everything easier and faster.
My labor was augmented with pitocin both times. With my son, my water broke. However labor wouldn't start up. My contractions were too inconsistent. So honestly it was pretty close to an induction because I needed the pitocin to get contractions going. I don't remember how long I was in labor from the time they started the pitocin, but it was 24 hours from the time my water broke to the time I delivered. The 2nd time I was fairly well dilated and my cervix was also mostly there. They let me labor on my own for several hours. Then they started pitocin. It was so fast after that. I think I was only on the pitocin for 2-3 hours. But that time my body was already mostly there. So the pitocin just made everything easier and faster.
Thanks for responding with my first I was on pitocin over 24 hrs before I had him. I hope this time is a bit faster!
I'm not sure if I was induced with pitocin with my son. My water broke early so I am assuming they did to move things along quickly. It was so long ago and I didn't even know what pitocin or inductions were back then so I can't say for sure.

With my daughter my water broke early again and I waited 24 hours before allowing induction. The first attempt was with cytotec and the second and third attempts were both pitocin. All three attempts failed to induce labor, probably because I was getting weekly progesterone injections. I ended up having a c-section.

Honestly, most people I know were induced with pitocin, even if labor was already in progress. If my water breaks early again I'm not going to try to hold off like I did last time but if my labor starts naturally I'll wait until it's necessary. I'm really trying to take a "play it by ear" approach.
I was induced after my water broke around 10pm. I was admitted and given one type of medicine orally, it gave me contractions that were close together but not productive. The next morning I was barely dilated so they started pitocin. I got an epidural earlier than I planned (mostly because we had a TON of family there and I get very cranky when I’m sick/in pain) BUT it was very helpful because they were able to crank up the pitocin. The nurse used a peanut ball to position me while I waited. I delivered at 4:41 that day after 4 sets of pushes. I’ve always heard horror stories of inductions but that was not my experience. I understand many want a more natural experience with less medicine but I think for me being open to whatever got her here safely made the experience much smoother. Hoping to have the same luck this time! Good luck!
This baby has been pushing down a lot this week as if to say, "Let me out!" I am so glad to have made it to 38 weeks. I have really wondered a few times this week if we would make it past week 37.
Last night, I was experiencing lots of crampiness along with nausea. I had a few strong and painful contractions, but they weren't consistent or regular at all. This morning, I had another big contraction. I lost a chunk of mucus plug. Definitely different than my last 2 pregnancies. I am beginning to think I am at the "any day now" stage. Although I have learned that this can go on for awhile so I am trying to make sure I just relax and get rested. But I would be lying if I didn't admit I am getting a little excited!
@JJB2 All the best for the induction tomorrow!

Anyone feeling any labor preparatory signs? I have nothing! will be 38 weeks tomorrow, no effacement, no dilation, not even mild cramps, no mucus plug losing, no pelvic pressure, just nothing.

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