August IUI group

Sounds good! I'm cheering for you! You deserve it!
I ve been feeling low. Hard to be optomistic when my lap surgery isn't even set yet. My one gf (who doesn't want kids and her partner is sniped) suggested I use this time to get my body in the best shape. That way I'll recover from surgery quick and hopefully get pregnant. Good advice, I think. Maybe excersizing more will make the time go quickly?
Have a great week and I hope to hear Friday is the day!
I think that's an excellent idea. :) I have slacked greatly since I've seriously started TTC. I was one that excersised almost every day, but once we started taking meds and doing IUI's, I stopped. I was afraid of causing a miscarrage or something. I hope they get you scheduled soon. The wait is the worst!
How did it go today??
I had a MSG from the gyno that they had a cancelation and can fit me in for a lap this coming Thursday!! I have to confirm Monday. I need to find someone to drive me though since my DH is leaving for Cali that day! Crazy. I hope I can pull it off!
We're actually doing the IUI today. They rescheduled. DH are just sitting in the car waiting to do the actual procedure. Yipee... I'm feeling pretty optimistic this time. I had a lot of bleeding on Thursday & so they did an internal ultrasound this morning (which they never do otherwise) & my lining looks great & I have 2 really good looking follicles & possibly a third, that all look like they should release in the next 4-6 hours...which is perfect. Just praying we catch an egg this cycle. I am so ready to be done w/all this!!!

That's awesome that there's an opening next week!!! How exciting! Have you found anyone to drive you? I made the mistake of going into Meijer about 2 hours after I was released from the hospital to pick up my meds & almost puked/passed out. Like, crouched down with my head between my knees & my arms above my head almost.
Yeah for you and your good follies!
I've got a friend lined up to drive me and 3 have offered to take care of me after. Lol! I think I should be fine but you never know. My parents offered to fly out and stay with me (they live in Ontario) but again, I think I'll be ok!? It would be nice to have my DH with me but I'm so lucky to have friends that care so much. One of them even offered to loan us the $ for the IVF if needed!!( she comes from money and doesn't work.) I would never take it,but so sweet of her! I think sometimes the worst situations do bring out the best in people.
Are you resting up this weekend?
I think it would be tempting to take the money, especially if it was the only option. HOPEFULLY it won't be neccisary though. I hope they go in, clear you out and you're able to get pregnant right away. :)

I had to make an appointment today for after I find out if I'm pregnant or not to discuss our next step with my FS...meaning IVF. :dohh: I REALLY REALLY hope it doesn't come to that!!!

I bet this week is going to drag for you...hopefully it goes by quickly. When they did my surgery, the doc actually took pics of my insides to show us that basically everything was clear (except for the tiny two spots). I thought that was pretty neat. I hope the week speeds by too. That'll make me one week closer to testing.
I got my time for tomorrow and friends set up to drive and keep me company!
I mentioned to a teacher at school and she totally tried to scare me about the procedure! She was like, "book 6 weeks off work, come back part time, don't lift anything, et..." Plus she has the same doc and had to have a second surgery with a different doc since she was still in pain after the first( she has cysts now). I'm trying not to let it bother me. Everyone is different and I'm hopeful I recover quick!
I'm pretty sure I felt fine the next day. Of course, I got to take some really awesome drugs for the pain though. :) My surgery was on Tuesday & I went back to work the following Monday. You'll be fine. Good luck tomorrow!!! Let me know how it goes as soon as you're feeling up to it.
My surgery went well. I'm taking Tylenol 3's and an antiinflammatory which helps with the discomfort. The doc said he removed some endometriosis, a bit of scar tissue caused by endometriosis and 2small cysts on my ovary. He thought it looked good and didn't make it all seem like a big deal. He said to seek out Ivf in 6months if I'm not pregnant by then. I feel good about it all though!
My friends have been great to take care of me and one is taking my dog for a walk at the moment! You would have been discussed at the teacher who tried to scare me the day before the procedure! She was saying I'd for sure have to take 6weeks off work. And proceeded to say the doc I was seeing wasn't great, ect.. Wtf! I told her she was scaring me but I was still feeling pretty good about it all. Some people! Luckily my friends are quite the opposite!
I'm staying home today but hope to get out for a short walk tomorrow. There is only so much sitting around I can do ;)
How are things with you?
That's awesome that they were actually able to clear some stuff out of there. I've heard of a lot of ppl who get pregnant right away after that surgery. So excited for you!!!

Nothing exciting to report here. I think I'm going to test tomorrow at 10DPO. I'm really expecting it to be negative. I doubt it worked. I'm just mentally preparing myself for disappointment and thinking about our move on to IVF. I hope you get pregnant in the next 6 months and you don't have to worry about all of this.
So, I tested this morning and I saw a VERY faint line. So, it's either left overs from my trigger shot, an evap line or the start of my BFP. Obviously I'm hoping for the latter. I'll test again tomorrow to see if it gets darker or dissappears. I know I should probably wait until Thursday, but yea, there is no way that's going to happen. :)
Well, I think I maybe jumped the gun. 11DPO, and now the test is completely blank. I'm just really low today. I know it's still early, but it still sucks.
You must be approaching testing time!?
I've been recovering well. I took it easy for a couple days then started walking and building up to my full shopping day on Tuesday and today I went xc skiing! Feeling tired now and not sure about surfing when we go to Hawaii, but can't complain!
Oh I just saw your last few posts! What an emotional roller coaster! Will you keep testing daily?
Hey West! Hope you're feeling well. When are you going to Hawaii again? So, I can't remember, are you and OH supposed to try old fashion bd'n for the next few months or are they putting you back on clomid?

Well, 14DPO and another negative test. Oh well. I was kind of expecting it. It's a lot easier to take since I spoke w/my nurse at the FS and she told me that they're going to have me do a new regament of drugs this cycle (femara, follistum, ovidrel, then IUI and prometrium). I am so relieved that I do not have to do IVF next. It is a major load off my shoulders!
We leave Monday! I am excited to get away and not think about life so much. Lol. Being forced to lay low is making me depressed, or maybe it's just pms. Ergh:(
Yes, it's old fashion bding for 6 months. I'll likely try some accupuncture and I continue to take Chaste tree too.
Good news for you! Different drugs and iui. Maybe we'll both be successful in April! Wouldn't that be a dream!
I hope you're having a great time on your trip! It's a balmy 40 degrees here in Michigan w/the occasional snow flurry. Ya know, just some beautiful spring weather. lol

Well, it's looking like I get to just sit this cycle out. Boo!!! I have a cyst on my left ovary that's humongous. We can still try unmedicated & we will, but it kinda sucks. I keep telling myself that I don't care & that it will be nice to take a break from all the doc visits & all the driving, but I'm having a REAL hard time convincing myself of that. What's even MORE awesome (I just realized this...) a week from Saturday is my "Oops! We got pregnant on accident!" SIL's babyshower & I was all excited b/c it wasn't going to fall on the day I was supposed to start my period (which is normally my luck when it comes to those types of things) but now it will be just as depressing b/c there's like no chance of me getting pregnant this cycle at all! FML...
sorry for the rant...I really do hope you're having a good time. :)
Oh cysts and sitting in limbo sucks! How did they find out about the cyst? ultrasound? Sorry to hear. I hope the shower isn't too depressing.Maybe a glass of wine or champagne will help?
Kauai has been wonderful. Raining a fair bit but we are loving the down time together and the warm temperatures. Only 2 more days :(
Af arrived today. 2 days late but I expected it b/c of the lap. I'm feeling totally back to my self but still putting a load of vitamin E on the scars. I'm glad af came now, at the end of my trip.....but it means a new cycle! Looking forward to bd this cycle to see what happens!
Sorry about the rain, but at least you're there with DH. There's always fun things you can find to do inside when he's around. :winkwink:
They found the cyst on my CD1-3 ultrasound. I'm glad they did. DH and I have decided to take a break from medicated TTC. I found new digi OPKs that act a lot like the fertility monitors in that it measures estrogen and LH. It also gives you 4 peak days verses two. I'm also going to use that FertileCM and see how that works.

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