Hi Brandy! You will probably only end up with 1-4 mature follicles and you could potentially ovulate from both sides. Are you doing a trigger shot?
Hey girls! How's it going?
I had my ultrasound today and I have one big folly (25) on my right ovary and so I triggerd around 10 this morning and my IUI is at 11 tomorrow. Really hoping this is it for me!!!
Brandy, that must be frustrating!
I didn't test today but had cramping this am and bloating/gas. I believe that means I'm ovulating.
I just have to keep rolling with it. Just really hoping that doesn't mean rolling to get IVF!
Just north of Vancouver, BC. And south of Whistler( in Squamish). Beautiful spot!
I have been to Hood River and area to go biking the last 2 summers. Love it there!! Unfortunately my husband is racing in Ashland this year near the end of June when I'm still working, so I can't goWhere do you live?
Just north of Vancouver, BC. And south of Whistler( in Squamish). Beautiful spot!
I have been to Hood River and area to go biking the last 2 summers. Love it there!! Unfortunately my husband is racing in Ashland this year near the end of June when I'm still working, so I can't goWhere do you live?