August IUI group

I find this time of year challenging. I can't help but think, another Xmas passing w/o baby;( plus it always seems you find out people are pregnant! I found out another teacher who has been trying for a couple years(and had multiple miscarriages ) is pregnant. Happy for her. She went though a lot. But still hard!
I didn't do an opk this month as I have been pretty steady with the dates I get a reading. But I have been taking note of my cm and it didn't look "good". Bd anyway. Still doing spit test and that should let me know if progesterone and whatever else is off....which would affect my cm.
Hoping you get a pos test!!!
Wishing you and yours the very best in 2013! This has got to be our year ;)
Hey! How's it going? My Christmas was nice and so was New Years. A little depressing, as you said. Another year gone with no baby. :cry: If we don't get pregnant this month it will be 3 1/2 years of trying. I will start doing injections again this weekend...I think. Stopped taking my medicine that prevents my period from coming yesterday, so I should start sometime today or tomorrow. I'm anxious to start doing IUI's again. I'm praying they work this time. It makes me sick to my stomach to think about invitro. I just know, if it comes to that, we have one shot. We can't afford more than that. Anyways, I hope you're doing well. Where are you...CD 23 or something, right? I hope you get an unexpected surprise.
My New Years was fun. Too fun, as I had a wicked headache yesterday. My DH was sick and stayed home, but i went to a friends house party(which turned into a dance party). I have definitely enjoyed some drinks this holiday season.
My New Years resolution is to meditate at least 10 minutes a day= stress less. I'm hoping that will help me not worry so much. I also really hope a natural "remedy" will pull through and we don't have to resort to IVF. For us it would mean borrowing off my parents to pay...which doesn't seem right.
Are the injections for IUI? Like a form of clomid? My fs suggested doing that, but wasn't optimistic about it since the iui hasn't worked for us yet. Its hard to know. I hope it works for you!
I'm day 24 and have a couple more spits to do. Once I get those results back I will have another AMH done to see if that has changed.
Are you back to work now? I'm so grateful for another few days.
Glad your new years was fun. I let DH drink. I drank the night before, so I thought that would be fair. Besides, I didn't want to be hungerover for me day off. I only got Christmas day, the 26th and New Years day off (besides weekends).
If we do IVF, I will have to put it on my medical credit card. Not something I really want to do. Gah, it makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about having to go down that road.
The injections are similiar to clomid I guess. They are supposed to provide a better egg and better environment for the egg. I usually get 2-3 follicles. We've only done 2 IUI's so far, and they weren't even consecutive, so I'm still, slightly, optimistic about it.
How long will it take for you to get your results back from the spit test?
Af arrived :( I wish I didn't get so upset. But trying not to stress. I go from being optimistic and hopeful to totally let down and depressed. My poor DH never knows what to do. I am going xc skiing today though. Hopefully that will make me feel better. Really I want to stay in bed but it is my last day before I'm back to work so I better enjoy it.
I will send off my spit Monday or Tuesday and I think I'll have the results in 2 weeks.
How are things with you?
I had my appointment this morning. I had 1 follicle at 18. So tonight I will be giving myself the ovidrel shot and Friday morning I will be doing my IUI. So excited!
I'll be thinking of you friday! Exciting! What does 1 follicule at 18 mean?
I'm booked for some viscular therapy with my physiotherapist. Last time she moved my uterus I had no period cramps! It is also meant to align the uterus for better implantation.
Good luck Friday!
Basically, a follicle holds the maturing egg. It has to be at least 14mm in order to be able to produce a mature egg. Anything smaller than that cannot be fertilized. So you want it to be bigger than 14. Mine should be around a 20 or 22 by the time it releases the egg. I'm a little nervous about this. They had me do my trigger shot 37 hours before me IUI. That just seems REALLY early. I've read of other women doing it that early and still resulting in a pregnancy. I don't know. They've always had me come in the day after my trigger.

So what do they do to move your uterus?
Whoohoo! DH had 120MILLION swimmers POST wash!!! Com'n little guys! Find that egg!!!
That's awesome!!! No stress this month. Relax. Sending good vibes your way!

Uterus is massaged/moved from outside. Doesn't hurt. Just feels like someone massaging your abdomen. I'll let you know how it goes Friday.
Hey girl! How's your week going? I got a terrible cold over the weekend, but I think it's finally on it's way out. I wasn't aloud to take anything, just incase the IUI worked.
I think I'm going to start taking dollar store pregnancy tests tomorrow to test out my trigger shot. Here's to hoping the tests never go negative. :)
Dollar store pregnancy tests? Lol. I love the U.S! I can't find any less then $10!
My week has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster. I had my principal observe some lessons ( has to be done yearly until I secure a continuing contract). We also found out an old friend of my DH died. He's been travelling for years. Very sudden and not clear if he o.d.'d or was drugged while in India. Not sure if we'll ever know. :(
I had a blood test today to test my iron and thyroid. I hate being so tired!
So happy it's nearly the weekend! I need a break!
Hope the testing stays positive and the sickness is gone!
Got the call tonight that my other best friend in town is 6 weeks along. That's 2 of my besties preggers now! This has got to be our year!
Man, you have had a terrible week! Sorry to hear about all of that. I just found out my little brother is getting married next fall and I swear if him and his woman get pregnant before me I will get super depressed.
So, I'm 10DPO, and I'm feeling like it didn't work. No reason in particular. I just have a feeling that IUI's aren't going to work and that we'll do the IVF, spend all that money, and it won't work either. I'm just feeling so pesamistic about this whole thing. I guess it's better to feel like this than to get really excited only to be dissappointed when AF shows up. I really hope this is both of our years. I'm so tired of all of this.
I'm sorry you're feeling so negative :( I often feel the same. I am trying to just enjoy every day though. I think when someone dies, it often gives you a different perspective. I also rear ended someone Friday on my way to my physio! Everyone ok and no damage to our truck. I have never been in an accident though so I was shacken up!
My physio said there are only 2 reasons someone doesn't get pregnant. 1 hormonal and 2 the sperm and egg aren't meeting. She did her massage and stretched out the left tube. She thinks my egg is releasing but getting caught up. She also thinks I should get checked for endometriosis. She can do an internal and then refer me if needed. Better then surgery! I'm on my way now to hear the results of the spit panel. I'll fill you in later.
I really want this to be your month! Try to stay's Suppose to help ;)
The saliva hormone panel was worth doing! My progesterone is too high at the beginning and low at end of cycle, my estrogen doesn't spike like it should and my testosterone and dhea are too high! My naturopath put me on liver support and Chasteberry/ Vitex ( one of my gfs used this and got prego after a year of trying). She also thinks I should get a laparoscopy to see about endometriosis! So I've booked with my local doc to see if she can refer me for one( the fs was charging $$). I'm feeling more hopeful! At least I have things to try before Ivf.
I'm really hoping this is your month. If not, have you exhausted all other options? Hope you are having a good day!
Wow! That's pretty interesting. I wonder if you are ovulating. I think that the estrogen level is supposed to go up when you ovulate and even if you do ovulate and the egg gets ferilized, if your progesterone is too low, you have a much higher chance of having chemical pregnancies. That's why I take the progesterone suppositories. I really hope all of that works for you before you have to have the laproscopy. How long is it supose to take for thos medications to start working?

We're going to do the IUI's until March. If we're not pregnant by then, I think we're going to have to move on to IVF. Bummer.
I'm so proud of me, I'm not going to test until Friday (the day AF is due). I stopped taking the dollar store tests on Monday and those don't count anyways. I was taking them just to test out the trigger. Hope this is it!!!
BFN this morning with spotting. So, looks like I will be moving on to another IUI cycle. Boo!
Oh boo :( First couple days of af are always the worst. Good for you to hold off on testing though.
My naturopath said some of her clients got pregnant right away using Chastetree / Vitex but my friend who self diagnosed herself and used said 3 to 6 months. I don't know how anyone can say because it obviously won't work on everyone! I booked in w my family doctor in 1.5 weeks to ask for a referral for the laparoscopy. I have no idea how fast that could happen. I kind of had April in mind for Ivf but now with all these things going on, I don't know.
Feeling a bit stressed. My DH went home to Oz for his friends memorial yesterday for just over a week and my family is visiting for a few days. I love them but haven't had them around much in 10 years, so I requested a couple hours on my own today;)
Hope your weekend is going alright.

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