August IUI group

Oh man. I just read both posts. Got excited when I read the first but sad after the second :( You know your body well!
A teacher I work with announced she is preggers yesterday. People had been asking around for awhile. She had told me something about an ovarian cyst in sept, so I figured she wasn't. Good for her. She has 2 step sons and now baby on way and is my age.....Why does that frustrate me.
Anyways. Here's to better news for December!
That stuff frustrates me too.
I really hope December is a better month for TTC...even though that means we'd be due in August and HUGE in the hottest part of the summer...Oh well. I'd be happy to be miserable for a few months if it meant I got to have my baby. :)
We went to the fs today. He said we have 2 options. 1) lacroscopy (but doubts we'd find anything. 20% chance of finding endometriosis but that's it) and then doing "super ovulation" shots and iui again=$1600 and he didn't seem convinced it would work out. 2) Ivf. He's curious to check my Amh again since he didn't think it was amazing last time and if its gotten worse, then Ivf would be best now rather then later. He's also curious if there is a problem with my ovaries although my cycle is so consistent. No way of finding out though.
Btw, I asked a million questions. One being about the ultra sound. He said we could do it, but he's convinced I'm ovulating since I get the pos opk.
I was also at the naturopath this week. She is getting me to do a hormone panel. I have to spit 5ml into a vial every couple days for 1 full cycle. The results will show what my hormones are doing and if everything is in check. The fs sort of was like, sure you can do that....but we western practichianers don't.
So here we are. Waiting. Stuck in a hard place. I'm going to do the saliva test(it's covered under my DH benefits) and see what comes up. My naturopath said to plan for Ivf in April if we can afford it, as it may take some stress off. I'll do the Amh in the new year(feb or march) too.
Crazy. My DH can't imagine doing Ivf but at least he's hearing from all sides, we may have to do it.
How are things with you?
Im now over thinking things... i believe you had endometriosis ? Did you have symptoms? I have cramps during my periods (often taking something really strong) and sometimes have pain during sex. I hope this isn't too personal, but I just don't know how "normal" I am or if I should try the laparoscopy? Any thoughts??
I had two spots of endo, but not enough to cause any issues. I am glad I had the laproscopic surgery though. I'm a worrier when I don't know something like that. I know I would constantly be worrying if the reason I'm not getting pregnant was because of the endo. I've heard (can't remember if it was from my FS or online) that some woman have no symptoms whatsoever from it. It really just depends on where it's located. My FS actually gave us pics of my very healthy looking reproductive organs and the two small spots of endo. I thought that was neat (I'm weird like that), but it's also kind of frustrating when everything looks good, but still no baby. *sigh*
I'm wondering if you can get your AMH checked while waiting for the surgery? If it does come back worse then you'll know what your next step should be. Do you know if endo would interfere with your chances of success with IVF?

Oh and I really didn't have symptoms. I have one day of painful cramps. Not bad enough to put me out of comission, but pretty uncomfortable. I also occasionally have pain during sex. Endo runs rampant through my family though. A lot of my older cousins have had to have hysterectomies in their early 30's b/c it was so bad, but they were all also able to have babies.
Thanks so much for the info! All good things to know. I didn't how successful the Ivf would be if they found out I had endo. I don't think they know. I have a referral for another Amh. I thought I would get it done after my spit/ hormone panel. I wonder if the hormone panel will be able to indicate any iregularities having to do with endo?
Questions, questions.
My naturopath keeps coming back to the idea that stress is probably what is really holding us back.(she's great about it, and went though a lot to get preg. too, so understanding). My question is how do I freakin relax!?
Good news for you that your endo shouldn't affect your pregnancy. Still tough waiting.
Hope the week gets better! Today is our 9 year wedding anniversary, so something to be happy about!
Did you do anything nice for your anniversary?

Where are you in your cycle? I'm interested to hear how the hormone panel goes.

I am CD11. I started my OPKs and temping yesterday. I decided to try taking mucinex and I've noticed more cm that normal. So maybe it's helping? Dunno. Hope things are going well with you.
Day 1...AHHH! I was honestly getting excited, but saw signs of AF and just tested neg. Fark! Having a mug of hot Baileys now.
I'll start my hormone panel tomorrow. At least that will keep me busy.
We had a mellow anniversary as we both had bad days a at work and I got a ticket for not stopping long enough at a stop sign! But we are looking forward to a planned trip to Hawaii in March, so we've been talking about that lots.(maybe we should be saving for Ivf, but we also need to get away from reality at some point).
What is mucinex? Do you get it on prescription? Do you find your cm is low?
Hope you had a good weekend!
I would LOVE to go on a big vacation like that. If we don't go skiing this year and if I'm not pregnant, I would like to do something nice for our 5 year wedding anniversary in June.

How is the hormone panel going? Do you just hang on to it and then drop it off to the doc at the end of your cycle?

Mucinex is basically for ppl who have a phlemy cough, but FS perscribe it to their patients all the time to help thin out their CM and make it more friendly and easier for the sperm to swim through. I do find myself lacking in the CM department and I know clomid also can dry you up, so I thought this should help.

Today is CD13 and I got my pos OPK this morning! Yey!!! DH and I haven't bd since Sunday, so his swimmers should be good and healthy and there should be a good number of them. We'll get it on tonight and tomorrow. [-o<Please oh please let this be our month!!![-o< I really don't want to start the more expensive stuff again next month.
Started spitting this am. Not fun. Hard to get the amount required. Hope it's worth it in the end. I have to freeze my specimens and then have ups pick them up for quick delivery.
Yeah for pos opk! Good luck! 2013 has got to be our baby year!!
Every 2 or 3 days depending on what part of cycle( more often near ovulation). Thank goodness!
One of our good friends told us they are preggers with baby #2(baby #1 is 21 months).They took about a year to get baby #1 (although never "tried")so they went off bc thinking they'd have time before they got preggers. But of course it happened right away and are now nervous. I don't sympathize for a minute. Am only so envious! I'm babysitting for them tonight, which should be fun at least!
How was babysitting?
Yea, it must be so rough for them *insert sarcastic eye roll here*. It makes me so mad when ppl complain about that sort of thing. Especially ppl who know what you're going through.
Babysitting was fun! Always good when they go to bed without too many tears too.
Yes, I agree it so annoying when people complain about their "news", but I think they really have no idea. This is the same friend who kept saying "just relax and it will happen". Argh! Ya, a couple years later and she stopped giving "advice"! She asked how things were going and I said " not good". I don't want to talk about "it all" with her. She continued asking what the fs think is the problem. I just said, no one knows. I then tried to change the subject. It sucks, she is a good friend but not someone I can confide in at the moment. None of my close friends here are going through what are. I have friends who don't want kids and friends with kids. Not even many who aren't ready for kids yet.
I'm going to Vancouver today to see an old friend. She's always good for deep and meaningful conversations! What are you up to this weekend?
How are things with you? Busy with Christmas stuff? I have 2 weeks off work now and today my DH and I did a lot of nothing! It's been snowing a lot here and I went skiing Friday. We plan to go in the next couple days and maybe on Christmas Day. We're having our friends with the baby I babysat recently over for Xmas dinner. Low key. We've been pretty busy with Xmas parties in the mean time.
How are you? Where are you in your cycle?? I'm at day 13, so I'm curious if you got your af? Hope not! Xmas baby news would be fantastic!
All the best for Christmas!
It has been so busy w/Christmas stuff. We litterely have 5 days in a row of different Christmas things. I am really jealous you got to go skiing already. We have had such a mild winter so far, I don't even know that anyone is open yet.
I am 11DPO. Yesterday I tested and it was negative. Then we spent the evening w/my pregnant SIL. Which wasn't depressing at all : / . AF is due the 26th, so we'll see what happens...which I'm sure will be nothing. : )
Are you & DH still semi trying this cycle? Are you tired of spitting yet? ; )
Yes parties with young families are always....interesting;/ I don't think I told you about the cranky pregnant teacher at work! There have been a couple teachers on mat leave who have bought their babies in. So cranky teacher is "checking them out from a far"' but has let us all know she's "not really into babies"! I told her I hope she gets into them soon. She asked if I like babies. "Yes, of course I do." Then a single male teacher continues to tell me to "get on it! Have a baby already! In front of everyone! Argh. So frustrating I wanted to cry? Luckily cranky teacher saved me by saying "it's not that easy!".
I've heard the east has been warmer this year. We don't usually have snow on the ground in the town I live(it will snow, then rain right away). But we have snow now and plenty on the ski hills!
I'm up so early, waiting to spit. I have to wait an hour after I wake up, but it has to be around the same time every time. So no sleeping in today.
We are semi trying. DH has been sick but luckily now at mid cycle he's feeling better! Bd'd last night and will in next few days.
Sucks to get a neg test! But at least then you're not totally getting your hopes up....that's what I do :(
Enjoy your parties!
Hey! Have you O'd yet? I still haven't started. I was due yesterday, but these pills prolong my cycle. One ray of hope though, last month, I started spotting on CD29 (which is today) and I haven't started that yet. If I don't start spotting by tomorrow morning, I will test again.
Okay, that teacher from your work...I would totally want to slap her across the face! Grrr...
Last night was my last Christmas event and towards the end of the evening, DH's only 1st cousin announces that him and his g/f are expecting. I had to go stand outside for a moment. Thankfully all the smokers were out there anyways, so I had company. I hate all of this...

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