August testers lucky thread...11 BFPs 2 Angels..

Aw thanks, Stategirl - that cheers me up! Maybe we will get lucky, like you!

Sorry about the wonky cycle jbugg - I know how frustrating that is! I spotted for 5 days before AF last cycle! Drove me nuts! Still aren't out till AF shows!

FX for you Wywy!
Ask, you're definitely not out. Spermies can live for three days (5 days max). It is even recommended to bd before opk turns positive and then stop if you want a girl.
So good luck!
Thanks wywy - going to try to hold out hope that BDing at 1:00am before getting the +OPK at 9am the following morning still gives us a chance this month. It was the only day I noticed ewcm and my OPK was almost positive that day but not fully positive until the next morning. I guess we aren't totally out but I still feel disappointed that we missed the 2 days after the +OPK.

With er last my SIL was swaying for a girl. So she and her husband stopped bd 2-3 days before she should ovylate. She was sute she would not get pg but she did. And had a boy 😆 so there is still a chance
Ohhhh, congrats puppyluv and amour! BFPs! Woop!

So sorry to those AF has hit. :(

AFM, I've got tonight and all of tomorrow till I test. It'll then be 9-10 days since my strongest O symptoms. I did wipe yellow snotty cm tonight which is screwing with my head! Yellow can be a strong sign, but of course nothing is for sure,Mao I'm just stuck waaaaanting to know already!!! SO tempting to test tomorrow morning but I KNOW that no matter what the test says tomorrow, I will test in another day or so beyond that anyway, so if oooonly I can hold out until Monday first, then I won't feel I've wasted a test!

I so WANT to be preg, but I'm scared to hope too much cos I haven't got any really solid signs, nor did we bd much so I just don't know. I'd actually be pretty stoked if AF turns up though, cos then at least I'd have a cycle to go by again!

We shall see. If I can get past tomorrow mornings FMU then I will be mentally able to wait till Monday. Lol.
Thanks, Katy & Catalyst! We DO want a girl (DH has 2 boys), but I don't really give much credence to the gender swaying techniques...I'd say they work 50% of the time. :haha: I've always wanted one of each and maybe a bonus third so I'll be happy either way! Good news is that my temp shot way up this am so we don't have to keep stressing about getting the job done this cycle!

Good luck, flying! Waiting to test is so hard! You can do it! :)
Flying - hopefully you have some weekend plans to keep you busy and you can hold out till Monday :) I hope you get lucky and will avoid AF completely in between pregnancies.

Ask - awesome you got your temp rise. You are definitely not out. I'm sure those spermies were extra excited to meet your egg :) happy tww

On my end, I'm still stuck in bed as my DS is in bed with me and it's not safe to leave him. So I don't know what cm is like yet. My temp, well I was woken up to nurse at 4 & 6. Both times I forgot to temp until a few minutes into nursing. I got 97.48 & 89.01. so really don't know. In the end I guess it doesn't matter, Af is either going to show or not no matter what my temp does. So today is 7 dpo. Really happy that my LP clearly lengthened. My cervix was still low and super firm last night, just feels like Af in knocking on the door. Last night I had the teeniest bit of blood/brown in my cm. So at the very least I think I'm going to start spotting. Here is what's interesting though. Pre DS I used to always start spotting at 5dpo with one cycle at 6. So I have made it even past that. This cycle I was going to be over the moon if I made it past 5dpo, but now I'm finding myself wondering what if....don't want to get my hopes up yet. Looking forward to everyone's update :)
Congrats to all the bfp and sorry for the ladies with AF..

Dh and I had a lengthy convo and decided to start back TTC asap. I am not temping or charting this month so we shall see how things go...
Glad to see you back on the ttc train Gagrl :) good luck!!
Good luck gagr! I think taking it easy for a month is a good way to ease back into it.

I'm 11 dpo, getting pretty moody and emotional, so I'm inclined to think I'm out. If AF is coming I will start spotting tomorrow
That's great news gagr!

Mom15- hats awesome your LP is getting longer again AND that you haven't started spotting yet. I myself didn't have much hope for this month with the exception that I hadn't spotted like I normally do so when I took the test the day af was due I was surprised with the do but kind of not surprised since I hadn't had any spotting. Fx'd for you!
Glad to hear it Gagrl! I think a relaxed approach is the right way to go.

Belle, your temps look nice, fx for no spotting.

Good luck to mom15 and everyone hanging in there.

AFM, it looks like the HSG hasn't made me O early and it was just a random high temp. I've been having a hard time dealing with the amount of pain I was in tbh. Not that it still hurts or anything like that but I've cried every day since. I just don't understand why they aren't ready with fentonyl or something when it's known to be so painful for some women.
Wow, lots to catch up on! 2 more BFPS! Gonna give the thread a lucky rub just in case!

AFM: I'm 9DPO and caved this morning and tested, despite wanting to wait until 12dpo. I rationalised that as I was off to the dentist and may need x-rays, it was best to know. Not that testing 3 times did help. Had what I thought was a good squinter with fmu, and some possible squinters with smu - nothing to get excited about though. Intend to wait for 12dpo now... as planned.

I have to say though, I do feel different this time, no symptoms and my boobs are really tender, completely opposite to last month, sooooo.... maybe? Don't want to get my hopes up but it's so difficult not to.
Glad to hear your pushing through Gagrl. Your little blessing is coming I just know it.

Fx a thousand times that your squinter turns into BFP Cinderella!!

AFM. Still waiting for the big O. It should be coming around in the next couple days. Pos later to see what the opk is looking like.

Question for you lovely ladies how do you get your info on the bottom of your post? Like age, kids, etc.
Question for you lovely ladies how do you get your info on the bottom of your post? Like age, kids, etc.

You have to edit your signature under the "customize profile" link (you will see it once you click on your username in the top right hand corner of the screen).

AFM, I'm currently at 10-14 dpo (wasn't tracking so it's approximate) and last night I was having ovulation-like pains. I've never experienced that before so I'm hoping that's not a bad thing.
Garglinpitt, glad to hear you're back in the game. Good luck!

Cinderella, sounds promising. Keep us posted.

AFM, 7 dpo and nothing much to report. A few more days and I'll know where we stand.
So just did OPK about twenty minutes ago and this popped up! The Test line popped up before it finished traveling across the strip. This means I O today/tomorrow correct? DH and I BD about and hour ago too. Fx fx fx


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So just did OPK about twenty minutes ago and this popped up! The Test line popped up before it finished traveling across the strip. This means I O today/tomorrow correct? DH and I BD about and hour ago too. Fx fx fx

I wouldn't say that is positive quite yet. Maybe tomorrow?
So just did OPK about twenty minutes ago and this popped up! The Test line popped up before it finished traveling across the strip. This means I O today/tomorrow correct? DH and I BD about and hour ago too. Fx fx fx

I wouldn't say that is positive quite yet. Maybe tomorrow?

O ok. I thought when the test line is darker then the control line it was positive?
I tested this morning. DH saw a vf line and I saw nothing or maybe an evap. Feeling like I'm out this cycle.

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