August testers lucky thread...11 BFPs 2 Angels..

So just did OPK about twenty minutes ago and this popped up! The Test line popped up before it finished traveling across the strip. This means I O today/tomorrow correct? DH and I BD about and hour ago too. Fx fx fx

I wouldn't say that is positive quite yet. Maybe tomorrow?

O ok. I thought when the test line is darker then the control line it was positive?

Whoops sorry, I assumed the darker line was the control line. In that case wow that is definitely positive!!
It's not over until its over sarah. Fx for you!

Took another test and a closer picture littlefish what do you think?


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Thanks nyxnw, just start BDing! :) it looks good to me.

I know, just trying to keep my hopes low I guess :(
We already did today before I tested which was lucky.

I get it. Makes for a bigger surprise if it's positive though! :hugs: and :dust: doll.
So just did OPK about twenty minutes ago and this popped up! The Test line popped up before it finished traveling across the strip. This means I O today/tomorrow correct? DH and I BD about and hour ago too. Fx fx fx

Wow! Nice line.
Not sure but think it means realy realu soon. And its better to jave sex before than right at the moment you O. Good luck. Hope you catch that egg!
Hello to all,
I'm new to the forum. This is my first month of true "trying". My husband and I haven't been preventing pregnancy for a year now, but we faced difficulties with ED. I'm not sure about what all the letters mean so forgive me as I catch-up. My next cycle is due on 8-18. I took a clear blue test yo day and got a negative, but I'm still hopeful and will wait before giving up all hope.
Glad to hear it Gagrl! I think a relaxed approach is the right way to go.

Belle, your temps look nice, fx for no spotting.

Good luck to mom15 and everyone hanging in there.

AFM, it looks like the HSG hasn't made me O early and it was just a random high temp. I've been having a hard time dealing with the amount of pain I was in tbh. Not that it still hurts or anything like that but I've cried every day since. I just don't understand why they aren't ready with fentonyl or something when it's known to be so painful for some women.

Weebles I'm sorry that your experience was so traumatic. I don't understand why they don't warn women or sedate women if it is that painful! I can only hope that it will make the difference for you.
Welcome gilaMariam! There are posts with all the acronyms I believe, they are totally confusing at first!!! The basic ones are O being ovulate, CD is cycle day, DPO is days post O, AF is Aunt Flo/your menstrration, TWW is two week wait (the time from O until AF), bd is baby dance/sex, BFP/BFN is big fat positive/negative pregnancy test....

Oh nyxnw, those are awesome OPK lines! Yay for bd before it! That is a good sign!!!! Gooooo swimmers!! Haha.

So it's Sunday here now, and I managed to go to the toilet this morning without testing! Haha. Once FMU (first morning urine, Gila!) was gone I was able to be consoled with waiting until tomorrow. Today I have been crampy, but I don't know if I'm just symptom spotting... I'm super excited to be able to test tomorrow though. I am focusing on visualising a stark white BFN and being able to shrug it off and be ok. And I plan on testing again on Friday. I'm also visualising AF coming and being really happy to finally have my cycle back and something to go by!! Haha. So with any luck I'll be pleasently surprised with a BFP instead, but this way if it is a BFN, I'm not gonna be heartbroken cos it'll be expected, so to speak.

For those that don't know, I actually never got AF between my first two pregnancies, so it has infact been 5.5 years since I had her. So I AM actually happy to have her come. I'll be more disappointed if after all these signs I have BOTH a BFN and no AF!!! Lol.
Made it another day :) so far not even spotting. I did have a little ewcm with a tiny dot of bright red blood, but I'm wondering if it could be my cervix being irritaded. I can go a bit overboard with checking for cm, especially since I would have expected to have AF by now. Suddenly it's only 4 more days till 11dpo what my LP used to be like. It's funny, because my preferred month to get pregnant was/is December, but it turns out my DH's sister is getting married end of May. It'll involve travel, so it would be perfect to be pregnant now and have a newborn end of May as I don't want to travel when I'm over 30 weeks pregnant which would be the case if I conceive between next month and December. Aaahhhh suddenly I want a BFP so badly :)

Flying - I totally get it. I was thrilled to get my first pp Af, to me it meant I was getting my fertility back. And I was also excited I was still able the read my bodies signs and pinpoint O just by cm and cp. how many months pp are you if you don't mind me asking?
Mom15, my youngest just turned two on the 1st, so I'm 24m pp! And I conceived her on the first O from my first, two weeks after HE turned two as well.... So I'm 5.5 YEARS since having an AF.... Lol!
There are so many bfps and hopeful signs on here! Keep it coming!

I am just entering my fertile window and we have been being every other day. Plan to start going a bit more often now and using preseed until I am sure O had passed. If we conceive this month it will be on DHs birthday and just a few days before mine. Hopefully the universe gives us a good birthday present this year!
Obsession is growing! It's now Sunday evening here. I'm feeling decidedly crampy and almost like I've got a full bladder but I don't need to pee. Not a bloated feeling but just a full feeling. Counting down the hours now till I can test. Lmao. I soooooo need to focus on it being negative to keep my sanity now!
Congrats to all the bfps!!! I'm so stinking happy for you girls!!! Here's to a happy healthy 9 months!!!

Afm- today is 15dpo and AF still hasn't come. I think I could POSSIBLY have a 16 day lp. But honestly not sure bc my cycles are 100% medicated. Didn't test at all today bc I started spotting (only during a bm) and all tests up til 14dpo said negative. As far as symptoms go though my boobs are sooo sooo sooo sore it's unreal. My nipples are sensitive and seem to always kinda be hard..

If AF doesn't come in full swing by Monday I'll be calling my RE to schedule blood work.
Good luck miss Yogi! Sounds like an awesome plan, and I hoooooope it works out, what a perfect birthday present for you both!
Managed to forget to test first thing this morning so no FMU! Still holding out until 12dpo, I'd love a definitive non-squinter test. Boobs still swollen and sore, have been a little bit crampy but nothing major and my cervix doesn't feel open (not an internal check, I can usually just feel it, hard to explain!) so I'm still optimistic, which may be a crushing blow if AF turn up, lol.

I actually have a job interview on Thursday for a job I really want and TTC is really distracting me, oops.
And I'm out.... she showed with a vengeance! :growlmad::devil::witch:
Good luck yogi! Jbugg it sounds promising that you are at 15 dpo even if you haven't gotten a bfp yet. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

AFM I'm 12 dpo today and ALWAYS start spotting at 12 dpo. Hopefully I won't start spotting. I would consider that a strong sign that I might get a bfp. No symptoms really this TWW other than feeling super emotional. I cried nearly all day yesterday. Ugh. I can't take this anymore.
I'm sorry Gaves!!

Belle, Cinderella, flying, jbugg looking forward to your updates!!! And everyone else's who I might have forgotten.

Ff took my crosshairs away. Again I am fairly certain that I O'd and that my temps are not reliable. This morning I barely have any cm, but what I have is tinged brown, so at the very least I Have started spotting. I will keep you guys posted.

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