Ok, so I'm gonna need to vent/rant even if no one is really able to help, but I gotta get it out of my head because I'm obsessing! Lol, and I can't post on the SMC TTC boards because their only helpful advice is to go to an RE for IUI.
Firstly, I'm mad at myself for not preparing better and tracking/temping for a few months before TTC, but I was busy and didn't think about it and can't go back now. BUT, when I temped years ago my luteal phase was CONSISTENTLY 12 days and I always had beautiful shifts in my temps, so I figured it would be the same, especially since I had pretty regular periods (27-29 days, but mainly 27). I did have some strange cycles that I attributed to the vaccine/booster that were long and I had a lot of weird spotting, but I stopped having that after my cycle in May (I had 14 days of spotting in April then a 36 day cycle). I'm pretty sure my cycle in May was anovulatory because I didn't really have any symptoms and it's a good indication of ovulation if you have your normal cramps and pains.
Well, the first cycle I charted in June was a BEAUTIFUL chart, just now I seemed to have an 11-day luteal period. Ok, I'm older and heavier, but otherwise, it was good.
Then last month I had a 12-day luteal period and just chalked it up to either I had O wrong (but I was sure about it) or the cycle before was messed up d/t stress and the anovulatory cycle before.
Well, then the WEIRD cycle I had this month where I couldn't pinpoint O, but I'm pretty sure it was CD 19, but that means I had a 13 day luteal period! They aren't supposed to change!? I really don't think I o'd CD 20 cause I had great EWCM on CD 19 and sticky on CD 20, and my first positive OPK was CD 17. I have attached pics.
Just, what do I do? How do I know my actual O day so I don't waste frozen sperm that has a life of 12-24 hrs? Can a luteal phase change even though all the literature says no?
Could it be all the supplements I'm on? I'm on CoQ10, Lipoic Acid, Inositol, Fish Oil, Garden of Life Prenatal Vitamin. I'm also taking Lexapro and I have read that might have an effect, I don't know. I'm just so stressed about it. I'm definitely having extremely sore breasts and menstrual cramps, so I know I'm ovulating and having progesterone, I'm just confused about how to pinpoint it right now.