B vits gals!


Super tired new mom
Mar 19, 2010
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Hey ladies! Wanted to get the pregnancy chatter off the TTC thread! :)
So my docs appointment was a waste of time, got there told her I was pregnant and she said that she didn't think she had any thing to do and had to go check with another doctor. Then told me to make a mid wife appointment for 10 weeks 1 day and printed out a leaflet! That's it! No blood test, no real advice apart from Reading the leaflet and telling me that being so early misscarriage is common. She also told me to buy a book and read up on it!

Really dissappointed, was expecting her to do sone thing. O well. The leaflet says it's fine to do exercise as long as you take it easy. I felt a bit sick this morning, might be the start of morning sickness!

How are you guys doing?
I knew it! That sounds like all the stories I've heard. Typical! Thanks Merry at least I know for sure what I'm in for on Thursday. So they didn't weigh you or do a urine test or test for Rubella or anything?! :shrug:

I still have no symptoms. I'm a little constipated (sorry TMI) but that's not that new for me. I guess I'm not going to have it good re that :(

I've ordered the book 'What to expect when you're expecting' from Amazon, should arrive tomorrow I hope. What books have you ladies heard of that are good?
Just ordered the Yourvpregnancy bible, it got 5 stars on Amazon though am also tempted by Prima Baby Magazine, one of the headlines is O My God Im Pregnant. Kinda feels right:)

no tests at all at the docs. It was almost as if she though we won't bother doing any thing as your likely to miscarry:( Left me feeling anxious:( I really want every thing to be ok. Told my boss, he's really nice and is sorting things out for me but it was scary telling him.

Today I feel sick and my breasts have a dull ache. Not been sick yet but felt like I almost would.
I haven't bought any books yet :( My best friend was supposed to mail me hers (she said she'd do this tuesday of last week).... sent her a text yesterday asking if she sent the books out and she apologized and said she'd send them right out.
I was ready to buy some books last monday!!!

I know some of the most popular ones are
What to Expect when you're Expecting
Your Pregnancy week by week
Girlfriend's guide to pregnancy

Merry - that stinks that they wont' do a blood test even! :( It seems to depend on the doctor but they almost always do one here. I guess the NHS only does it if you are high risk?

What do they do about vaccinating pregnant women over there?

I had the constipation start up really fast, and I NEVER have that problem normally.
Been having more and more nausea and even talking about it or telling my husband about me walking around the grocery store just gagging made me gag and almost puke.
I have no symptoms, hope the bean is still in there....

I'm going to make my doc answer all my questions (I have written down a list) :trouble: at least he can do that :brat:! I don't want to wait for the 10 week appointment with the midwife. :( I thought you are supposed to see your GP first so that they can put you in the midwifery system and then the Midwife calls you to make an appointment no? maybe it works differently in different areas. But Merry we live quite close...?:shrug:

Ooo the other books sound interesting, I might get them too. I love learning about what's happening in there and what's to come. But I'm supposed to be finishing my course :(, have so lost interest in that! Much better things to worry about lol
I just keep reminding myself to learn as much as possible about what to do AFTER the birth, lol.. its very easy to focus on the pregnancy and birth and forget to learn just as much about what to do with a newborn!
Hopefully having 4 nephews and babysitting them all at some stage has helped in the department! :winkwink: But I know what you mean. I was telling DH about the fact that I'm nervous about everything, and he was like WHY??? And I said well we can't very well bring the kid home and put him/her in the cupboard. :haha: I think the penny dropped a bit...
DH and I are going to see our friend's baby today (she was born yesterday).. I think seeing a newborn and his best friend being a 'dad' will help it sink in a little for him.

I mean babysitting is one thing, and I've even done it overnight... but what do you do when your baby is up all night crying, has a fever, has a rash that the cream won't get rid of, won't eat etc... If the kid is sick, the babysitter usually gets cancelled ;) hehe..
And things like when do you start brushing their teeth, when do they first see a dentist, when do you start feeding them which solid foods, when and how are you going to potty train... are you going to let them cry themselves out at night or pick them up/comfort them? Are you going to operate on their schedule? Or set a schedule for them to adjust to? Etc Etc..

Oh, and of course which stroller/pram is best ;)
Vaccinating for what? Had no info about jabs? What do you get them for? I guess the HPT are so accurate they just assume that they are true and the earliest they can see some thing wrong is when they test/scan. Would be nice though to have a blood test and have my bfp confirmed.

So got 6 week wait for my next appointment with the midwife, they do blood tests and the like then. I think tonight I will finally cancel my infertility appointment, just really hoping that this bean sticks. We have chosen our names already:)

Kaitlyn Mary for a girl and Ben Corran for a boy :)
When I had the false pregnancy test/mixup at my doctors, they sent me off for a blood test because I was spotting and they wanted to make sure the number was going up. Good thing they did that because when they realized they gave me the wrong test results, we needed the blood test anyway to see if I was really pregnant.

Then, when I was seeing a different GYN, I called and said I had a 'funny' line on my test... I was hoping they'd do bloodwork to clarify my odd test result but they said, funny or not, a line wouldn't be there unless there was HCG. Since I never got another positive, I don't know for sure if that was a chemical pg or a faulty test :dohh:
So yeah, they do sometimes trust the lines on the test too much.

DH won't let me buy ANYTHING until we know the sex. I told him the crib won't matter and he somehow thinks it does :( Can't wait that long!!! There are some things that are universal darnit!
And we have our names chosen but its not set in stone.
I plan on messing with everyone by keeping our real name choices secret for as long as possible and telling them our top choices are X Y Z and think of the most awful names I can :haha: I'm so mean!

My friend who is due in a week or so had made an infertility appointment, lol, it turned into her first OB appointment :D
As this is Stephens second child I'm expecting him to know quite a bit, I met my husband when his son was 2. So from two up I sorta know what to do but a new born is so small and delicate.

You can brush their teeth with a soft bristle brush and baby toothpaste from when they appear, children generally let you know when they are ready to potty train. The will tell you all about their toilet functions so you can know:) Weening starts at 6 months and that is the extent of my knowledge:(

I will get my book tomorrow and start reading up :coffee:
Vaccinating for what? Had no info about jabs? What do you get them for?
Totally spaced on this question, lol :dohh: then of course I remember a few hours later and can't remember which thread the question was on!

I was thinking of the H1N1 vaccine etc. They prioritize pregnant woman here to get it and bullied my friend into doing it when she wasn't totally sure she wanted it.

My friend with the newborn said that her husband had to get the whooping cough vaccine since there's been a recurrence of that and you can't give the baby the vaccine until 1 year so both parents have to be vaccinated. (mom was already vaccinated since she worked with young kids)
Oh the flu jab, yeah they urged all pregnant women to get that last year. Most people in the UK have had all their jabs, you get given them at school. So don't really need to get any, unless some thing like swine flue comes up again. Then they have adverts telling you what to do. As I work for the NHS I have lots of extra jabs and get emergency ones first.

Crissie lots of women never get morning sickness, there bodies handle the hormone increase ok. Some get it after 6 weeks, some 14 and others never. The web says you should enjoy the symptom free days:)
Just got back from visiting my friends at the hospital with their new baby. :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:
Did make me a little nervous though that I'm going to have one of those in 9 months... kind of scary!!!
So adorable though.. soft baby skin etc... my friends are making it look soo easy though, lol!!!
Crissie- let us know how you get on at the docs, what you ask and what they say. Hope it goes well how are you feeling today?
Hi gals

Merry those are gorgeous names!

I only have my Doc app tonight at 18:00. DH said he would like to come along. Will let you know how it goes. I think if all goes well tonight (not that they are going to tell me anything special, just feels like seeing a doc is the first step to it being real!) we are going to tell our close fam and friends. Then if anything goes wrong at least I'll have their support.

Got my books yesterday and started reading 'What to expect: Eating well when you're expecting' - so far lots of info on morning sickness which I'm not yet suffering from. I heard it could be genetic, in which case I might never get it, as my mom and sisters never suffered from it. Just got to the part in the book on weight gain, I'm a bit nervous about this... don't want to put on too much. :nope: They say in the fist trimester you will/should only gain about 3-4 pounds but that everyone is different. I'm trying to eat like I normally do. But I must say today I've been having hunger pangs :haha:

Lisaf I also want to know the sex, but here in the UK that's not that common. Most ladies keep it a surprise. I like to be prepared though, mentally and with the nursery etc. I have a friend who recently had her baby here and you only get 2 scans one at 12 weeks and one at 20, so the one at 20 is the only time you can find out the sex. When the woman doing the scan finished checking everything she asked my friend if she had any other questions and my friend said well yes... what is the sex. The woman gave her a dirty look as if she asked the most sinful question and told her that that is not really the purpose of these scans!
Well with the weight gain I thinkbive gained about 4 pounds since last Saturday! My boobs are bigger I think and my stomach is larger due to being bloated. I've felt sick mainly after lunch, you'll be lucky and not get it I bet:)

my boss has told a few senior staff members who have to know for safety reasons and at lunch this women kept trying to catch me with out others around. I really don't want to share my news with her though, even though she knows I'm pregnant I don't want to discuss the ins and outs of it with her. So have been avoiding her. At the weekend might tell husbands best frien and partner, she is 5 months pregnant. My best friends at 6 weeks, I'm her bridesmaid next Sept. So want to give her the option to choose another, as with a baby I might not be up to much the months before hand. Like planning a hen do and stuff!

Looking forward to hearing how the docs go.

Lisaf you'll be great in 8 months when you have your baby:)
Morning ladies!
Thats interesting that finding out the sex isn't as common. I liked the idea of being surprised but DH wants to know so oh well. It will make it easier and anyone who chooses not to know the sex over here pretty much gets harrassed by family about how hard it is to shop when you don't know the sex :haha:
Maybe little bean will be shy and won't give a good view... heard of that happening!

Some girl on here said there was a study showing that women with higher testosterone, who are tall and athletic are more likely to have eggs that are more receptive to the boy sperms.. made me a little sad because I am tall, fairly athletic (though mostly lazy in recent years, I am strong etc), and I know for a fact my testosterone is above the average for a woman. I know its silly... everyone is having boys though it seems!

I hope I get my books soon!! Its driving me crazy waiting for my friend to mail them!! (of course once they're here, I'll be panicked about hiding them from family, lol!!)
I want to know the sex of the baby as soon as I can!! Don't mind which but I have things to knit!!! It helps to know what colour as all yellow/white is a bit boring. My friend Rob got told at this scan that the baby was a boy and the woman asked if he wanted to know the sex. She was fine about it. I guess it depends on the person doing the scan, it is more common than it used to be to know the sex. However lots of people don't want to know which is strange.

As to the sex I heard in TCOYF book that it depends on the timing of BD with ovulation, is 2 days before hand (like me) 75% chance a girl. If on the day of ovulation then 75% chance it's a boy. It also said it depends on the health of the man, if ill health/poor sperm then more likely a girl. So I'm thinking I'm getting a girl. I have read in the past about studies that have said the lower status the man is the the more likely it will be a girl. But you never know, would like a girl to even the house out but don't really mind. As long as the baby is healthy FX

I'm off to Yoga now, will tell my Yoga instructor just in case. Looking forward to seeing what the docs say.

Chat later xx

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