Babee_Bugs - Testing section - BFP PG176 - 1st Scan Booked 13-09-12

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Fab news on the scan hun! Sorry things are still hanging in the balance, but I've seen plenty of stories where everything has been ok in the end and there's no reason why yours can't be the same!
Make sure you take it easy!! Xx
It better keep fighting! :thumbup:

Well I'm now on knicker watch! Lol... Which is awful, I feel paranoid at any little thing down there and to top it off, I've got lots of creamy CM YUK YUK.... So I keep thinking oh no I'm bleeding, so go to the toilet and nope! Phew.

Well I've been looking at my chart and it seemed to reckon I ovulated on 31st of may, weird thing was I tested on the 7th of June and I got a "pregnant 1-2" on a Clearblue digital... But that would of made me only 7DPO!

I honestly feel convinced I was pregnant with twins!, so wondering if this blood in my uterus is from losing one? But then I don't know, and I really wish I knew... I feel horrible for not knowing, because I should know! :/
Oh hun this has got to be so difficult for you :flower:

Try and relax your little bean is just snuggling in and closing the door behind them (hence the reason for creamy cm :happydance:)

:coffee: hun put your feet up you and little one deserve this:thumbup:


Yeh I'm glad for the creamy CM, I had bucket loads of it when I Was pregnant last time YUK YUK... And was worried this time round as I haven't had very much, but now i think I'm making up for lost time hahaha
ah hun im so glad ur baby is in the rite place try not to worry about the blood thing my friend had the same but her baby was fine.

i still havent had a scan yet still got 3 more wks to wait and im worrying myself silly that there wont b no baby or they cant find no heartbeat ive suffered 3 losses so i know how hard and awfull it is. i feel like im playing the waiting game cuz i know i cant relax till i c that baby on that scan with a good strong heart beat. waiting is awfull wen ur worried but try and stay positive hun, im gonna do the same. my tests r still very dark so im preying thats a good sign:hugs:
ah hun im so glad ur baby is in the rite place try not to worry about the blood thing my friend had the same but her baby was fine.

i still havent had a scan yet still got 3 more wks to wait and im worrying myself silly that there wont b no baby or they cant find no heartbeat ive suffered 3 losses so i know how hard and awfull it is. i feel like im playing the waiting game cuz i know i cant relax till i c that baby on that scan with a good strong heart beat. waiting is awfull wen ur worried but try and stay positive hun, im gonna do the same. my tests r still very dark so im preying thats a good sign:hugs:

Well I still haven't had any bleeding for a while now, so I'm hoping it never comes out lol

Won't they give you a earlier scan due to your losses?, I only got mine because of the bleeding and weird hcg doubling, so there needed to rule out ectopic....

Then because of the blood in my uterus, there want to rescan in 2 weeks to make sure I haven't miscarried, as they are very certain I will bleed!... To be honest I've been very positive, there is nothing I can do to help my little bean stick, other than take my prenatals, not strain myself too much, get enough rest etc.

I don't know why I keep testing to be honest, because I tested the progression when I was pregnant before and at 12 weeks I had a blighted ovum, where a baby doesn't form at all, but the sac does.... Tests can only say it picks up the pregnancy hormone, but can't tell you if the baby is growing or not... I wish there was a test, or I wish I could afford a scanning machine lol
with my m/c i never got dark bfps they were light and just got lighter than went to a bfn then id bleed and m/c. that happened twice to me.

i also had a m/c at 12 wks about 13 yars ago. i blead heavy at 6 weeks then again at 12 that was wen i m/c.

ive never had a blited ovem i know there rare but i do know someone that its happened to they have had 3 more babies since then.

i cant get a scan hun so for now ill just keep testing and make sure them lines stay dark. i feel like im getting spd again i had it with my son started at 10 wks felt like someone puntched me rite in the privets:blush:
and now im getting again rite in the pubic bone i also cud be further on. i c my high risk consultant on tuesday and i thin she has one of those portible scans so she mite scan me as there not really sure of my dates and i cud b further on. i have poped out the last 2 days and people up the school keep stairing at my protuding gut lol, u can so c they r dieing to ask and i have my answer good and ready , hehehehe im gonna say no ineed a big fat poo lol hehehehe.

drs got me down as 9+weeks dont know why so ill be getting a scan in 3 wks cuz there think im 12 wks lol. unless she scans me tuesday of coarse.

im having terrible mood swings and headaches. and now i feel like ive been punched in the pubic bone:blush:

my bbs still feel a bit tender so im hoping this is all a good sign. im getting a positive feeling about u hun were prob b in the 3rd tri later on talking about this lol :hugs:
Ahhhh I get what ya mean about the 3 weeks time thing :dohh: lol

Have you thought about a private scan?, my partners niece got one done a few days before I got mine, it cost her £100 though and she only got 4 photos. Which I think is a right rip off!

Did you use any of the Clearblue digital conception tests?

My scan ont he 25th put me at about 5 weeks, she couldn't really give me an accurate answer, because usually they measure the baby, but mine wasn't visible at that point and she did say that it's normal when a sac measures the size mine did. So maybes on my next scan I will know more. I'm kicking myself that I didn't get a picture now :dohh:

This pregnancy I feel alright, my belly/pubic area feels tender (I'm guessing that's the blood in my uterus), feeling tired more, stomach feels harder in my pubic region, heightened sense of smell, oh an Dow I've got an eye Infection :(

I don't have morning sickness (which I never ever get), boobs don't hurt (they did last time),
cant afford it hun. yeah i did and it said i concieved 2 to 3 wks b4 i kinda no wen it happened cuz i remeber getting the goo wen u wipe and it was on day 12 13 14 on day 14 me and OH did thongy and he said ure ov aand i argued saying it was to early cuz i have a long 5 wk cycle but he was adamant but i did notice i only had that goo then, i didnt have it after say 14 also had tummy pains on day 14 so i think that is wen i ov. so wen i tested i thought i was only 5 wks but i wasnt i was 6 because of my 5 week cycle. i only found out by reading that bounty book u get in ur folder with ur maternity notes. it says if u have a 4 wk cycle and u test wen ur due on ure considered 4 wks pregnant but the embrio is only 2 week old. then it said however if u have a 5 wk cycle (like me) ure considered 5 wks so wen i tested 3 weeks ago i was already 5 wks gone not 4 like i thought. so that makes me 7+4 b 8 wks on sat. drs seem to think im more so she may well scan me on tues. u never really get ur due date tho till 12 wks, i thought i was due on 7th of feb acording to a very early 5 wk scan but at the 12 week one they said i was due on the 3rd its crazy lol. :hugs:
sorry i ment i tested 2 weeks ago i thought i was 5wks but i was 6wks. the digi said we concieived like 3 wks b4 xx
Oh it's all very confusing!.... See there base every woman on a 28 day cycle! Which is ridiculous, cos like you my cycles could be long and other times could be short.

When I got pregnant in feb, I ovulated on CD15 I knew 100%... But because this time I'm pregnant after my loss, there using April 27 (day of my d&c/Erpc) so basically I'm like 8-9 weeks! Which obviously isn't right lol....

My chart reckons I ovulated on CD35 and when I put that into countdowntopregnancy website, it reckons I'm 5 weeks and 6 days today.... Maybes give that a go and see what it says? X
sorry i ment i tested 2 weeks ago i thought i was 5wks but i was 6wks. the digi said we concieived like 3 wks b4 xx

I believe if a digital says 3+ that means you add the 2 weeks that your technically "not" pregnant...

Making you 5 weeks, give or take a few days depending on when you took that test x
think ill just wait till scan babe lol. but goin wat that bounty book says im 7+4.

i had a mc then got pregnant strait after with my 1st son, i found out 4 weeks after m/c so making me 4 wks but i had my 12 week scan i was 14 wks so u cud b more hun its just wierd lol. xxx
it was 3 wks ago i tested with digi and it said 3 xxx

It's all bonkers how it works... And then if baby is bigger than "normal" your dates change lol, but baby will arrive when it chooses :haha:

Yeh I'd easily say your around 7-8 weeks now... But obviously your scan will help with that... It's sooo hard not knowing how far your actually along x
Morning ladies...

Well my new Clearblue digitals came today.... :happydance::happydance:

I took one on the 16th and got 2-3 and then silly me took another on the 18th (why I don't know) and got another 2-3....

So If I hadn't of wasted that test on the 18th and used it on the 25th I may of got my 3+ grrrrrr... Nevermind...


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Hey how u doing ??? Whens your next scan ??? :D x

Hey Hunnie... I'm ok, how's you? Have you tested today?

Well I'm ok and I'm not ok lol... I'm feeling ever soo sorry for myself, I have conjunctivitis in both my eyes (my right one being worse than the other, there soooo puffy!)... Went to the doctors earlier today and basically they can't give me anything and told me to go to a eye infirmary hospital 1 hour drive away :(, so I'm just gonna bathe it with cooled boiled water... Which I'm hoping helps.

As for baby, everything seems fine :thumbup:, I haven't had any bleeding, no cramps... And my evening bloat is just HUGE lol.. But I'm not complaining... Next scan is Wednesday the 11th at 4pm x
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