Babee_Bugs - Testing section - BFP PG176 - 1st Scan Booked 13-09-12

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. Ah hun thanks im so sorry for ur loses to.:cry:

Im comp confused now because ive just done a how many weeks am i calculater and u dont just put ur lmp u also put ur cycle length and it came up 5wks pluss 5 huh? Now this wud make sence them not seeing a heartbeat cuz it wud b to small and she only scaned over my belly and not internel.

C i always thought u count from ur lms which wud makee me almost 7 and i read the bounty book u get it said if u have a 5 wk cycle u have to add a exta week. Which is why my ticker is almost 8wks.

Im bloody well confussed now. Why wud that calculater work me out as 5+5 and shudent u c a heartbeat by then?
Mind u she never did the internal scan. Mayb thats why. The 9th seems so far away. I havent had any bleeding or pain as of yet. Oh i just wish i new wat was goin on. Feel like im just in limbo land.

My hcg levels r high and tests r strong but was told even if the embrio had died u wud still have high hcg untill just b4 u start bleeding so i just dont know wat to think.

Dont like the way my symptoms just stopt either. Im just worrying like mad.and if i am about to m/c i want it over with asap. Just so i know where im at. :cry:
Hi future, sorry to just butt in on this post, I've only just come across it. I have a 35-day cycle and if I calculate the gestation of my pregnancy from the first day of my last period, I'm over a week ahead than I actually am. That was Dec 28th, so when I got BFP on Jan 26th I thought I was four weeks preg, but actually I was only three weeks. This was not good to find out in those early days when I was desperate to be further on than I was!

I've heard so many times on here of people being unable to find a heartbeat before six weeks, but then finding it after six weeks. I REALLY REALLY hope this is the case for you.

Hope this helps a little bit. Fingers crossed that everything turns out good for you :hugs:
So do think the calculater thing was rite hun and im not as far as i thought becauae of my 36 day cycle? It is gutting to b put back to just 5+5 but id rather that than m/c. i thought i tested 3 wks ago but it was 2 and the digi said i concievied 2 to 3. So that wud make me almost 6 but surley they wud of seen a heartbeat ive had scans at 6wks and u cud c the heart beating but she cud c nothing sje said shr thinls she can c a fetel pole but its only tiny so she is not sure. But it was not a internal scan so mayb thats why she cudnt c much. She just seemed in a big rush to me. Didnt give me mucj support wen i started to cry. I just hope on the 9 i c my babu and a strong heart byat bur its horrible plating the waiting game:cry:
Do you know when you ovulated hun? Thats the most accurate way of working it out. Big hugs x x
no hun i dont. i wasnt trying so wasnt aware of wen i ov. i rememeber it being gooeeee wen i wiped around day 14, but that wud make me nearly 8 wks and they wud for sure c a hearbeat then:nope:

just re tested and it was so faint where as b4 it was really really dark darker than control now its much lighter. however i have been on a drip so not to sure if that watered the result down. think im just living on hope now tho:cry:

also my symtoms have dissapeared was getting sick and tired sore bbs everthing but now nothing:nope:
if im gonna lose this baby i just wish it wud hurry up and do it at least i wud no where i am then, im comp crumbleing inside but its comp out of my hands ive just got to play a very long waiting game now till the 9th jul. unless things hapen b4 of coarse:cry:
So do think the calculater thing was rite hun and im not as far as i thought becauae of my 36 day cycle? It is gutting to b put back to just 5+5 but id rather that than m/c. i thought i tested 3 wks ago but it was 2 and the digi said i concievied 2 to 3. So that wud make me almost 6 but surley they wud of seen a heartbeat ive had scans at 6wks and u cud c the heart beating but she cud c nothing sje said shr thinls she can c a fetel pole but its only tiny so she is not sure. But it was not a internal scan so mayb thats why she cudnt c much. She just seemed in a big rush to me. Didnt give me mucj support wen i started to cry. I just hope on the 9 i c my babu and a strong heart byat bur its horrible plating the waiting game:cry:

It could well be the case that you're just not as far along as you thought and maybe the digi could've changed that very day from 1-2 to 2-3. I'm sorry to hear you had such an unsupportive scanner. Could you go back and see your midwife or call the early pregnancy unit (that's if you're UK based, I dunno what they'd be called elsewhere) to have a chat with them and tell them how much you're struggling and ask for an internal scan?

Also just seen your other post about tests getting lighter....I never had more than a very faint line on all my tests and I did eight in five days, they never got darker (which horrified me at the time) then I was too scared to do anymore so just sat in a state of panic til I had an emergency scan at 8weeks.

Take care of yourself x
thats were i had my scan earlier they did say they wudnt re scan till 13th jul but i put my foot down and asked them to do it sooner but the soonest they cud do was the 9th. just cant believe it i was so happy i was turning 8 wks tommorow and chances of m/c starts to become less. now im rite back at 6 wks so back to being high risk of m/c so gutting.

i just wanna b at that 24wk stage i hate early pregnancy its just to worrying. and now im rite back at the start:nope:

but i wud rather it b that than a missed m/c.

at least i know there is something there and its in the rite place just want it to stay there and grow and b healthy.
Future, I think you should stop worrying about everything and try to relax a little. The stress you are giving yourself is not good for your little one or you.

I had the same thing, my docs are telling me I am due Sept 18, while when I use a calculator on the net with the cycle length part, I get Sept 14th and my scans have also come up with Sept 14th. At the docs they use the normal 28 day cycle for everyone, which is wrong, they should ask your cycle length, that would give you a more accurate dating.

You won't really see a HB until at least the 6 wk mark and when I went at 8 wks for the first time, they could not see a HB on a external scan either, they had to do the internal in order to even see the HB. So I think they were wrong in scanning you from the outside and not the inside. Knowing you are not that far along. I would ask about having an internal done, tell them that you thought you were further along then you seem to be, or tell them you are spotting and they should rescan you, but if you are not at that 6 wk mark just yet, you still may not see anything, even with an internal.

I wish you the best of luck, but try not to get super upset at the moment, not really knowing whats going on, I hate when docs worry people like that and sorry you are going through this. :hug:
thank u so much hun. acording to that thing i turn 6 wks tommorow shud of been 8 and i so agree with u why dony they talk about ur cycle length i never really thought ur cycle length had a lot to do with it i always thought u just counted from the first day of ur lmp. ive got some strange pain goin on in my lower tummy and pubic bone feels like a got stitch low in my tummy goin acros to overy area and my pubic bone feels bruise. also got a bit of back ache. i got pains with my last son and it was stretching but cant remember how that felt now.

i do c my high risk pregnacy consultant on tuesday and ill tell her i think im less because i didnt calculate my cycle time. she may scan me. if not its the 9th.

are symptoms stopping a bad sign i was feeling qweezy and tired but all that has stopt. my OH said i did the same with my son and then they returned with avengence wen i was 10 wks and i was sick from then rite till the end, im hoping mayb this will do the same. xxxx
are symptoms stopping a bad sign i was feeling qweezy and tired but all that has stopt. my OH said i did the same with my son and then they returned with avengence wen i was 10 wks and i was sick from then rite till the end, im hoping mayb this will do the same. xxxx

Probably best not to use lack of symptoms as a yardstick because they come and go early on don't they. I had very few symptoms early on, the only way I knew I was pregnant was sore boobs and big nipples (I used to check them hourly to make sure they were still like that!!) and would freak out if boobs ever stopped being sore!

Will be thinking of you this weekend, it sounds like you shouldn;t give up hope just yet. Those pains could well just be stretchy pains x
Aw hun - a lot can happen in a week, don't give up just yet:flower:

It also depends upon how big your sac is as to what they can see. I am surprised they never gave you a transvaginal scan though:shrug:

Symptoms do come and go in early pregnancy so don't worry about the lack of them.

Also if you implanted late that will also have an effect on dates, as well as cycle lengths etc. Don't forget Docs go by a 28 day cycle with O taking place day 14 and as we all know by now we are all different.:dohh:

You are pregnant so take it easy and try not to worry (easier said than done):coffee:


ah thank u ladys ur all very sweet

it is a odd kinda pain kinda like wen u stitch urself wen u run, but its low down and round the left side.

my pubic bone feels sore and bruised andmy left hand groin hurts. my backache is only dull.

i had awfull spd with my last pregnancy and it started at 10 wks so mt OH thinks its that starting to niggle pluss stretching pains.

need some one to tell me wat stretching pain feels like cuz silly me dont remember. i cant remember wat m/c pain feels like either im almost certain it was very very painfull tho. this in painfull but id say on a scale of 1 to 10 its like a 5.

i really dont know why she didnt use the internal thingy, to b honest i found her cold and seemed like she rushed. my OH was sat next to me and he said he cud c tje black sack thing and he said he cud see the fetel pole clearly and it was atached to the side. she saw the fetel pole to but said it was so small she had to really look but im kinda thinking if she and my OH can c that and it was just a normol scan that goes across ur belly surley thats a good sign.:shrug:

i just hope its not a missed m/c.

the scan today was mainly to c if it was all in the rite place they had to rule out eptopic. well i was indeed in the rite place. im just prying on the 9th i c that big strong heart beat. :wacko:
I have a tilted uterus an they couldn't find a fetal pole at all it heartbeat till u wa exactly 8 weeks !!! I had a scan 1.5 weeks prior too that and that's when they couldnt see ought !!! X
Awwww future Hunnie! Totally didn't expect to see this today...

But this is why I was asking you regarding when you ovulated, or when you got your 1-2 etc... Because from what your saying that bounty has said, I'm afraid is wrong.

Doctors will always go from your LMP simply because all women know when there period started, not every woman knows when there ovulate! Which really your only pregnant from when you ovulate, but if you want to get even more technical than that, you implant around 7-12days after you ovulate, (some earlier, some later)... So when your period is late, your lucky if your about 1 week pregnant lol (mad I know but it's true)

This pregnancy and dates are screwed up.... But if you use my LMP it's 28th of January! Because I haven't had a period since then, but I got pregnant I miscarried, then got pregnant again!... I would be about 20 odd weeks now, which we all know I'm not. So it just goes to show that you shouldn't go by lmp especially if you don't have a 28 day cycle.

I've recorded a lot of cycles and one cycle was 32days long, I ovulated on CD19... So it wasn't the average 28 day cycle with cd14 being ovulation. If you have long cycles, then you are less weeks pregnant not more :)..

What is your LMP? How long are your cycles? Can you remember when you's BD?... If you got some EWCM on day14 this could of been leading upto ovulation... It doesn't always mean ovulation, a woman can get fertile signs a lot through her cycle, you can try several times... So you may of only ovulated very very late in your cycle.... What was your first pregnancy test like? When did you take it, do you have a picture... If I have some answers to these Hunnie, I'll be able to help you with dates etc...

As for symptoms disappearing, when I was pregnant last time, I had loads of them! Then when I went for my scan and got told I had a blighted ovum and needed a d&c my symptoms went that very second!... This time round, I don't have much symptoms! There stopped as soon as I bled... When I went for the scan and found out things were ok and I was still pregnant, Ive slightly got them back, I think we put up a barrier on emotions etc x
Oh those stretching pains hurt lol. Especially for me now this far into the game, they get me at night, big time.

Its like your fine one minute and you move and you get a nasty sharp pain on one side or the other, hurts for a few seconds and goes away. It takes my breath away sometimes. I would be laying in bed on one side, then go to turn over to get up to use the bathroom or whatever and there it is. Its like a charlie horse in your leg, but in your abdomen if that makes sense lol. Hope your feeling better hunni :hug:
hello sorry not been on for a few days, anyhow i do have a update its good and bad. went to my app yesterday to c my high preg consultant. wen i arived i was told id need a scan because if ive lost the baby then i wudent need to c the consultant. so cutting a long story short i had a scan and i didnt even need a internal because got to c everything with her just doing the normol belly scan, i cud c baby and heartbeat and they said its nice and strong and it had grown since friday so it is a continuing pregnancy, however its only measuring 6wks pluss 3 so i been put back and told my due date is now the 24th feb however cud change at 12 wk scan. i was so made up but now worrying again after wat consultant told me.:cry:

my pregnancy is now very very high risk because of my meds and health, sadly my meds i have to take or die:nope:

anyhow ill just go through wat she said. firstly im at high risk of very prem birth. and a baby with low birth weight. and there is a chance of malformations i will b scaned every 4 to 5 weeks from 24 weeks onwards. if baby is born at 24 wks it will only have 10% chance of survial:cry:. was told i mite not even make 27 weeks which is so worrying. at 27 or 28 wks i have to have steriods to mature babys lungs im also high risk of pre eclampsia and ive got a chance of getting gestational diabetis even tho im only tiny, its all to do with my meds. i have to be tested for diabeties at 26 wks where u have to starve for 24 hours, i will also need to see a anethatist to discuss if they have to get baby out early for any reason.

as u can prob tell im very worried but im just preying with all my heart baby stays put till at least 35 wks and wen born is healthy[-o<
Aw hun what a double ended sword!

Glad your pregnancy is progressing - sorry about all the future problems which may come along:flower:

All as you can do is relax as much as possible as stressing about what if is not going to be good for you or your little one.(easier said than done)

Take it easy hun - thinking of you


thank u babe. i am feeling positive so ive just got to stay that way. just keep saying to my belly u stay put u dont wanna c u b4 34 weeks and wen i do c u i want u crying and healthy. even if tiny still want u healthy. my fella is a very strong man so hopefully this one takes after his or her dad and is a little fighter. be good to have all them scans later on and i no im in good hands. i think my consultant had to tell me everything that cud happen. im not aloud to take any pain meds throughout my pregnancy cuz there babd for the liver and i dont want liver failure again.

so im preying for me and our baby to both stay healthy and strong and have no problems. xxxx:hugs:

thank u for getting back all u ladies r so lovely on here xxx
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