Baby On Board - Due August/September 2014

Ah I see! I think they suggest internals for 5/6 weeks etc here.. my bladder was MASSIVE though, I was in pain from holding it hahah so that might be why we got such a good view!

Good luck with that :nope: :thumbup:
I Love Lucy, it might be why he is waking more. I just nursed Coltyn and I made a 2 oz bottle with formula to see if he'd be interested. Needless to say, he started screaming and crying for the bottle as soon as he saw it and sucked it down. That lets me know I definitely am not producing enough anymore. But I will still breastfeed or pump first then supplement with formula.

At my appt yesterday, the doc said be prepared they may do an internal. When I had one last year at almost 9 weeks they did an external so hoping for the same on Wednesday. I again should be right around 9 weeks I think.
Ilovelucy, I agree with do take the news differently than woman. I guess I might have compared my dad's reaction to my DH'a reaction which was very excited and happy. Hopefully over time he'll get more used to the idea of being a grandpa!

I had my first scan 2 days ago and at 7 weeks they could see the babe but with the internal u/s. Saw the heartbeat too...amazing stuff!!

Does anyone else's legs ache?? I feel like I've run a seems to be worse in the nighttime.
Well,I had my 1st scan today.It was amazing!

Doctor has me at 6 weeks,we saw the baby (a tiny bean!) and heard the heartbeat.He works from my previous blood test that confirmed pregnancy,and not from LMP.

My EDD is now 13 September.
modified, they won't see me before 8 weeks at the practice I go to. Maybe it would be different if I had a history of MC's or something. Do they not have you pee in a cup right away where you go? I remember at every appointment I had while pg with DS, they would have me go to the bathroom and pee in a cup before I even saw my doctor. It was the first thing I did after checking in.

JJsmom, DS falls asleep nursing most time during the night and he pulls himself off during the day. He hasn't really been crying for more but maybe with only having one boob to nurse from he's not getting as much as he normally would at a time and that's why he is wanting to nurse more frequently. I'm planning to wean around a year so not much longer to go.

tropicsgirl, my legs would occasionally hurt when I was pg with DS usually at night. You can take some Tylenol to get some relief. If you're getting charlie horses (that's what we call them, not sure what you would call them) or the very sharp pain in your calf, stand up right away and it instantly goes away. I didn't learn about that trick until about a week before I delivered so I would be spending all this time massaging my leg and crying in pain.

So excited for everyone who has gotten scans already and have gotten to see their little beans! It makes me even more excited for my appointment on Tuesday.

Ani, I updated your due date!
I am so worried!

Is it ok for my baby to measure 6 weeks,when my LMP is 8 weeks?Granted,my bladder ended up being empty because I just couldn't hold any longer,and it was an abdominal scan,not an internal one,so it was a bit blurry,but I could immediately see baby on screen (the photo doesn't do it justice) and we heard and saw the heartbeat.

If I go by ovulation was 6 weeks ago,so if I go by that,baby is right on track.But by LMP,baby is 2 weeks behind :cry:

The doctor wasn't worried,so I'm trying to not worry either,but it's quite difficult to relax.I'm expecting the worst at any second.
I measured a bit behind too for thr same reason - my bladder was empty (drank the water but dehydrated from a hot nights sleeping so didn't do anything). If you saw a heart beat it is likely that you are further along. The sonographer didn't change my due date as she struggled to get a good angle with the empty bladder. She wasn't confident and would check again at 12 weeks.
When they scan at 12 weeks it will be obvious if you are ahead of the original scan date. But usually at 6 weeks you only see a fetal pole, don't you?
I measured a bit behind too for thr same reason - my bladder was empty (drank the water but dehydrated from a hot nights sleeping so didn't do anything). If you saw a heart beat it is likely that you are further along. The sonographer didn't change my due date as she struggled to get a good angle with the empty bladder. She wasn't confident and would check again at 12 weeks.
When they scan at 12 weeks it will be obvious if you are ahead of the original scan date. But usually at 6 weeks you only see a fetal pole, don't you?

Honestly,the doctor only measured the baby,said the CRL was 3.3mm,and didn't even check for the heartbeat.He was about to get up when I asked him to check for a heartbeat,and he said that it was too early,but if I really wanted,he'd check.Almost immediately you could see the heartbeat.He also said,like your sonographer,that he would be getting a lot more info at the 12 week scan,since things are more accurate then.I am just working myself up with reading everything about missed miscarriages :( I really should just stay off the internet alltogether,but I'm obsessed.
Your due date based on your LMP is really only going to be accurate if you have regular 28 day cycles and ovulate on day 14. It's normal for a baby to measure bigger or smaller. With DS, he measured 5 days behind what he would have if you went by my LMP.

It's also harder to get accurate measurements in the beginning, especially if they do an external rather then an internal ultrasound so try not to stress.

Also, a MMC is very rare. Like less than 1% of MCs are this type. And if I'm not mistaken, getting to hear the heartbeat decreases your chances of having a MC some.

My appointment is tomorrow!! I can't wait to see the little bean.
Thanks girls!You've made me feel a lot better!

I never realized that having irregular cycles (ranging from 28 to 35 days) would have such an impact.I'm also wondering if maybe I didn't ovulate a bit later than I anticipated.I assumed I ovulated on CD 18 like I normally do,but I only got a BFP on CD 38,so if I had a normal LP, I could've O'd anytime until CD 24.And just not noticed,since I thought I was done.

I'm just going to hope and pray that baby stays safe until our next scan :)

Good luck with your appointment,and enjoy your bean!
I'm getting soooooo antsy for my 12 week scan. It's only been 10 days since the last scan but it feels like months ago. This pregnancy thing is going so slow :wacko: :dohh:
I have to say,I was always worried that I wouldn't be able to conceive,now that I'm actually pregnant,there's even more anxiety than before.I'm just so scared this girft will be taken away :(
Pregnancy is very stressful in the first trimester especially! It is common for the baby to measure ahead and behind due to growth spurts. At this stage they have massive growth spurts at once. You could go in one day and be measuring behind a week and go in 2 days later and be measuring a week ahead. I would think your doc would say something if they were concerned.

modified, the first trimester is the longest of them all it seems. Then it goes so fast! You're like AHHH!! where did the time go? I didn't even have my hospital bag packed when the doc put me in the hospital at 36 +6 and induced at 37. DH had to run home and pack what he could and just leave it at that. It will be different this time! I'll pack my bags early! HAHA!
:haha: I'm just desperate to get this 12 week scan over with and be a little more "out of the woods" :dohh:
So true modified!I think getting to the 2nd trimester should be quite a relief.

JJsmom,you know just what to say to make a girl feel better ;)
I'm really struggling tonight. Convinced we'll go to our 12 week scan and get bad news.. my last 2 remaining symptoms are gone :nope: I so desperately want a scan :cry:
Hello everyone. I am late in joining. I am due on Sept 15th. I had a TR in June. This is second marriage for both me and my husband. I am mom to a boy 11, girl 10 and girl 8. My DH is dad to boy 12 and girl 7. We have been married for a year and a half and trying for 6 months since my reversal. I got pregnant the month after my reversal, but was ectopic and had to have MTX shot. We had to wait 3 months to try again, but got lucky and I'm now 6 weeks along. I had an U/S last week to confirm the little bean was in the right place this time and have another one scheduled for Thurs to check the heart beat and better date my pregnancy (my cycles are longer than normal. My OB is pretty sure I'm 6wks as i measured 5w3d at my appt last Thurs from the gestational sac. I am happy to be on here with all of you. It's been so long since I've been pregnant that I forget all of these fun first trimester symptoms. Ugh!
Hi mrscmom25 welcome to the group!We are very close in due dates,mine is Sept 13 :happydance:
hi ladies may i join you? think im due around 4th august, had scan last week and they guessed i was 11 weeks, but baby was moving around so much they couldnt get measurments! they also saw an area of separation that they need to keep an eye on so back in for another scan on friday!

im 26, hubby 29, i have a 7yr old dd from previous relationship, this is our little miracle baby, we were told that we would have to to icsi to have a chance due to hubbys low motility, we were meant to start treatment this month, but actually got a natural bfp in november :) x
Welcome to the group guys! :D

I'm really struggling today, even moreso than last night. Ugh. :nope:

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