Baby On Board - Due August/September 2014

modified, you did have an external ultrasound which can be even more difficult to get accurate measurements on. Even with my internal exam my OB got two different measurements for my bean. I wouldn't stress too much about it, at the 12 week scan your bean will be bigger and they will be able to get better measurements with an external exam.
I Love Lucy, I am going to call the clinic tomorrow to see what they say. I will say that I hate the smell of the formula too. It's just nasty! I even tasted it off my finger and gagged! I'd tasted mine before too just because I was curious. Definitely MUCH better! Maybe there is another way to get him to drink it by maybe putting like a tiny drop of baby food in there and mix with it. One person from one of my forums said they make prune smoothies by putting a tiny bit of prune puree with 1 oz milk, but you can make a bottle and maybe get the flavor distributed? I'm not really sure how to help with that.

Right now I'm dealing with a spoiled fussy baby. He wants to be constantly held and it's driving me crazy! He wont stop crying while in his disc and staring at me wondering why I'm not walking over there picking him up and cries harder. I know he's teething some, but my goodness. He stays in my arms attached to my boob all night from around midnight to 6am when he finally goes to sleep for about 2 hours. I think he's just spoiled rotten. LOL! And yes, I'm getting ready to go pick him up. HAHA! I just can't deal with the constant screaming. He has a massive temper on him already. Wonder who he gets that from!! :-=

DD had to have a very medicated formula as she fell off the charts too, she resisted quite hard at first. She was never a big eater either so if she took 60ml/2oz that was a great feed. From 4 months her nurse had us sticking 2 tablespoons of double cream into each bottle, give it a richer more natural taste. We also would sometimes put a little strawberry or apricot puree in, shake it up like a milkshake. When we first had to transition her from breastmilk to formula (I had to go on some medication urgently that was not baby friendly) I had expressed quite a bit, so we mixed all her bottles 50-50 formula to EBM for a few days, then 70-30, then finally we'd try a formula only bottle every other bottle, and she just accepted it.
I'm into the 1 week and x days countdown till the 12 week scan!! :happydance: But another thread has got me questioning just how far along i am...

The first and second hpt I took were clearblue digitals with the conception indicator. Mine said 3+ weeks at 6 weeks + 6 days which would be 4 weeks + 6 days since conception?

I'm wondering just how accurate the measurements of baby were in the scan - it was 7 weeks + 5 days and the sonographer told me herself it'll only be rough as baby is so small. Oh, to be further along! :haha:
Don't trust the clearblue indicator, mine said 3+ when I was only 4+3 (so only about 2 weeks 3 days since conception). THey can usually give an accurate date at 10-12 weeks pregnant as babies are all about the same size then.
I definitely am not any earlier than my ticker/the approx. date when I took the tests - my husband and I only had sex once :haha: I just can't be 100% sure of the exact date! It was in November though :haha: (implant out on November 8th, didn't have a chance to have a period!)
Dinah, I got a new brand of formula which he seems to tolerate better but he still prefers the breast. I've gotten him to drink 1.5 ozs the entire day so far. About 6 or 7 yesterday (2.5 ozs in the morning and then DH got him to drink nearly 4 ozs before bed). It's really a struggle with the bottles and sippy cups as he seems to think they're just chew toys. I was thinking of adding juice to the formula to sweeten it a bit but then I read that you shouldn't do that because it could upset his stomach and/or curdle the milk. I might have to ask about the puree thing or some other options to make the formula more appealing to him when we see his pediatrician again next week for a weight check. Makes me sad that he's dropped off the charts in weight and that I had no idea about it. It's hard not to feel guilty. He barely weighs more than what he did 3 months ago. :(

In other news, I scheduled the rest of my OB appointments up to 30 weeks. Hopefully I won't have to cancel them since I know DH and I will be moving in March/April if I'm not mistaken on when our lease is up. But as of now, my gender scan is scheduled for April 15th. But we may find out before that due to genetic testing at the 12 week appointment. They're offering a blood test this time around that examines the babies DNA in the mother's blood for chromosomal abnormalities but it can also tell the gender if you want to know. Really excited to possibly know around 14 weeks or so as I imagine it would take a couple weeks to get results back. May hold of announcing my pregnancy until then so we can announce the gender at the same time. I'm definitely in no hurry to deal with my annoying family.

What are you ladies thinking about genetic testing since I know that's one of the topics of the 12 week appointment for a lot of people?
Modified, the range for pregnancy hormones is so large at each week mark to cover most of the population that blood tests only give approximately week. The clearblues are the same. They would have a level that they display 3+ for. It will be at a slight different point for everyone. 12 week scan will give a better indication of dates. But glad you are having some more symptoms :)

Brittany so glad your son is drinking a bit more. I hope he takes to it completely very soon so you don't have to worry about it anymore. Good luck with the yogurt! Hoping for lots of weight gains for your son!

Had my appointment this morning. It went well. I did have some spotting this morning which worried me especially as I've not had heaps of symptoms thr past week. She did a scan and all looked good. Heart beat is the best thing. So much more relieved now. She didnt measure but it had grown and development wise was closer to 9 weeks now (she said under 10 as well). Just have to wait until 20 Feb for 12 week scan as we are oversea on holiday the week before when I am meant to have it. The countdown is on! Oh and ms has come back today.
The formula is not working. DS went from chewing on the nipples and maybe drinking some of the formula to refusing to allow me or DH to get a bottle or sippy cup anywhere near his mouth. The poor boy was waking up nearly every hour wanting to nurse which was hell on me with the MS. I ended up bringing him to bed with me so he could just stay on the boob all night and we could both sleep at around 5 AM when I couldn't stay awake any longer. Still had a diaper with yellow pee in it this morning though rather than it being clear. New plan, sneak formula into his food. Managed to get him to take 2 ozs by mixing it in with some baby cereal. Now just trying to come up with ideas of foods I can mix it with which means I'll probably have to go back to spoon feeding him a lot of meals but I'll do it if it helps him gain weight.

Jacky, glad to hear your appointment went well. Especially with the spotting since I know seeing any blood while pregnant can make anyone nervous.
I Love Lucy, what type of bottles are you using? Have you tried different ones?

Not sure if we'll do the genetic testing as I didnt with either DS1 or DS2. I guess I still have a bit to think about it as my next appt is in 3 weeks and I'll only be 10 weeks at that point.

So I have been craving cinnamon/sugar stuff like crazy. DH went out of his way to get me a cinnamon/sugar wheel from papa murphy's. He put it in the oven for me and wouldn't you know it...he cooked it too long!!! UGH! Now I'm having to eat half burnt cinnamon/sugar wheel and it isn't that good. Guess tomorrow morning it's time for some cinnamon/sugar bread and eggs. LOL! I'll get it one way or another!
Well, had another ultrasound today! I didn't expect to get one (just went in to get blood test results,) but she offered, so I said yes!

It's amazing how the baby can grow in just 1 week! But like JJ's mom, I was a bit disappointed because I thought I was at least 8 weeks based on my LMP, but turns out I am 7 weeks 1 day...not sure if that's bad or good...or just normal?? She didn't do it transvaginally, so I don't know. But good thing is everything looks healthy and in the right place. We heard the heartbeat which was amazing! I just wish I was a bit further could you please change my due date to september 12th instead...

We did a bit of genetic testing, but mostly because my DH is asian, so we had to test for certain things common there, but everything is fine. She asked about testing for down syndrome...but I don't want to. Don't think it's necessary as I'm younger. As for other stuff...I don't think we'll test for it as we don't know of anything running in either of our families...

JJ's mom, I haven't been craving cinnamon, but I've been craving a queso burrito right now. What I would GIVE to have one right now...but I live in none for me!! :(

Jackyb, I'm glad your scan went well. :)

I have my 12 week scan March 1st...argh...1 month wait...don't know how I will wait that long...seems so far away when I know it's really not...
tropicsgirl, when I was pregnant with DS2 I craved burritos from taco bell smothered in their hot sauce! I just wanted all kinds of spicy food and I couldn't eat sweets period! It was crazy how that pregnancy went in terms of cravings and aversions! Glad your scan went well! Sorry you're not as far along as you thought either. It's funny how our bodies actually work and can ovulate later than we really think we have!
Ive been horrendously nauseous and tired yesterday and the day before... blurgh! :nope: And floored by headaches yesterday and today :nope:

Buuuut just 1 day to go till I'm in a new week and 11 days till my "12 week" scan (I'll be approx 11+3) :D
JJsmom the number of brands of bottles and sippy cups we have is ridiculous. We've been trying all kinds. DS kind of goes back and forth between which ones he likes. One day DH got him to drink fine out of one brand of bottle and the next day he wants nothing to do with it even if it has stuff he likes in it. I did try to weigh him yesterday by weighing myself and then weighing myself holding and the scale said he had gained weight. But who knows how accurate my scale is compared to the ones at the doctors.

Also sorry about your craving not being satisfied. I know there is an old wives tales about cravings that was actually accurate for me with DS as I had no desire to eat anything sweet. This time around I have a ridiculous amount of food aversions and want nothing greasy (I couldn't get enough of greasy food while pg with DS). I'm pretty much hooked on healthy stuff. And superman ice cream, it's ridiculous how much of that I'm eating... I guess not everything is healthy. :haha:

tropicsgirl, it's very normal for the baby not to match up with what he or she would be based on the LMP. With DS, he measured 5 days behind what he would have been based on my LMP and this time around the baby is 2 days behind. I did change your due date on the first post for you.

As for genetic testing, I'm really low risk for there being anything wrong but I've wanted to do it with DS and with this baby just so I can get the ultrasound at 12 weeks. If you opt to not to do genetic testing at my OB then you don't get another scan until 20 weeks which I think would be torture.

Since we were talking about cravings, is anyone having any feelings about what their babies gender might be? I've been leaning towards wanting another boy but with the way my MS has been and the food aversions and cravings I'm kind of thinking this bean might be a girl since it's so different then what I experienced with DS.
Brittany, its good that your son has put on weight. Fingers crossed it continues.

Tropicsgirl, glad all the genetic testing went well. We didn't do the downs testing with my dd as my risk factors indicated low but my doc wants me to this time and we will not find out thr results. She is not concerned about downs but they have started using the 12 weeks scan and testing as a diagnostic for placenta problems (and with my history want to know issues as early as possible).

I'm thinking boy this time round. My ms isn't as bad as with my dd and the same foods just aren't doing it for me. With my dd all I wanted to eat was savory and cheese chips. The thought turns me off this time and its salads and desserts. Like today, I just want lamingtons (sponge cake dipped in chocolate icing and rolled in coconut). I'm actually considering making them just to eat them!
I don't have a clue. I have an older brother and sister and they, along with my mum, had boys first so I'm saying girl just cause I like to be different :haha:

I've been totally floored with this headache. It's been over 48 hours and paracetamol just isn't touching it :nope:
Do any of you feel weird pains in your uterus? I feel these stabbing pains every once in awhile. Not like severe or anything. I can't explain it. I feel my ovaries getting them too sometimes. Is this normal?
Yeah, I've had it twice - the second time wasn't such a sharp pain. It was the same pain but duller and lasted all day.
It's so weird. It's like pressure where i feel like i may have to pee or poop, but then it goes away real quick, but the fluttering of the pain is still there. I just can't put it into words lol.
The sharp pains could very well be round ligament pain. I've had it a couple of times so far. The worst is when you try to turn over and it just shoots through there. It's just where everything is stretching.

modified, hope your headaches feel better soon!

I Love Lucy, Really glad to hear your son has put on some weight! I do the same at home with my DS2 to see how his weight is all the time to make sure he keeps gaining. DH brought me home some chicken lo mein from the chinese place later that day so I got what I wanted. LOL! I have been wanting more sweets so far this time around. I really want an ice cream cake and might send DH out to get one later, or maybe just a blizzard. I'd rather have the ice cream cake though, it's so much better! Had to look up what superman ice cream was as I've never heard of it! I've also been wanting to eat veggies like crazy. Got a veggie tray and downed it in no time. Was baby sitting 2 boys and one of them ate all the celery sticks in it while I got the broccoli and carrots. Gotta get me another one of those!

We had pizza for dinner last night and DS1 loves cheese pizza so I had a slice and DS2 wouldn't let me eat in peace. So he decided he was going to eat my pizza too! He grabbed it and chomped down with his gums (still no teeth). I told my sis and of course she flipped out saying he isn't allowed cows milk til he's 1. But he only had a tiny bit of cheese. Everyone else in our group is feeding their kids straight cheese and they are younger than Colt.
Thanks for the reassurance! I probably did just ovulate late...I have anywhere from 30-35 day cycles so that makes sense.

Modified, I have the same pains sometimes. Agreed it's prob just round ligament pain. Though mine aren't as bad at the moment.

It seems my cravings change every day. Right now I just want yogurt or some fruit, but the other day I wanted a burrito. The only thing I never seem to want now is milk and lots of chocolate which I usually like.

No idea what the gender might be. However my DH thinks it's a girl...but I honestly have no idea! Me not craving chocolate is suspicious...boy?? haha who knows!
I all the time want spicy stuff. like jalapeno cheetos or hot fries. mmm. I also get cravings for sweets. i think my peanut is a boy!

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