Baby On Board - Due August/September 2014

Having the worst morning sickness tonight, I forgot how terribly fun this was :/ how is everyone doing this evening? I just need a way to distract myself from this awful feeling lol.
On Erth&nHvn, I'm so sorry. :( Hopefully next time it will be better for you...jackyb, congrats!! :) I know that happy feeling because I just had my first scan today! I didn't expect to...but I was having some cramps and not sure why...turns out it was just diarrhea (sorry TMI...) but she said she would do a scan to be sure everything was OK. I can't even describe the feeling I had when I saw the tiny heartbeat!! I also had my blood drawn..not the most fun part.

Modified, good luck! Let us know how it goes.

Missybee, I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I am fortunate in that I don't have morning sickness (well...I still do have stomach issues though). Other than that I am feeling fine.

I just told my parents mom was very excited. My dad....well, he's hard to read. I'm not exactly young, but I also don't own my own house, etc, which makes him worried (he worries all the time). I just wish he could have been more excited for me...but maybe he was just in shock...
Hi ladies!I was going to have my 1st scan on Feb 3rd,but it got moved up to next Tuesday.The doctor said she wants to do it a bit earlier,just to confirm a heartbeat and everything.Now I'm stressed out all over again.I am sooooooo scared I will get there and they'll tell me that I'm not really pregnant :(

I still have zero symptoms,just the extremely sore boobs.Even the cramping has gone away.
Animo2022, I wouldn't worry too much about not having symptoms. I really don't have any symptoms that would make me think a-ha! I'm pregnant! My mom also didn't have any with me. But I know the feeling...I worry sometimes about the baby too, but after seeing it today I feel much better. Oh and my cramping has pretty much gone away too...but who knows, it may come back later on.
Hey .. took a pregnancy test two days ago. POSITIVE. Off sick with a bug at the moment and going GP tomorrow for that so will see what he says. Due Sep :happydance:
Welcome woodie! :D

First midwife appt went well even if she did blow my vein and I couldn't even squeeze out a drop of pee :haha:
I got a scan appointment for this Saturday,at a town 40 minutes away.I just can't wait any longer to know what's happening in here,lol.This is actually perfect,because now my husband can go with to the scan,and doesn't even have to take off work.
Had my first appt today! She said that she doesn't think I'm over 8 weeks yet by feeling my uterus. But she is sending me for a dating scan on Wednesday next week! I told her I wasn't too sure of my dates but they asked appx when my LMP was. I told them sometime in Nov. So they were going off Nov 15 which I think it was later than that because I didn't have it for Thanksgiving but it was over just before. So we'll see when my actual EDD is next Wednesday!! She said even if I was 8+6 as they were calculating by the 15th, that they still wouldn't be able to hear the heartbeat so wasn't going to try at all.

Also talked to her about breastfeeding. I'm having a horrible time because I'm in so much pain. She said I might need to start weaning which I already am feeding him baby food. But she mentioned formula. I hate the thought of formula but if I to, I guess 7 months of BF'ing is better than none. I was crying over it last night but at the same time I'm screaming and crying every time DS2 latches on. The lactation consultant I spoke with as well has told me that my nipples have gone back to how they were when I was pg with ds2 and to try lanolin but I'm just not sure it's going to work as much pain as I'm in. They also mentioned pumping and supplementing if need be. I'm not pumping a lot so I'd definitely have to supplement.
MissyBee, I'm right there with you on having bad MS. I did discover yesterday that eggs have been working really well at getting rid of my nausea, at least for a little while anyways. Maybe have a hard boiled egg (that's how I've been eating them since I can make a bunch at a time and save them for later) and see if that helps you at all.

tropicsgirl, I don't think men find pregnancy particularly exciting the same way other women do. I remember my mom and MIL were so excited that they started to irritate me because they would talk to me about nothing else but my dad and my FIL didn't really have much of a reaction. Though my FIL is an ass who treats me like crap so his reaction could have simply been because it was DH and I expecting.

AniMo, the extremely sore boobs are a symptom!! And the cramping does eventually go away until around third trimester. I know mine has pretty much stopped at this point. You may also be one of the lucky ones that won't have to deal with MS. Hopefully the scan will help you relax.

Woodie, welcome! Will add you to the first post now. Let us know how your appointment goes!

modified, I used to have to hold my pee for at least an hour before every appointment with DS just so I could make sure I had enough urine for them to do the tests they needed to do.

JJsmom, excited for your scan next week! I'm counting down the days until mine on Tuesday. I can not wait to see the little bean. As for the breastfeeding issue, I'm really sorry you're having so much pain. I'm really not having much trouble except sometimes in the evening my nipples are much more sensitive but it's not a constant thing. Have you tried the gel pads? I know Lansinoh has them. I remember when I started breastfeeding DS my nipples were so sore and those did help a lot to soothe them. I hope you won't have to go to formula. I know how heartbroken I would be if I had to give up breastfeeding, not because formula is bad or something like that but because I really love my breastfeeding relationship with my son.
I Love Lucy, I'm going to get some Lansinoh cream tomorrow. I only ever used the small sample tube they gave me before because it only hurt a bit and then I went to pumping and then finally got everything situated. I toughed it out a lot in the beginning too. But now it is just horrible. The lactation consultant suggested to at least try the lansinoh and go from there. She said she completely understands if I can't continue and she told me to look at the bright side if I have to, at least I got to nurse him for at least 7 months and a lot of babies don't even get any breast milk at all.

Both her and my doc said that it might become a concern for preterm labor because BF'ing causes the uterus to contract and can also cause a miscarriage. (I'm not so worried about preterm labor as I've been induced both times and the last time was at 37 weeks due to pre-eclampsia.) She asked if I had been having any contractions. Which my response was I don't think so but every once in a while I feel a tingly feeling in my belly but always have since I have started nursing him. But again here I sit after feeding him to sleep and my right side is cramping so who knows. LOL! I really want to continue so I am hoping the lansinoh helps.

Lactation consultant said he's probably nursing a lot more at night because he's not getting enough milk during the day anymore so he's trying to make up for it which is why he wakes up so often. I'm going to try pumping only again and see how much I get out and see if I need to supplement any as well. I might be able to do that too which would mean he'd still be getting breast milk but some formula too.

Sorry for the long posts!!
BP already started rising and I've just been put on my first set of tablets. My hopes for a termie are already looking a bit unrealistic :(
no bleeding, no cramping. I will wait a bit and try testing again but I will likely just schedule a DR appointment.
Welcome loveandterror!

I'm having my scan tomorrow.Just worried they won't see anything.Is it too early to hear or see anything?If I go off my LMP,which was 17 Nov,I will be 8 weeks 6 days.
My friend saw her baby at 6+1 so you should be fine although it will probably be an internal ultrasound but you'll be able to see it :)
Welcome loveandterror!

I'm having my scan tomorrow.Just worried they won't see anything.Is it too early to hear or see anything?If I go off my LMP,which was 17 Nov,I will be 8 weeks 6 days.

You will be able to see something, for sure. This is my little bug at 7 weeks 5 days and I did not have an internal ultrasound - mine was done normally on my abdomen. Just drink PLENTY of water beforehand - have a very full bladder. The sonographer was able to get such a great view of my little bug by using my full to bursting bladder to look through!

It says 9 weeks on the scan because that is what the midwife put me at as a guess because I didn't have a LMP - I measured 7w5d that scan :)
JJsmom, I wonder if the breastmilk issue is why my son is now waking up so much lately. I know my supply has lowered enough that my one breast is barely producing anything so I've pretty much only been nursing off of one breast.

Dinah, I hope the tablets help you.

OnErth&InHvn, probably a good idea to see a doctor so you can find out for sure one way or another. I think it's a good sign that you're not having any bleeding or cramping though. Keep us updated!!

Welcome loveandterror! I'll add you to the first post in a minute!

AniMo, my first scan with DS I was measuring 7 weeks and 6 days and we were able to see something and hear his heartbeat. It was an internal scan, not sure if that would make a difference at all. Let us know how your appointment goes!

AFM, I have my sisters baby shower tomorrow then on Tuesday I have my DS's 9 month checkup and will finally have my first appointment with my OB. I'm getting really anxious to go so I know everything is okay with the pregnancy and that my DS is gaining weight well. Like JJsmom mentioned, I've been having a bit of trouble with my supply lately so I've been a little concerned even though he is on solids.
How come yours was internal Brittany? That ultrasound photo is from a day earlier than your scan and was external - is internal just standard procedure where you are? They try externally here and, if nothing is seen, internal is offered.
Had my first scan of peanut today 8w0d they said everything was good & hb was 166bpm :cloud9: & it was an internal scan but next time it won't be. Also had to get a pap today :/ but glad all is well with baby :)


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How come yours was internal Brittany? That ultrasound photo is from a day earlier than your scan and was external - is internal just standard procedure where you are? They try externally here and, if nothing is seen, internal is offered.

It might be standard procedure but I'm not 100% sure. I think early on an internal ultrasound is easier to get measurements because it's clearer. I'm hoping to get an external ultrasound at my appointment on Tuesday since breastfeeding as resulted in a dryness issue. Having an internal exam will be very painful for me.

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