Baby On Board - Due August/September 2014

try not to worry hun, my symptoms came and went a few times, now i just cant shift the sickness! any way you could express your concerns to midwife and get reffered to your epu? mmc are rare, think its just the nature of this site that makes it seem more common, no bleeding/cramps etc? x
My symptoms have been coming and going the whole time so far.. logically, I know it's 100% normal haha I just can't shift this feeling! I haven't so much as spotted even once.. no cramping either so not a chance I'd get an NHS scan heh. The clinic I had my private early scan has a 50% of sale right now making the scan only £44.50 but I'd feel so stupid going back... I only had the scan 11 days ago :nope: Don't know what's wrong with me! Even took another hpt last night :dohh: :haha:
dont suppose you went to abc4d?? i went to the motherwell one for my early scan (i know theyve also got an edinburgh n its 50% off n got a voucher for 50% off dating scan :)
I did! I loved them - got the 50% off voucher too. They were so lovely and the screen was HUUUGE :D I feel a little better now though.. husband told me to go and buy some nandos and quit my worrying :winkwink: So I'll be doing that :haha:
sounds like a good plan! ive just had an emotional moment crying on the hubby as i feel totally useless atm lol, so now hes being nice n going to get me pizza and ice cream!
Welcome to the new ladies in the group! I've added you both to the first post.

OnErth&InHvn any news on your pregnancy? I've been thinking about you lately.

AFM, MS is getting bad. Threw up for the first time yesterday. On the plus side I have my first appointment today. Will be nice to finally know what my official due date is and then I'll have a bit of a better idea on how much longer I'll be cursed with MS.
Today the fatigue has hit me like a wall of bricks. I am working from home and sifting through server logs and found myself drifting off to sleep right there sitting up in front of my computer screen. Not really other symptoms, last week my hips were killing me, but now I think they have settled down. I just can't stay awake. As soon as I settle and get comfy, I'm fast asleep. Having ultra sound on Thurs to better date my pregnancy and check on heartbeat. Am so glad they did one last week to make sure the bean was where it should be. I had 3 totally normal pregnancies so I expect this one to go just as well, but with the TR and then the ectopic, it still made me nervous. This is really a blessing for us. We didn't think we'd be able to have a baby together and I'm so glad my TR worked!
modified, try not to worry!! You are over the 9 weeks hump and on the down side of the first trimester. That's usually when symptoms start tapering off because your hormones aren't constantly doubling. :hugs:

AniMo2202, I have a 7 month old so I have just been through this all last year. I'm glad I can help make you feel better! I know I was really freaking out last time and am a tiny bit this time. I had a mc when I was 20, so 13 years ago and I have 2 healthy babies since, but it still scares me. I just relay things that I've learned from last year and hope they can help others as they have helped me. :)

I Love Lucy, how did your appt go?

Welcome to the new ladies and congrats on your BFP's!!

Can't wait until tomorrow morning for our scan! I just want to see that bean on the monitor with the little flickering heart!!
I Love Lucy, can you change the front page for me from Baby #2, to Baby #3? I already have 2 sons. 1 will be 10 in 9 days and the other is 7 months :) Thanks!!
I changed that on the first page for you JJsmom. :)

My appointment with my OB yesterday went well. I had an internal exam and it was not at all painful like I was expecting it to be so I guess my body is getting more normal as far as the dryness issues and stuff I was having goes. One measurement of bean put him or her at 8w1d and another one was at 8w3d so my OB is going to keep my due date the same as what it would be based off my LMP since it would only be a couple days difference. So I'm now due Aug 28, 2014; one day before my dad's birthday. DS was due one day after one of my BIL's birthdays. We also got to hear the heartbeat. MS is getting bad for me as well. Woke up this morning and had to run to the bathroom and throw up everything I had munched on threw the night when I woke up. I'm not looking forward to dealing with the throwing up. Especially because my DH is such a baby, you would think I'm hurting HIM by throwing up.

I did get bad news yesterday. We also had my DS's 9 month check up where we found out he has actually lost weight rather than gained. It appears my milk supply is far lower than I thought and I'm now having to give formula which has pretty much devastated me. Especially because DS hates it so much, he constantly tries to shove the bottle away, he only wants on the boob, and what formula he does drink he spits up. The whole situation just makes me want to cry every time I think about it because of how stressful it all is. DS has dropped off the chart entirely for weight in his age range and I feel like everything I'm trying to do is failing.
I Love Lucy, so sorry to hear your son has lost weight! Are you trying different formulas? Not sure if they taste different. I'm still nursing Colt all night and twice during the day but give him 2 or 3 4-6oz bottles of formula to help supplement. I know how upsetting it is as I've gone through it too. You have done a great job by giving him 9 months of your milk! But if you supplement at least he is still getting some of your milk and then the formula. You've done a great job and it's your body not producing enough because there is a baby inside there. Your body is fighting itself knowing there is a baby growing but at the same time you are trying to nurse. That's what the lactation consultant told me.

As for me, I had my u/s today. I'm disappointed and upset but at the same time glad I got to see it today. Based on when I know my LMP was, I should be 8 +6. The scan showed a baby at 7 +3. Definitely devastated because I thought I was so much further and the baby measured small. She did it through the abdomen rather than transvaginal because she thought I was farther along is my assumption. We saw the heartbeat and it was 135. I don't understand how I would have got a BFP at 3 weeks exactly and a positive digi at 3 +3. I'm worried now about our little bean and I know it might have a growth spurt soon, but it still scares me. I think I was better before I had the scan! I wasn't worried as much! The tech said she'd have the info over to my doc office this afternoon. I wonder if they'll want me to go in for another scan in a couple weeks to check growth? Also, with breastfeeding it is very possible that I O'd late but at the same time, why would I have got a positive digi so early? They said my edd is Sept 7th but I still think I'm going to be in August sometime.


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Hi girls! I would like to join. I am due September 12. I've had 2 losses before this pregnancy, but this is child #1 for me. Hope to have support through this emotional time! I am almost 7 weeks and have my first scan tmrw at 915am!!
Congrats Babydust!! Hope this is your sticky bean!! Good luck at your scan tomorrow, let us know how it goes!
JJsmom, I'm trying my best to get DS to drink some formula but I'm not getting him to drink nearly as much as my pediatrician was wanting me too. A lot of the bottles I make just get dumped. He just doesn't seem to like it. Not that I blame him, the formula I got from the pediatrician smells awful. I've heard that breastmilk is sweeter than formula too. I did order some of a different brand and that's supposed to arrive tomorrow so I'm hoping he might like that more. Especially considering it's $30 a can, I would hate to waste it. Ugh, I don't know why people would choose formula over breastfeeding if they're able to do it when I think of the cost.

Also, I'm sorry your scan didn't leave you feeling very reassured. I know early on it's hard to get accurate measurements. Especially with an abdominal ultrasound. Even with the internal that I had my OB had two different measurements (one was 8w1d, the other was 8w3d). Maybe you could ask to have an internal exam in a week or so to see if that gives better results?

babydust, welcome! I hope this is your sticky bean! Let us know how your scan goes tomorrow.
I Love Lucy, I am going to call the clinic tomorrow to see what they say. I will say that I hate the smell of the formula too. It's just nasty! I even tasted it off my finger and gagged! I'd tasted mine before too just because I was curious. Definitely MUCH better! Maybe there is another way to get him to drink it by maybe putting like a tiny drop of baby food in there and mix with it. One person from one of my forums said they make prune smoothies by putting a tiny bit of prune puree with 1 oz milk, but you can make a bottle and maybe get the flavor distributed? I'm not really sure how to help with that.

Right now I'm dealing with a spoiled fussy baby. He wants to be constantly held and it's driving me crazy! He wont stop crying while in his disc and staring at me wondering why I'm not walking over there picking him up and cries harder. I know he's teething some, but my goodness. He stays in my arms attached to my boob all night from around midnight to 6am when he finally goes to sleep for about 2 hours. I think he's just spoiled rotten. LOL! And yes, I'm getting ready to go pick him up. HAHA! I just can't deal with the constant screaming. He has a massive temper on him already. Wonder who he gets that from!! :-=
Sorry your scan wasn't where you expected jjsmom. There is so much variation at this point - most accurate is 10 weeks and then 12 weeks. Hopefully at 12 weeks its exactly where you know it should be. I was the same as I would have found out at under 3 weeks and then had blood tests at 3 weeks that said more than 4 weeks. Abdominal scans aren't accurate until closer to 10weeks.

Brittany, congrats on your scan. Sorry your son lost weight. We tried different formulas and bottles with my dd. In the end I found a sweet tasting formula that she liked. She only took it without spitting it out from my dh after 2 weeks of trying. You have done amazing getting to 9 months and being pregnant. Don't feel like a failure because you have bf 9 months longer than so many people and given your little boy the best start! Does he eat yoghurt? Could you give him full fat natural yoghurt once a day to help with the weight gains. We found that helped my dd who has had very low weight gains since 4 months (gave her yoghurt at 7 months and her weight gains improved). I hope you find something that works.

I have my doc appointment tomorrkw. I really hope she scans me as I think I need to see the hb as a reassurance. I don't have nearly anywhere as much ms as I did with dd and only really tired most of the time (ms off and on). I'm starting to worry now.
To the new ladies, welcome! :) I hope everything goes well for you.

Modified, I understand because I literally don't have any symptoms right now except for being totally exhausted (as in I come home from work, eat dinner, then pass out and wake up the next morning). The exhaustion was not as bad last week. So it worries me too....but I'm trying my best to keep positive. You're further along than me so I think your hormones may not be so "raging" anymore!

JJ's mom, I'm sorry your scan wasn't what you expected. I'm not sure why that happened, but at least it sounds like everything else is fine. I would also be irritated to be put a week behind as well.

Off to go to sleep (again). I need it to be the weekend now...
Hey girls!! :wave: All went well today!!! The US tech told me baby would be 1/5 of an inch, but baby was 1/4 of an inch! Little bigger than she expected. She said i'm right where i need to be. That my EDD is still gonna be Sept 12. I asked if there was 2 and she said no lol. She zoomed in on the baby and i heard the heartbeat! :cloud9: Seems so much more real now. I am over the moon!!!! I have a dr appt with my Dr. on Feb 11. Not real sure what for. I guess to see how i'm doing. The tech didn't say how many bpm the heartbeat was, but i was happy to just hear it! Andrew and i teared up. We are so excited!!! Makes it harder for me to hold the news in!


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JJsmom, I'm considering mixing a little juice in with his formula to sweeten it up some if I have no luck with this new formula I just bought. I'm hoping maybe a different brand will be something he likes more. Also sorry about the fussy baby, my DS is the same. It's even worse now that he can crawl. He follows me all over the house crying at me until I pick him up. If he could have his way he would just be attached to my hip. LOL

jacky, DS does eat yogurt. I had DH pick some up at the store so I could start giving him yogurt every morning at breakfast. I hope your scan goes well today!

babydust, so glad to hear your appointment was good. Your next appointment is the same day as mine if I'm not mistaken. At the 12 week appointment, you can do genetic testing if you opt to do that. Usually just an ultrasound and blood work that isn't invasive to the baby. If you opt not to do genetic testing then I would imagine it's just a regular check up where they will see what your weight is, check your urine, maybe hear the babies heartbeat with the doppler, etc.
Thanks for the words every and :hugs: to everyone having a bit of rough time with boobs or babies! :hugs:

Welcome to new people too :happydance: babydust, glad your scan went well! That's fantastic :D

Well, I had a pretty bad day symptom wise yesterday! I was ever so slightly nauseous pretty much all day and would randomly gag like I was going to puke every so often - exactly how it was weeks ago, before I got my BFP. I was shattered too. Again, how it was pre-BFP. Mum and I went to the supermarket to get dinner and about halfway round, I started having another funny turn. By the time we got to the checkout, I had to leave my mum and go and sit down. I could physically feel the energy draining out of me, heart was racing, I was freezing but I was sweating and I was shaking.

I got this very rarely pre-pregnancy - once every 7 or 8 months or so. It's happened twice in the past week/week and a half :dohh: tried to explain to midwife when I was there and she said it's normal in pregnancy... I just left it there. I told her it happened pre-pregnancy, it's just more often now but... meh :shrug: :wacko:

I'm into the 1 week and x days countdown till the 12 week scan!! :happydance: But another thread has got me questioning just how far along i am...

The first and second hpt I took were clearblue digitals with the conception indicator. Mine said 3+ weeks at 6 weeks + 6 days which would be 4 weeks + 6 days since conception?

I'm wondering just how accurate the measurements of baby were in the scan - it was 7 weeks + 5 days and the sonographer told me herself it'll only be rough as baby is so small. Oh, to be further along! :haha:

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