Baby On Board - Due August/September 2014

tropicsgirl, nausea is a good sign and even though it's not comfortable, at least you know things are still going well with your pregnancy :) That's what I always think about! Eating a little something will always help. With DS1, the doc said to keep crackers by my night stand. It wasn't too bad as long as I ate something as soon as I woke up. I only really vomited twice. During my pregnancy with DS2, same thing but I vomited 3 or 4 times I believe. As long as I eat or drink something when I feel that way, it will go away. The nausea this time has been about the same, but I seem to feel it after I've eaten too but it's not as bad and goes away quickly. I'm wondering if that means another boy for me.

I don't have a scan booked yet. I have my first appt this Thursday as long as I can make it. I baby sit this girl here and there when her parents need it and I hope this Thursday isn't one of those days. I was just told to be prepared for lab work, no scans were mentioned.

modified, my lower back is horrible as well! I take baths, my DH gives me back rubs here and there, but nothing seems to really work as that muscle will be stretching and moving for the next 8 months which will continue to cause some pain here and there. Hope it gets better for you!!
bahhh, it's bad! I don't have a great back anyway and I've read that if you don't, the back pain will just be... stupid during pregnancy haha. I'm okay now but it felt like my lower back was splitting open :dohh: I get a very bad lower back pain with my period... it was like that, intensified by 32485285 hahah :dohh:

oh and congrats tropicsgirl! I found out about a week ago, 12 week scan is Feb 5th but I couldn't wait and had booked a private scan that very day :blush:
Thank you JJ's mom and modified! :) Sometimes I wonder if I make these things up in my head...I had slight nausea this morning, but after I ate something I felt better. Now I feel perfectly fine, besides some off and on cramps. My cramps are kind of near my hips and feel like stretching and pulling. Is it normal to cramp more when I move or laugh? I have to go upstairs to my classroom (I'm a teacher) and I feel the cramps a bit more then (but they are not like AF cramps.) I actually live in Thailand, so it's a bit challenging figuring out prenatal care here than it would be back home (the US). It's also hard being away from my family, but my husband is very supportive as is his family (they are Thai).
Hmmm maybe I should be more insist about getting my scan done earlier then!
The position I'm in can affect cramps... like, I'm sitting on the couch sideways with my feet up so my thighs are pressed against my front - I just sneezed and it hurt :(
Yes it is perfectly normal to feel more pain when you laugh or move a lot. I remember with DS2 that I was laying in bed and just turned over and screamed out in pain. DH was freaking out! I was afraid I was ripping something as that's what it felt like. Turned out it was just the uterus growing and when I moved it was different and those muscles are all achy from not being used. So they will be sore in the beginning as they are growing. :)

modified, I have very bad posture to begin with that affects my lower back and a chiropractor told me that my lower back has two vertebrae that dont have enough space for the nerves like the rest of mine do so that's why I end up with lower back pain. But breastfeeding my 6 month old doesn't help as I am usually arching my back to do it which causes more pain. Hope your back starts feeling better!!! It shouldn't last the entire pregnancy I hope!
I'm having a lot of lower back pain this time around too. I don't remember having as much of it when I was pg with DS but at night time I notice it quite a bit. I'm assuming it's due to spending all day carrying DS around as he pretty much wants to be attached to my hip.

tropicsgirl, sounds like MS is starting for you. What you're describing is exactly what I experienced with DS where I would feel nauseated and then I would eat and feel perfectly fine for a few hours. It ended up getting worse for me where I had 24/7 nausea and eventually vomiting at least once a day. Hopefully that's not the case for you. This time it feels like I've jumped right to having 24/7 nausea.

I have been reading that protein shakes help with nausea but I haven't tried any as I would like to speak to my OB about that first since a lot of stuff I was reading said you have to avoid a lot of stuff in protein shakes or something.
Hi ladies!

I'm 22 years old and now pregnant for the second time, I miscarried my first little one in May 2011. Both pregnancies were a surprise to us, but I'm very happy to be expecting again, this little one is due on daddy's birthday! September 3rd. I'm just so nervous, hoping that everything goes okay and that the same thing doesn't happen again. I would be so devastated :(
Missybee, hope this is your sticky bean. Congratulations!

I was hoping my ms wouldn't be too bad this time as with my dd I was quite sick by now but I spoke too soon. Really don't know how I even made it to work today! Even snacking every couple of hours isn't helping. Luckily I have my pregnant bladder so lots of toilet trips is helping so I can get fresh air. Haven't been getting back pain and didn't with dd- could it be position of uterus? So nervous for Thursday (only 3 more days, I'm in Australia so its Monday afternoon here already).
JJsmom, that's good to know! It's also weird when my cramps will come and go...right now I have no cramps, but I know an hour later I will probably have them again. Today's not as bad as yesterday though. Ilovelucy, I think m/s may be starting...but so far it's been very very mild (thankfully). I just had a bit of nausea when I ate a chocolate muffin this morning...guess I should stick with the healthy stuff that I'm craving! I actually (TMI, I know...) had diarrhea this morning. Not sure why...

Missybee, congrats! Hoping it will stick for you! We have the same due dates! :)
Congrats Missybee! Hope you have your sticky bean this time! It's cool to see babies born on other people's birthdays! My sister did that with 2 of her three kids, the third was only 2 days off from hers. LOL! One is on my birthday and one is on my little brothers birthday.

tropicsgirl, it's normal to go from diarrhea to constipation when you are pregnant. With your hormones changing it will change your bowels as well. I tend to go back and forth which is frustrating. I'd rather have looser stools than constipation!!

I'm not craving healthy stuff by any means!! I normally don't eat chips but I've been wanting them, but most of all, cheetos cheese puffs. I have never liked them but it has seemed I can't get enough of them! Also craving chocolate! When I was pg with DS2 I had severe food aversions which was strange to me because I didn't have any aversions with DS1. But I had an aversion to all sweets and all meat. I couldn't look at raw meat period. My family was getting tired of canned food and black beans. HAHA! Eventually I could start cooking/eating chicken but that was it. No red meat period. But I made a lot of black bean/corn/salsa quesedilla's and then loads of stuff with flavor so I didn't taste the chicken too much so it wouldn't bother me. Hoping I don't have those food aversions this time! They started at 12 weeks last time which was right after Christmas time.

I Love Lucy, I am not sure about protein shakes. I haven't heard anything before but if you find out I'd like to know! DH is trying to lose weight and we just got a ninja blender and I'm making smoothies. I have the whey protein to start adding to them so he can have a nice healthy breakfast and thought about doing the same with mine.
Congrats missybee! Hopefully this is your time :hugs:

I've been getting crappy pains :nope: Not fun! Luckily my back hasn't been sore like it was though, just little uncomfortable twinges every now and again.
Welcome Missybee, I added you to the first post. I really hope this baby is your sticky bean. :)

tropicsgirl, I find with MS it's best to eat whatever it is you're craving. With DS my poor DH was forced to eat fish from this greasy fast food chain here for about a week straight. This time around I'm just wishing for some cravings since I'm so nauseated I don't want to eat anything at all and my list of foods that I find repulsive seems to be growing by the minute.

JJsmom, from what I read whey protein is what you're supposed to use. I plan to ask my OB about it when I go for my first appointment on the 21st so I'll let you know what I find out. I don't plan to start doing any protein shakes until I ask since I have read that you have to watch out for certain ingredients in protein powders and I definitely don't want to do anything to hurt the baby or prevent me from breastfeeding. Instead I've been trying to eat foods that have more protein in them. A box of mac and cheese had 10 grams in it and I didn't feel nauseated as quickly after eating that so it makes me wonder if that might be some truth to the protein thing. Of course, it could have been a one off too.
I Love Lucy, A chicken breast has 17g protein, a leg has 18g. Fish (tuna, salmon, halibut) has 22g in 3 oz. Sirloin roast 3 oz has 23g. 1 slice of bacon gives 3g. 1 egg has 6g. Nuts are a good source too. That's just some things I found when I googled what items had protein. :)

modified, hope your pains ease off a bit!
Protein does seem to help, I've not been on the shakes just trying to follow a high protein diet. Unfortunately I have no desire at all to eat protein, or anything but fruit really.
Dinah, this is how I was my last pregnancy with DS2!
OnErth&InHvn, I'm so sorry you're getting BFNs. Are you bleeding or cramping at all? maybe there is some other reason you're getting BFNs other than a MC? :hugs:

Dinah, I'm right there with you on not really wanting to eat a lot of the stuff with protein. My food aversions this time around have been ridiculous considering the only thing that bothered me when I was pg with DS was tomatoes. My list of stuff I find too repulsive to eat is growing by the minute this time around.
OnErth&inHvn so sorry. Could it just be urine was too diluted?

Had my scan this morning. All looks good. Saw a heart beat. Now to wait 4 weeks til the next one.
Good luck modified! Hope all goes well xx will you have the blood draws? Have you got another scan scheduled?

I see my doc next week to schedule the next ones. Trying to feel confident :)

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