Baby On Board - Due August/September 2014

What I want changes every day too. From cheese to yoghurts to mac n cheese to chocolate based cereals to crisp sandwiches :dohh:

Double figures today! :happydance:
My cravings change as well. Right now I am craving an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. LOL! Getting one today! Also getting a country ham. I've been wanting one for a while so I'm finally getting it. I love the scraps from them in my eggs. Doc will be pretty upset with my BP most likely LOL!!
Modified, I'm sorry about the horrible headaches you're having. I rarely get bad headaches but when I do, I usually have to have a Tylenol and then lay down in a dark quiet room for a nap. Hope you get some relief soon.

babydust, I have pains like what you describe from time to time. I think a lot of it is just your body preparing for the months ahead. I also have a lot of gas pains which can make me feel uncomfortable. Thankfully I haven't had ridiculous constipation this time around like what I had with DS.

JJsmom, I can only ever find superman ice cream at Meijer. I don't know of any other store that carries it. Also, a lot of things I've read said you can offer cheese and yogurts and such as early as 6 months or wait until at least 8 months. You can also give food with cows milk in it as long as it's been cooked. I think the only thing you're not supposed to do is give cows milk to drink until a year. So I would say if he wants to eat some cheese pizza then go for it.
modified, sorry about your headaches! I have had a couple this pregnancy myself. I saw a post on FB that says if you put your hands/feet in hot/warm water and put a bag of frozen peas on the base of your head, it supposedly gets rid of your headache. Now it showed a pic of a girl sitting on something tall with her hands and feet in a sink with the bag on her neck. maybe that's something you can try.

I Love Lucy, I was thinking the same thing, that it's really just cow's milk to drink. But he didn't seem to have a problem with it and it wasn't like he ate a whole slice or anything. He only ate a very very small amount.

I am so tired today! I have so much homework to do and don't have the time to do it. I hate that! I didn't realize I had as much as I do, and then I had to go grocery shopping too. So now I'm down to less than 4 hrs left to get it all done. :( Haven't had help from DH because he worked yesterday morning and this morning. He gets home and then wants to relax so I still had to take care of Coltyn (DS2). Then I asked for his help tonight and he'll only have him for about an hour, 2 at max because it's almost his bedtime and I have to nurse him. He nurses to sleep. Which means I'll be done about 10pm putting him down and then have 2 hours to get everything done. I know it doesn't help being on here but had to check in since I've had my nose in my books most of the day.

Hope all you ladies are doing well!!
modified, sorry about your headaches! I have had a couple this pregnancy myself. I saw a post on FB that says if you put your hands/feet in hot/warm water and put a bag of frozen peas on the base of your head, it supposedly gets rid of your headache. Now it showed a pic of a girl sitting on something tall with her hands and feet in a sink with the bag on her neck. maybe that's something you can try.

I Love Lucy, I was thinking the same thing, that it's really just cow's milk to drink. But he didn't seem to have a problem with it and it wasn't like he ate a whole slice or anything. He only ate a very very small amount.

I am so tired today! I have so much homework to do and don't have the time to do it. I hate that! I didn't realize I had as much as I do, and then I had to go grocery shopping too. So now I'm down to less than 4 hrs left to get it all done. :( Haven't had help from DH because he worked yesterday morning and this morning. He gets home and then wants to relax so I still had to take care of Coltyn (DS2). Then I asked for his help tonight and he'll only have him for about an hour, 2 at max because it's almost his bedtime and I have to nurse him. He nurses to sleep. Which means I'll be done about 10pm putting him down and then have 2 hours to get everything done. I know it doesn't help being on here but had to check in since I've had my nose in my books most of the day.

Hope all you ladies are doing well!!

Ooh that's definitely something to try! Thanks :thumbup: I've been okay today... only a couple of sharp "warnings" that a headache was coming but it never amounted to anything!

I hope you find some time to get everything done! I start open university within the next few days (enrolled before getting pregnant) and I'm absolutely dreading it! I don't have the energy :nope:

Speaking of that... is this normal?

When I get up and just stand or walk, after a few minutes I start to get breathless and I feel nauseous. The longer I stand or walk, the strong the symptoms get. After 5 minutes, I'm swaying and feel like if I don't sit down right now I'm either going to fall down, pass out or throw up? My midwife tried to tell me it's normal but... if this is normal, how do other people work? Look after their other children? :nope:
What is this superman icecream?? Must be good!

I feel for you ladies who are having to go to school. Even though I graduated from university awhile ago, I'm thinking about going back for my masters degree. Having a child and doing that sounds exhausting, but worth it I suppose.

dizziness is a I think it's normal. Sometimes I carry around a lime (crazy I know...) and sniff it when I feel that way...haha! Look weird doing it, but it helps.

Today I'm getting these short stabbing pains on the left side of my stomach. They're not around all the time but they're annoying. Feeling so tired too. Ready to go home and take a nap. I get so tired going up stairs too. Feel so out of shape!
It's so much more dizziness though :\ When I was with my most recent ex, the first time it happened he asked if I was hypoglycaemic (he was) because, apparently, it's identical to a low blood sugar attack. The fact that, if I drink a very sugary drink whilst feeling that way, I can almost literally feel my energy growing again as the crap feelings go.

Based on how he would get when he forgot to use his glucose meter, I'd have put money on that! But I've had several blood tests over the years (never specifically for this - it never happened enough for me to bother going to the doc until now) and nothing has ever come up.

It's weird. I told my midwife and she said dizziness is normal and I shut up because I didn't want to explain that it's so much more than that :nope: I would go to the doctor about it but he'll just take blood and, if I wasn't having an "episode" at the time, wouldn't it just come up normal!? :wacko:

No one needs to reply to this aha, I didn't mean to type so much!
modified what you're experiencing does sound normal. I know I occasionally get dizzy and will feel breathless going up my stairs even though I never had a problem with it before pregnancy. I definitely think you should mention it again to your doctor though if this is a problem you experienced before pregnancy. I would think if you had some kind of medical condition the results would show up even if you're not having an episode but I'm no doctor so I can't say for sure.

tropicsgirl, superman ice cream is black cherry, vanilla, and blue moon ice cream all swirled together. I can't seem to get enough of it this pregnancy. What's sad is I came downstairs and saw DH had, had a bowl and I told him not to eat anymore of it because I want to eat it all myself. It's like a gallon container of ice cream. :haha:
Ach, we'll see how things go! :haha:

That ice cream sounds goooood!

I got my blood results from my midwife booking in appointment. Apparently I'm not immune to rubella so I "should avoid contact with that disease".. like I'm gonna go hunting down someone with rubella :haha: :winkwink:

My mum also brought over this this morning... she'd bought it for me. I'm scared that it's early but I'm not sure her buying this could do any damage :winkwink:'s-Baby-Essentials-Box/002687925,default,pd.html

Everything smells amaaazing:happydance:
I've wanted to start buying a few things already for this baby but I'm going to wait until I reach second trimester. I don't think I would cope well seeing things that I bought if something should happen. But don't think I haven't picked out just about everything I plan to buy already. :haha:
That superman icecream does sound amazing! Ice cream is one of my cravings and I could probably eat it every day...

DH and I got into an argument the other day (over something stupid) but I worry that if I argue with him (I got pretty upset,) that it will be bad for the baby. :( I spent the next day worrying that my stress would cause an MC or something. I'm fine obviously...but still nervous. I've been having occassional dull pressure in my abdomen, but it could just be stomach issues.

I won't start buying until at the earliest 2nd trimester...just can't afford to!
I refuse to buy anything for the baby until I feel completely confident that nothing bad will happen. last time I bought a swing and within 4 days I miscarried. I can't help but think I jinx myself. Sucks how much a mc can ruin you.

tropic I understand about the arguing. I feel the same. seems like it upsets me so much that I think it affects the baby. try to calm yourself before you start to lose your cool.
I had a screaming, blazing, shouting and swearing, blood pumping murderous (yeah, that big hah!) argument with someone when I was 6 weeks. For the next 5-6 days after, I had crippling cramps - so bad I'd cry! I thought it was stress (I have stomach ulcers)!

But a week and 5 days later at my scan, baby was okay.

Try not to worry :hugs:
I have been looking at things but I won't buy anything until we know what it is. We'll have to buy another crib, and DH was like, where will we put it? LOL! We already have 1 crib in our room, so looks like we'll have 2. But we have so much stuff from DS2, that I will wait and see what this one is first.
Thanks. :) I'm feeling much better about it. I really have to learn to keep my cool (well so does my DH I think...) I think it's just the stress of everything. My DH is applying for a visa to go to my home country so that is stressful. Also, I think he's secretly stressing out about the baby (finances, etc.) We're both very excited, just worried which is normal I guess.

babydust, that's partly why I don't want to buy anything either. Worried I'd jinx it! Oh well...better to save money anyway.
JJ I ask the same to myself about one crib! lol. I want to have the crib in my room. I have another bedroom but it's downstairs and it's so cold down there. this isn't our forever home. we're renting off OHs brother. I hope we can make room!
tropicsgirl, maybe next time things start to get intense try to leave the room until you calm down. I remember whenever I would get upset while I was pg with DS it would instantly result in me getting very nauseated and sometimes throwing up. Having arguments is normal though. Pregnancy is stressful because of all the hormonal changes happening inside your body, plus all the changes having a baby will bring. It's scary sometimes thinking about finances, how a baby is going to impact your relationship, etc.

JJsmom, have you considered getting a toddler bed for your DS and using his crib for the new baby? I've seen toddler beds for babies as young as 18 months, I know your baby will be a bit younger than that when your new baby arrives but it might be an option to consider. Unless you have no desire to move your DS from your room then that might be a waste but I know that's something we're planning with our DS since he would be close to moving out of his crib anyways.

babydust, what about getting a bassinet for you room or maybe a cosleeper? I never had to worry about this since my bedroom is huge so I'm not sure how long a baby fits in those but that might be something to think about. As for the room downstairs, is it possible to put a heater in there to keep that room warmer so you don't have to make your room more cramped assuming you would eventually want to put the baby in his or her own room while you're still renting from your OH's brother.

AFM, DS's weight check appointment went great. He's now 15 lbs, 7 ozs so he gained back everything he lost plus some so he knows weighs more than what he did in December before he lost weight. Pretty happy with everything since with the current arrangement with the formula DS is only needing to get about 6 ozs of formula added to his food and then I'm able to continue to breastfeed him. I am unhappy with the fact that it seems like his pediatrician is really trying to push formula on me. Even with him gaining nearly 10 ozs in a week they're still trying to get me to give him bottles of formula (which he hates). It's like they want me to end breastfeeding and switch him entirely to formula which I have no desire to do. Formula is not the right decision for our family which is why we chose breastfeeding and why I was so heartbroken when I had to supplement. I wish people, especially those in the medical field, would be more supportive of breastfeeding.

Also planning to take my first bump picture tomorrow. Is anyone else starting to show?
Glad everything is going well for everyone :) trying not to stress out and argue is proving hard for me atm, hubby is getting frustrated because he comes home from work and ive done basically nothing all day apart from school runs and sometimes putting the dinner on, and im getting frustrated because my ms is still so bad that i find it hard just doing that!
i just wish he could experience what i feel like for a few days so he understands how awful i feel!!
feel bad on my dd too, as when she gets home from school we used to do stuff , play games, art stuff etc, now all i can do is help with homework do dinner n she has to entertain herself!

apart from that im finally starting to show a bit, loosing the bloat and feeling pregnant instead of just ill!!
ohh and this is a pic of my bump at 12 and 13 weeks x


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Don't think I'm starting to show. I'm overweight and it's still early! Boo, I want a big bump :haha:

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