Baby On Board - Due August/September 2014

It'll happen eventually! I hope :haha: I did buy my first pair of maternity jeans today - though I'm just looking more chubby than usual, not pregnant!
I'm def. bloated! It seriously looks like I'm pregnant, especially after I eat...and I'm not even overweight! Maybe it shows more on me because I'm thing..don't know!

I had horrible leg cramps in my inner thigh last night...not sure why. Made it really hard to fall asleep. It was like off and on cramps...really hurt!! :( In the daytime it's fine...
Tropicsgirl, I used to get bad cramping with my dd - I would have to move positions as the blood wasn't flowing back from the legs like it should have. It was worst when I slept on my back or left side. I ended up finding that a body pillow was great at helping with cramping. Hope you find something that works xx

Not sure when I will show. With my dd I was 26 weeks before you could see but being mg second it will be sooner this time :)

Hope everyone is feeling good today xx
navywag, sorry you're DH isn't being more supportive. Mine is pretty good most of the time about me not doing anything around the house but that's probably because he's a slob and having a mess everywhere doesn't bother him like it does me. He did get mad at me one day when I was asking him for help with DS and had the nerve to say that I never feel well. As if I have any control over how crappy I feel.

Love your bump pictures too. I think I'm showing a little bit but not that much. Will attach my 10 week bump picture in a minute. My maternity clothes are still large on me but I want to do some kind of progression thing for this baby and I want all the pictures to be in the same clothes so that it's easier to see the changes.

Modified and babydust, with this being your first it might be awhile before you show. I don't think I had a really noticeable bump with DS until about 16 weeks.


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You girls are so tiny!! I'm a 200 lb girl. It will be awhile before my bump comes through lol. I'm so jealous too! I am definitely a bloater though. I can already feel my pants getting tighter.
babydust, don't worry you aren't the only one! I was 205 when I got pregnant this time and 215 with both my boys. I only feel bloated like I can't suck my tummy in like I used to. It will be a while before I show. :)

I Love Lucy, Putting DS2 in a toddler bed isn't an option. We only have 2 bedrooms in this house and DS1 is in one, and we are in the other. I think 13/14 months will be too young to move him into a toddler bed. I can eventually purchase the equipment to change his crib to a toddler bed. Glad your DS is gaining weight! I'm mostly down to BF'ing once a day and that's at night. I'm just not getting anything out anymore. I've been supplementing and since I have been he's gaining weight like crazy! He was 17 lbs 7oz at his last doc appt 1.5 months ago and today I weighed him at home and he was 20lbs. He's drinking a lot of formula though. He seems to rather have the bottle during the day anyways and the boob at night. He wakes up a lot though because he doesn't get full.

AFM, been feeling really crampy and tired! I've had a lot of round ligament pain yesterday and today. It's 6:20 and my DS1 is supposed to go have his birthday dinner tonight and he just finally chose where he wants to go. Go figure. So now he's up there getting ready and I'm waiting on him to come down so I can go upstairs and get ready.
jacky b, a body pillow would be good! Last night was not so bad...but I kept waking up every 2 hours for some unknown reason. I just don't sleep deeply through the night like I used to for some reason.

Even though I'm thin, I'm still very much a bloater! I seriously think I look 4-5 months pregnant after I joke. Even my DH says that and he said the other day he noticed some ladies staring at me who obviously thought I was pregnant....nope it's just the bloat!

I'm just trying to stay awake at work now and lunch time cannot come soon enough. I'm hungry...
Went to the drs at 1130 because i had light pink spotting. I'm left with even more questions. The dr went over my sonogram with me. Said baby looked okay but he did see a dermoid tumor in my right ovary and a cyst in my left ovary. He said the dangers of that to the baby are none, but it may be affecting my hormone levels (progesterone). He scheduled me another scan on Monday at 1030am. I have to go see my original dr later that day at 230pm. He asked if we heard a heartbeat and i said yes. He said well that's good because only 3% who have a heartbeat ends bad. So that gave me a little bit of reassurance. He said the tumor could be a reason why i am spotting because it's left over from when i ovulated..... or something like that. I didn't follow that part. I am just anxious now for Monday to get here.... i don't know whether to cry or not.
Babydust, I hope everything is ok xx good luck Monday at your scan xx
I had light pink spotting at the end of last week, just before my scheduled antenatal appointment. She did a scan and couldn't find anything to explain it (hb looked good as did growth). She put mine down to the placenta doing its final attachment that is common between 6-9 weeks.
I'm not really sure what is going on. I just ate dinner and then went to the store. As i was walking around i all of a sudden felt nauseous. Then i started feeling feverish. I was breaking a sweat real bad and then the lights seemed to be getting brighter and brighter. I felt dizzy. It lasted 3 mins and then went away. Any ideas?
That's how I feel every time I walk. It comes on after anything between 5 and 20 minutes and it lasts until I sit down and rest. I've been told here and by my midwife that it's normal :shrug:
Babydust, it might have been your blood sugar level. I'd definitely mention it to your doc just to check. I'm not sure about that being normal. I know dizziness is normal, but not feeling feverish? But I'm not a doc either.
babydust, I felt that yesterday too. I wanted to go lie down or throw up...

I thought I had gotten away with not having any morning sickness, but now I'm not so sure...I've been waking up feeling queasy (don't actually throw up,) and randomly I will feel that way during the day/evening. Before if I ate something I would feel better...but now it doesn't seem to help. :/ It's no fun going anywhere because of this nausea!! And I can't stay awake past 9 PM anymore...
Still not feeling much nausea, just here and there. I've had to completely switch DS2 to formula. Even at night because he's just not getting enough. He's constantly waking up screaming hungry. I'd nurse him and he'd fall asleep. Try to lay him down and he'd wake up screaming again. So last night I gave him a bottle to see if that'd help him and sure enough he slept 4 hours before waking back up. I guess this pregnancy has finally made e stop producing milk. Tried pumping earlier this week after a few hours and didn't even get 1 oz out of both so I knew it was a matter of time. Now I'm trying to figure out what to do because he loves to comfort suck at times but he wont take a pacifier. I guess I'll let him continue to comfort suck as long as he wants to.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Babydust, let us know how your doctor appointment goes today.

JJsmom, what about giving DS a bottle of formula and then putting him on the breast afterwards to comfort suck?
OHHHHHH i just wanna jump up and down with excitement! I got to see peanut today and it was the most CUTEST thing ever to see it's little arms and legs wiggling around. My gosh it was adorable! Heartbeat was 173 bpm. Also baby is measuring 2 days ahead as of right now. Such a strong little bean i got!! OOO i am just so excited. I go see my OBGYN at 230 to go over everything. I hope it's all good news!!


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Babydust, let us know how your doctor appointment goes today.

JJsmom, what about giving DS a bottle of formula and then putting him on the breast afterwards to comfort suck?

I am doing that at night. I'm frustrated a bit because I've lost my milk, but I understand because I'm pregnant again so my body says it has to produce for the baby inside now. At least I got some good time nursing DS2 and plan on doing the same with baby #3. I feel so tired and crappy today. Blah!

Babydust, so exciting seeing your little bean!!! 173 is definitely a strong heartbeat!! :happydance:
Babydust, so glad your appointment went well. It's always amazing getting to see the little bean for the first time.

JJsmom, I understand your frustration as I'm kind of in the same boat. I think I went into this just expecting to be able to nurse all through pregnancy and have the option of tandem nursing. I never expected to have supply problems so it all caught me off guard which of course just made it more difficult to accept the need to supplement
Wooo! That's great babydust! :D :D

My "12 week" ultrasound is technically tomorrow (it's after midnight here, heh... It's on Wednesday) and I'm a little worried after this:

I've been getting pains I don't know how to describe. Sometimes they're in the right hand side like the stretching pains, other times they're right above my pubic bone. They don't feel the same as the pains the midwife told me was ligament stretching... but still no blood... so it's probably just stretching pains still.

It only happened late last night. It started then 3 or 4 hours later, I went to bed. When I got up in the morning, it was gone. It came back about 2 or so hours ago. So it's only happening at night.

I also haven't been to the bathroom for a poo in I don't even know how long.. a good while. So it could be associated with that.

Who knows? :shrug:

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