Baby On Board - Due August/September 2014

Hey girls :wave: How is everyone doing?

I haven't purchased anything for the baby yet. I might once i get into 2nd tri. I was also thinking about cloth diapers. When i mentioned it to OH he gave me a weird look and was like "no". HA! Once he sees how much we all would benefit from it, i think he will change his mind! I too have lost all symptoms. I've lost more like a week and a half ago. Baby's heartbeat is still on the doppler so i'm not freaking out too much. My scan is a week from Thursday. I can't wait. 3 weeks from Friday i'm getting married!!! I'll be exactly 15 weeks that day. I am so excited!!!!! I hope it warms up though. I am so sick of this snow and coldness. At my last sonogram which i was 8w3d, baby's heartbeat was 173 bpm... now on my doppler the hb is staying around 140. Is it normal for heart rate to decrease over time?
Good luck with your wedding!

I don't have a doppler (still not heard heartbeat yet!) but I'd assume it's normal. I mean, our heartbeats are far slower aren't they?

Can't believe I've survived this long without a doppler! Only because there's no shop I can just go and buy one and bring it home the same day :haha:
It's quite normal for pregnancy symptoms to start ending near second trimester. It's one reason so many say second trimester is the best trimester. I'm hoping my symptoms will be gone soon. 14 or 15 weeks is when I started getting relief from MS with DS and then it was 100% gone at 18 or 19 weeks.

modified, the pain you described sounds exactly like round ligament pain. Completely normal and nothing to worry about.

Babydust, the heartbeat does slow over time. With DS his started out at 170 something bpm at my 8 week appointment, then was 160 something at my 12 week appointment, then at every appointment after that he was in the 140 bpm range with the exception of one time where he was in the 130 range. I can depend on how active the baby is being too. If he or she is sleeping you'll probably find a slower heart rate but if he or she is active you'll probably find a faster heart rate. Kind of like our heart rate increases during exercise. I believe it's anything in the 100 range is considered normal. With this pregnancy, the heart beat was 163 bpm at my 8 week appointment and then 168 bpm at my 12 week appointment but they had me doing all kinds of activities to get baby to move (he or she just wanted to sleep apparently).

Also, exciting news about your wedding. DH and I got married around 18 weeks pregnant with DS. We waited until MS was gone which started to go away at 14 or 15 weeks like I mentioned but it just happened to come back at 18 weeks and then stuck around for a week. I like to say it was DS's way of making his presence known though I would of much rather had him move around like crazy rather than make me sick but I'll have some funny stories to tell him about our wedding day when he's older as a result.
Exciting that everyone is starting to feel better and we are all reaching the second trimester!

Had my scan last week. It was all looking good. I have my next appointment with my doc on Friday. My ms hasn't really gone but its worse when I'm tired - which I am at the moment as I have a sick bub. A few friends and I are going out for tea tonight as a girl's night out and a break from it all. Really looking forward to it :)

With my dd her heart rate ranged from 148 (when sleeping) to 180 when active but typically around the 160 mark. This one has been around 165 each scan. Like Brittany said, it depends what they are doing at the time. When I got the 180 with my dd they made me have a monitor on until her hr normalised. She was just moving around and I'd also just had a cold drink. I had the monitor on for an hour until she finally went to sleep and her heart rate dropped to 148. If they are worried they will monitor it closely but sounds like its in the normal range.

Hope everyone is doing well xx
I hope I can join all of you. My name is Stephanie, DH's name is Kyle. We have a little boy named Gavin (almost 19 months). This will be baby number 2. I am a SAHM, we are due in August 28th, 2014. I am excited because my birthday is August 25th, so maybe we will share birthdays :)

We got married May 19th, 2012, I was 29 weeks pregnant with Gavin when we got married.

So far this pregnancy is great, except for cramping/bleeding early pregnancy. Now everything is going very well. We are having a 2D/3D/4D combined scan on March 15th, and we will be able to see what we are having. So excited for that.
Glad your scan went well Jacky!!

Welcome Kittey! You're exactly a week behind me! Congratulations :D Our gender scan is next week!! Eek!

I'm still taking my very fever-ish funny turns. I went out to dinner with my mum today but before we could get to the restaurant, I had another and I was *this* close to actually passing out :nope: Midwife appointment is also next week so I'm going to have to mention it... this happened pre-pregnancy though so I don't know what it is! It's just far more common now.
Welcome Kittey! I'm due a day later than you :)

Babydust, good luck for your wedding! Sorry I can't remember if you have told family or were going to announce at your wedding. If you are good luck. What an exciting time! X

Modified, I hope your spells disappear soon. With my daughter, my blood pressure dropped super low and I was fainting even laying down. My doctor got me to wear control tights that help with regulation of blood pressure (high and low) which I got at the chemist (drug store). I found them great and I actually had feeling in my feet during the day at work as before the tights they were going numb. I hope your midwife checks it all out xx
welcome and congrats kitty!

modified, sorry you have to deal with that. :( Have you been checked for anemia, etc?

Feeling much better this past constipation, no MS, etc. Only thing is feeling tired (but not as bad as last week,) and occasional sore boobs. Scan is in 2 days...hoping for the best...I'm sure I'm feeling better because I'm nearing the 2nd trimester. It's just annoying when I read on all the websites that you will feel better in the 13th, 14th week....when some women seem to feel better earlier (or later).

The other night...I could have sworn I felt a tiny "kick." It might have been my imagination (or gas hah...) but it really felt "different. Felt like someone was poking me on my left mom told me she felt me move at 3 months and said she knew of other women who felt something like "butterflies" pretty early. Who knows...have any of you "felt" anything?
Yeah, I've had bloods done! Normal :shrug:

I could have sworn I felt something last night haha. I was watching a movie in bed and rolled onto my stomach - I felt like.. popping a few times that stopped when I rolled back onto my back! It'll have been gas for me though, for sure. Just a kind I haven't felt before! :haha:

I'm 15 weeks! (ticker won't update for another just under 3 hours!)
Congrats babydust on your wedding!! It's always so exciting and stressful at the same time! I got married May 21st last year when I was 34 weeks pregnant! We say this much, Coltyn showed up at 37 weeks so I'm thankful we were able to go on our honeymoon even though I had some miserable moments because I was so far along.

Welcome kat and congrats!!

I'm so excited because we had our ultrasound today! I'm moved back to August 29th!!! She said they had me down as 12 +4 but I'm really 13+6 based on the measurements today! So they are going to use Aug 29th as my due date. Looks like in about 7 weeks we'll have our gender scan! I can't wait!! I have come down with a head cold now though that really stinks! I got a call to watch a little girl last week and I told them yeah I'd do it. Turns out the reason why she wanted me to watch her was because she was sick. I hoped I wouldn't catch it but the mom walked in my house, was carrying her daughter and the diaper bag while the dad carried the car seat. So of course this week I end up with it. Have had some things going on with my older son too that have really just devastated me the last week. So I'm ready to try and have a relaxing weekend but still don't see that happening. But hopefully soon! Hope all you other ladies are doing well!
Jacky, you and I are the same with the MS. It always seems to hit me the worst in the evening when I'm tired and ready for bed. Hope your LO starts to feel better soon. My DS seems to be having an issue with teething so trying to get him to go to sleep normally results in him getting hysterical which has been awful for us lately.

Welcome Stephanie! We have the same due date! I've went ahead and added you to the first post. Excited for you to have your scan!

modified, I'm really excited for your scan next week!! Hopefully LO is cooperative. I also hope your doctor can give you some advice about the feverish spells you're experiencing too.

tropicsgirl, glad to hear you're starting to feel better. I started to get relief from MS with DS around 14-15 weeks so I'm hoping things will be approving for me very soon. Also exciting that you might be feeling movement. I've thought the same a few times but what I've been feeling doesn't feel like what I experienced with DS at first. It didn't feel at all like a kick but more like a flutter. And since what I've felt isn't like that, I'm going with it's probably gas. But that's not to say you can't actually be feeling baby move so don't think I'm saying you're not or something.

JJsmom, your due date is my dad's birthday. Exciting that you're a little further along then what you thought though. I'll update the first post in a second. Also sorry about the head cold. I was just dealing with one a few weeks ago and it was awful. I highly recommend using a Neti Pot if you're not already.

AFM, we got the results of the genetic testing we did today. Everything came back normal which I'm thrilled about. We were low risk to begin with but always nice to have that extra reassurance. We also got to find out the gender which was a bonus of doing that test so I'm pleased to announce, IT'S A GIRL!! Excited to be joining team :pink: this time around. :) DH and I are planning to go out to eat and will probably buy a few things at Babies R Us to celebrate.
I hope you get a decent rest and things with your son calm down!!

I Love Lucy, me too! And CONGRATS on a girl!! Have you thought of names yet? My scan is a week tomorrow!

I got a doppler today!!

After about 15 or so minutes, I found little bug really low down on the left hand side - then they moved! It took me another 10 or so minutes to find him on the complete opposite side, really low down on the right side! And they stayed in that general vicinity the whole time. I shouted on my husband and mum to come listen - they didn't like that and swam away :haha: And each time I pressed it down a little, he'd move over slightly to either side so it was like a game of cat and mouse for a while :haha: he eventually settled down and let all 3 of us have a really good, really loud listen! It sounded like they kept kicking it :haha:
Modified I'm pretty sure the name will be Emily Michelle. I've wanted that name for a daughter since I was a kid. I don't think there is anyway DH could talk me into anything else but thankfully I'm pretty sure he already knows that and is okay with the name.

Also when I was pregnant with DS he was not a fan of the Doppler. Whenever they had to check his heartbeat at the OB he would always move away or kick it as soon as they found him. I always found it funny.
JJsmom - HOW EXCITING getting to move up that far! Sounds like your baby is a growing bean! That is great!! I hope you start feeling better.

Britt - CONGRATS on a girl! That is wonderful. I'm so happy all the testing came back good and that you got the surprise of finding out gender. Wow a boy and a girl! Are you going to stop having babies now or are you going to try again in a few years?

Modified - my baby stays right above my pubic bone too and usually off to the right, but it always moves too when i try and listen. Seems like it always hides by an artery or by the placenta. It's so hard to find sometimes because of all the noises from where it's hiding.

AFM -- 1 week from today that i get a sonogram! I can't wait.
Lovely name, glad your husband is keen too! I just found it annoying - I hadn't had a chance to hear it really loud and clear yet :haha: :haha:

babydust, mine couldn't be further right if they tried!! The doppler was whacking off my hip bone :haha: Good luck for your scan! The day before mine :thumbup: I'm feeling more relaxed about mine now that I've heard the hb!

I cannot wait to find out gender!!!
I can't wait either!!! I've been going with boy the whole time. OH seems to think so too. If it ends up being a girl i'd be in total shock! Regardless i'll be super duper excited. My baby stays right below my belly button, but off to the right about an inch. I was listening a bit ago and baby was so active. Heard so much noise and movement LOL. So stinkin cute.
What does babies movement sound like to you? I'm not sure what all the other sounds I'm hearing are! I hear the whooshing that is apparently the placenta... but in all different places in a line across my stomach :wacko: My husband told me "it sounds windy in there" when he was listening hahah
LOL i hear the windy sound too! Sounds like i'm in Kansas. When i was listening i had my hand very still listening and i could hear a loud noise and it sounded like movement almost. Like.... when you're on the phone with someone and they tell you to hold on and you can hear the phone run across their shirt or pants. It sounded just like that lol. I'm not sure if it's movement, but i swear it has to be because i was still and the baby was moving all around in there because the heartbeat was close then far then close again. Was doing karate in there or something :haha:
Ooh! I hear all sorts but not that haha! Is it a sonoline you've got? I'm using an angelsounds and wouldn't like to have tried any earlier than I am right now - it was frustrating enough! I did find him pretty quick though (I'm convinced baby is a boy!). Mostly because the angelsounds is big, it's quite hard to get it really low down and angled. I just wanted to hear the heartbeat though, I'm not bothered by how fast it is etc... and I've done that now so I'm happy! And it was free so I can't complain! I'll probably try and have another listen before bed :haha:

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