Baby On Board - Due August/September 2014

Had another listen and counted because curiosity got the better of me :haha: 155 bpm which, if we're to believe the old wives tale I just found on google, indicates a girl :winkwink: :haha: :haha:
Modified, my dd always was around 160 and she was a girl. My friends with girls also had higher heart rates. Only one friend ended up with a boy after 160 beats. Its fun guessing but youcll know very soon :).
This one is around that mark too. Took the doctor ages to find its heart beat today at my appointment today. She almost had to do a scan to find it. Cheeky bubbas. They don't seem to like the Doppler or being monitored. I'm starting to think im getting another girl :) yay I can reuse all my clothes but the name will be hard (we can only agree on boy's names) so may need to get some help with middle names from you all... Ill know in another 6 months :) until then its just guess :)

Counting down til my next scan now... 6 weeks :)

Love the name Brittany xx
Brittany, congrats on a girl!!! How exciting to have one of both!!

modified, the old wives tale really is just that. My DS1 & DS2 both were above 160. It really depends on if the baby is awake or asleep as the heart rate is lower when they are asleep and can really get moving when they are awake swimming around. :) Good luck either way! I can't wait to find out the gender either!
Haha I know, it's all fun though :haha: not long for me now! Get my birthday out the way then it's just a few days :D
Babydust, DH and I have always said we wanted 2 or 3. Lately kind if leaning towards being done at 2. Will give ourselves a few years to decide for sure before we do any kind of permanent birth control though.

Modified, both of my babies have been in the girl range. DS actually had a heart rate faster than DD at one of my appointments. The only old wives take that was accurate for me with both pregnancies is the one regarding cravings.

Jacky, I admire your willpower. I would never be able to stay team yellow.

Afm, I got to buy a few girl outfits yesterday which was so exciting. I probably could have spent hundreds had DH not told me I couldn't get anymore. LOL.

My sisters c section is this morning. My nephew should be arriving any minute if he hasn't already. So excited that I haven't been able to go back to sleep.
Good morning ladies. I have my 14 week midwife appointment today, we weren't able to hear the heartbeat last time we were only able to see the heartbeat. I hope we are able to hear the heartbeat, Gavin is coming with me to this appointment since the first one is usually the longest. This is one of the nicer midwives so maybe I will see if we can give Gavin a little sneak peek of his brother or sister. We find out 2 weeks from tomorrow what we are going to have....we are very excited. It's going to be hard though, because my Dad doesn't want to know what the sex is. We were able to keep Gavin a secret from him...everyone else knew what we were having. LOL.

I have been having these strange dreams, where we are in a van...and it's just DH, me, Gavin and baby...but I can't see what baby is. LOL. I originally wanted 4-5, but 2 will be good for a while...we at least want to wait until the other 2 are in 1st and 2nd grade...than we will see. :) I really want to be involved in the kids' kindergarten classes when they get to that point!! <3

For names we have: Connor Wyatt and Sophia Lynn. I love the name Wyatt and DH isn't too found of it, so he agreed that, if we use it, it could only be used for a middle name. Than we both love the name Connor. The name Sophia we have had for a long time...before we found out Gavin was a boy. LOL. Than Lynn is my mom's middle name.
Brittany, congrats on being an Auntie!!!

Kat, how did your appt go?

modified, happy birthday!!!!
My appointment went great. It was just the usual stuff. The heartbeat was ranging from 140-150. I felt really bad for Gavin (this is his first time hearing it) and he looked so worried when the Doppler came out, and she was putting the gel on my belly, that made me tear up quite a bit.

The good news is that we have a "check up" scan on Monday :happydance: DH won't be able to make it to it, but my Mom is coming with to watch Gavin. I have heard we may be able to "see" the excited about that. But even if we do find out the sex, we will wait for the "for sure" sign LOL. :)
Ilovelucy, congrats on the baby girl!!!! :) How exciting! Love the name too.

Kittykat, glad your scan went well! It's nice that your son could be there even if he was worried. Let us know about your next scan!

I have my 12 week scan in a couple excited and nervous!!! I am a bit worried...and DH complains that I worry too much. He thinks everything's fine. I guess I'm just a worry wart. I just really want everything to be OK. Trying to stay positive!
Hi all. Is it too late to join you all ? I'm due on 6 September 2014 . Currently 13 weeks and has my NT scan two days ago . This is my baby #2 and I have a 3.5 year old girl .
Well, I had my scan! I am too much of a worrier. Everything was fine! The baby was squirming around like a monkey and they had a hard time getting good pictures for awhile! Heard the heartbeat and everything looks great. SO relieved. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can enjoy my pregnancy more (I'm also feeling good which is a plus). Oh, and she put me 1 week ahead-13 weeks! So could you please change the due date to Sept. 6th.

Buzybee05, welcome! We have the same due date! :) Hope everyone is doing well.
oh hunny how awesome!!! even more awesome you're further than you think! woohoo. pics look wonderful. glad u can relax a little better. the last one with arm over its face is soo cute! I think boy
tropics, your scans are lovely!!! Glad everything went well!!

kat, glad you get a check up scan on Monday!!
Doc office called today. They said I have a hypothyroid which really bites. I have had nodules for years but my thyroid has functioned properly until now. They want to refer me to an endocrinologist but my insurance dont cover it so not sure what to do. Also have a bladder infection so they are calling in some antibiotics today for me. Glad I didn't wait longer to have another child if I'm already having these problems.Thyroid was even fine last year when I was pg with DS2.
Aww i'm sorry JJs. Is the hypo the one where you lose weight? My family has a history of thyroid problems. My grandmother had to have hers taken out a few years ago. I hope you can get it all under control. That stinks your insurance doesn't cover it. I hate paying for something that doesn't help you at all (insurance). I just got a hospital bill for an ultrasound that was $1800 USD and after insurance i still have to pay $700. RIDICULOUS!!
How did your scan go KitteyKat? Hope you might get a peak at what the sex is.

tropicsgirl, glad your scan went well! So glad you feel more relaxed now about everything. Will also change your due date in a minute.

Welcome buzybee, definitely not too late to join. I'll add you to the first post!

JJ, sorry about the hypothyroid diagnosis. I don't really know much about it so afraid I can't be much help.

AFM, still dealing with MS. Actually threw up yesterday. At least this time around I'm not throwing up daily like I was with DS. Also in the middle of house hunting. DH and I found two houses we were interested in only to discover they had been sold already and the ads just hadn't been removed. Seriously one was bought just last week so we're not having the best luck at the moment. Looking at another one now but trying not to get to excited about it given how things have been going so far.
Hi ladies. Scan went great, I am measuring right on track. The only thing is that the legs are measuring @ 13 weeks. (Gavin's legs are short, so maybe this baby will be short as well).

They asked me about the sex, but I guess I just felt bad because DH wasn't there to experience it with me, so I decided to tell them that we have a scan in two weeks, to see what we are having. So I waited. :) I would just really like DH there with me. Only a week from Saturday, that's not that long too wait.

The baby had the hiccups while she was measuring, it was so cute. I never experienced seeing the hiccups with Gavin. The baby was at the perfect angle, and the technicians just learned how to do a 4D ultrasound, so they decided to try it on me, as soon as they put the wand to my belly, the baby went to a odd angle, but we didn't manage to see the butt crack and the thigh :)

Here are a few pictures.
awwwww wow! I really enjoyed looking at your scan. what a beautiful baby you have! so exciting! can't wait to see what it is. I didn't see a nub so I'm thinking girl but I am a bad guesser.

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