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Baby On Board - Due August/September 2014

babydust, from what I read about hypothyroid it is where you gain weight. My mom had the same problem with the nodules and had hers removed probably about my age now. No matter what I'll have to be on meds for the remainder of my life either way now. So might as well get it removed as soon as I get obamacare after I deliver. Yikes for $700 for the ultrasound!!!

kat, lovely scan pics!!

Brittany, hope your MS goes away!!
Glad your scan went well, Kittey. Not much longer until you have your next scan.

AFM, MS has been worse this week. I've thrown up the past two days. I just want it to go away. :(
Hello ladies :) I feel awful I haven't been on here since about january, I find the forums that's I can get in an app are so much easier but this is the forum is used when we were ttc so I feel loyal to it :)
Since last being in here we had our 12 week scan (end of January) and found out we were 11 days further than we thought, now putting my EDD at 19th August :) still awaiting my blood results for the downs. (Baby wouldn't play ball at scan) got my 16 week midwife appointment friday so hoping we get to here the heartbeat :)
Hope all your pregnancies are going well :)
Glad to see you back here Annie and that things are going well for you. I'll update the first post with your new due date.
I'm glad for those that things are going well and sympathising with those still having horrendous symptoms!

My funny turns are still happening but getting more frequent :nope: I've also felt really uncomfortable in my lower abdomen, going round to my lower back for the past couple of day. Dunno what's going on there :shrug:

16 week midwife appt is in 25 minutes so I'll be sure to ask :)

I also just bought this.. first outfit I've bought baby (mum has bought a couple of others)
Is this the appointment you'll get to find out the gender? If so, I really hope baby decide to cooperate and you can get a peak.

Cute outfit too! I think buying baby stuff is so addictive.

AFM, having the worst day ever with MS. I'm starting to feel like it's never going to go away.
Congrats on being team pink Brittany!

Can you update my edd to 31/08 please? I've got my gender scan a week on Sat so hopefully I'll be able to update then with pink or blue! :)

Hope everyone is well xxx
I'll update the first post in a minute. Very excited for your gender scan too!
Is this the appointment you'll get to find out the gender? If so, I really hope baby decide to cooperate and you can get a peak.

Cute outfit too! I think buying baby stuff is so addictive.

AFM, having the worst day ever with MS. I'm starting to feel like it's never going to go away.

No, this is just an appointment to check up on how you're doing and listen to the heartbeat :) My gender scan is tomorrow :thumbup:

Really sorry your ms is still here :nope:
had my scan today. baby had its back towards us lol so couldn't see much. gestational age was 13w4d. so im measuring ahead a bit. I'm guessing it's a boy. just have this feeling. hb was 140


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Really excited for your gender scan tomorrow, modified.

With so many scans coming up are you guys leaning towards wanting one gender over the other? Any feelings on what you're having? What are the old wives tales predicting?

I found with both pregnancies the only old wives tale that was accurate for me was the one regarding cravings.

babydust, love your scan picture!! Are they moving your due date at all or leaving it as it is? I think they only change the due date at my OB if the baby is measuring 2 weeks bigger or smaller.
I don't think I have a preference! I think it's a boy, though.

I've had to google old wives tales lol...

Chinese predictor says girl.
Apparently skin is one! My skin has been drier than usual which says boy.
Heart beat says girl.
Early ms says girl.
Spot breakout says girl.
Cravings say girl.
Rounder face says girl.
Moods say girl.
Darkened nipples says boy.

Those are all I could find... so who wants to take a guess before tomorrow? :winkwink: :haha:
Chinese gender predictor said girl for me too. Other than that, not real sure. I said girl cause I'm having problems with my body this pregnancy.

great scan babydust!

Good luck tomorrow modified!!

I'm trying to decide if I want to do a private scan 30+ mins from me or if I want to wait. Don't know what to do!
Nice pic babydust! :) Glad everything went well.

It's exciting you'll get your gender scan tomorrow! I'm thinking of getting mine before 20 weeks since we'll be visiting family then and I want to be able to tell them what I'm having! I honestly don't have a clue if it's a boy or girl...

In my OH's culture they believe if you don't have MS it will be a girl as it is not "naughty." haha! Totally the opposite of the old wives tale back home...which is why I'm not reading too much into them (though they can be fun to do!)

I am feeling great though! I actually feel a bit guilty for feeling so good because so many other women aren't. :( I guess I'm just lucky...though I could get horrendous heartburn or some other horrible symptoms later...
CONGRATS Modified!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!

Alright, i have a dilemma and i need your thoughts. I went to the dr today to follow up with the sonogram, but also my cysts i have on my ovaries. He seems to think the cyst on the left ovary is a luthem corpus or whatever it's called. Says it's common for all women yada yada yada. He's more concerned about the right ovary because it has a dermoid tumor. He said mine is 5.6cm. He said the safe zone is 0-6cm. Anything above 6cm should be removed. I'm really close to that 6cm line. He said i have 2 choices. Removing it or not. There's risk factors to both. If i remove it, they will have to give me an anesthetic and make an incision on my belly. He said if theres any abnormalities with the baby, it would already be there BUT with an anesthetic, there could possibly be a chance of something abnormal happening in the future from taking it. Also, i'd be out of work 4-6 weeks (possibly). BUT the biggest risk factor of all is there's a small percentage of losing the baby and miscarrying. THAT terrifies me. Also, tumor has a small possibility of being cancerous. Most aren't though. He said if i don't get it removed we will keep a close eye on it. He doesn't want to remove anything after 20 weeks because the uterus is above the belly button by then. So basically i only have a couple of weeks to think about this. He said if i don't get it removed, it could twist and cut off the blood supply to the baby, or it could burst and cause infection through out my body OR if it ruptures towards the end of pregnancy i could go in pre-term labor. I'm like GREAT. So i don't know what the hell i should do. SO many things to think about. I have an ultrasound scheduled for March 27th (16w) to check out the tumor to see if it's grown anymore. Also to see baby and hopefully find out gender (that would be awesome!).
Congrats on your little girl modified!!!!

babydust, I have no advice for you. I'm sorry you have to make this decision. It's like either way could hurt the baby. Hopefully at your 16w scan it will have shrunk. :hugs:
Congratulations modified!! Welcome to team :pink:

Chinese gender predictor said girl with both of my pregnancies so it was right once. My morning sickness was far worse with DS then DD but I've also heard that MS isn't as bad in future pregnancies but I have no idea how accurate that is. The theory about the heartbeat was also wrong, DS was always in the girl range. He actually had a faster heartbeat then DD. The cravings wives tale was right, I love greasy, salty, fried stuff with DS but that kind of stuff this pregnancy would make me sick. I'm all about fresh fruits and salads and occasional sweets.

tropicsgirl, I definitely don't think you should feel guilty about feeling good. I'm still dealing with MS and it sucks, I wouldn't wish anyone to feel miserable like this so I'm actually glad you aren't feeling crappy. :)

babydust, so sorry you have to make such a hard decision. Seems like there is no easy answer. :hugs: :hugs:
Congrats modified!! How exciting!

Babydust, sorry you're going through that and have to make a touch decision. :( I can't tell you what to do...hopefully at the next scan it will have gone down. I guess you have to go with what you feel most comfortable with...though either option is not comfortable...that's a hard one. Let us know what happens...wishing you all the best.

I love lucy, I guess it's not really guilt...but I just feel weird. I never knew being pregnancy could be so...easy....BUT I say that now....and realize that anything could change. Honestly most days I do not feel pregnant at all. My bloating went down so now I don't look preggers at all haha! The only thing are my emotions are running crazy now. I feel like i worry about everything right now and OH is pretty annoyed with it. I know the baby's fine...not so worried about that. It's just strange to know I'm pregnant but if I didn't know already, I might not even know that I was actually pregnant!
Hi ladies,

Mind if I join you? I'm due August 2 with our second child. On March 6, we found out it's a girl! We already have a 2 year old son so this is a dream come true for us <3

Hi! :wave:

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