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Baby On Board - Due August/September 2014

Aww!!! You ladies have wonderful bumps! I just feel fat! I've gained 10 lbs already and the last 2 pregnancies I only gained 16 with each one! I'm freaking out because the doc office tells me I don't need to gain more than 10-20 lbs. But I've had no ms this pregnancy at all. I've also been eating a lot of fresh fruit and veggies so I don't know what's going on.

Enjoy your scan kat!!

Here is my 14 week bump from 2 weeks ago. I don't have a full size mirror at home so had to take this while I was out.


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wow you look glowing! :) love your bump. super jeal. I too have gained 10. I don't want to gain more than 20
your bumps all look good!!

No one can tell I''m preggers unless I wear a tight shirt and even then looks just like a small beer belly! I kind of wish people could "tell" already because I often have to take the city bus and usually don't get a seat...

My appetite is coming back with a vengeance, as are my cravings. Have a sore throat today...pretty sure I've come down with something. Probably from work (I'm a primary teacher).
tropicsgirl, hope you feel better soon!! The bus is a hard one when there are usually not any seats available.

My appetite hasn't ever gone away so I just keep eating. This morning at 7:50am I wanted to eat chocolate cake so bad!! I had to take my 9 month old to the doctor. He went 2 days ago and found out he has an ear infection. That night and last night he has coughed so bad he has had a hard time sleeping. The doc said he doesn't test for RSV there but he said it sounds like it. Then he told me he has bronchiolitis. I just read up on bronchiolitis and it does say that most cases of it are caused by RSV. He told me it will probably get worse over the next few days. Days 3-9 are the worst and told me if I see "tugging" when he breathes in his ribs (at the top or bottom, bottom is mild, top is moderate, and in his neck is severe) if I see it in the neck I need to take him in immediately. I haven't had hardly any sleep the last 3 nights so I'm ready for him to start feeling better so I can pass out! LOL! After that my 10 yr old had an appt, then I went and got my chocolate cake! LOL!
I had put 6lb on... then lost it all again in the past 2 weeks so I'm now weighing what I was pre-pregnancy :nope:
Congrats Kat and Bananabump on your girls!!!
Congrats bananabump!!!!

Do you girls have any names picked out yet for your baby's!?
There are definitely lots of girls going around!! :pink: :happydance:

Our girl is Violet Lua Maggie :)
Wow congratulations on all the girls :) such wonderful news!

I can't wait to hear all your name suggestions :) (i think I am secretly hoping for another girl)
My next appt is on Wednesday. I'm wondering when they'll schedule my ultra sound after that. I'm thinking probably 4 more weeks. I'm hoping for before, but I doubt they will. I'll almost be 21 weeks 4 weeks from Wednesday and they said last year when pg with DS2 to schedule it and I did when I was 18 +6 and they told me to come back in 2 weeks. The tech likes you to be closer to 21 weeks to measure all the stuff they want to.
Our little girl's name is Sophia Lynn (we had Sophia picked out way before we found out we were having a little boy...Gavin)...and Lynn is my Mom's middle name.
Congratulations Stephanie and bananabump on joining team :pink: I can't believe how many of us are pregnant with little girls. The last thread I created like this when I was pg with #1 was a pretty even mix between little boys and little girls.

Anyways, just want to let you all know I may not be around too much but I promise I'll return. It's just been hectic around here. Thursday my DS fell and hit his head on the dog crate that he pulled himself up on and 2 hours after that he started vomiting. DH thought maybe it might be a concussion as vomiting can be a sign of that so we went to the ER and had a cat scan done. Thankfully everything came back fine. Friday he was still vomiting but not nearly as much. This day I also got sick with vomiting. I couldn't keep anything down and according to my scale I dropped 3 lbs from that one day so both me and DS were sick.

Then Saturday, I was still a little nauseated (though leaning towards that being more so due to morning sickness) DS on the other hand was approaching 48 hours of vomiting and unlike the day before it was seeming to be increasing again so called the pediatrician and was advised to go back to the ER which I already assumed we needed to do as his urine at this point was so strong smelling. My poor baby was moderately dehydrated and had low sugar levels (supposed to be above 60 and his had dropped all the way down to 49 while we were in the ER). So Saturday we had to be in the hospital overnight so he could have IV fluids. Sunday everything was looking great with all his lab work and he was behaving more like his self so we were released that afternoon.

Back home today and he's not all that interested in drinking anything but he wants to eat food nonstop. Thinking maybe the IV fluids he had are still part of the reason he doesn't want to drink as they made him very bloated. Hard not to be nervous given everything we've been through.

He has his follow up appointment with his pediatrician tomorrow and I also have my 16 week checkup at my OB.

And all this is happening while DH and I are going about our house hunt so I barely have time to sit down at the moment.
Wow Brittany!! That's definitely a busy time!! Hope you are both feeling better! It's scary when they hit their heads especially with vomiting! Good luck with your house hunting! Hopefully you can find something soon.

It's been pretty hectic in our household the last week too. DS2 ended up with an ear infection, that same day DH fell while going up the stairs carrying him and thankfully didn't hit too hard and on his left ear. Then 2 days later I took him back in to the doc because he had such a bad cough that started the night he saw the doc about the ear infection. He wasn't sleeping well either, was up crying and coughing most of the night. Turns out he has bronchiolitis. His cough is a lot looser now and it sounds like the stuff is breaking up in his chest so I'm hoping we're on the downhill of it. He had real bad diarrhea but it is finally starting to become solid again but man oh man....he is gassing me out of the room today!!!

One thing else I just saw today....He is getting his first tooth!!!!! His bottom gum was a little swollen so I had to shove two fingers in to move his tongue out of the way and tried wiping the white stuff off it to make sure it wasn't something else. LOL! My sis kept giving me a hard time saying "are you sure?" because I kept thinking it was coming in and then it wouldn't. But I am FOR SURE there is a tooth coming in!! I could see a small indention where it is just starting to break the gum. I'm so excited but those so adorable gummy grins are getting ready to disappear. :(

I talked to DH about baby names....not sure what we'll name it if it is a boy, but I really like Vivian Leigh for a girl. I don't want to tell my mom yet as I want to surprise her. Vivian was her mothers name and Leigh is my mothers middle name. DH said he likes it too.
Sounds like you're having a pretty hectic time too JJ. Hope your little boy recovers soon. Very exciting about your DS getting his first tooth. It took my DS forever to get his first one.

For baby names we had Luca picked out for a boy but were still debating whether the middle name would be Matthew or James. But since we're having a girl we never really came to a decision on that. Our little lady will be called Emily Michelle. I've had that name picked out forever.
Congrats on all the girls! :)

Brittany, that sounds awful! I hope you and your DS are feeling better now. It's tough when things go wrong all at once. Good luck on your house hunting!

JJsmom, that's exciting about his first tooth!! I do like those gummy smiles too...haha!

Love all your names! I haven't though too much about them...the only names I can come up with so far that me and DH like are Anya for a girl and Aiden for a boy...not sure why, but I like names that start with A or F! Haha...still thinking about possible "f" names that we both like.

I'm just getting over a terrible cold that's lasted for a week. Now coughing up stuff (which I'm glad of...want all of this OUT of me). One thing I didn't realize is how much easier it is to get sick when you're pregnant. Def. going to use my hand sanitizer for often, especially in my classroom.
Just found out, we are having a baby boy!!! Couldn't be happier! X

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