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Baby On Board - Due August/September 2014

Baby's heartbeat is much faster than mine, so it's really different. I wasn't sure at first either, so maybe when you've got the baby's heartbeat on the doppler, use your other hand to feel your pulse in your neck. They should be completely different speeds.

i'll try that out, next time i look for the heartbeat. thank you :thumbup:
Oh yeah, for me it's super obvious which is baby and which is mine - V's heart beat is usually between 152 and 160 beats a minute!
Spent the day throwing up again :( it's getting me down. I'm not often sick, but I can tell when it's x on in because I feel so awful for a good few hours before hand. Seeing my consultant on Monday so may ask for some meds to help?
I remember at my 20 week scan when I was pg with DS we could see him moving all over the screen but I couldn't feel him. I think a lot of it depends on where the baby is positioned and your body type. Try not to stress, I'm sure he or she is perfectly fine in there.

nlk, sorry you're still dealing with MS. Mine just went away a couple days ago so 17 weeks. It last until 19 weeks with DS.
Ended up going into hospital because I couldn't keep water down. They said I was severely dehydrated and had protein in my urine, so very glad I went! Spent the night there but back home now, with some anti sickness stuff as well. They scanned me as well to make sure everything was ok and we saw bubs kicking away :) apparently I have an anterior placenta as well? :shrug:

Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend
nlk, hope the sickness stops for you soon! Being dehydrated really takes a toll on your body when you're pregnant.

Brittany, glad you all put your offer in! Hopefully you can get in soon so you can get everything situated before baby gets here.

It's hard to feel baby move early with your first. I think I was about 22 weeks when I finally felt DS1 move. With DS2 I swore I felt it at 12 weeks but my mom said I was crazy and it was just gas. LOL! With this one, I have been feeling movements for at least the last 2 weeks. It's been sporadic but I felt it. The last 3 days I've been feeling it like crazy! Yesterday I actually felt it kicking an organ higher up! It didn't feel good. LOL! I didn't feel my other two as well as I have this one but both my boys stayed real low in my abdomen at all times.
nlk, that sounds awful about the dehydration. Is it MS that was getting you so sick or a stomach virus. I just had a stomach bug a little over a week ago and I wasn't able to keep anything down. Regardless, I hope you start to feel better soon.

JJsmom, I could of swore I was feeling movement at 12 weeks but then I kept telling myself it wasn't because of how early it was. I was definitely feeling her at 14 weeks though.

AFM, really tired as DS seems to be going through a sleep regression. He is eating and drinking normally for the most part so I don't think his poor sleep is due to his being sick anymore. And I did read they can go through a regression around 12/13 months. It's rough since I'm not getting more than 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep at a time on a good night.

Things with the house are going well. Our offer was accepted, we have the inspection scheduled for tonight which DH is going to take care of after work. Hoping to close at the end of next month. Our current lease is up at the end of May so plenty of time to fix some things (the carpet is hideous and definitely has to go) and get things moved without having to do it all at once.
Hey girls! I have a lot of catching up to do. I've been busy with family coming in for the wedding. I'm just glad all of it is over lol. It was sooo stressful! My parents are staying at my house for another day. All in all the wedding went great. I'll add a couple pictures.

As for the baby... i'm thinking i'm feeling it move a little. Since this is my first i'm unsure as to what certain things are. I am wondering if i am feeling baby move. Especially when i use my doppler. I feel squirming. My dr appt is on Thursday. I hope i can find out gender :)


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Your wedding photos looks great!! Also exciting that you might be feeling movement.
babydust, you look so happy!! Beautiful pictures!!

Brittany, Hope he comes out of the sleep regression soon! They seem to go through them often during the first year. Glad your offer was accepted so you have time to get stuff situated!

AFM, DS2 cut his first bottom tooth yesterday only to see the top one on that same side is starting to try and work it's way in. He was napping in my arms earlier and kept waking up screaming and throwing his hand to his mouth :( I was able to get up just to use the restroom and now he's asleep again in my arms lol! Getting ready to put his big boy car seat in the car too! I fit it to him earlier so I can get it put in. DH just looks at the car and says no way we can fit 2 car seats in there!! We can but it'll be hard to do anything as a family as DS1 will have to sit up front.
JJsmom i hope LO starts feeling better <3

I wanted to incorporate little peanut into our wedding day, so i asked the photographer if we could do this pose. I absolutely love it! One of my favs!


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Babydust I love that photo! Such a sweet idea!

Hope LO feels better soon JJsmom :hugs:
Hey ladies,

Hope everyone is doing well! My morning sickness is so bad I lost 3 pounds last month :( They weighed me on Monday at my monthly appointment and I was surprised. I haven't gained any weight this pregnancy, down about 2 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. They are hoping my nausea gets better in the next few weeks, or they want to prescribe me some different medication. I love my little girl, but I'm so tired of being nauseous and throwing up all the time...been sick since week 5. I just want to start enjoying my pregnancy, but finding it so hard being this sick :(
babydust, I love how you incorporated your little baby in with your wedding photos. I wish I would of thought of that while I was pg with DS.

modified, I'm not able to see the photos you posted but the 4D scans are so exciting. I got mine done at my 20 week appointment (avatar picture is one of DS at this time) so I'm hoping I'll get one done again that time with DD too.

Denyse, that really sucks that your MS is still hanging around. Mine finally left at 17 weeks. I know how depressing it can be being miserable. I didn't have it as bad this time around (I hear MS is supposed to be better in second, third, etc. pregnancies but who knows if that's true) as what I did with DS. I remember with him that I would be crying all the time because I felt so miserable and nothing I did helped.
I will be booking a private 4D ultrasound for my birthday (May 10) - birthday gift to me! Can't wait to see our little girl again <3

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their evening!
Had my doc appt today. Heartbeat was 160. I was talking to her about cramping I've been having, the front is normal but I've been having a ton in my back which I didn't have with DS2. She said that is from lifting DS2 and to switch sides. She said it's going to get a lot worse, I don't want to imagine because sometimes it's really bad. She said it might come down to where I can't lift him anymore which will be hard because he isn't walking yet. Well, my pain aside, if he needs me to lift him or carry him I will. I don't care how much pain I get in, his needs are well above mine. DH just needs to remember how many back rubs he gave me with DS2 and start giving me more than 1 every other week! LOL! Ultrasound is finally booked!!!!! She said 4 weeks and I whined saying 4???? UGHHH!!!!! LOL! So she counted and said well we can do 3 because you'll be over 20 weeks by then. She said the techs were complaining because they were sending them in for ultrasounds before 20 weeks and they can't measure everything they need to unless you're closer to 21 weeks. I remember them making me reschedule my ultrasound last year with DS2 as they sent me in at 18 weeks. So..with that......April 15th we'll know what we're having as long as it cooperates!!!

Denyse, hope your MS starts fading away soon!!

modified, yay for 4D scans!!!! I loved when they took a sneak peek with DS2 with the 4D. It was so cool! They said don't freak out because he'd be so skinny but it was just beautiful how they can see those images of your LO inside of you! I couldn't see your images but maybe they won't show because we aren't friends on FB?

babydust, I love the pic with them incorporating your baby in the wedding! I didn't have any pictures like that when we got married, but DS2 showed in most pics because I was 34 weeks. LOL!
Babydust, loved your wedding pics! congrats! :)

Denyse, sorry your MS is hard on you. :( I haven't been able to gain any weight myself...just haven't had a huge appetite lately. Hopefully that will change!

JJsmom, that would be hard to do no lifting, esp. with kids. YES! Tell your DH to give you plenty of massages...it's the least they can do! Hopefully your scan will go well on the 15th!

Last week I got the flu..lasted for 1 week and was awful. Then the day after I got better, I got food poisoning...yeah, wasn't a great week! I had the week off work though which was good. I'm back at work now and it wears me out so much. I just sleep as soon as I get home, eat dinner, then sleep again. I've been having some pressure type cramps in my lower abdomen which aren't too fun. I assume it's just growing pains. I also am getting dizzy while walking up stairs and have to stop for a few seconds to catch my breath/calm my heart down. :/ Have no choice though...I live on the 3rd floor of an apartment with no elevator!

By the way, has anyone got the flu shot? I'm thinking about asking the doc for one the next time I go...I do NOT want to get the flu again if I can and I guess the H1N1 flu is going around here (I live in Asia) right now and since I work with kids I got to be extra careful.

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