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Baby On Board - Due August/September 2014

I really like the name Aiden. I picked it for my son. :haha:

Hope your cold goes away quickly. Nothing worse then being pregnant and sick since you pretty much can't do anything.

navywag, congratulations on joining team :blue:
navy, congrats on team blue!!

Tropics, hope your cold is gone before too long! I have very dry hands this pregnancy, and have since having DS2 because I'm always sanitizing my hands!

Well here I thought my next doc appt was tomorrow. There goes my pregnancy brain. I called to confirm because I couldn't remember what time, and nope, it's next Wednesday. LOL! However, I did have my appt today with the endocrinologist. I'm actually pretty relieved!! He told me that my TS3 levels are normal even though my blood tests show that my thyroid levels were low. Since my TS3 levels are normal he will not put me on medication right now and said that it is most likely pregnancy induced. But will have blood redrawn next Friday and again in 3 months and will see him again in 3 months.
Would you girls mind if I joined in here?

I'm currently 16 weeks with #1. Due 3rd September!
Welcome nlk!

Sorry i've slacked in updating. I'm having a very busy week. Getting married in 2 days!! I have rehearsal tonight. I'm excited. Tmrw will be 1 week until my ultrasound! I hope we can find out the sex.
Hey nlk!!!

babydust, congrats on your wedding!!! It's such an exciting time and very frustrating too! But you will have a wonderful beautiful wedding! I was stressing over mine last year and even my dad said it was the most beautiful wedding. He said he had his doubts because things weren't "traditional". Can't wait to see pics!! (If you want to share them anyways :))
Welcome Nlk.

Babydust, wow not long now! Congratulations and good luck xx

Navy, congrats on a boy :)

JJsmom, hope your levels stabilise.

Brittany, hope you are all feeling better xx
thank you girls! I will definitely post pics! :) it really is such a stressful time. considering most of my family and andrews family have never met due to me being from NY and him IN.
JJsmom, good news about your TS3 levels.

Welcome nlk, I'll add you to the first post shortly.

babydust, such an exciting time for you!! I'm sure your wedding will be perfect. :)

AFM, morning sickness seems to be gone. :happydance: But DS is sleeping so poorly since being sick. Seriously up every hour through the night and his naps during the day are crap. He's overtired and fussy and my patience with him is wearing thin because I'm so damn tired. He's still not really drinking anything either so just sneaking formula into his food. My pediatrician said things might be off for as long as a week but if Sunday comes around (that was the last day he was sick) and things are still so crappy I'm going to lose my mind.

In more positive news, DH and I put in an offer in a house and it was accepted so hoping to close in 5-6 weeks and will be moving in May. :happydance:
Hi ladies :)
I'm 18+2 fay with my first and still not feeling any movement. No flutters or anything :( I keep reading everywhere else and from friends who are expecting that they are feeling movements. I'm a very nervous person and get very worried about things. I heard bubbs heartbeat about 2 weeks ago and all my worry went away for a week, this week it has come back! :( I'm soo worried i'm going to get bad news at my 20 week scan (which is still 12 days away) :(
Am I the only one?? Xx
No! I'm feeling no movements either and I'm 18 weeks with my first :) I hear the hb every night and all is well! :flower:
Aw okay nice to know I'm not the only one. I have been so tempted to buy a doppler but I think it may cause me more worry if I can't find it :/ x
I didn't buy one until I was around 15 weeks and have been able to find baby within a second or 2 since then - she's much louder now! And I can hear her little kicks although I can't feel them yet :) I got an angelsounds one.
When the midwife checked my bubbs heartbeat we could here him/her kicking loads which is why I'm surprised I still can't feel it! Yeah.. that's the one I've been looking at on amazon.. hmm lol x
Look on ebay, they sometimes go very cheap. There have been ones on there for £5-£10 buy it now.
I have a Doppler as I'm a natural worrier as well. I find it fantastic! At first it can cause more worry if you can't find the hb, but by now you shouldn't have too much issue! I got mine from ebay, for about £20 I think. Definitely worth it! If you don't want to buy one, you could rent one? So then you could just use it between now and feeling movement properly.
Thanks for ur reply nlk I did think that. It's literally just really for now untill I start feeling movements. I'm sure a friend at work said she had one, I was thinking I could borrow it and then give it back when bubbs starts moving?! X
That sounds like a good plan. If I'd have known someone near me I would have just borrowed it! I've found it massively reassuring. As long as you remember that just because you don't find it straight away doesn't mean somethings wrong. I was looking in the wrong place for a while!!
i too would like to say something about my doppler.
i just listened to my little one with my angelsound (placed it right over, where the sonographer found the little one a couple days ago).
it's the best sound in the world.
even though i'm still not 100% sure, if its not my own heartbeat.

how sure are you guys that its babys heartbeat and not your own?
Baby's heartbeat is much faster than mine, so it's really different. I wasn't sure at first either, so maybe when you've got the baby's heartbeat on the doppler, use your other hand to feel your pulse in your neck. They should be completely different speeds.

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