Baby On Board - Due August/September 2014

Awww fantastic!!

I don't know why you can't see my videos - they're public :(
JJsmom, sorry about all the cramping you've been having. I've been having a lot of round ligament pain lately which I think is made worse by picking DS up all the time when I have to take him up and down the stairs. I usually have DH do all the carrying in the evening when he's home. Exciting about your 20 week scan being scheduled!! We go on the same day though mine is at 6:00 so rather late in the evening. Hopefully your little baby cooperates and you'll get a peak at the gender.

tropicsgirl, my OB highly recommends the flu shot while pregnant just because if you do get it, it will be more mild. I've already had mine. Of course, you should definitely talk to your doctor and see what they advise.

Rachael, congratulations on joining team :blue:!! Boys are so much fun.
Congrats on team blue!!!

Brittany, DH doesn't help much. He's working 2 jobs and when he is home he usually is resting or we are out and about. That's cool we both go on the same day for our scans! I'm super excited!

Tropics, I will not get the flu shot. I haven't got it for a really long time. Yes the doc asked but I said no and they didn't have a problem with that.

Going to take a nap. Colt just went to sleep and he only let me sleep for about 3 hrs off and on last night. Y'all have a great day!!!
Congrats on team blue :).

JJmom, I've been having the same pains too. Like Brittany its from picking up my daughter.

I hope everyone is starting to feel better xx
How's everyone doing?

I have a sick DH at home today. He thinks it was what he ate last night while at work. He's slept most of the day as he was up all night but he's managed to keep a piece of toast down. Other than that, everything is good on this end!
I'm super busy here at the moment. DS first birthday and party are this Saturday and since I'm having it at my house I have so much cleaning to do in addition to making the cakes and getting all the other food stuff ready. I swear I get one room cleaned so it looks really nice and then DH (he's such a slob) or DS and the animals make a mess. I don't know if I'll ever be done cleaning. I'm excited to celebrate DS's birthday but I think I'll be relieved when it's all done.

Another weight check for him tonight just for comparison purposes since the weights when he was in the hospital were kind of all over the place so they want to see what his weight is looking like on their scale.

I also chopped all my hair off yesterday. I've never had hair this short but DS was constantly pulling it so I just got fed up with it. I don't know how I feel about it though. It's so different and I'm kind of clueless on how to style it so it looks how I want it. Will be practicing with it a lot this week and hopefully before DS's party I'll have it figured out.

But anyways, I probably won't be on a lot this week but will definitely make time to check in next week to see how you ladies are doing.
JJsMom - Hope your hubby is starting to feel better!

Brittany - How exciting for LO's 1st bday! What theme are you going with? Aww sounds like a lot of fun. That is one thing i am going to enjoy A LOT when baby is here, is the holidays, birthdays, etc. I love coloring eggs for Easter and my DH and i will sit at the table by ourselves and do it :haha: next year we will have a legit reason ;) In January i chopped a lot of my hair off too. After having long hair for years it felt like a good change. Then i started to want my long hair back. When your hair is short there's a lot of things you can do. When it's long my only options are to wear it down or up lol. You'll get the hang of it. How short is it? Mine was cut up to my shoulders.

AFM - i'm going ahead with the surgery. I have it scheduled for 8am Friday April 4th. I have to be there 6am and fast at midnight. Procedure should only take 40 mins. I will be kept in the hospital for 48 hours to make sure baby is doing okay and no infection. I pray everything is going to be fine. I couldn't imagine the worst. I'm trying to stay positive. I think i feel baby move today. I'm not really sure? I don't know what it really feels like, but it feels so weird down there. Once in awhile i'll get sharp pains... nothing serious, but enough to get my attention. Almost feels like fish swimming around sometimes. I can't explain it. Is that the baby moving?

Here's 2 pics of my latest bump. It's starting to pop a bit.


  • itsaboy.jpg
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  • 16weeks.jpg
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Have fun cleaning! I know how you feel!! I will have the livingroom clean and all of a sudden it has dirty clothes where DH changes in there and just leaves them. And DS1 comes in from school and throws everything every where!!

Good luck getting everything together! It's so much fun planning first b-day parties!!

I just found out my mom will be coming in to get my DS1 for the summer. She normally takes him but he flies by himself. She is coming in for a few days to meet DS2! I'm super excited!! Told her we'll celebrate his first b-day while she is here although it'll be 2 weeks early :) I dont get to see her that often because she lives in Nevada and we live in Indiana. We're going up for Christmas break this year though! So I'm super excited this year to get to see her twice! Which means I have a ton of cleaning to do too before May 28th. Yes seems like so far away but not really when I have to go through everything, boxes and all and organize. We started on DS1's room today. He had boxes from when we moved stacked up and he started cutting them apart which in turn made 2 huge piles of who knows what! Already made a nice dent in it though lol!
Had a surprise u/s today at my consult with the high risk doctor. We found out we are team :pink:!! He also told me to take a baby aspirin daily to lower my chances of pre-e with this pregnancy.
Congratulations on a girl JJsmom. That's wonderful!
babydust, good luck with the surgery! Glad they are watching out for both you and baby! When baby moves and you first feel it, it does feel like butterflies in your tummy or a fish swimming in you. hehe! The sharp pains would most likely be round ligament pains where your uterus is growing and you move a certain way, it hurts a lot at times! Let us know how everything goes with your surgery!! :hugs:
Babydust good luck tomorrow. I hope everything goes smoothly.
thanks girls

surgery is postponed until Monday bcz the birthing center at the hospital is full and they're under staffed. I'm not gonna lie... I'm kinda pissed.
So sorry its delayed. Hope you can enjoy the weekend still. Good luck Monday x

I'm not going to lie, I've decided being pregnant with no 2 is harder. I haven't been nearly as sick which is good. But constantly being tired and achy is hard while looking after a toddler. I didn't get this sore until the end with my dd but I'm only half way and already feeling like my lower stomach is going to drop out and I feel like I have run a marathon every day :( hope everyone else on no 2 or more isn't sore!
Oh has anyone else had problems with carpel tunnels blocking? The last 2 days have been really bad. Any hints? Last time I did braces at night but its not helping this time :(
I'm really sorry your surgery has been postponed.

Having a private scan tomorrow, hopefully finding our what we're having this time, although to be honest I'm happy just to watch it wiggling about for 20mins.
Sorry your surgery was postponed. It always sucks when they change things up when you already have your mind set on when it will be done.

jacky, I'm really sore this time too. I was concerned and talked to my doc and she told me I'd have to stop picking up my 9 month old at some point during this pregnancy because it's only going to get worse. That doesn't work because he can't walk yet, but I have been managing. I get a lot of soreness in my tummy too. Hopefully we can make it through this pregnancy without too much more pain! Not sure in terms of carpel tunnel! I would check with your doc. I have arthritis and sometimes I wear a brace to try and help out too but it doesn't really help me much anymore. Hope your doc can help you figure out relief!!

Dinah, have fun with your ultrasound! It's always fun watching them wiggle around on the screen! When we had our surprise one, it cracked me up because she kept putting her hand over her face like noooo...don't look at me! LOL!
Ended up in the er today I had terrible adomnial pain & started in with vomiting so figured I'd rather be safe than sorry & well got a surprise ultrasound looks like we're team blue :blue: :)
Jett, hate to hear you ended up in the er! Congrats on team blue!!
Dinah what team are you? !?!?!

YAY congrats Jett!! we're both team :blue: Hope you're feeling better. did they say what caused the pain and vomiting

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