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Baby On Board - Due August/September 2014

Congrats JJ and jett! :)

I was hoping I'd get the anatomy scan today, but my doctor wants to wait a couple weeks. Oh well...everything else is OK and I'm feeling good. It seems like everyone else has found out the gender except me! haha! I guess it will put be off from buying anything for a bit though...which is good.

At the moment my husband is applying for a visa to go to the US and the process has been...tedious to say the least. Especially since I have to take time off work which my co-workers are angry about, but what can I do?? The office is only open from 8-12 monday to friday. Good news is they said the visa may be finished within 2 months...so that means there's a good chance the baby could be born in the US!

By the way, has anyone ever flown in the third trimester. If the visa goes through, we'd be leaving when I'm maybe 30 weeks or so...I know some airlines accept you all the way until 35 weeks with a docs note...I'm just worried because it would be such a long way (more than a day of flying).

Babydust, sorry about the delay. :( The waiting must be hard. Good luck with everything!! I'm sure everything will be fine.

We're team blue! Really happy, one of each is perfect, now if we do ever have a third it's just because our family isn't quite complete not because we're striving for a particular gender. DH is thrilled, I'm gearing myself up for the next few months of name debates, we had a girl name all picked but we just can't agree on a boy name.
Congrats on team blue Dinah!!!

tropics, I flew when I was....32 weeks I believe. Usually as long as you have a doc's note saying it's OK to fly, then the airlines will accept you. I may have been 34 weeks, I really can't remember as it was 10 years ago! Good luck on getting it all squared away quickly!!

I bought Vivian her first thing today!!! Here is a pic of it! I was bidding on it at a March of Dimes auction but I chose to make sure I got it and purchased it for full price as it would be helping the March of Dimes more as well! I can't wait to get it in the mail! The lady said she'll put something special in there as well, she mentioned booties or a diaper cover that matches! I still can't believe I finally get to buy pink!!!!


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Babydust: DS's party was monster themed. The whole day went very well so I couldn't be happier.

As for my hair the cut is called a "bixie" so it's a mix between a bob and a pixie.

Also glad you came to a decision about the surgery. I will be thinking about you tomorrow as I know the whole situation you're in is not an easy one. I don't know how I would have ever been able to choose what to do since I remember neither option was that great.

Early movements felt like flutters to me. Sounds like you definitely could be feeling baby move. The sharp pains you're having could be round ligament pain which is very normal in pregnancy.

Your bump is looking great.

JJsmom: Welcome to team :pink:!!

Also exciting news about your moms visit. I hope you're able to get all the cleaning and organizing you need to do done before her arrival.

Jacky: I'm right there with you on finding number two harder. I have worse round ligament pain this time and I have a hard time getting comfortable at night so I'm finding that I'm just more tired in general. MS also lasted forever this time too which sucked.

Jett: That sucks that you ended up in the ER but very exciting that you were able to find out the gender. Congrats on joining team :blue:

Topicsgirl: I never flew while pregnant but with you having to do so much maybe considering spacing it put. Like fly to one place maybe stay there the night and then fly to another place the next day, etc. just so you're not doing so much traveling at once. But I have no experience with flying while pregnant but if I had to I think that's how I would try to do it. Maybe talk to your doctor and see what they advise in terms of travel in third tri.

Dinah: Congratulations in joining team :blue:
Hi ladies, I didn't get to tell y'all about DS's birthday Saturday since he decided to wake up from his nap before I could get to that so I'm going to do that now. It was such a fantastic day. DH and I went out to breakfast with him which he loved. The waiters and waitresses even brought him strawberry shortcake and sang happy birthday to him. He pigged out on that as soon as they all left.

We then came home and finished getting everything ready for his birthday. My word, I felt like I was never going to be done. I only had a few things on my to-do list but still. I think next time I'm just going to order pizza or have people bring certain things instead of preparing everything myself. It just took way too much time.

The cake smash was a lot of fun too. DS didn't even wait until we were done singing happy birthday to him, he just went right ahead and started eating his cake. LOL I got some really great pictures which I'm happy about.

We also turned the birthday cupcakes into gender reveal cupcakes since that's how we decided to tell our families since everyone was all together which never happens since my family doesn't live in this state. Anyways, as I expected it did cause some irritation. My mom was so over the top ridiculous. As soon as I announced that the frosting color inside would reveal the gender of the baby her eyes got huge and had she not looked absolutely crazy she probably would of dove across the table to get a cupcake. Instead my BIL was sitting next to them so she yelled at him to hurry up and grab one for him to take a huge bite. Then as soon as she saw it was pink she started yelling about how it was a girl and how she was so excited. She wasn't the only one who didn't know and her yelling like she was pretty much ruined the surprise for everyone else.

She then had the nerve to tell my sister that she needs to do exactly what I did and have a girl next as if my sister has any control over the gender. It was just so rude!

Then I overheard her telling my MIL that she thought it was a girl when she asked about the gender a few weeks ago and I said I wasn't going to say because I didn't want the excitement over the sex to steal the spotlight from my sisters baby who was just born. We found out the gender the day before my sister's C-section so announcing then would have been so inconsiderate in my opinion. Anyways, the way my mom was talking it was like I only chose not to announce when I found out because it was a girl whereas if I was having a boy I would of announced right away because that wouldn't of been exciting. Her logic is so stupid.

I really should stop thinking about it because it just infuriates me but geez. The comments she has been making regarding gender even before she knew I was pregnant again make it sound like if either my sister or I have another boy she isn't going to be happy about that baby.
Brittany, glad your sons birthday went well! Moms tend to overreact at times. Sorry she ruined it for everyone else. I agree with your logic on the gender. I wouldn't have wanted to announce it either right away.

Hope everyone is doing well!

babydust, hope everything went well with your surgery!
We had our 12 month checkup for DS. I'm pleased to announce he is 28 1/2 inches long and 17 lbs, 4 ozs. He is back on the percentile charts in the same ranges (15% for height and 3% for weight) that he's always been since birth. I don't know if y'all remember but my supply dropped pretty quickly after getting pregnant but I didn't realize it until his 9 month appointment when we found out he had lost weight and dropped off the charts all together. We're 100% done with formula and he's doing great with whole milk.

We're also working on eliminating the rest of the breastfeeding. We have already cut out all nursing during the day except for right before bed. We just started phasing that out last night which went pretty well. So pretty much I'm only nursing him if he wakes up at night but eventually I'll stop that too. I wish I could of nursed longer but once my supply got so low he really lost interest in it and only really seems to enjoy it if he wakes at night.

20 week appointment for me is on Tuesday. I can't wait to see my little Emily.

Hope everyone else is doing well?
We had our 12 month checkup for DS. I'm pleased to announce he is 28 1/2 inches long and 17 lbs, 4 ozs. He is back on the percentile charts in the same ranges (15% for height and 3% for weight) that he's always been since birth. I don't know if y'all remember but my supply dropped pretty quickly after getting pregnant but I didn't realize it until his 9 month appointment when we found out he had lost weight and dropped off the charts all together. We're 100% done with formula and he's doing great with whole milk.

We're also working on eliminating the rest of the breastfeeding. We have already cut out all nursing during the day except for right before bed. We just started phasing that out last night which went pretty well. So pretty much I'm only nursing him if he wakes up at night but eventually I'll stop that too. I wish I could of nursed longer but once my supply got so low he really lost interest in it and only really seems to enjoy it if he wakes at night.

20 week appointment for me is on Tuesday. I can't wait to see my little Emily.

Hope everyone else is doing well?

Glad he's back on the charts!! It's scary when they drop weight and you don't realize it! I remember when your supply dropped, as mine did as well but we weren't able to keep it at all and went strictly formula. I can't wait to get Colt off of formula and onto whole milk. Just 2 more months!! It's crazy! I can't believe he's almost a year old! I told DH we need to start looking at what to get him for his birthday! I'm thinking about one of those step 2 water fun things. So he can play with it outside during the summer.

Good luck at your appointment! We both get to see our daughters on Tuesday! Can't wait to see pics of your Emily!!
Getting to move to whole milk has been great. I hated, hated having to use formula. I just don't understand paying $30 for that stuff if you're able to breastfeed. I hope everything goes better with breastfeeding this time around as I would like to not have to supplement at all.

For DSs birthday we got him a rocking toy. He wasn't a fan. He cried when DH put him on it. But it's for 18 months + so I'm thinking he's just to small for it at the moment. I asked my parents to get him a pool for summer time though. I'm hoping that'll be a big hit once we get moved in to our new house and can set it up.

I'm especially excited for Tuesday because we were able to get 3d photos at this scan with DS (points to avatar photo). I'm hoping the same will be the case with Emily's scan.
I'm hoping the same!! They did it last year with DS2, which is the same with my avatar! :) They did it at the specialist too, but DH wasn't there and the pic they gave me was pretty blurry. She kept her hand over her face like she didn't want her pic taken. LOL! Plus she is super skinny, but I'm hoping we can get better ones at the 20 week appt if they sneak a peek. If not, I'll ask at my specialist appt again if we can sneak a peek at the 4D in 10 weeks. She'll be a lot fatter by that point. hehe!

Sorry he wasn't a huge fan of it but I'm sure he'll grow to love it! Do you have a move in date yet? I'm sure he'll definitely love the pool!

I've been taking showers with DS2 because it's quicker when DH is home and he just comes and grabs him and I get to finish my shower. Plus he LOVES the shower! He keeps putting his hands under the water to catch it, it's so cute! DS1 never took a shower til he was a toddler and he screamed the whole time he had to take one and that was with my stepdad. Of course my stepdad thought it was funny he was screaming so much like he was terrified of the water. I thought it was funny but again didn't because he was terrified. Hoping DS2 won't be so scared of them with doing it this way!
We are supposed to close on April 29th if I'm not mistaken. Then we have all of May to get things set up. Our current lease is up May 31st. I'm glad we have the whole month of May though since there is a lot of work. I want to have all the painting done and definitely get rid of the carpet. I don't know what the previous owners were thinking. They have dark green carpet in the family room, pink carpet in the master bedroom, and then blue or gray carpet in all the other rooms. Ripping that all up is one of the first things we'll be doing.

I used to put DS in the shower with me. He used to love being in the water. Then DH was giving him a bath and I think he fell and went under for a second and now he's not a fan of the bath at all. I've literally had to get in the tub with him for bath time or he just cries and cries. Leave it to DH to ruin the one thing he was responsible for doing with DS.
Awwww!! Bless his heart! That would be scary to go under for a few seconds or less to a baby. I know Colt is really slippery so I have to hold on tight. I dont think DH trusts himself to give him a bath or have him in the shower with him.

Babydust, hope you're doing well and that everything is ok!!

How is everyone else doing?
DS is working on cutting 2 teeth at the moment so he's so fussy and clingy. Since DH is working 10 hour days though I'm dealing with it all on my own. It's exhausting. Having to pick him up is giving me horrible round ligament and back pain.

Hope you ladies are doing well?
Ultrasound tomorrow!! Can't wait to see both of our pics Brittany!!

This room has got so quiet!! I've been wondering about babydust and if she's doing OK. I know she was supposed to have her surgery a week ago, I really hope everything went OK with it.

ETA: I forgot to mention I bought all kinds of things to start making bows for those cute headbands!! I've already made a few as flowers, I'll post a pic of what I started. Now that DS2 is asleep I'm going to go make a few more!!


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Hello ladies! My EDD is August 24th. This is my 3rd baby which is a boy!!!!! I have 2 daughters ages 10 well she will be 11 next month and the other one is 6. I am planning on breastfeeding hopefully for 1 year.
It has gotten quiet in here. I've also been wondering about Babydust since she had her surgery.

When do you have your ultrasound JJsmom? I have to wait until 6 PM tonight as they had no earlier appointments so probably won't be on to share photos of my little girl until tomorrow. I'm so excited though.

Love the bows you are working on too.

Welcome MomWife, I added you to the first post. FX'ed breastfeeding goes well for you. Did you breastfeed your other two?
I can't wait until you post pics! With my oldest daughter I breastfed for about 3 weeks but I stopped since it was hurting. With my youngest daughter I tried for about 2 weeks. I think I will be able to do it much longer since I am older and I know what to expect. Did you breastfeed at all? Are you going to breastfeed with this baby?
I'm still reading! Just very sick, tired and so so so sore these days :nope:

Worried about babydust though :\
Hey girls. Sorry i haven't updated sooner. As you know, i had my surgery last Monday. They ended up giving me a spinal and then an epidural instead of general anesthesia. The spinal hurt. I was awake during the whole process. Was having conversations with the assistants and the anesthesiologist. It was a REALLY weird experience! After everything was done, Dr let me see the cyst/tumor. It was pretty big.

Then they put me in recovery for about 45mins. I could NOT stop shivering from the epidural. They gave me a pill to help ease it and it seemed to help a bit. They took my blood pressure and it was constantly 90 something over 50 something.

Finally i got to see my husband and was taken to my room. I still couldn't stop shivering for awhile. My legs were completely numb for about 8 hours. Before the whole surgery they were feeding me magnesium through my IV. It was to help me not get contractions or go into labor. That stuff makes you sick!! Everything i tried eating would come right back up until they took me off of it.

They monitored baby every 4-6 hours. They used a doppler and tried to find heartbeat. I was thinking i'd be hooked up to an ultrasound monitor. Every time they found his heartbeat I was so happy! I got to go home Wednesday.

My incision is about 8inches long. It's from my belly button down. I've never broken a bone, let alone be cut open so this whole experience has been like learning to walk again. It's very painful! First 4-5 days it was a chore to get up to pee. Hurt so bad to move! Dr prescribed me a percocet (pain killer) to help ease the pain. I've been substituting it with Tylenol. I just feel bad taking the pain killer knowing i'm pregnant. I actually stopped taking Tylenol Sunday.

Baby is still doing great! I use my doppler a couple times a day. He's a trooper! So happy everything has turned out for the best. I got my staples out yesterday (18 of em). I'm out of work until at least May 13. So i am going to try and enjoy it.

I go May 1 for my 20w anatomy scan. I can't wait to see my little man!
babydust, so glad to hear both you and baby are doing well!! I had magnesium during my delivery with DS2, so I know what you mean about how it makes you feel horrible!

modified, hope you feel better soon!!

welcome MomWife and congrats on your little boy!

Brittany, I had mine this morning at 9:30. I was so upset because they called me around 8:50 to tell me they are cancelling the appt because I had an anatomy scan at the high risk doctor. I went off telling them that my husband wasn't there and him and my MIL were joining me as we were supposed to find out the gender as I looked away at the high risk doc because hubby wasn't there. I didn't know they would end up canceling it. So they were nice and did a gender scan basically enough to look at the baby real fast and tell the gender. It made me more reassured that it was a girl even though she had her legs crossed the whole time. I'll have to get a pic of one of the pictures she gave me and post it :)

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