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Baby On Board - Due August/September 2014

WTG Jett!!!

I found out yesterday I passed my 3 hour test! Woohoo!!! I will see my doc again this Thursday before I leave for my mom's. I can't believe I'm down to every 2 weeks now at the docs!!

DS2 is 1 year old today!!! So excited about his birthday party! Won't be anything huge, but I'm excited to go to my MIL's and for him to have his smash cake! We got him a kitten for his birthday. We got it earlier this week and he is just loving it!! When he wakes up fussy, I put the kitten right in front of him and he starts squealing and smiling and trying to pet her. They both love each other already!! It's so cute because when he naps she crawls up on the couch and snuggles up with him.
Jett and JJ's mom, glad you both passed your glucose test! I'll have mine in a week or so...I'm predicting it will be fine, but you never know I guess. DH has visa interview tomorrow to go to US....so worried....but trying to be optimistic!!

JJ's mom, I love cats! It's great your son loves the new kitty. I remember getting one for my 6th birthday and I was SO happy and had that cat until she passed 2 years ago. It's great to see kids and their pets.

Hope everyone's doing good!
Jett, so glad you passed your glucose test!! :happydance:

JJsmom, so glad you passed your 3 hour glucose test and don't have to deal with any strict diets. :happydance:

Also, happy belated birthday to your son. I hope he had a great party! The kitten sounds like he/she was a great gift. We have a dog and 2 cats and my son loves them all. He knows all of their names and when you ask him where one of them is he will point to them.

tropicsgirl, I hope your glucose test goes well!

Denyse, is there a reason you have to have a C-section? You may have mentioned it but I just can't remember. Anyways, it is exciting to have a date scheduled. I had to be induced with DS and having that induction date made it a little easier to plan things. This time I keep stressing about DD arriving early, probably because we have next to nothing done for her room (not that she will be in there for a few months anyways) but still, I want it to be done.

AFM, we are still working away on house stuff. We bought new patio furniture which I managed to score on sale for $1500. I'm so in love with this purchase and it will be nice to have when we have our family over for a 4th of July/housewarming party. I also "upcycled" my old kitchen table, I painted it white and then did a bit of distressing and paired it with bright red chairs. I think it looks great and since it was my first attempt at ever painting furniture I'm really pleased with it. I've grown quite fond of DIY stuff lately because of how much more I love the item when I do it rather then just buying something in the store.

Other news, I had a doctors appointment last night. Everything looked good with the exception of me being dehydrated. I suspect this is something I've been dealing with for awhile because I've been feeling really rundown and just generally crappy. I thought it was just the anemia so never even considered the idea that I might be dehydrated. Anyways, my doctor wants me to stay out of the heat unless absolutely necessary (no complaints there, it's 80+ not considering the humidity which just makes it even hotter) and to increase my fluid intake.

Lastly, DH's family have majorly annoyed me. His aunt is in town and asked to see us and SIL so she can see all the babies at once. She asked if we could try to meet in one place so that it's easier for her. I suggested we go to SIL's house because there is a store there that DH and I want to check out anyways and then that way SIL doesn't have to get 3 kids ready to go anywhere. That didn't work for SIL for some reason because she suggested this campground place. SIL and DH's aunt then proceeded to plan meeting at this campground without even asking me if that would work for me. Even though I'm 30 weeks pregnant and have a 1 year old to look after, I'm just supposed to accommodate them. The whole situation just really makes me mad because I swear DH's family always does this. I get we don't live close (about a 40-60 minute drive) but I don't see why we have to be the ones to always drive to them. They never offer to come to us. Even after I had just given birth to DS, I was expected to drive to see them. Ridiculous! Anyways, after my doctors appointment I just told his aunt that we will not be going to the campground and to just stop by our house either before she goes or after she leaves the campground if she wants to see us.
I had to have an emergency c-section with my son. I only labored 4cm and his heart rate went down, so we have decided to just go ahead with another c-section as I don't want the same thing to happen again. Also, my mom had to have c-sections with both me and my sister and I take after her a lot so we just thought this was the safest way to go :)
That makes sense Denyse! I hope everything goes smoothly for you this time around.
Well update from me, looks like I may have the first baby born on the thread.

At 29+1 I went in for a growth scan that showed absent end diastolic flow with significant periods of reverse end diastolic flow. So I was taken for an immediate c-section (great fun when your husband works 1hour 15 mins away and you're freaking out not only about having another preemie but that he's going to miss the birth). Benjamin Alan was born at 2.20pm, weighing 2lb 3oz. He's done brilliantly since being born, he was only on the vent for about 36 hours, then cpap for another 3 days, he's been on room air ever since. He's tolerating feeds, his brain scan yesterday showed no signs of bleeds. He was moved out of intensive care to high dependency yesterday. He's being an absolute star and we're so in love with him. Pictures are a few minutes after being born, first cuddles at 4 days old, and having a stretch at 7 days old.

Aww congrats again Amy, I love that last photo of him! Such a cutie xx
Congratulations! Hope he continues to do amazingly well. What a precious little boy xx
So glad to hear everything is going well with you and Benjamin Dinah! Will have to add the first baby to the front page, double check that I got all the info right when you have time. :happydance:
Yep looks right to me. Technically he's Benjamin Alan Gerard, its just such a lot of names for a tiny baby but in hubby's family they all have 3+ names. They also all get named for their paternal grandad, but I was very firm that I wasn't having a baby Gerard!
Yep looks right to me. Technically he's Benjamin Alan Gerard, its just such a lot of names for a tiny baby but in hubby's family they all have 3+ names. They also all get named for their paternal grandad, but I was very firm that I wasn't having a baby Gerard!

Awww what an adorable little boy! So glad he is doing well :)
How is everyone doing? I had an appointment last night. I definitely have a yeast infection so my OB prescribed me stuff from that. I read these are really common in pregnancy which I didn't know. I've never had a yeast infection so wasn't sure what the symptoms were.

Also had my blood drawn so they can recheck the iron levels. Fingers crossed the iron pill has improved things.

I think my next appointment is the one for group b step. I was positive when I was pregnant with my DS. I'm hoping I'm negative this time.
Sorry to hear you have a yeast infection! They are very common in pregnancy! I've only had one before, so I know what you mean by not really knowing the symptoms. Hope it clears up soon for you!

I've been going through a LOT this past week and a half. Went to my moms two and a half weeks ago. Got back on the 28th. Everything was great! Got to see my husband that I missed dearly and visit with his parents. Well Sunday the 29th, I told him it was like something was going on with him. That night he got a text from someone named "CD" that said they missed him. He was asleep which is why I checked his phone for him. So I asked who it was and he couldn't give me a straight answer. It kept changing. I message that number in the morning to ask if they were seeing my husband and she responded with you need to ask him! I found a condom was missing and called him out on it which is when he finally came clean that he cheated on me while I was gone. So I've been a mess. We've been together for 3 years, married for 1, and I go away for 1 week for him to cheat on me. :( I didn't know what to think.

He said it was a mistake and she was just a temptation laid in front of him and unfortunately he took the bait. He text her and she text him back that she has liked him for a long time and he liked the attention she started to give him. He was even flirting with her all day on Sunday. So on Monday I went up to his work after all this was said and done and she had told me she text him one last time to tell me what was going on and that she didn't want in the middle. I told him he better not delete one message between them and I wanted to see his phone. I met him at work just to make sure I could see the responses. He told her he wants to be with his family and doesn't want anything to do with her. She begged him to leave me saying I don't give him anything he needs or wants and she could. He said no, he wants his family. So I text her back and said to leave him alone he has told her he don't want her. She claims he used her and she fell for him in less than 5 days.

I called her BS and told her she was a homewrecker and that she needs to get her own man because she won't ever be able to steal a married man from his wife. I blocked her number from both of our phones and since then we have started to work on our marriage. We went to church this past weekend and we have our first counseling session today, which happens to be my birthday. He said that he will spend his life making it up to me and that he feels terrible as he knows what it's like to be cheated on. I told him to reverse the roles and what if I had done it to him!

What hurt me the most is that he lied about it on top of the cheating. And we had the most amazing love making session Sunday night before her text came in! That means he was down there texting her then came upstairs, made love to me, then went to bed thinking OK I got away with it! He slept down on the couch where they had their fun for about a week before I finally invited him back up. I'm so torn though because my heart has such a hard time agreeing that he did that because my husband would never do that to me! So I don't know who he is right now. I'm just trying to make our marriage work, just like he said he wants it to. I want to be an adult about this and NOT just get mad and fly off the handle like I can do sometimes. So I have been trying to use my head most of the time or else my heart would have forgiven him a long time ago! :( I just hope everything does work out and that he won't ever do it again. He said he can't fathom it after he saw the hurt and pain in my eyes when we sat down to talk about it. He was sobbing on the phone to his step dad too when he was talking to him about it. So I think he truly is sorry and won't do it again. He said he had taken my love for granted and that it would always be there. I said it would, but doesn't mean I will always be here. If it happens again, I'm gone.
Oh geez, what a horrible situation to be in! While you're expecting his child nonetheless. I honestly don't think I could ever work things out with DH if he ever did something like that to me. It would just completely ruin my trust in him and I not being able to trust him would just leave me constantly feeling paranoid and unhappy. But regardless, I think it's great that you are trying to work things out. I really hope the counseling helps you both and that this is something you will be able to move past in time if that is what you want. Will be keeping you in my thoughts. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Thanks! I feel like we'll be able to move past this eventually if he continues like he has been this past week. My trust is ruined right now and he knows that. The counselor even told him to keep everything upfront, if he gets a call tell me and what not so I dont have to go digging. It still pops in my head. I dreamt about it last night that his cell phone vml said things he liked and the last one was cheating. I said something to him about it at which point he smiled and I woke up. The counselor said it sounds just like a fling and she thinks it sounds promising for us to work it out.

Other than that...have been having contractions here and there. Hoping I go into labor on my own this time and not have to be induced for a third time! I can't believe we're getting so close to our due dates!!
Dinah, congrats on your little one! :)

Sorry I've been gone so much. Things have been crazy with work, etc.

JJ'smom, so sorry to hear you're going through this. :( All I can say is I've been in a similar situation with DH (though it was years ago and we weren't even married at that point). We're doing better than ever right now...I think what helped is him realizing how much he hurt me and after threatening to leave I think that was a huge scare/eye opener for him. Never had any problems since...but I have to say that if he did that again, especially while I was pregnant, I would not be nearly as forgiving. But yes, I agree that it's the lying part that hurts the most. I hope you both can work through it somehow and hopefully you can not be too stressed since your baby will be here soon!

I've been doing OK. I am flying back home next week at 33 weeks. I decided to leave earlier since I know it's better to fly sooner rather than later. Sad news is that DH STILL doesn't have his visa and the US embassy has not contacted us yet even though we got everything in...it's so hard being in this "limbo" period. So I will go ahead of him. I'm hoping his visa will be done before the baby gets here, but I've heard some people don't get their visas until months later...I really hope that won't be our case.

It is bittersweet though. I am looking forward to seeing my family/friends who I haven't seen in a year and my friend is already planning a baby shower for me. I feel more sad for DH because at least I know I will see the baby when she's born...but he's not sure when he'll be able to see his daughter (or me). Poor guy. :(

I will be traveling back to the the US with a layover in Japan. 6 hour flight to Japan and 10 hour flight from Japan to US. ugh. I'm sure everything will be fine. I'm hoping the flight attendants will take pity on me! I have this horrible fear of going into labor on the plane...I'm sure it won't happen but it's still a fear! So many things could go wrong!
Tropicsgirl, it's nice to know people that have gone through it and made it. :) I think him seeing how much he hurt me has been a huge impact on him too along with me threatening him that I'd leave if he ever does it again. I hope that your DH can make it to the states before your baby is born too!! You must be so excited to see your friends and family!! At 33 weeks you might not have too much longer til time to deliver! I was the same way with flying when I went to my moms when I was 31 weeks! My biggest problem was my oldest son screaming we're going to crash constantly! Flying back wasn't nearly as bad as going there because he wasn't with me coming back. LOL! I'm sure everything will be OK! Just make sure you get some compression socks to wear during the flight. That's a long time to sit still in one spot.
tropicsgirl, I hope your DH will be able to make it to the states before your baby is born. I can't imagine how hard that must be for both of you not knowing when he'll be with you again or if he'll even get to be with you during the delivery. Hope everything goes well with the flights too.

AFM, got my results back about my iron. It is still low but it's improving so I'm just supposed to continue taking my iron pills. I'm relieved since when I was asking my OB what they would do if it wasn't improving she said they would give me iron through an IV. Glad I won't be doing that, at least not right now anyways.

JJsmom, I can't believe how close we are getting to the end. I had to be induced with DS but this time I find myself very paranoid about DD coming early. I think it's due to the fact that her room isn't set up at all. It really doesn't need to be considering she will be in our room for the first few months anyways but the fact that it's not done makes me really stressed.

Does everyone have things set up for their baby yet? Hospital bags packed?

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