BD on day of positive OPK

Lxb ~ Isn't it funny how the DHs have a "time" of day that is better for them? Mine is all about a nooner!

Zeri ~ I'm liking the higher testosterone in the morning theory and Fire's acu to support it...I need to chat with my DH!

Fire ~ My RE told me it would be ok to BD 48 hours AFTER the HSG (she doesn't want us skipping a cycle). So if you decide to have it on CD9, you'll be in the clear for BDing on CD11.

So my CBFM went to "peak" today...I'm not sure why it didn't show it yesterday?? My poas OPKs were still +ve this morning as well. Either way I know O is en route! We've dtd both days nows...please please let DH be rested enough for one more go tomorrow! (He is having a bit of jet lag...just my luck! *sigh*)

:dust: and pink sticky vibes <3
xoxo - sounds like you're getting your bases covered! Did you get in that one more BD?

How was the weekend for everyone else?
fire - did you get your HSG done today? I do feel all the pink vibes were oozing out my monitor!

zeri - :haha: i know!! i thought temp would spike up as well! But I was laying there the whole time half awake though. Maybe that's why? Isn't our body confusing? was the 2-days of AF heavy? medium? light?

xoxo - yay for peak!!! Did you manage to BD? Your temp looks nice and high today! Mine is still low... :wacko:

afm, temp was the same as yesterday (I thought it would spike up already!) weird....
Hi ladies!! Hope you had good weekends and managed to get some BD'ing in!! Because this month is Pregember! Yaaaay!

xoxo - It sounds like you definitely caught the eggy over the weekend. Or at least the swimmers are there right now waiting for you to O today! Super cool!!!

zeri - are you on CD7 today? did you get spotting after AF?

lxb - thanks for the pink stickies - I think I need them today!!! I think your temps will rise tomorrow! Do you keep using your OPK once you get a +ve or do you stop after that?

So I decided not to go for the HSG this morning- which I'm hoping is the right decision because if I don't go tomorrow then I can't have another one scheduled until January because of our travel schedules :(

Yesterday, which was CD8 for me I decided to use the instead softcup after we BD to stop the swimmers from coming out and holding them close to my cervix in the hope that some of them would hang around alive for Ov in 4 days time.

So I left the cup in for 10 hours (couldn't really notice it was in at all) but when I took it out there was a fair bit of brownish blood inside the cup. Yuck! It kinda freaked me out. I think it's too early for Ov bleeding but probably too late for left over AF bleeding. I rarely have spotting so I have no idea what it could be, I just hope I didn't damage something in there by putting the cup in :( Anyway I'm hoping it was left over AF clearing out.

So that is one of the reasons why I didn't want to do the HSG this morning I couldn't face more odd bleeding :( but then maybe I should just suck it up and go tomorrow morning :( urgh I'm confused.

And I think my CB ov kit thing isn't working properly I keep getting an error message when I go to put the sticks in. I need to use it starting today :( waaaa and I don't feel like going out and getting another one :(
Hi ladies! Managed to get BDing in yesterday and DH surprised me with today too! Must be the hurricane...nothing better to do :haha:

Lxb ~ I noticed my temp difference today too, but think it could be from not sleeping well (live on East Coast and dealing w/ Sandy). Hopefully tomorrow will tell! When temps don't rise, what is that normally a sign of? (sorry for so many temping questions)

Fire ~ I used a SoftCup, but only left it in a few hours. Was kinda painful to remove, but many women love it! Do you think the brown could've been from BDing and irritating the cervix? They say it is full of capillaries. Either way, I hope those swimmers stay put and you get a BFP! As for the ClearBlue Fertility is the one with the levels (low, high and peak) right? If so, their customer support is super! I had to pee in a cup, then dip it for 20+ seconds before it would start reading mine.

:hi: Zeri

:dust: and pink sticky vibes! Think Pink!
xoxo - loving hurricane sandy for that one reason!!! You're gonna have a lucky hurricane baby!!! I wonder if loads of babies are getting conceived during the hurricane because people have nothing else to do.

Meanwhile the weather here could not be more ridiculously perfect. 78 degrees not a cloud in the sky.

I got a high on the CBFM today and I've 'booked' DH for BD tomorrow night - its a super busy week for him so I had to voice my intent or I knew there would be no chance he'd come home late and exhausted and no rousing on my part would be able to get things going. hehehehe. but I'd rather have a spontaneous hurricane BD!!

I'm actually feeling a bit more confident with the softcup now - and I have a good feeling about using it tomorrow night after we BD to hold in the spermies until O time - which for me is usually the night of the +ve OPK. So I'm hoping for a +ve OPK tomorrow....there was a faint line on the OPK today, the CBFM was on high today and my temps were lower this morning... so I'm confident that O is on the way...I might go get acupuncture today to help things along a bit.

How is everyone else going?

Lots of :dust: :dust: dust: to you all

PS xoxo - when you temps don't rise it probably means you haven't O'd yet or you are O'ing but some people get a slow rise of their temp even after they O (If you look at my chart you'll see I don't - there is a definite rise in temps that I get after I O)
Fire ~ Oh hurricane babies = New chapter in book! How many babies will be named Sandy? :haha: Your weather sounds wonderful as does a visit with acu! I hope things go as planned and you get your BFP! (Kudos on using the softcup! Some say they put a small drop of preseed in there to help the swimmers.). Thank you for the temping info! I find myself on here just wanting to look at charts. Speaking of...
Lxb ~ Are you 5dpo now?

<3 :dust: <3

:hi: Zeri and Ginger. Hope you ladies are well!
fire - looks like you're about to O!!! **sending pink sticky vibes**!!!!!!!!!!!!! keep up the good work with softcup! Your eggy shall be caught since Pregember Month!!! :happydance:

xoxo - i was thinking the exact same thing!! babies named Sandy! Looks like you've Oed on cd14/15? Like fire said, temp either spike up or slowly rising for majority of the people. My usual post-O sign is the cm (it turned creamy/sticky after O) and now i'm getting sore boobs, which also confirmed O.

afm, i'm not exactly sure which dpo i'm at. I could be 3dpo, 4dpo, or 5dpo :shrug: For oct 26th, if i use the temp from after bd (97.54), it will only show if I enter higher temp tmr? (with a dotted crosshair at cd18). If I discard the temp or use the temp i took at 6:15 (my usual time, 97.68), it shows I Oed on cd16 and now 5dpo! :shrug:

So.. I just know I Oed.. but not sure which dpo I'm at. Maybe I should stick with 4dpo since it's right in the middle? hehe...

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Lxb ~ I'm the newbie to temping, but I'd go with the first temp (6:15). Then again, I don't see the harm with picking the mean and saying you're 4dpo! I took a quick peek at your journal, so Happy Belated Birthday fellow Scorpio! Fx that making a baby in Rocktober leads to BFPs in Pregovember!

afm ~ I am pretty sure O happened on Saturday (not sure if FF will show that), so I'm a day or so behind you! Cheers to the TWW!

Fire ~ Thinking of you! Hope acu went well!
hehehehe love the new chapter -
Sandy Hurricane Babies

Not sure about the name Sandy but there is definitely something cool about being named after a Hurricane!

:wave: Zeri!!
:wave: Ginger!!

lxb - I posted it on your journal page but I think you are 4DPO right now :)

Also just wanted to confess my new addiction - I keep comparing preggy charts on ff to my chart. All different variations eg. by age, same temps, same ov etc. and its taking up so much of my time! I have to stop!!!!!!
hehehehe love the new chapter -
Sandy Hurricane Babies

Not sure about the name Sandy but there is definitely something cool about being named after a Hurricane!

:wave: Zeri!!
:wave: Ginger!!

lxb - I posted it on your journal page but I think you are 4DPO right now :)

Also just wanted to confess my new addiction - I keep comparing preggy charts on ff to my chart. All different variations eg. by age, same temps, same ov etc. and its taking up so much of my time! I have to stop!!!!!!

Why couldn't this hurricane have had a classic or a unique name...I can't get John Travolta in Grease singing "Sandy" out of my head when I think about the name! :haha:
Also just wanted to confess my new addiction - I keep comparing preggy charts on ff to my chart. All different variations eg. by age, same temps, same ov etc. and its taking up so much of my time! I have to stop!!!!!!

u'r certainly not alone! :haha: ME TOO!

Why couldn't this hurricane have had a classic or a unique name...I can't get John Travolta in Grease singing "Sandy" out of my head when I think about the name! :haha:

:rofl: AH! Now that song is playing in my head~!! Oo.. Sandyyyyy... Sandyyy.... Aiiyaiiyaiii... &#9834;&#9835;
It's awful...the drive through movie...the swing set...THE SONG! Ughh! I need a theme song (did you ever watch Ally McBeal?) to shake the Ohhh Saandyyy, why o why....](*,)

PS FF gave me crosshairs...not exactly the date I expected, but I was thrilled to see them!
:haha: dh got that oppa gangnam style song stuck in my head for the longest time!! :growlmad: :haha:

Yay for solid crosshair!!! I think u Oed on CD14~ but who knows.. cd14/15, close enough :)
I agree on the O date...I'm impressed with temping though! I can easily see how beneficial it is to keep up with it! And Oppa Gangnam---just as bad to have stuck in your head! Halloween!
Yay for crosshairs!! xoxo your chart looks great and stable temps too before O! My acupuncturist would say that is a really good thing!

Maybe there is a theme song for our book when it becomes the movie though :) BUT I refuse to get any of those songs in my head today. :rofl: I just spent 3 days getting Dancing Queen out of my brain after I watched Muriel's Wedding on Netflix.

I'm waiting to pee on the OPK again- I used morning pee when I did the CBFM and that was still high but the OPK came out negative :( I'm hoping it will be +ve by this afternoon because I have booked my BD date with DH for tonight!!!!

He's got a dinner meeting tomorrow night and Friday night he's always so tired so I'm counting on a +ve OPK today!!! Because I know he won't be in the right headspace for BD until the weekend!!! Waaaaa :( I just wanna catch the eggy!!!

Hmm, so the CBFM isn't at Peak...that could just be because it's still learning your cycle. Fx for your +ve OPK later today! :dust:

Think Pink!
sandy song is stuck in my head still!! :haha:

agree with xoxo, perhaps you'll get + in the evening time. Seems from your past 2 cycles you got +opk on cd11 and O on cd12~! :thumbup:

c'mon eggy~~ you know you want some pink sticky vibes~~~ :haha:

Happy Halloween~!!
o ya.. meant to say :wave: fellow scorpio xoxo!! when's ur bday?

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