BD on day of positive OPK

ginger - how are you feeling?

xoxo - chart is looking great! Sweet of DH waking u up to make sure you temp~! hehe.. how are you feeling?

fire - your temp is rising nicely~!! every time i thought about switching to v-temping it freaked me out because I'm worried I would forget about it and put the same thermometer in my mouth~ :haha: but i've seen a few bnb buddies do v-temping and gotten more consistent temps :thumbup:

zeri - any sign of O yet? :haha: @ clearing old old swimmers for fresh supply before O~! :thumbup: Sending :dust: your way~! Try not to stress out too much (I know.. easier to be said than done) as i know stress could cause delay in O~

afm, woke up with a headache! Feel too similar to last cycle that I've got bad headache a day or two before AF arrived. I guess we shall wait and see.

I'm thinking maybe I ate too much spicy food over the weekend that caused the headache? or chocolate (leftover candies for the trick or treater)? or maybe it's my weird sub-conscious mind that caused me to have weird dreams/restless?
Zeri ~ Hope things are well with you...election should be over before you know it!

Fire ~ V-temping...I too have seen where other women temp that way. Let me know how it goes...I'm just now getting used to temping half asleep, I can only imagine the fiasco that would ensue should I try v-temping! :haha:

Lxb ~ Vivid dreams, temp still up there...headache....let me consult the Magic 8 Ball! :haha: Kidding of course. If only it were that simple! It all looks and sounds good!

AFM ~ I don't have any symptoms, but I'm no fuss about it. It has been nice watching my temp during the tww...the time really goes by quickly and I've learned so much!

Thinking Pink! :dust:
Ginger - hope you are doing okay! Sending you :dust:

Zeri - fx for lots of BD!

lxb - :rofl: about accidently putting the v-temp thermometer in your mouth! I totally thought of that too. So I'm going to order a new thermometer specifically for this purpose and start doing v-temps at the start of my next cycle - apparently starting mid cycle is not recommended.

Vivid dreams are a good sign! One of my friends says that she got this before she realized she was preggy. But I notice I do sometimes get them a few days before AF. Which I guess suggests its some kind of hormonal shift that brings it on. Which in the TWW is a good thing!!! What are you going to do to celebrate your MIL'less status?

xoxo - temping is fun! It definitely makes you feel like you are more in charge of what's happening and in tune with everything :)
G'morning ladies! It's Election Day!

:brat: Why did my temp go so far down again? I suppose I should brace for AF, but I'm holding on to a thread of Think Pink! Not having previous cycles to compare, I am kind of in the dark. I noticed I had mild night sweats...I wonder if that can that impact my temp?

xoxo - hmm.. interesting about double dip.... i wonder what it means too~!! can't wait for you to go sleep and wake up with your temp tmr~!!! FX it's not AF on its way! too early~!

fire - :haha: good!! glad you're going to get another thermometer for your hoo ha~~~ I would hate to get woken up by realizing i put the thermometer in the wrong place~ :haha: yay for solid crosshair~~!! welcome to tww~!!! :hugs:

afm, temp dropped this morning. sigh... feel like all my positivities had gone down with it~ :dohh: in other exciting news!! it's MIL-LESS DAY~! :wohoo: :wohoo:
:headspin: MIL-Less Day! :headspin:

I would love to say I have promising symptoms, but I don't. As for you Lxb, your drop wasn't significant, so perhaps tomorrow we will BOTH see a rise? Is it bed time yet? :haha: Tonight is going to be like Christmas...please Lord do not let me start having a short LP, bring on a BFP!

Lxb ~ It's the TWW show! Think Pink!

Zeri ~ Any new reports from your tropical oasis?
xoxo - the dip you had at 5dpo could be a fall back rise - I get these in my chart. And the dip this morning an implantation dip!!! It's not early AF for sure - I can pretty much say that with confidence :) :) because you are still above your coverline :)
I think night sweats DO mean something my acu always asks me if I've been having them, I think they indicate some kind of hormonal thing in some direction...sorry about the huge generalization!!
fx for a triphastic chart starting tomorrow!!
lxb - your temp didn't dip too much - only .2 degrees - you still have a very big chance. I've seen loads of BFP charts in FF that look like that on 10 or 11 dpo so keep thinking pink!!! Yippeee for MIL less day!!!!

AFM - I'm not 100% convinced that FF got it right - I feel like I o'd on the 12 and my temps were just struggling to rise. Well I guess I'll see because my LP is usually 14 days long and they say that part of your cycle is less likely to change that the first half.

I looked back on our BD pattern and I am 99.9% sure I'm out this month :( In fact I kind of 'know' I'm out this month. 4 days before O if ff is right or 3 days before O if I O'd on the 12. Either way I don't think I stand a chance.

So I'm putting my intention to Thanksgiving BD (if my calculations are correct we need to BD on TG eve - which will be the day of my +ve OPK or first peak in the CBFM - but I did calculate my +ve OPK day incorrectly this month hence the wrong BD day :(

OR around Christmas is my second opportunity which will be better for us because we will be away with no in-laws!!
Thank you Fire for the feedback on my chart. I like your theory, Fall-back THEN Implantation! FX!! And the generalization about the night sweats is no biggie! I figured it was something related to hormones. DH thinks I was too bundled up. I went to bed last night feeling REALLY cold, so I added a throw blanket to my side of the bed. DH said I tossed all of the covers off at one point, so he covered me back up. There is no telling what the dip was from...bring on tomorrow!

FX that some of those swimmers held fast and made it to your eggy! If not...Turkey Day BDing it is! Just watch the tryptophan :sleep: I just glanced at my Ov App and I should O around then too! I'll need to book a hotel, I LOVE my sister and LOVE staying with her, but BDing at her house...not going to fly! :haha:

:dust: :dust:
fire - fx those :spermy: found its way and able to catch that pink eggy!!

xoxo - :wohoo: so excited about your chart!! I just want to go sleep so I can see tmr's temp!! :haha:

I think we're all Oing around thxgiving/xmas time too!! Here's to Pregtember!! FX that we'll get our BFPs this month~ So we'll spend our thxgiving getting morning sickness and our xmas telling people~ :thumbup:

:drunk: :drunk: :drunk:
xoxo - I just read on another thread that night sweats are a big preg symptom for some people.


I think we're doing something else besides turkey for Turkey day - apparently MIL wants Duck. Trying to figure out how we are going to be able to sneak off for a BD while they are staying in our small 2 bed vacation condo :( DH booked a hotel but not until the Friday after and I'll be too late for the egg by then! Oh well I guess I'm going to have to just go for it even with the in-laws in close proximity!!! They want more grandkids so they'll have to put up with it. :rofl:
lxb - love that we are all O'ing around TG and X'mas!!!

Pregtembers for sure!!

The holiday BD BFP totally make sense :)

X'mas is the only time my DH is away from his Blackberry :) I can't wait!!!
Holiday BDing Fest is our newest chapter. You know how they say women who hang around each other their cycles start to sync up...perhaps through some cyberspace way ours have! Well, the most important part, ovulation! Hehehe Either way, I'm in with Lxb...morning sickness through Turkey Day dinner without letting the fam know, then spilling the beans with creative gifts on Christmas...feels like a Hallmark moment! I want it! :xmas12:

Lxb ~ Seriously, it's 4pm here and I am ready to throw on my pajamas! Wonder if DH would think I was being weird...hmm. :loopy:

Fire ~ Night sweats during pregnancy? Really, of all the symptoms that's the one I'd get! :haha: I'll take it if it leads to a BFP. I was thinking, I just switched Prenatals yesterday...using MegaFood, Baby & Me, could that have any effects? And going for it...they want to be grandparents :xmas13: Love it!
:haha: Ooo.. we're syncing up through cyberspace~!! How cool is that?!?! That's the magic of pink sticky vibes! Exactly xoxo, that would be a Hallmark moment~!! "There's these group of ladies that met each other through cyberspace.... little did they know... they'll get their BFPs together on Pregtember with LOs sharing the same Birthdays~!"

Oo, yeah, I've heard of that too. Heard "thirst" could be a symptoms too~! I guess it's part of the inner heat? :thumbup:
It has to be the pink sticky vibes...cybervibing <~~~I'll work on the patent! :haha:

So glad we are all in good spirits. Some situations are comical, while some require serious attention. I really enjoy checking in here to see how you ladies are doing! And I love the feedback! :friends:

Come on us the Pink!
Holiday BD fest is definitely the new chapter!!

I was thinking last night about how radically my life will change with a baby. Do you guys ever think about that? Right now I'm so...self-centered (I guess is one way of seeing it). And I know it's WAY WAY too earlier and I should be so lucky to be even preggy but I was thinking about how I love to sleep in, and how I wouldn't be able to do that when I have a baby. Which of course is what I desperately want, but I was wondering maybe that I've waited all these years and done nothing active about having a baby until now because I just indulged in my own personal freedom all the time :)....and how now I'm ready to share that time with a baby and be sleep deprived etc.

Love Pregtember in cyber space!!! :dust:

xoxo I tried megafoods prenatals but they gave me an upset stomach after a while, I've been on Rainbow Light for a few weeks, but I have to confess I do skip days here and there....

Hey girlies! :hugs: Sorry I've been MIA - had a busy weekend completing some work stuff.

Sorry to hear about the declining temps, xoxo and lxb....:growlmad: Bad temps! but I agree it's still possible for them to rebound. FireBaby - sorry to hear you feel out this month too. :? Bah! All the Thanksgiving plans sound like fun though! :haha: at BDing by the in-laws and trytophan..:D

Guess I'll be joining you guys for Pregtember. I'm pretty sure I'm out this month too. :-( Still have no clue when I ovulated (I had ordered some opks but they just came in today- CD16). I had some ewcm on CD14 and CD15 - so based on that I'm thinking I may have O'd on CD15. DH and I only Bd'ed on CD13 in the afternoon. I'm pretty sure the swimmers won't hang around till CD15. I didn't see any ewcm that day...and they were stale swimmers too. :coffee: Bah! I really should've asked DH to BD on CD14 and CD15, but I was so tired both day and I didn't think DH was up to it either. It sucks to have another month go by with nothing...but at least next month I'll have my opks so I'll be able to plan things better, right? :shrug: I hope!

Anyone heard back from Ginger?
xoxo and lxb I had to get on my computer right away this morning and look at your charts!! Yipppeeee!!!

lxb you are heading the right directions this morning!!! :dust: Yayayay!
I have a good feeling about where they are going :) sending you triphastic vibes for tomorrow morning!

xoxo - you had a significant increase :) FX for triphastic!!!!!!!!! At the moment that's what it looks like!!! Implantation dip on day 9 is perfect! :) super exciting!

zeri - have you considered using a monitor instead of OPKs? I just started using it for the first month this month and I think I actually prefer it over the OPKs it just gives you a bit more warning before your peak. Although they are kind of pricey...unless you get a hand me down or a second hand one....but the good thing is you don't need to use as many sticks as you do with the OPK's I figured out with my cycle I only need to use 6 sticks...
fire - you're not alone as to thinking about being 'self-centered'. I thought about that too.. regarding sleeping in... and being able to just get up and go to wherever/wheneve and for however long! Certainly wont be as flexible anymore after having a baby~ But it's alll for a good reason~ :haha: I snoozed whenever I got a chance~!! Perhaps I'll just take a quick nap when the baby nap! :haha: we'll all find our ways to handle whatever chances that will come our way. :thumbup:

xoxo - :drunk: here's to 98.4s~!!!!!! When will you be testing? :haha:

zeri - you're still in it~ I've known a few ladies here who BDed ONCE and got preggo!! Sperms should be good for ~3 days so I think you're okay :thumbup:

ginger - where are you at? Hope everything is okay~!

:drunk: Here's to Pregtember ladies~ :hugs:
Fire baby. I felt like that too!

This is what I got today:

Gonna be busy soon!
HI anorak! Yup, looks like it's definitely to get busy!

xoxo, lxb - your temps look great!!! When are you girls planning to test?? Looks like I might me the only one around here for Pregtember...:thumbup: FireBaby - your temps look good too, even though I know you think you're out. Are you going to test at all?

Thanks for the suggestion about the monitor. I never really thought about it, I guess because of the cost. For now, I feel ok with the opks though - they fade in predictably day by day until O, so I usually have a bit of warning before O arrives.

Speaking of O.... had some ewcm this morning and so decided to take an opk. Surprise! It's positive!! Guess I actually haven't O'd yet but will sometime later tonight or tomorrow. Ahhh!! On the one hand I'm happy to have another chance but on the other hand I don't know if DH will be up to Bding tonight. We were up late last night watching the election coverage so he might just want to sleep. :sleep: Urghh!! I hope I get some tonight!!

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