BD on day of positive OPK

Hi to everyone!

:dust:Hope you get that positive opk tonight, FireBaby!
o ya.. meant to say :wave: fellow scorpio xoxo!! when's ur bday?
Dadgum Sandy song...I can't shake it because it's all the news talks about! Olivia Newton John what have you done to me! :haha:

My birthday was 10/23...:cake:

Zeri ~ :howdy:

Fire ~ Hoping tonight was fruitful! :hugs:
Happy belated birthday xoxo!!

FireBaby - so did you get to BD? Was your opk positive?

Is everyone else in the tww? Wondering if I'm the only one left to O... CD11 for me here, but no sign of ewcm yet. Last cycle I think I O'd on CD14, so I'm hoping I'll see some ewcm soon.
Yes happy belated birthday xoxo!!

Zeri - hope you see the EWCM soon!!

I got my +ve OPK and peak on the CBFM this morning :( waaaaaaa I think I might miss the egg again this month :(

We BD last night but I think I messed it all up with the softcup. I tried to insert it right after and it was SO uncomfortable, it hurt, I had to take it out immediately and I think EVERYTHING came with it :( I'm hoping a few spermies some how managed to hang around and can survive in there until the eggy comes around tonight. Otherwise I'm definitely heading for a BFN this month. Wish DH had more energy and would be able to rally again tonight, but that would be a miracle. Maybe Sandy will make her way down the West Coast and then all his meetings will be cancelled!!! Oh I guess I should be careful for what I wish for!!
Zeri ~ I like when we are staggered in the TWW, it gives me something to look forward to and really helps pass the time! Fire just got her +ve :yipee: Now we hold our breath waiting for you to get yours, then before we know it Lxb will test and get our 1st BFP! Keeping a positive mental attitude! Think Pink!

Fire ~ That was my fear about using the Softcup! :trouble: Everyone promised it was the cat's meow! Shucks! If it helps, I imagine the millions of swimmers headed North were already in your cervix before the Softcup fiasco. You probably just lost those who weren't meant to be! Fx!

Lxb ~ It's almost Friday. Hope the MIL has been tolerable!
zeri - FX for that +OPK!! And that EWCM!!

xoxo - Happy Belated Birthday!! I think I'm feeling a little discourage this morning as I feel like I have no little bean in my belly! I need to think PINK!!! I think the discouragement is coming from the dotted crosshair. :wacko: When are you planning to test?

fire - dont' worry too much about it. like xoxo said, there are millions of those swimmers! Those that came back out are probably not meant to be and are too weak anyways! You only really needed one! From your previous 2 cycles.. seems like you'll O tmr! So plenty of time to get more :spermy: in there to catch that eggy.

Sending pink stickiness~~!!

:dust: :dust: :dust:

C'mon Ms Sandy Pregtember~! :happydance:
I like your positive attitude xoxo! :) And yes, I like the staggered approach those us in the boring part of our cycle something to look forward to!

Sorry to hear about the Softcup woes, Firebaby. :-( I think it's likely that some swimmers were able to make it up.. How long after ejac did you insert the softcup? If there're some swimmers up there then you still have a good chance, since if you O tonight they only woul'dve had to hang around for about 24 hours or so, which is doable, right? Fingers crossed for you still, although I know you must be disappointed. HUGS!!

I'm feeling anxious about getting in the right BD at the right time too. No sign of ewcm yet. If O doesn't come by CD15 (Mon), DH will be distracted by the US election coverage...and my chances for BD will be gone! :nope:So I'm hoping I O soon so I can relax!

Lxb ~ Dadgum dotted crosshairs! You'd think a computer program wouldn't be fickle! Are you now 5dpo instead of 8dpo? I haven't thought through when I should test yet...God willing I'll get to though! :af: THINK PINK STICKY!

Zeri ~ We're cheering for your eggy to come on! :dance:

zeri - FX for that +OPK!! And that EWCM!!

xoxo - Happy Belated Birthday!! I think I'm feeling a little discourage this morning as I feel like I have no little bean in my belly! I need to think PINK!!! I think the discouragement is coming from the dotted crosshair. :wacko: When are you planning to test?

fire - dont' worry too much about it. like xoxo said, there are millions of those swimmers! Those that came back out are probably not meant to be and are too weak anyways! You only really needed one! From your previous 2 cycles.. seems like you'll O tmr! So plenty of time to get more :spermy: in there to catch that eggy.

Sending pink stickiness~~!!

:dust: :dust: :dust:

C'mon Ms Sandy Pregtember~! :happydance:

Thanks girls!

lxb - so even though you got a positive opk on CD15, FF thinks you O'd on CD18? That seems like a bit of a gap, no? When do YOU think you O'd, and how did you BD?
I think I Oed before/on Friday (cd17). If I discard the temp on CD17, it showed I Oed on CD16 with solid crosshair, which makes me 7dpo today. The reason why I considered discarding the temp on cd17 is because DH woke me up with a quickie BD before I could temp. But when I temp after BD, temp was 97.54 (30min before my actual temp time). Temped again half an hour later and temp was 97.68 (If I use 97.68, it, too, showed I Oed on CD16). :shrug: Am I losing you yet? :haha:

The reason FF thinks I Oed on CD18 is because temp for cd19, 20, and 21 were consistently higher than CD18.
I think I Oed before/on Friday (cd17). If I discard the temp on CD17, it showed I Oed on CD16 with solid crosshair, which makes me 7dpo today. The reason why I considered discarding the temp on cd17 is because DH woke me up with a quickie BD before I could temp. But when I temp after BD, temp was 97.54 (30min before my actual temp time). Temped again half an hour later and temp was 97.68 (If I use 97.68, it, too, showed I Oed on CD16). :shrug: Am I losing you yet? :haha:

The reason FF thinks I Oed on CD18 is because temp for cd19, 20, and 21 were consistently higher than CD18. ya....I think..! :dohh: Well, I would go with your intuition anyway. Sounds like you got enough BD in. And that quickie BD on CD17 sure wouldn't hurt either! :)
lxb - I'm still thinking you O'vd on 17th. Wish there was a magic ray to be able to tell, but that was my analysis/gut from your chart and also based on the fact that it was your O day the month before:) and the good thing about my analysis is that it means you caught the eggy!!

zeri - I put the softcup in immediately after, I was so determined, I really think I pulled every viable little guy out. I mean there is probably still a chance but a super slim one.

I hear your worry about 'events' that might interrupt BD - my DH needs to be scheduled or he has zero focus. I had to make sure we weren't doing anything for Halloween on the day ahead of time or I knew there would be no chance. Ah to be in my 20s again and have quickies........actually its not me (I can always rally)...I wish DH had the stamina of a 20 year old! Hehehehe.

Hope you get your ewcm soon Zeri!! I had lots of it this month because of grapefruit juice, mucinex and EPO - it actually works!

I've got ovulation symptoms right now :( so I probably will O tonight, I guess my temp tomorrow morning will indicate that either way. So my plan of O holding off until the weekend when DH can be focused again ain't gonna work!!

xoxo - I agree staggered dates are fun!!!
Hi ladies,
Am in limbo land at the mo. Af was due Sunday, has not arrived but nothing conclusive. I am a clockwork cycle kinda gal so something is up. My mind is leaning towards a possible ectopic. I have lots of classic pregnancy signs, sore achy boobs, mostly at night, waking up at night to pee etc. but problem is my tests. I have not had fmu since early on but that should not matter now. Unless I o'd twice this cycle, I should get something on a 20/25 ml test even with diluted pee. Yesterday, I did not test, now it is around 6 am, have been up since five. I wish now I got a beta last week. Now I am too nervous to. I remember with my blighted ovum years ago, I did not have sore breasts but had normal rising hcg. So do not think it is a blighted ovum. Heh maybe I am in peri menopause :wacko:

Fire - did u bd in man on top? That is great for getting swimmers deposited at the opening to the cervix. I think most that will make the journey are on their way pretty quickly and most spillage is waste, fluid etc.

Zeri - where in the Caribbean are you?

Lxb- in the tww - yay!:thumbup:

Xo- how are you?
Hi Ginger!!

Oh no :( I know it's easier said than done but try not to wig yourself out about it. And don't jump to perimenopause!! Trust me I've done that many times before esp when AF is light etc. but there is one thing I know about those thoughts and it is that they are NOT NEEDED!! It sounds very much like you are preggy preggy!!

Did you test with FMU this morning? When can you go in for a beta? Please try not to worry. Knowledge of what is going on is a great thing. Not knowing is scarier. It's better to know something even if you don't fully understand what is going on yet. If you do these then at least you'll get some idea.

And remember that hormones are weird just because you are preggy doesn't mean it will show up in the 'normal' way or the same way that it has in the past. This is the one thing that I can say I've taken away from spending so long on msg boards and reading about peoples experiences with things. So definitely we can't always rely on our hormones acting in the same way from month to month or pregnancy to pregnancy.
ginger - FX that it's just a shy bfp!!!! Think positive.. Think PINK!!! :hugs:

fire - wake up already so I can see your temp! :haha:

xoxo - I see a dip!!!!!!!!! Could it be implantation dip?? :wohoo:

zeri - any sign of ewcm yet??

Happy Friday Ladies~ :hugs:

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Ginger ~ Don't use the M word! That's for our Mother's and Grandmothers! :haha: It's bound to be a BFP causing all of your symptoms! FX!!

Lxb ~ I was going to ask what can cause a dip during the LP...I don't have any symptoms though, so I guess I'll see whats up tomorrow. Isn't 5/6dpo a bit early? I need to do some research :book:

Fire & Zeri ~ TGIF!! THINK PINK!
Ginger fx for you! :dust: :dust:

xoxo the dip in your chart is interesting and could be a really good sign!!!

I have something in my chart which they call a "fallback rise" - I've noticed that I get a dip a few days after O that then goes up again. But on your chart this could be an implantation dip :) there are lots of charts on FF that show preggy and have a dip around day 5-7...

:dust: :dust:

zeri - hope you get your ewcm soon!! It's O time :)

:dust: :dust:

lxb - 6 days til MILless!! Yayaayayay! How are you feeling?

:dust: :dust:

AFM - not sure what's up with my Ov - I guess I haven't O'd quite yet - according to my temps (still low) and the CBFM (still on peak) - however the OPK showed a -ve this morning, but when I took it out there were clearly two lines still on it so there's still hormone there but maybe not enough to trigger a full +ve.

Anyway none of this matters because DH is so crazy stressed that when I even mentioned BD late last night after he got back from his meeting he got defensive :( waaaa waaaa sometimes I feel like I'm doing all this tracking work and it goes so completely unappreciated!!!
Hey girlies,
Gingersnaps - sorry to hear about the uncertainty. I hope it isn't an ectopic pregnancy... :-(, although I do remember reading somewhere that hcg can rise less fast with an ectopic - but then I read a lot of stories of women having their tests also show positive with an ectopic too. Are you going to go to the docs anytime soon?

As for your question - I live on a small island in the Caribbean, called St. Kitts (close to Antigua, south from Jamaica). :)

Fire - do you think you'll get any more BD in before you O?

AFM - CD12 today. No sign of ewcm yet. Sigh... bah. I I feel like all my plans for this cycle are going out the window. DH and I haven't Bd'ed since last week Thursday. I had planned to BD mid-week (to clear out the old swimmers), and then to BD this weekend to have a fresh supply before O. Not sure what the new game plan will be...not sure if will still O on CD14 or if it might be delayed this cycle.

Think this will be a stressful weekend - what with waiting to O and also a work project to do. Will check back in with you guys on Monday.

Have a great weekend! Hope we have some good news next week too! :)
Zeri and Fire ~ Fx you ladies O'd and managed to squeeze in some BDing this weekend!

Lxb ~ I'm totally hooked on temping now! DH woke me at 6:55a (my alarm is set for 7a) to make sure I took it...I'm just glad he doesn't think it's another obsession! :haha:

Ginger ~ Hope things are well with you! :hugs:

Sending out a hearty dose of :dust: :dust:
Hi ladies!!

Sending you loads of Pinky Sticky Vibes!! :dust:

I'm thinking of switching to vaginal temping next month - I keep falling asleep with the thermometer in my mouth and getting stupid readings like 90.8 (this was the first reading I got this morning)...also I have a feeling I've been sleeping with my mouth open and getting incorrect readings....don't really like the idea of v-temping but it might be the only way I can get non-erratic temps. And I can't stand going to the acupuncturist and she says 'sawtooth temperatures you are too emotional' I'm not! But I am when she tells me that!!! hehehehe

xoxo - supercute that your DH is waking you up to temp!!! temps are looking good

lxb - your temps are looking good too :)

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