BD on day of positive OPK

xoxo - yep~ same thermometer! there were times i jumped and realized i have a thermometer in my mouth, fixed it (because it was almost fallign off!) I find that now I just clenched at the thermometer with my mouth! :haha: how are you temp looking? getting the hang of it? Yay for BD all weekend~!!! :thumbup:

fire - yeah~ I have a little herb garden (which are now dominated by all the basil! :haha:) but nothing like freshly picked herbs from the garden~! I heard cbfm could be frustrating for some people, hopefully it will contribute some positivities to your journey! C'mon Pink Sticky Vibes~!

Zeri - welcome~! we have a small group of very lovely ladies here~ where are you in your cycle? how long have you been ttc #2?

ginger - how is it going with you? waiting to hear updates~~

afm, got a +OPK this morning! (didn't test yesterday though) but had a pretty low temp this morning. So I'm thinking perhaps I'll O today or tomorrow? we shall see~! :)

** Sending Pink Sticky Vibes **

:dust: :dust: :dust:
:dust: :dust: :dust:
lxb yay!!! It's BD time :) yipppppeeeeee! And as the name of this thread says:BD on day of your +ve OPK!!! Sending you :dust: :dust: for this month. I think this could be your lucky one :)

How is everyone else feeling?
Hi Zeri. :hugs:

Fire. The picture is the view from our can be so lovely out there! It was hard for me to believe they drive on that lake in the winter! I was terrified the first time we drove on it! Instinct made me put my seatbelt on, but DH quickly explained why seatbelts are bad on the ice! Meanwhile, thank you for cheering on my follies! Glad you got the monitor. Mine caught my surge last month and I'm hoping it does this month as well. I just pee in a disposable Dixie Cup and put all of my sticks in at the same time! Good luck using it! Fx!

Lxb. I didn't get to temp today, I forgot to set the thermometer by the night stand and a half awake/half asleep Angel couldn't recall why I was up in the first place! :haha: I hope missing today doesn't throw things off...when does the dip or rise occur? Based on my OPKs (they are almost dark) I'm still a few days out from Oing. I'll try to add the link to my chart on my signature. And hurray for you Oing! It's gO time! :bunny:

Hi guys,

LXB ~ a herb garden I am jealous! I would love one. I wanted to make a window one as we live in an apt but the heat is centrally controlled in winter and all my plants get dried up:growlmad: Loads of baby dust and happy bding!

Xo~ oh your deck - beautiful:flower: yay for O timing itself for when DH is home:thumbup:

Fire ~ sorry about the witch... I saw you posted that OH will not get a SA. I read you can get home ones from the pharmacy. Not sure how they compare to regular. i have seen women post they use kids chemistry sets. i think they show enough you can see if they are swimming normal and looked deformed or not. i think everyone has some bad ones, you just want to have a good number of good.
I have some Macca as well but keep forgetting to use it before O but we are on lots of other vits.

Hiya Zeri:howdy:

AFM~ have not tested for two days. Got a neg the first time I tested two days ago. Still have a good feeling for this month. May test tomorrow or go in for a beta Friday/Sat.
xoxo - love that view from your deck! Sublime :) I didn't know you aren't supposed to wear a seatbelt on the ice - why is that?

lxb - BD time!!! Yaaaay!!!!

Ginger FX FX and :dust: for testing in Pink Sticky Month.

Oct/Nov = Pregtember

Hi Zeri!!

AFM: Warning TMI ........

I have a hemorrhoid :( Yes :( I think I might have got it from too much heat going up there during the V-spa :( Went to the acu yesterday and she said I have 'excess heat' which is a new one for me it's usually 'excess dampness'.

She also said that that was the reason why AF only lasted 2 days and was super light because of 'excess heat'. She gave me cream for the 'rhoid (!!!!!) and has menthol in it and it burns!!! I just hope it goes away ASAP because I need to be ready to BD around Halloweeen!!! I've never had one of these before, its little but its YUCKY YUCKY :(
Yikes Fire! The V-Spa helped the hoo ha, but messed up the booty! Hope it's goes away quickly! I hear they can be quite uncomfy! (No seatbelts on the ice because if truck falls through you need to be able to jump out! Wasn't reassuring to hear that!)

Ginger...thinking pink for you! Fx!

Lxb :dust:

Dr suspects I'll O on Saturday! My follie is 20mm and lining is 8.5! Timing is perfect because DH :plane: gets home tomorrow :bunny:
xoxo - LOL: psychics, herbal hoohas and a burning booty: a journey in TTC.

Yay for your follies!!! And your DH's return!!! Super super cool!!! 8.5 is a good number for the lining? I don't know much about those tests but from what I've picked up on boards it sounds perfect :) Do they do an ultrasound to check the size of the follies?

YIKES for the no seatbelt thing!!!

Pink Sticky Vibes everyone :dust: :dust:
:rofl: Too funny Fire! This book gets better and better! My RE calls it cycle monitoring and they use ultrasound to measure follies and lining. They also draw bloods to look at hormones (LH, progesterone and estrogen) For lining, they like to see an 8. As for the follies, I think between 20-22. My acupuncturist did a treatment on Tuesday to help with my lining...for the first time she had me on my tummy and the needles went in my lower back! VERY relaxing...and effective. My lining on Monday was a 4 and the follie was an 11...they've both nearly doubled! I <3 acu!

When I first read xoxo's post:
"Yikes Fire! The V-Spa helped the hoo ha, but messed up the booty! Hope it's goes away quickly! I hear they can be quite uncomfy! (No seatbelts on the ice because if truck falls through you need to be able to jump out! Wasn't reassuring to hear that!)"

I guess I was half-day-dreaming and half reading. I saw v-spa, hoo ha, ice. Thought xoxo ask fireb to put ice on hoo ha to help with excess heat~! Ahh.. the importance of reading everything thoroughly~ :haha:

fire - hope your hoo ha is ready for 'business' soon~!!! menthol + burn just not a good combo down there~~

xoxo - yay for O on saturday!! Saturday is cd18 for me (FF predict I O on CD18) so it's a great day~!! But I think I might O today or tomorrow? who knows~~ it's great to see you know exactly where you are with your lining and follie~~

eek! the no seat belt thing just sound scary just to be in the car driving on ice!!!

Oo.. i LOVE the nice deck view you've got there xoxo! I could just sit there all day and all night~!

ginger - test tmr~!! I need to see some pee stick! :haha: FX!!
Lxb :rofl: Nearly choked on my water as I read your post! Ice down there...well, that would help with the heat and the booty! :haha:

Re: Driving on ice. I'm a beach girl and our water doesn't freeze, so the concept of driving on frozen water FREAKS me out! We normally only go to our cabin in the summer, I can't handle the extreme winters up there!

So Saturday is supposed to be your O day too? I'm just waiting on my OPK to go positive...hopefully the RE was right and I get the +ve tomorrow. The labs showed my LH was still what they consider negative, fx it doubles tonight!

Ginger ~ :dust: to you!

and heaps of :dust: with pink vibes for all of us!
Ice!!! That was hilarious that you read it like that!

I'm glad something funny could come out of this 'roid - its SO not pleasant. I thought only preggy or overweight or super old people got 'roids!! Waaaa. I could totally justify it if I was preggy :( no more v-spas for me. Kind of serves me right I guess. Maybe I'll have to start walking around with ice in my panties :( my best friend did this for 3 weeks after she gave birth, maybe I could just practice doing this. If anyone asks I could just say 'practicing for afterbirth' or maybe research for a book....

I'm thinking about going and getting a HSG test done on Monday. Have any of you guys had this done? My ObGyn doesn't think it's that necessary at this point but said I can if I want peace of mind, plus I've been reading about how it clears out your tubes and makes conception easier for up to 3 months after getting the test done....


xoxo and LXB Yay to BD weekend!!!!!!!!!

Fire ~ My RE wanted me to have the HSG done. I was looking forward to it, but they want to do it on specific days (between CD7-10) and I cannot pinpoint my true CD1. Maybe temping will help. I've heard conflicting stories on whether or not the procedure is painful, so be prepared. Either way, I'll do it of it increases my chances of becoming pg! Good luck and let me know how it goes!

In the meantime...Don't freeze :cold: your Hoo ha! I think she has been through enough! Lol!

Think Pink!
As predicted by the RE my poas OPKs are +ve! My question now is what should I expect my temps to do? Nothing drastic has happened with it...I half expected to wake up today and see a difference in my temp, but it was the same. In the words of C&C Music Factory, "things that make you go hmmm." <~~~Lame, I know. :haha:

Afterthought: I know OPKs predict O will occur within 24-36 hours, so is that when a difference in temp can be detected? Thanks ladies for your help with this!

<3 TGIF! <3 TGIF! <3
Thanks for the welcome ladies!

xoxo - as far as I know, nothing much will happen to your temp till after you O. You might see a lower temp just before you O and then a higher temp the day after, indicating that O has occurred. Hope you get some good BD in!

Firebaby - so are you definitely getting the HSG done? It might be good to have that peace of mind that everything is clear down there. I've heard conflicting stories too, about how much it hurts. The last account I heard said that it was kind of painful, but I think you can take pain relievers before to minimize the pain you might feel during the procedure.

Best wishes to everyone O'ing soon! I don't think I'll O till next weekend. Today is CD5 for me.
xoxo - yeah, sat is supposedly O day~ I'm think I'm Oing today? as far as temp goes, once you've got your +opk, you should be Oing within the next 24-36 hours? If you O tomorrow, you temp is probably going to be low. Once you've Oed, your temp should rise for the following days (you need 3 consistently high temp in order for FF to think you've Oed and to give you a crosshair and coverline).

fire - how's ur hoo ha??

afm, a bit confuse as to which temp I should use today. DH woke me up this morning for a quickie! :shy: I temped afterward at 5:45 and it was 97.54 (I expected it to be higher because of BD? BUT, I was pretty much lying there the whole time half awake! :haha: Took my temp at my usual time (6:15) and it was 97.68. 0.15 degree difference... shouldn't make that much of a difference. I guess I'll wait to see tmr's temp to see if I O today or tmr?
Thank you Zeri.'re right around the corner from O time! high temp after a quickie really had me laughing! Not quite :rofl: but a good chuckle! I guess I can relate because there are moments when I'm sure my temp doesn't alter after early morning BDing either! I think I'm jealous of your DH initiated quickie...

So if my OPKs are correct, I should see a temp drop within 24-36 hours and then it will start to go up...and keep going up for a BFP?? Ok, wishful thinking, but a girl can THINK PINK!

zeri - is af gone? Almost time for O~~

xoxo - :haha: DH is more of a morning person than a night person :shrug: Yep~ your temp should be up (above the coverline) for the next monthsssssssssssss~ THINK PINK indeed! :happydance:
lxb - morning BD is awesome!!! Love a morning quickie!!! My acupuncturist would approve - she says mornings are the best time to conceive. For me unfortunately unless we are on vacation with very little/no cell reception there is no chance of that happening!!

I have a feeling this is your lucky month :) your charts look great!
That is so funny that your temps didn't rise after BD.

For me if I had a morning BD they definitely would have to rise because I'd be the one doing all the work. If only my DH was a morning quickie guy...ah to dream....:rofl:

xoxo - yaaaaay for +ve OPK!!! Yes temps will rise after O. And stay up for your BFP!!! Yippeeeee!!!

Zeri I'm on CD6 so our CD are close! I usually have early Ov so I am expecting a +ve OPK on 31st and O to happen on Nov 1st.

I'll talk to my doctor today and figure out if I am going to go in on Monday for the HSG which will be my CD9...I wish I could have it done a bit earlier eg. CD 7 or something because if its CD9 then I will probably get a +ve OPK on CD11 and will need to BD on that day but not sure if my hooha will be up to it only 2 days after the HSG....but I'm travelling for the rest of my cycles this year so this is really my only opportunity for 2012 to get it done....

Watch your monitors ladies coz there's sticky pink baby dust flying at cha!

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
lol:haha: at hoo ha...

and temps not altering after Not sure if FF would agree with putting in after-BD Shouldn't the uhmm...heat and friction of BD...:blush: make the temps artificially higher?

Jealous of the morning BD, though! Yup, they say that's a good time to BD because the testosterone is highest in the morning, and I guess that means the sperm are more energetic too..? lol.

Yes, AF is gone for me. It only lasted 2 days! I notice it's been getting shorter these last couple months. Don't know why, though. Doc said my lining is fine.
Firebaby, I think you mentioned you had the same issue - was yours always like that? Hope you get to have a good chat with your doc about the possibilities of doing the HSG this cycle. Let us know!
Zeri - yeah I've been noticing my AF has been getting shorter too and it wasn't always like that.

It has been like that for the last year or so but then even more so the last 3 cycles I thought it might have been due to the chinese herbs I was taking, that perhaps they interrupted my hormones or something at least for the last 3 months. :(

My doc hasn't called me back I called and they said he was in surgery so I'm guessing there won't be a call back today :( which is okay because now I think about it I'm not really up for going and getting the HSG test on Monday. I don't really feel like being prodded and poked....

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