BD on day of positive OPK

xoxo - I am with you on the vitex thing - everyday I see my bottle of vitex in the pantry when I got to take my other vits but somehow I don't want to take it.

I did a few odd things this week.

1) I went to the local yuppie hippie spa and had a V-spa! Yes that's v for vag :blush: It is supposed to clear out your uterus before you get your period and make conception the next cycle better! Basically (tmi) you get undressed from the waist down and sit on this wood stool thing with the middle cut out and the spa therapist puts a thing of boiling water with herbs in it and you sit above it and steam everything. I felt a little kooky while I was doing it but actually it kind of relaxing and I think I had the best sleep I've had in weeks that night. I slept so soundly that the next morning I even forgot to temp when I woke up.

2) The other thing I did was order a pregnancy reading and 'speedy conception' spell from a psychic in the UK that one of my online buddies recommended. It takes a week for her to deliver by email so we'll see. I'm not the type to believe in psychics but I just felt it might be fun.

lxb and ginger - DH and I moved to a house which has a roof deck and from the roof you can see stars because it is away from the lights of the city. I love the stars!

Also I got my order of farinetta flour (the stuff that is supposed to be good for people with PCOS - I don't have PCOS but I researched the sugar level balancing effect that the flour has and I figured it is probably good for anyone) and I made muffins from it. They turned out quite well - I made them with a festive tone - pumpkin and apple sauce with nutmeg and cinnamon.

Sending pink to all you ladies xxx

Also lxb I'd take that lunar fertility thing with a grain of salt - don't worry if it doesn't correlate - I think + or - 3 days is actually pretty accurate for something so wacky like that!!
Fire ~ Sounds like you are going ALL out!! V-Spa...I never knew such a thing was out there!! FX for you!

Lxb & Ginger ~ Hope you ladies are well!!

I am a total star gazer!!! I love going to our cabin on the lake because you can see every star out there!

Sending pink sticky :dust:
Hi all:flower:

fire~ wow never heard of that! I wonder if it was breathing in the steamed herbs that made you so relaxed?
Your roof deck sounds awesome:thumbup:

XO~ that sounds cool to have a cabin on a lake. I sometimes visualize living in Minnesota or Wisconsin out in the woods:flower:

LXB~ mountain time always makes me think of the John Denver song, Rocky Mountain high.
I was following the news of that poor girl in Colorado , who was abducted on her way to meet friends to walk to school. Jessica Ridgeway. Sad story.
Fire - woo~~, v-spa?!! Never heard of that either! Hehe glad to hear your Hoo ha is getting a nice treatment and is relaxed! Waiting to hear about your psychic reading! Mmm... Muffin sounds good. Think I going to bake some muffin/cupcake this weekend! Roof top deck sounds amazing! Just sound very calming!

Xoxo - Oo.. Cabin sounds good! I am picturing us have a little gathering.. Simply lay on some open field ... Staring at those pretty stars! :haha: while munching on some bake goods!

Ginger - yea, sad story. Growing up, I always thought everyone was normal! Sad to know there are actually people out there who are mentally ill. :dohh:
lxb - relaxed Hoo haa made me laugh so loud. DH was in the other room and he yelled out 'what's so funny?' I was like nothing! Just a girl joke that you wouldn't get.

xoxo - where you at in your cycle now?

Ginger - super sad story :( I could cry all day reading the news.

I got the reading back from the psychic this morning - it was kind of fun to read - she has the worst spelling in the world 'phase' spelt 'faze' etc. but I guess being a psychic doesn't require that much schooling, maybe the less the better.

It was kind of interesting because even though I ordered the pregnancy reading she focused a lot on DH's career and finance stuff in the reading, which was exactly what I DIDN'T want to hear about because I want to be focusing on babies instead of what consumes me everyday all the time, but I guess the fact that she picked up on it was relevant, if not what I wanted it to be about. She did say she saw conception happening in Jan 2013 and a baby girl being born in 2013. So we'll see! Yaaay! :) And she did pick up on the name of my best friend and a couple of other things that were pretty accurate. Overall for the entertainment value I think it was worth the $30 or 19 pounds. And if any of it comes true I'll be super happy! lxb - I can pm it to you if you are interested (although it's not that interesting!) in retrospect I'd probably order the 10 pound cheaper reading and hopefully she'd skip all the stuff about DH's career.

FF predicts that I will Ov the day after Halloween, so last night I told DH we are going to stay in and BD for Halloween. That BD will be how we celebrate Halloween. So funny to prebook him like that :) but I have to or there's a good chance he'll just go to sleep!!! Now I just have to hope I actually get a +ve OPK on 31st :)

Pink sticky to all of you xxx
Psychics and Herbal Hoo Ha's...sounds like an up and coming "how to conceive" book! I like that she said a 2013 baby! So promising!!

I think I'm between CD6-8.

Happy Friday ladies! :dust:
xoxo LOL! That is TOO funny!
"Psychics and Herbal Hoo Ha's" ....release date 2013.

lxb and xoxo almost BD time!

Ginger - how's everything going?
looking forward to that release~~ :rofl: :rofl:

Stomach feel a little swollen and bloated! Perhaps it's my body gearing up for O? I was thinking... what if I O today?! (which is impossible because it's only cd10! ... I usually O between cd16-18!) And I usually start OPK on cd8 if not latest by cd10. And I just realize today is cd10 and I didn't bring any pee stick with me! :haha:

I'm a little confused by my cm. It's watery.. but not... feels thick. Not quiet creamy as it's transparent and felt 'wet'. I guess it's a cross between creamy & watery? :shrug: Ah.. let the confusion begin~~

Happy Pink Friday~! Sending pink sticky vibes~

xoxo - did you start temping yet?

fire - sending positive vibes that temp stays up~! :thumbup:

OT: Felt like my MIL-less ticket is stuck at 20 days! :dohh: :rofl:
The joys of tracking fertility...we'll add a chapter about cm to the book! I'm liking the release date!

I forgot to say I DID start temping! The first morning was a hoot! I woke, startled myself, dropped the thermometer under the bed, had to get up and search for it only to get 98.something, then I missed a couple of days because of my visit to my sister's. Without DH here I'm not doing so well with the time. :coffee: I now have a daily alarm set for 7am, fx I get the swing of it! Didn't mean to ramble about my adventure in temping (another book chapter). I'm guessing it takes getting used to...
So did any of you guys see the movie version of What to Expect While Your Expecting? I tried to watch it on netflix and didn't make it all the way through because it was so cliched and boring. I mean there are SO many hilarious things that they could have done. There is SO much material!

All I can say if Psychics and Herbal Hoo Ha's gets made into a movie it is going to be so much better, funnier, insightful and more endearing than WTEWYE!!!

There definitely needs to be a chapter in PAHHH about CM and Temping.

xoxo I am always struggling with my thermometer in the morning I have a digital non backlit one that doesn't have a noise so I either need to shine the iPad on it if its too dark or somehow try to read it in semi darkness, not always super easy and I'm sure I've mistaken 8s and 0s.

lxb - great that you are tracking your CM. I gave up on CM this month. But actually I know exactly what you mean about the creamy x watery CM - I thought I had a yeast infection but it turns out I think its normal or at least I went and looked at all those graphic images that people post of their cervix's and after that I concluded it was normal. Oh and I used one of those tests from the pharmacy to make sure I didn't have a YI. I think there is some book that goes into immaculate detail on the types of CM. I think it might be interesting to read that sometime...

I was playing with the idea of getting one of those fertility monitors but haven't quite decided if it's really worth the $200 and might wait until one comes up on Craiglist for $50 or something...although maybe it's a bit odd to use a 2nd hand one, I guess they say pee is sterile (!)

lxb your MIL tracker is hilarious!
Our book that turns into a movie is going to be a riot! I'm with you on the What to Expect felt like they went with a cheap Cliff Notes version.

I use the CBFM and it's a hand me, hand me down! The instructions tell you how to clean it and it isn't like I'm handling the inside components. I went online and learned how to do a hard reset so it would delete my friends cycle memory. The test sticks are pricey, but last cycle it was spot on!

Temping. Alarm went off at 7am and I forgot why I set it! Wasn't long and I remembered temping, but I dropped the thermometer again! Fire, I too have a thermometer that doesn't beep or have the backlight.

Lxb ~ I hope you were able to poas! My OPKs are showing a line, and my CBFM is at medium and I'm only CD8 (or CD9)...I usually don't O until CD13. :shrug: I need to learn more about CM :book: I've never checked mine!
xoxo what brand thermometer are you using? Is it a digital or an old school glass thermometer? I'm looking for another digital one that doesn't beep because mine feels cheap and flimsy and the batteries can't be swapped out - I don't want to get bad readings which I read can happen when the batteries start to run out.

And yay for OPK faint line - you'll get your +ve in a couple of days!!

I found someone selling a CBFM on Craigslist for $50 she's an hour away but I'm actually considering making the trek so I have it when AF gets here in 1-2 days :) I'm kind of wishing AF would hurry up so I can be on my next cycle!

Pink sticky vibes everyone!
Fire ~ I'm using a CVS digital. I didn't think about battery-life. Do you know where to get a better one? I would use glass, but I'd go through them daily! I dropped it again this morning!

Are you sure AF is coming? There is always the possibility as long as we think pink!
Hi guys,
Just chillin. Do not want to post pos signs now but things are looking interesting. Am worried about jinxing tho:blush:

Good luck XO and LXB with this cycle:flower:
Hi Ginger! Sending you pink sticky vibes :dust:

xoxo - the thermometer I got is a bit flimsy - it was the only one I could find on Amazon that didn't make that annoying beeping sound - the brand is called Kaz. I might order another one just as back up.

My temps dipped significantly this morning. Hurry up AF!

lxb - hope you are having a relaxing weekend :)
xoxo - i'm using a cvs digital thermometer too~! Been using it since Jan and it's still working good (*knock on wood*). I find the beeping sound helps me (it was annoying at first and seems SO much louder than it actually is because of the quiet surrounding). Now, I find the beeping sound woke me up to tell me it's done so I can put it away~ :haha: And I can always check the temp later, it store the last temp it took~

ginger - :dust: :dust: looking forward in hearing that nice update from you~~

fire - :growlmad: for temp dip~! I see that AF showed?! Okay, this shall be her last visit for the next 10+ months~! Sending pink sticky vibes through your screen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (can you feel it? :shy:)

afm, been a nice weekend. dh & I replaced some of the shrubs in our yard. So that's quiet a workout. Met some friends for brunch (as one of them is moving to another state :cry:). Good people and good food. Sometimes it's just hard to find people in the same phase and you can connect with.

temp is still down. let's see when I'll O~ :thumbup:

how are you ladies' weekends?
Ginger ~ FX

Fire ~ :grr: Onward to November

Lxb ~ we must have the same thermometer. I heard it beep today...I must doze back off quickly. I am still getting used to it because I don't know in the mornings if I've properly turned it on. Sorry about your friends moving...good couple friends are hard to come by!

AFM...went to check out follies today and I am too early for O. It's good news though because if I O after Thursday DH will be home! Surely he'll have missed me so much he'll want to BD all weekend! Fx for that!

:dust: And sticky pink!
lxb - thanks for the sticky pink vibes I felt them right through the screen!!
Now I'm sending you some back :dust: :dust:
:) Yaaay!!

Planting is exhausting! But so great when the plants take off. I've started to grow various things from seeds as well it's so amazing watching things sprout and grow into plants and trees.

xoxo - love your sublime sunset lake pic! yay to Ov follies on the weekend :) :dust: :dust:

Ginger - pink sticky vibes!! :dust: :dust:

AF arrived yesterday :( but not unexpectedly, so I guess the +ve is I'm getting to know my cycle really well. Plus I've had virtually no period pain and no PMS which is a first for me. I'm hoping the acu and all the vitamins I've been taking are doing something. Or maybe it was the herbal hoo ha spa that did it!!!
Anyway on the brighter side I got my CBFM today :) xoxo I had to reset it - like you were saying to the factory setting but that was fine. She also gave me a bunch of tests but they have an expiration of 07/12 so I called the manufacturer and of course they said don't use them but my friend who works in a lab said that they will be fine, so I guess I'm going to try them and hope they are still good. I'll still be doing my temps and OPK's so I won't miss my Ov even if they don't work.
Hi guys,
Was reading this thread yesterday and I can relate! I'm 36- DH is 44. Currently ttc#2 but it's been difficult, mostly because of BD issues, I think. We don't BD a lot - DH has low testosterone I think, and isn't always up to BD, and my libido isn't the highest either. We're taking Maca right now to improve that side of things. Anyway, my plan now is to try to BD on the day of the positive opk as well. I got pregnant twice that way before (on Clomid), but my second pregnancy was a m/c.

Just wanted to chime in. I mightn't be able to post frequently but I'm like to follow on with everyone here, if possible. :)
Hi Zeri, welcome!!

Congratulations and it's great to hear you got your pregnancy and BFP by BD on the day of the +ve OPK!

In my situation because we don't get to BD as much as I'd like if I have to choose one fertile day to BD I've decided it has to be the day of the +ve OPK - I've only tracked two of my cycles with temping but it seems like I definitely O within 12-24 hours after the +ve OPK hence my reasoning around this day....also want to be pretty close to the egg being there because I'm not sure how strong DH's swimmers are. Although I have also been giving him maca (I tried it myself but it gave me cramps) he also takes 1500mg of something called Tribulus which my acupuncturist recommended. He doesn't want to get a SA done so I'm kind of in the dark but he definitely has some libido issues.

Pink sticky dust to everyone :dust:

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