BD on day of positive OPK

I don't know if DH will be up to Bding tonight. We were up late last night watching the election coverage so he might just want to sleep. :sleep: Urghh!! I hope I get some tonight!!

We were up late too. He has no choice tonight! :brat::devil:
woohoo~!!! Get busy ladies~!!!! :happydance:

:dust: :dust: :dust:
lxb - yes baby naps!! I was thinking that as well - just nap when the baby naps. I have two friends both with 5 month old babies and I love watching them being mothers - they both are handling it so differently from each other. One is completely freaked out, underslept and you can tell she's gritting her teeth when she says: "this is the best thing that's ever happened to me" the other one is much more chill and she definitely has sleepless nights and ups and downs and cancels our lunch dates pretty much every time unless its at her house but her attitude is so much less stressed and she is working part time as well. Anyway I hope somehow to be more like the latter, but when I see my stressed out other friend I can completely empathize with her and I understand why she feels the way she feels in her situation, but a part of me is like - this is ALL you are doing with your time right now, this is basically your job at the moment, just treat it like that and stop your whining and get on with it....

Anyway I'm figuring that my DH, while he is absolutely wonderful, might be a bit of a hands off Dad. I mean I guess you never know.... But I've kind come around to accepting the fact that I'll probably be doing all the work (during the day and night) and DH will most likely be one of those Dad's who'll come home from work and play with the baby for an hour and then hand it back to me and won't be getting up in the middle of the night etc.

My mother doesn't live in the US so she's not a great help for babysitting (although she'd be amazing if she wasn't full time taking care of my Dad) and DH's mother would be a great help but I don't know if I could handle having her around all the time....I was looking on my school alumni list at the nanny ads! Something else for me to obsess about!!!! Hehehehehehehe.

Anorak and Zeri sending you loads of BD vibes for tonight! No excuse now the election is over!!! Zeri I found if I get DH to BD before dinner when he gets home I have more luck than waiting until later when he's got a tummy full of food and just wants to watch TV and go to sleep :)

xoxo go to sleep already and take your morning temp!! I wanna see it :) :dust: :dust:

Ginger sending you loads of :dust:
:hi: Ladies!'s already 9:30p here, but I hope you've managed to get DH to fall prey to your seductive ways. So glad you didn't miss it O because of the election!

Anorak...lovely OPKs!

Fire ~ Babies...little life suckers, but I want one! DH and I are very self-absorbed. My best friend was awful, but I watched her morph into this fab Mommy because of her daughter and again, I want that! I want to swap out stiletto's for running shoes (or nice Uggs) and make a mini-me! As for your DH...he'll come around. Men need tangible things for it to be it's just an idea, in 9 months it's his son (or daughter)!

Lxb ~ I am feeling a bit crampy today. (whispering this because I dont want to alert AF) :shhh: I think my PMS symptoms might be back...they haven't been around these last 2 cycles since my mc. So if anything my periods might be back to normal, which is a big plus! (End whispering) While this may be a win-win situation...I'd really like my temps to stay up and I'd like to be able to test on Friday (AF due Saturday, I think?). I was über excited to see our temps were both up today! Looking forward to what tomorrow may bring!

So now, I bid you all good night and sweet THINK PINK dreams! :dust:
:gun: friggin :witch: how dare she knock on my door...I thought she and I had an understanding? While she isn't here in full force, she has sent her minion, premenstral spotting! DH was saddened by this news. He tried to brush it off by saying he had always wanted a baby born in the fall. Only a man thinks like this..."I want him to be the oldest in his class to give him the size advantage when he plays football." :haha: Men!

On to Turkey Day Baby making! Now to break the news to my sister that we will be staying at a hotel! My nephew forfeits his room to us, so there would be NO BDing...DH is booking the hotel as I type! He is such a sport!

Lxb hope you have better news! Think Pink!

Fire, Zeri :dust: for your TWW!
xoxo - Baaah! :growlmad: to temp drop today~ :drunk: I'm trying to think PINK!! :hugs: Good news is it's still above coverline~~~ how are you feeling?

fire - I often think about how I won't be able to sleep in anymore. And though.. DH is a morning person~ He can take the morning shift~ :haha: And I agree with xoxo, he'll come around. once it's his own baby, he needs to be hands-on~! Men needs to be told what to do as they dont really know to do~ :haha: I remember my dh was having hard time interacting with my niece when she was first born up to about ~1.5yrs old? he just makes "noises" with her and told me he doesn't know how to speak to her. And I told him.. just treat her like a person~ she understands~ and with nephew now, he seems to be better at it (he's about ~1).

zeri & anorak - are you ladies keeping busy? :haha:
Ah.. xoxo~! spotting?? NOOOooooo!!! :growlmad: I feel like AF might show tmr for me :shrug: :dohh:

:gun: :gun: :gun:
Ah.. xoxo~! spotting?? NOOOooooo!!! :growlmad: I feel like AF might show tmr for me :shrug: :dohh:

:gun: :gun: :gun:

I know, right! :grr: I want to stay optimistic, but I really believe FF is a day off on my dpo. 12dpo is common for me to start spotting for impending AF. I imagine she'll show her face Saturday. :shrug:
xoxo :grr: for the impending :witch: :grr:
but you never know until she is REALLY here so don't throw the towel in yet :)

And as lxb said you are still above the coverline!!

lxb - how are you feeling? If AF doesn't show tomorrow you must :test: !!
FX for no witch :)

xoxo - that is EXACTLY it: I want a little life sucker!!! Thank you for putting it in those words because that's exactly what I needed to say to myself to reconcile the two parts together: the part that is like I want a baby more than ever and the part that is I love being able to do whatever I like whenever I like on a whim....

I want a Little Life Sucker!! Book chapter maybe?:baby::baby:


"I want him to be the oldest in his class to give him the size advantage when he plays football."

That made me laugh!!! It's exactly the kind of comment my DH would make.

I wonder if DH and I are going to have opposing parenting styles :argh:

lxb - at this point my DH doesn't really know how to interact with kids unless they are fully talking and like being tackled or tipped upside down. He has no clue what to do around my neighbors baby. He held the baby for 5 seconds and then gave him back to me. So he's definitely got a big learning curve ahead of him. :haha:

zeri and anourak hope you got your BD's in!!

Pregtember everyone!!!

Thanksgiving is my beacon at the moment!!

Last night I had a stomach ache and I didn't want to BD - that was a first for me, but also because I knew I wasn't in my fertile phase, is that bad? And then I thought I should just rally so he clears out the old :spermy: spermies but I didn't. And then I thought I don't want to be one of those mothers who once they have a kid they never put out again and the husband gets super frustrated :rofl: ah the least of my concerns right now :rofl:
Hey girls..

Well it's Pregtember for me for sure...:cry: No BD last night... :-( I went out to DH last night all freshly scrubbed and smelling good (he was lying on the couch)... and he said he was too tired, and had some work to do on the computer. :sad2: :cry: I was crushed but tried not to show it. To be fair, I don't tell DH when I'm O'ing (don't think he would take well to the pressure of it)...I usually try to seduce him on the right days. Some times it works, and sometimes it fails miserably. Like last night! I knew he would've been tired but I was sooo hoping he would've been up for it! And he's working tonight so that's is a no-go. I don't know how much more of this disappointment and rejection I can take....:cry: It just hurts so much to know that I want to be pregnant so badly and here I am wasting another month with nothing. Not even a hope for these next two weeks until AF. Just plain old wasting time....:sad2: It just really hurts a lot. :cry:

amorak - hope your DH was more cooperative and that you got some good BD in though!

xoxo and lxb - awwww.....:? that sucks to see those temps going down... They looked so promising yesterday! Looks like you girls are staying positive though... Looks like we'll all be in Pregtember together again, unfortunately...fortunately? I'm looking forward to sharing another month with you guys though!

Re: Life suckers...:haha: Yeah, I have one. She's almost 3. No lie - having a baby/toddler is a lot of work. I'm usually zonked by the end of the day...and naps and sleeping in are things of the past. I don't think I've really slept in since she was born, actually. That said - having a child and a family is truly an amazing thing. She's always making us laugh, and it's just awe-inspiring to watch her grow and learn new things. I feel honoured to be her mother and I wouldn't trade the experience for a single thing in this world. Not even my sleep! (which I love). Pregnancy and Child-birth/rearing is an amazing experience overall. If you haven't yet, I hope you guys get to experience it soon. :flower:
Fire ~ Life Suckers can be the final chapter. I like how Zeri admits the lack of sleep is real, but worth it! As for parenting styles...I wouldn't even know where my DH stands on certain topics, but I can say if my body (Hoo ha) is going to take the hit, then I get to overrule/veto him if necessary.

Lxb ~ How you feeling? I have spotting still, so I expect tomorrow's temp to drop even more.

Zeri ~ :hissy: Not in BDing mood, darn! However, kudos to you for trying to keep it spicy! My DH knows my motives for initiating, so he concedes. :blush: He only concedes because our FS told him to though! I often refer to her as the Oracle...if she says it, he makes it happen!

Think Pink! And on to Pregtember for me! (I still have to tell my sister we've booked a hotel for Thanksgiving! :help: Yikes!)

xoxo- yes! I like Zeri's perspective on Life Suckers too :)

Thanks Zeri!!

So sorry you didn't get to BD tonight. Maybe try the book ahead thing. That's what I do with my DH. We have general times which tend to be once on weekends and once during the week but I just prebooked him for the Day before Thanksgiving tonight!!! Kinda crazy I know but it seems to work he's totally a schedule kind of guy. Problem is when I don't time it right and then he's on the schedule and it doesn't work to change it spontaneously at the last minute. Also the TG BD is gonna have to be a quiet quickie because parents will be in the house :blah:

Wish I had a RE/FS oracle to motivate him, but no such luck he won't even get a SA. Blah!!

I drank a little bit of alcohol tonight - a glass of alcoholic cider (tasted like apple juice) - because I had a big show kick off and needed to unwind afterwards but now I feel kind of bad - I've pretty much written this TWW off this month, but I do have a slight niggling feeling that what if some of the spermies did last until Ov then drinking even a glass of anything alcoholic is super stupid.

Fire ~ A little bit of alcohol is NOT going to effect anything right now. My RE told me to enjoy a glass of wine on occasion just not to overindulge. Fx for those swimmers who waited around for eggy! :dust:

Looks like I'll be borrowing your Thanksgiving beacon...AF has her foot in my door! :grr: Just want her to come on in already and get this part over with! I've started planning my Thanksgiving Sextravaganza :haha:

Lxb ~ Saw your still in the running or do you want to share the thanksgiving beacon?
xoxo - does your sister know you guys are TTC? if not, what are you going to tell her? I can imagine she'd be disappointed, but gotta do what you gotta do to get those :spermy: That's great that your DH listens to the FS and does what he's told! :)

Fire - A couple drinks during the tww shouldn't affect anything. If there is implantation, the embryo doesn't share blood with you at that point (not until 6 weeks) so you should be fine. I'm hoping one of those spermies made it too! Did you have ewcm on that day? I think we're in the same boat of BD 4 days before O. A friend of mine got pregnant right after her AF with BD 7/8 days before O - she couldn't believe it! But her OH apparently has super spermies. I don't think my DH does.. so I'm not holding out hope for our chances this month. I'm seriously thinking of the schedule in advance idea though. One issue is that even though DH and I have talked about having another baby and he knows we're supposed to be 'trying',- he still maintains he's okay with one, so I don't know if he would sufficiently motivated to try if he knows I'm initiating only for baby-making reasons. I don't know...:shrug: still thinking about it though.

Has anyone here ever tried Clomid? It's really supposed to be for women who have ovulation problems. My gyn had prescribed it for me sometime ago - because of late/irregular ovulation. I have polycystic ovaries and he thinks I have PCOS (although I don't think so), but the last two times I got pregnant on it quite easily - with one BD on the day of the positive opk only. I'm thinking of trying it again this cycle. I don't know if I really need I feel like it would be cheating in a sense.. :blush: but at my age and with our limited BD I feel I have to do something to up our chances. In women who already ovulate it can help create better eggs/stronger ovulation, and lengthen the LP/progesterone level. There's a chance of multiples with it too, though... yikes!

Do you guys plan to change anything for this upcoming cycle?
Fire - don't worry about it. It won't hurt anything at this point of your fertilized eggy! :thumbup:

Xoxo - af not here yet. But judging by my temp and how well I've known her... She should be here by end of the day. So i'll join you for thxgiving beacon and sextravaganza :haha: we shall spend thxgiving BDing instead of MSing! :thumbup: look like we got the same temp today! Here's to temp buddies :drunk: haha.. This cyberspace magic is creepy! :haha:
Zeri ~ My RE refuses to give me Clomid. After my second mc I asked her to prescribe it to me, but failed. She said I ovulate on my own and it can cause LP problems, thin my uterine lining and run the risk OVER stimulating my ovaries. So many conflicting stories on it...but I really wanted to give it a try for the very reason you've stated, I'm not getting any younger! I vote if it has worked for you in the past, then by all means USE IT!

My sister is my best friend, so she does know we are TTC. She works with OB/GYN's in a small town in North Carolina and has them on speed dial for me! They have been my "second opinion" many times over this past year. DH and I have decided we will stay with her over TG AND have the hotel! She will know why we are sneaking off...and if she gives me a fuss, I'll remind her I'm trying to make her an Auntie! She is obsessed with Black Friday, so as long as I am with her in the retail trenches everything will go smoothly!

LXB ~ No AF? So now :witch: is being shy for you? She is def here with me...she has her cousin, "Cramps" working on me right now! Temp buddies :drunk: I like it! I have conceded and put my cycle as "light" I'm excited because FF gave me a new chart! One would think I would be sad because no BFP, but FF is a new toy and it happily distracts me from AF and her conception interruptus (my new word for BFN!).

Fire ~ I wonder what the acupuncturist would say about cyber-syncing-cycles? :haha:

Oh and new thing to try this round is the lubricant, Yes Baby! I ordered it last month, but never had the opportunity to use it. It will come with me to NC! I might use the Softcup IF we BD before the target dates. Lastly, I am def going to vamp up my Royal Jelly intake and Grapefruit Juice (I think that is what is supposed to help with cm?).

TGIF <3 :dust: <3 Think Pink
xoxo - meant to say this before, but you're funny! :laugh2: at AF and her minions and cousins. :haha: Love your positive attitude! I need to adopt me some of that. :flower:

That's so great you have your sister's support and understanding during TTC. It must be nice to have someone to tallk/vent to or cheer you along when you need it. Awww.. Sounds like staying with her AND booking a hotel is the perfect compromise!

Thx for the comments re: Clomid. Yeah, I'm a bit afraid of the side effects, that's the only thing. Still thinking about it.

Which lubricant are you trying? Preseed? Sound like a plan!! And yes, grapefruit juice gives great ewcm! I drank it for the past few cycles (leading up to O) and got great ewcm - a lot more and more days of it too!

Ok, signing off ladies. Really need to get some work done!
Zeri - I use to tell DH when I was ovulating, but I stopped after it killed the mood and we started to have BD issues for the first time. My Obyn told me that this happens a lot and after he met DH he advised me just to track ovulation on my own and not put the pressure on him and as much as possible to create an environment where it feels like everything is happening 'naturally'. My acupuncturist also told me to do the same although she was totally crude about it she said "no telling husband cycle, just make baby!"
I am one of those people who wants to talk about everything openly and in loads of detail (most women I guess!!) but the more I observe DH the more I realize that he is a definitely a strange (but wonderful) creature that doesn't think in the same way that I do at all. I could speculate on all the reasons why telling him when I'm ovulating makes him anxious - fear of failure (?) fear of losing sleep/freedom/taking on responsibility (?) who knows exactly (even though he's said many times he wants children the reality is he's 42 so he probably would have had a baby by now if there wasn't some kind of psychological block in there somewhere) Anyway long story (sorry!) but things have been so much better since I stopped bringing it up and 'forcing' him to BD when I thought I was ovulating. (I didn't even track my Ov properly back then- I use to think I O'vd on day 14 when in reality it seems its day 12 pretty much all the time, so I was missing the egg for years and forcing him to BD on the wrong day anyway)

I did bring it up to him that I didn't think we BD often enough - I definitely notice I am happier and in a better mood if we BD more often - so I told him I thought there was a problem with not enough BDing happening and that it was making me sad and he was the one that came up with the 'solution' to put it into the schedule.

Sorry for the long winded explanation but hopefully relating my story can help you figure out your DH a bit better too!!

As for Clomid - have you heard about inositol - maybe look into that before doing Clomid.

xoxo - I LOVE preseed/conception plus - it is like a miracle invention - that and grapefruit juice - I also did EPO and mucinex and seriously since I've been doing all that its like I'm in my 20s again!!! Let the EWCM flow!!!!!! DH even commented on how much there was!!!! I didn't give away my secret tho!

Sorry the witch arrived. But good to get her over with and into the next cycle. I agree with you I don't get as disappointed when she arrives if I have something 'new' to play with eg. charting or preseed or some new supplement to try!

lxb - sorry about the dip - the witch is so bothersome - but your temp syncing with xoxo is cool!!! I like cyber syncing. Imagine if they find out that is a real thing?!!

Thanks for the reassurance about alcohol!!! I've never felt so guilty about having a glass in my whole life!!!

xoxo - what is royal jelly supposed to do?

:dust: :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
Also if cyber syncing is real, which is seems we have all the evidence that it is (hehehehe and this is definitely a new chapter in book) then we could all pool our cyber intentions and make pink stickies happen in sync over Thanksgiving!!!!!!!! hehehehehe

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

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