BD on day of positive OPK

Also if cyber syncing is real, which is seems we have all the evidence that it is (hehehehe and this is definitely a new chapter in book) then we could all pool our cyber intentions and make pink stickies happen in sync over Thanksgiving!!!!!!!! hehehehehe

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

Count me in on this one...we'll focus our intentions as we near our O date!

Zeri ~ Finding a way to laugh while on this journey is the one thing that propels me to keep trying. As for the lubricant I will be using, it is actually called "YES! BABY!" :haha: I kid you not...its a product of an organic company called Yes Yes Yes, it has no parabens and is made in the UK. :blush: Lord only knows what you guys must have thought of me typing that in my last post! :rofl:

Fire ~ I agree. Each couple has to work out what works for them. I guess I am lucky that DH hasn't put up a fuss about our 3 prime days...but I can see how over time it has the potential for performance issues. Thank you for sharing your story with us. And I like how your DH found the compromise that works for the two of you!

I called my RE with my CD1...and camera shy AF has decided to slow her roll! She can be quite the diva! *sigh* On a good note, they will call me Monday to schedule my HSG! :thumbup: Hopefully you won't need it Fire, but I'll let you know how it goes!

Lxb ~ Still fending AF off? :grr: It's not a NO, until you see Aunt Flow...
zeri - i know a couple of people who tried clomid and they seem to be fine with it (one of them actually got a bfp from it). sorry can't give much input on that as i dont know much of it either.

xoxo - :haha: funny how AF is slowly rolling for me too! I put a L on my chart and off to CD1~! I tell ya.. this cyberspace is truly magical!! :haha: her cousin visited me earlier too! And now just off to little cousins with random mild cramps here and there!

fire - ah~ men~ i understand how sometimes men can be put off when you tell them you're oing. definitely give them some sort of pressure. so definitely try to seduce him as much as possible! :haha: even on non-fertile time! I'm guilty of charge when it comes to that. but i blame it on the post-o symptoms! having poking pain on the abdominal definitely did NOT put me in the mood!
Darn AF and her family members! Her Uncle, Pimple, showed up too...I am 37 years old, what gives? Maybe having the same temps and CD1 will be lucky for us Lxb? In the meantime, I hope you and DH are enjoying being MIL-Less! (I need to read up on your journal...hope you won't mind me lurking!)

Fx for Fire and Zeri to lead us to BFPs! :dust:
Oh yes! He showed for me too! Found one right around my side burn area... 2 on my foreheads, and 2 on my cheek! It's a full house! :dohh: haha.. of course not.. lurk away~! :thumbup:

Your FF showed your O prediction to be on the 23rd, mine is at 26th! So we got the whoooole thxgiving weekend covered!! O yea! I definitely think CD1 with same temp and same flow is definitely a good luck sign!! Team up, joined forces, and :gun: away @ AF and her family!

Fire & Zeri shall shower us with their BFPs :rain: :rain:

Time for Turkey O + BFP!
xoxo - I love that lubricant! It is actually exactly what I was looking for I wanted something without parabens and preseed is full of parabens I'm ordering some now :) yaaaaay!

Sorry you have to get the HSG, but a part of me is kind of excited about it for you. I was kind of looking forward to getting one done, I just felt too rushed into it, but now I've done my research I've decided if I haven't had a BFP by January I will get one when I'm back home. It just seems like if we can do something to clear out your tubes then that can only be a good thing :)

Yaaay for Thanksgiving!!!

lxb - My O is predicted for 26th too :) I'm aiming for 25th for the sneaky quicky away from the parents BD :rofl:

This is not my BFP month. I'm positive of it. There just weren't enough spermies that stayed around for the egg. I just know it. But I do have good feelings for all of us for TG :)

Hi girls,
Yes, it is me, the in and out girl:blush:
Sorry for not being a consistent poster but can't face tcc site when down lately.
Will have a catch up of posts tonight, just wanted to pop in. Yep, had another chemical and not sure where I am cycle wise.
Oh yes! He showed for me too! Found one right around my side burn area... 2 on my foreheads, and 2 on my cheek! It's a full house! :dohh: haha.. of course not.. lurk away~!

Team up, joined forces, and :gun: away @ AF and her family!

Time for Turkey O + BFP!

:rofl: A full house...AF can officially be linked to poker! But you are right, we'll be the anti-AF Joint Task Force! :trouble:

Why did Sex Ed :bunny: make getting pregnant seem like all you had to do was be around a boy and it would happen?!? *sigh*

xoxo - I love that lubricant! It is actually exactly what I was looking for I wanted something without parabens and preseed is full of parabens I'm ordering some now :) yaaaaay!

Sorry you have to get the HSG, but a part of me is kind of excited about it for you...

:yipee: Yes Baby! I ordered from the manufacture's website b/c Amazon was sold out. It took about 10 days to get here...fx you won't need it!

As for the HSG...DH leaves for 4 months in February, so anything I can do to up the ante will be done!

Hi girls,
Yes, it is me, the in and out girl:blush:
Sorry for not being a consistent poster but can't face tcc site when down lately.
Will have a catch up of posts tonight, just wanted to pop in. Yep, had another chemical and not sure where I am cycle wise.

Ginger ~ I am so very sorry :hugs: You can pop in and out if that makes it easier...we'll be here arms wide open when you are ready.

Zeri ~ :wave:

Think Pink! :dust:
Ginger so sorry to hear your news :( we missed you! pop in whenever you feel like it and know that we're all here to support you. Sending you lots of hugs and good energy.

:dust: :dust:

lxb and xoxo - You guys keep adding more and more chapters to the book I love it - AF and her full house! The Anti-AF Task Force.

I added black maca to DH's protein shake in the morning and he was totally up for BDing last night, even though it was Friday night and late...and he was super tired a connection?? I'm not sure, but I guess he's gonna be getting black maca every day in his shake from now on :rofl:

I agree on the sex ed thing I spent SO many years freaking out that I might get pregnant and intending not to get pregnant. So in case any of those intentions are still trying to grip on, I'm releasing them right now! hehehehe :bunny:

I like your up the ante plan! My DH could be called away at any point for up to 4 months too, although I usually go and hang out wherever he goes to and it's actually super fun, but usually not the most productive BD times because they sometimes have night schedules which combined with a different time zone throws him off.

lxb - hope your MILless days are going super well! Will read your journal too to catch up.

:wave: zeri!
:dust: :dust:
Thanks girls, I just can't face TTC sites any more sometimes.
Dunno what my cycle will be like but need to travel next week so likely this month will be a bust.
I read back a bit:
Xo and Fire - I read that if you have stomach issues with a prenatal that is usually the type of iron used. I have never tried the Mega foods but am on Rainbow light and have used New Chapter. I take b complex as well. I notice my b complex from Rainbowlight does not hold up as well in summer without a/c as the New Chapter, not sure if that means it is better as opposed to worse as they are both food based.:shrug:
I am still planning my Christmas supplement shopping list:flower: I am on Nordic naturals fish oil but heard they have a prenatal one, so would like to try that instead. Not sure if I will stick to Rainbow Light or go with New Chapter this time. I am taking the mini ones now so they are easier to swallow.

Zeri- Clomid can be good for some people but it can cause problems with CM, I think often you need to take something to keep from drying up (estradiol I think). Femara can be a good alternative, it does not dry CM, leaves your system sooner and offers less side effects. I think the non brand name is Letrozole.

LX and XO- good luck with your cyber synching for turkey time!
Hi Ginger!
I like the size of the rainbow light ones - easy to swallow. Also my acupuncturist told me not to take yeast based vitamins so I stopped taking the megafoods ones - although sometimes I do take their B-Complex.

I just started taking myo inositol - its been about 3 days - one thing I've noticed is I've been super happy for the past 3 days - maybe that's why it helps with conception - because it makes you super weirdly happy. Anyway I guess I'll take it through my next cycle and hopefully it does something!!

Hope you are all having amazing weekends. My DH has gone to watch football so that's why I'm on the computer! I don't know if it was guilt or whatever but he said we'll BD when I get back, so funny because I don't really care about it because I'm 9 DPO and heading for AF but I felt like it was a step in the right direction for hopefully timing Thanksgiving!!! I also put black maca into his shake again this morning :rofl: Zeri if you can get a hold of some of it - it might be worth a try....

:dust: :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
Fire ~ :bunny: Black maca sounds amazing! If I were you, around O time I'd put it in his meals too! :haha: He isn't going to know what hit him!

Ginger ~ Thank you for the info about the prenatals. Do the Dr's know what could be causing your chemicals (forgive my lapse of memoryif you've posted about it already)?

Lxb & Zeri :hi:

Hope you all are having a nice weekend! :dust:
Question: This early in the cycle, was it ok that I missed temping today? DH and I enjoyed a couple cocktails last night :wine: and I heard alcohol can alter your temp, so I didn't even bother with it this morning. What would you have done?
xoxo - missing a temp during AF or early in cycle is totally fine :) the post ov temps are the ones that really count I think :)

Yay for cocktails!!! :wine:

I think when I drink my temps are slightly higher.


So the black maca seemed to work wonders today! At least I think/hope that's what it was. He's going to get a super dose around my O time that's for sure!!! And to think I'd been giving him the 'white/cream' maca for months (he went through a 2 lb bag) and nothing was happening! When we BD this afternoon he was actually too quick...that never happens!!!! He was super apologetic and was like that was not my best performance, but I was like no problem and in my head I thought - I can't wait to post about this on bnb and please let this be repeatable around O time!!!! :rofl: I know its not a big deal for most people but we BD on Friday AND Sunday which unusual for him in general....
xoxo - missing a temp during AF or early in cycle is totally fine :) the post ov temps are the ones that really count I think :)

Yay for cocktails!!! :wine:

I think when I drink my temps are slightly higher.


So the black maca seemed to work wonders today! At least I think/hope that's what it was. He's going to get a super dose around my O time that's for sure!!! And to think I'd been giving him the 'white/cream' maca for months (he went through a 2 lb bag) and nothing was happening! When we BD this afternoon he was actually too quick...that never happens!!!! He was super apologetic and was like that was not my best performance, but I was like no problem and in my head I thought - I can't wait to post about this on bnb and please let this be repeatable around O time!!!! :rofl: I know its not a big deal for most people but we BD on Friday AND Sunday which unusual for him in general....

Thank you! I wanted to be sure I wasn't messing anything up by not temping today.

And holy moly black maca! Too quick...did you up the doseage? :rofl:

I hope this continues to work for you guys!
Fire - haha... Yay for black maca! Your temp looks good!! How r u feeling? When r u testing??

Zeri - how r u today?

You two need to lead the way to BFPs! Let the BFP shower begin!! :rain:

Ginger - so sorry to head about the chemical. I have a ttc buddy who went through 2 chemicals these last two cycles too. :hugs: please feel free to come in and out like the other ladies here said. We are all here for you so do whatever is best for you. Take good care of yourself. O.. I am taking new chapter too! Love it. I like that I can eat without food and I feel fine with it.

Xoxo - yep. Completely fine to miss temp during af time. I turned off my alarm this weekend because I didn't want to be bother temping! :haha: how r u? Af's family still around? 2 more of her uncles just paid visit to my chin!!

How were your weekends? :hugs:
Hey girlies! :wave:

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine went by in a blur - I swore when I woke up this morning it was Sunday still! But it was nice - spent some time with my best friend. What do you guys do on the weekends? I like gardening and going to the beach - one of the perks of living in the tropics!

Ginger - sorry to hear about the chemical pregnancy. :nope: We're all here for you and thinking about you! ((HUGS)) Thanks for the advice on the Clomid/Femara too.

Hi lxb! Are you trying anything new this time around? O will be here before you know it!

xoxo -wow, the name of that lubricant definitely creates an image in my head! hehe... Hope it lives up to that reputation! I agree that missing a temp during AF wouldn't matter.

amorak - where are you in your cycle now? come back and update us!

Fire - Wow, that black maca's really working for your DH! :happydance: That's GREAT!! What made you try that instead of the yellow one? After reading your post I was doing some reading online about maca - seems it comes in red, yellow and black. They all work to some degree, but the yellow one seems better for menopausal women while the black one is especially good for libido and sperm health. I was reading that men who took it saw significant improvement in sperm motility etc after one day! :happydance: Isn't that awesome? I'd bet you'd be preggy in no time if you keep putting it in his drink! hehe..

I'm taking 300 mg maca capsules (don't know if it's red, yellow, or black though?) - it definitely increases my sex drive. DH was taking it too but now he's saying he's going to take a break from it because he gets a funny feeling in his back when he does...:)growlmad: - where's the 'rolling eye' icon?) I'm sure it's just coincidence... I'm going to try to encourage him again. I know it definitely worked for him when he was taking it regularly. I need for him to have a more of a sex drive right now or I'll never get preggo.
Thanks for sharing about your DH and BD around O. I think my DH would react the same way, which is why I'm trying to be as 'natural' as possible too. Which is really hard sometimes!
Hi ladies!!! Hope everyone is feeling good. TG is just around the corner. Turkey babies!!

I don't think I will waste a test on testing anytime soon because I'm pretty sure I'm out this month so unless AF is super super late no testing for me :(

zeri - ooops I had been giving DH maca that was good for menopausal women! I ordered the black maca because I couldn't find the one I had ordered before on Amazon - I figure it is good to try different versions of things because sometimes I notice the same ingredients in a supplement work better in different brands....that was the theory behind the switch anyway :)

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust::dust: :dust::dust: :dust::dust: :dust::dust: :dust::dust: :dust::dust: :dust::dust: :dust::dust: :dust::dust: :dust::dust: :dust::dust: :dust::dust: :dust:everyone!!!
AF is still here! Her Aunt, Backache, hit me last night! It's like the Hatfield's (AF) vs McCoy's (Me) over here! :gun: Friggin Uncle Pimple got me right on my nose! Seriously it's as if my hormones have reset to my teen days...if only my eggys were that young!

In the meantime, I am scheduled for the HSG on Friday at 11am. Please please don't let it be too painful...I am going alone because DH is out of town! The hoops I am going through for a kiddo..I just need a healthy one to stick!

Hope you all are having a productive Monday...:dust: and I agree with Lxb, :rain: us with BFPs! We'll be right behind you!
zeri - I'm definitely going to get more grapefruit juice this cycle as i skipped it last cycle! I definitely notice it helped with ewcm! Planning to do some yoga but I have a feeling I won't keep up for more then 3 days as the weather is getting colder here. I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning! :haha:

fire - your temp is looking great!!! I LOVE 98.6!! Even though you feel like you're out this month.. but I dont buy it~ I'm still hopeful for you~ :hugs: FX!!

Turkey Babies~!!!! :rain:
xoxo - :wave: cyber twin~~! :drunk: to ~97.5! :haha: good luck on your appt on friday~!! Sending positive thoughts your way~~ I wonder if I'll O early since you're supposedly Oing on cd15 :haha:

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