BD on day of positive OPK

Lxb ~ Our temps ARE the same again! Fx we O at the same time! Loving the cyber twins :drunk: ...makes me want to say "wonder twin powers, ACTIVATE!" :haha: And thank you for the positive thoughts!
xoxo - I'm sending you painfree angels now for the HSG (those are like parking angels only for pain so if you think of them early they show up!!)

But its good that AF is still hanging around -shorter AF cycles are not a good thing!! We don't like her but when she shows up its better she shows up for longer :) AF was really only 2 days for me last month. :(

lxb - grapefruit juice yay! Ruby red grapefruits are less sour and when I used them this cycle they worked great still :)

Wonder twin temp powers!!!

:dust: everyone!

Turkey babies!!
Firebaby - was just looking at your chart. Was it CD10 that you BDed? 2 days before O? If you O'd on CD12 that gives you a pretty good chance, no? Curious to see your temp for today!
Fire thank you for the angels!

Today AF's cousin, Major Cramp is here! Ughh. I'm just waiting on my B-Complex and Magnesium to kick his booty. (And my temp dropped out of the sky...coincidence?)
xoxo - urgh I know what you mean, tumeric is the only natural thing that helps me with AF cramps and barring that I go for the Aleve :(

I think temps in the low 97s is good for AF phase and the fsh phase if they stay consistent...

My temp dropped this morning I did notice I was open mouth breathing all night though. I know its not my BFP month but I'm hoping I can keep temps up high right up until AF arrives.

zeri - there was one BD that I put on their that DH didn't 'finish' properly. (hopefully no more of those with the black maca) hence me knowing that its not my bfp month, however I still put it in, because he did finish (just not in my hoo ha) and therefore I wanted to still put it there so I could track how old the swimmers were etc.
xoxo - Eeegghh... her family needs to pack their stuff and move out for the next 9+ monthssssssssssssssssssssss!! "wonder twin powers, ACTIVATE!" :haha: O YEA! I had some major cramps yesterday and felt like af was just making the last push! :haha: :shy: think it will be spotting for me today? :shrug: i also try to stay away from any pain killer... dont think i took any this cycle... hmm.... af needs to bugger off already so it's time for turkey baby making time!!!

zeri - how r u doing? how many dpo r u now?

fire - I'm still keeping hopes for you and sending pink sticky vibes your way! Yeah~ I got the ruby red grapefruit juice. Will start drinking a glass a day starting today~ Dh asked me the other day.. "what did you say it will do again?" hahaha... I only told him it would help but didnt tell him about ewcm as I think it would gross him out? :shrug: sometimes it's better when they don't know~
Magnesium and Vit B were no match for Major Cramp! I've had to pull out heavy artillery...heating pad! :haha: Lxb, I do hope this is her finale!

Grapefruit juice is on my shopping list! Is there a recommended daily quantity?

Fire and Zeri...fx for :af:
xoxo - I drink a glass a day and definitely see a noticeable results~ I think it's recommended to drink a glass a day before meal~ :thumbup:
Sorry to hear about the long AF's, but you guys do seem to have a healthy amount of flow. What do you think it means when AF is short? Mine was 2 days last time - and it seems to getting shorter and shorter. :-(

lxb - I agree, sometimes it best not to give the OH's too much info. They can't handle it! Hope the grapefruit juice works well for you! I usually drink a glass a day too, the week leading up to O.

xoxo - Is it Monday you're taking the HSG?

AFM - 5 dpo today. Even though there's no chance for me this cycle I still find myself secretly being hopeful. FireBaby - what about you? I wish DH's spermies were strong like my friend who got pregnant on the last day of her AF - 7/8 days before O! Oh well, I usually love this part of my cycle because of the excitement of it just sucks to have the days go by and know I'm not really 'in'. I don't think it makes sense testing, but I might still pee on something on 9 dpo just for fun of it. :) We'll see!
Zeri ~ I'm hopeful for you and Fire! And too funny you feeling the urge to pee on something! You never know, your DH could have super swimmers too! Fx for that! I'm anxious for you ladies! (Oh and I dont know about cycle length...mine have been a bit off since my mc)

Thank you ladies for the advice on grapefruit juice!

zeri - Ooo.. ~3 more days 'til you poas? hehe.. love it!! agree with xoxo, you never know~ I bet there are some super swimmers in there~~ :rain:

fire - your chart is looking good ~~ how are you feeling? :rain:

xoxo - i see that af is still going strong~~ I'm thinking it's her way to show her finale since she wont be showing for the next few monthssss~~ :thumbup:

ginger - thinking about you~~

C'mon Turkey day~~
Lxb ~ I like the way you think! One can only hope Turkey is the missing ingredient in TTC.

Fire and Zeri ~ You ladies will be poas in no time! Fx! Think Pink!

:dust: darlings!
I've got major PMS today :( AF's cousins and uncles have shown up on my chin. And I'm in a super foul mood. We flew in to Florida today and I feel like going back home by myself! I'm SO pissed with DH at the moment. And to make things worse my Dad got diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease today :( my parents live overseas so I was on a conference call with the psychiatrist. I am so upset and DH doesn't seem sympathetic at all.

I realized I calculated my Ov wrong - it's not over TG it's the week I could have skipped Florida and TG with the inlaws and still been able to catch my Ov back home...

lxb - right before I went to sleep I looked on your journal and saw your baking picture. I literally woke up at 4 am this morning and could not stop thinking about how amazing those little fruit tarts and the strawberry shortcakey things were. Funny! My DH would be SO happy if I could bake like that....

xoxo- heavy AF is a good thing :) I agree with lxb she's allowed to do this because she's not gonna show her face for 9 months :) :)

:wave: zeri!

ginger - hope you are doing okay

Lots of :dust: lovlies!!!
Hi guys,

Fire~ that's sad about your dad:hugs: my grandmother had Alzheimer's, it was quite hard. I was very close to her and spent time at her place in the summers.. Where do your parents live?

XO~ my RE said she thought the Celiac was a greater impediment to pregnancy than my endo.( I have hypo as well but it is treated. )I think in my case, as I still had a lot of damage on my intestines and hence absorption issues, she zeroed in on the Celiac. Endo can cause chemicals, if the egg quality is poor and i have read there is evidence of a toxic environment in the womb and abdominal cavity. What I read sounds depressing but I know people can conceive with endo and Celiac. But I have immune issues in general which can lead to implantation failure. This is a rambling reply but basically it can be the sum of all three issues that are autoimmune in nature and can cause harm in various ways. So it is kinda bleh, but always possible....

LX~ hehe that is funny with DH and the grapefruit juice:) it is good for you anyway, Vit C!

Have any of you guys tried EPO for EWCM? I have heard good things about taking it till O. I can't as it is estrogenic, so not good with my endo.

I was in the metro yesterday and saw a poster, at first I thought it was two white ghosts but then realized it was an egg, standing in her doorway welcoming a sperm that had come up to the house. I could not read all the poster but did make out 'without hormones' so a clinic advertising fertility treatment without hormones. Wonder how, maybe just IUI.
Ginger - I tried grapefruit, EPO and mucinex and I get loads of ewcm but I'm not sure which one of those is causing it or probably its the combination of all three. I realized I forgot to bring my EPO with me to Florida so this month I'll be able to tell if grapefruit and mucinex work without the EPO. I felt like I needed a separate suitcase for all the supplements DH and I are on for ttc there are literally 15 bottles of things.

I skyped with my parents and felt better after that. They live in Sydney Australia. And I wasn't annoyed with DH after that. I think I was mad because he just seemed to be going about his life like everything was normal but I'd just found out about my Dad's diagnosis and I felt like my whole world had been turned upside down. Actually my mom said my dad is the happiest she's ever seen him, like he's forgotten all the bad things in his life and is just 'being'. When I talked to him he seemed to have problems initiating conversations but he did seem generally happy.

xoxo - HSG tomorrow!! I'm excited for you. Are you going to take ibprofun beforehand?
I think watching the dye flow through tubes on the monitor will be so cool. A part of me is annoyed with myself for not getting the HSG done this month when I had the one opportunity to. I'm considering flying back early and getting it done right after TG...

zeri - how you feeling?

lxb and xoxo you guys are definitely cyber synced with your lucky long AF cycles.

:dust: :dust: :dust: everyone!!
Fire ~ I am sorry to hear about your Dad :hugs: So glad speaking with them made you feel better. As for our DHs, I often wonder if mine is part robot. I think maybe they stay strong and move forward to allow us to waiver and sink a that a stretch? :shrug:
And no Turkey Baby? Well, at least you don't have to worry about the in-laws being in the next room! As for AF...her and her darn minions! :grr: Wish she'd get a clue and stop interrupting our efforts!

Dear AF,
Go bother the girl wearing her favorite white jeans! :haha: Your request for sabbatical has been granted! We thank you for your years of service and look forward to your return in approximately 10 months (after the birth of our healthy LOs).
A long time companion and her cyber buddies,

Ginger ~ I didn't realize Celiac could cause problems with fertility :hugs: Fx for a sticky bean for you! And the ad 'without hormones'...does sound like natural IUI.

Zeri ~ Is it time to test yet?

Lxb ~ Hope you've had a productive day!

Think Pink! Sending heaps of :dust:
xoxo - LOL!!! :rofl:

Dear Aunt Flo,

You've been such a fabulous employee over the years. Granted you haven't always been completely punctual, but you've showed up consistently. And here at Head Office we believe that consistency should be rewarded. As a reward for all those years of incredible work we'd all like to reward you with some long service leave. In your absence a Pink Sticky Bean will take over your shift. So you don't need to worry and you don't need to come back to work until you hear the Pink Sticky crying or you smell a poopy diaper. A full 10 months - is hereby granted for you to go to visit whoever you want whenever you want.

Yours sincerely firebaby, xoxoangel, lxb, ginger, zeri and anyone else that would like to become a signatory to this letter.
:laugh2: at the AF letters! :laugh2: Hopes she takes the hint and leaves all of us alone for a while!

Fire - sorry to hear about your Dad's diagnosis - that must've been hard to hear. :-( I can totally understand you getting annoyed at your DH's lack of sympathy. My DH is like that too. A lot of times if men think that if they can't 'fix' a situation they think it's not worth getting upset over it. They don't realize that sometimes we just need for them to be there and listen and be caring/concerned. Good to hear your Dad is in good spirits, though.

How do you feel about your temps? Aren't they a little 'higher'/more level than usual, hmmmm?? :winkwink: I think so! Guess we'll see what tomorrow brings.

Ginger - sorry to hear about the health issues. :-( TTC is hard by itself, without having other things like that to worry about. How are you feeling now about the chemical pregnancy?

I tried EPO a few months ago and it did give me more ewcm, but it also delayed my O by about 6 days (pushed it into the CD20's) so I stopped using it after that. I've read online that that can happen.

lxb -:hi: how're you doing?

xoxo - is it tomorrow you take the HSG? Hope it goes well! I've read it can be painful, but you can take some pain killers beforehand to relieve the pain/discomfort you might feel during the procedure.

AFM - 7 dpo. Feeling fairly normal. I'm so behind the rest of you ( so much for cybersyncing for me, hehe...). I may not POAS after all - I was thinking yesterday it wouldn't make sense to waste a whole test just for 'fun' reasons. I like peeing on things though - makes me feel like I'm chemistry class or something. And it's cool that I can know what's happening in my body just by peeing on a stick. :cool:
Xoxo - it does seem like turkey is the missing ingredient! :). Fire and zerimwill be celebrating their BFP by eating turkey! While we got some BFP :rain: along with turkey to make turkey baby! :haha: fx that hsg goes well tmr :hugs:

Zeri - :haha: @ needing to pee on something for fun!! Poas til your heart is content my dear!! I feel like sometimes it's nice to have cycle synching buddies and buddies who are in the opposite phase. That way... We can cheer each other on! While we wait to O....we get to see hcg pee stick to satisfy our peeing urge :haha: or while we wait in the ever so long tww... We get to cheer on the others who are waiting to O for seducing oh for BD :haha: either case... I foresee we are first-trimester buddies! And we complain about our Cyber-ms-synching! :thumbup:

Fire - so sorry to hear about your dad fire. Men can be like that sometimes. Sometimes we need them to simply spend a few moment of silent with us or simply give hugs. Its good that you get to speak to your parents and that he is doing okay. my grandpa was diagnosed with Alzheimer. It was pretty hard to be the care giver as sometimes it could be frustrating and it requires a lot of patient.

... O after tg? Hun... I still hold hopes for you this cycle!! If not.. BD back home sounds great!! Although being sneaky could be exciting :haha:

:haha: I didn't have any left over fruit tarts or cake after the tea party... And I feel like I got dehydrated from all the drooling when I looked back at those pictures :haha: it's pretty easy to make... It's just the matter of getting my lazy butt off the cough! :haha:

Ginger - I've only tried grapefruit juice (a glass a day) and I do notice more ewcm. How are you feeling Hun? Where are you in your cycle now?

:rofl: @ the letters to af!!! She definitely deserve her sabbatical! And yea..
PS: it is rude to show up uninvited. One should not crash parties and she should be on probation! And please... If you missed your should be considered a no-show for the next ~10months. And definitely go bother girl wearing her fav white jeans or girl who are WORRIED you won't show for the next ~10 months.

Afm, nothing exciting to report. cd6.. Too early to pee on opk! :haha:
lxb - first-tri buddies would be great! It would be so nice if all of us could get our bfps and be first-tri buddies together. Even though I want us to get our bfps I would be secretly sad for this group to be gone. It would be great if we could continue supporting each other when we all get preggo.

Hearing about your baking goodies is making me hungry! I envy people who can bake/cook well. I love eating goodies more than I like baking them, hehe...

Have any of you been having any ttc-related dreams? When I was ttc back in 2009, I remember I had these recurring dreams - they were always about me preparing to travel somewhere. In the dream I would be busy packing my suitcase, getting ready etc, but for some reason I would always run behind and get to the airport late, and the plane would end up taking off without me. This dream happened quite a few times while ttc. After I thought about it I realized it was related to my fear of being 'left behind'/'missing the boat' in relation to my dreams of becoming a mother. The dreams stopped when I got pregnant. Now I realize that they're starting again.. For the past two nights I've had a similar dream - but this time I'm missing a boat. Last night for example, I was rushing to catch a ferry and as I soon as I reached the pier I saw it leaving without me. Weird... It's strange how ttc-anxiety can play on your subconscious.

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