BD on day of positive OPK

Zeri - I had loads of weird dreams last night. But the weird one was the night before when I had a dream that my nipples got really big and I looked in the mirror and thought to myself there's still a chance I can get a BFP if they stay this big. At the same time I was kind of grossed out because it looked a bit weird.

I woke up and have cramps and a weird taste in my mouth that I get before AF arrives so I'm sure she's on her way :( despite my letter! Hoping she'll get the hint next month
I expect my temps will drop either tomorrow morning or Sunday morning.

xoxo - sending you everything positive for the HSG today!

:hugs: :flower:

ginger - there are loads of people who have successful pregnancies with endo and celiacs, so just keep at it, don't give up, your sticky is on its way! The reassuring thing is you CAN get pregnant. And you've had several BFP's so things are going in the right direction. Sending you pink sticky vibes! :dust:

Wondering if you ladies have any idea about the CBFM - when AF arrives do I reset the M button the day she arrives or the day after? I left the instruction manual at home...

lxb - did you make the pie crust for the fruit tarts from scratch? I decided I want to make those for TG. Do you have a link to a recipe you use? I keep thinking about those...I use to eat those as a kid, they were a 'treat' that my mom use to get for my brother and I and they are like comfort food for me. MIL can do the turkey so I won't have much to do for TG. :haha:

Loads of :dust::hugs: :dust::hugs: :dust::hugs: :dust::hugs: :dust::hugs: :dust::hugs: :dust::hugs: :dust::hugs: :dust::hugs: :dust::hugs: :dust::hugs:
I have a hot minute, then have to scramble to get things in order before DH gets home...

Fire ~ CBFM hold the M button down it will flash and then set the day to 1. If you continue to hold the button it will bump the day up as far as CD5, so release the M once you see your CD. And I LOVED your letter to AF! Very true Pink Sticky Bean's will fill in for her :haha:

Zeri ~ Your dreams about the boat leaving seem so familiar to me. Perhaps since you have started having these dreams again, then you are heading in the right direction! Just take a Hollywood moment in your next dream and JUMP onto that ferry! And peeing on things like a chemistry experiment :haha:

Lxb ~ Isn't today CD8? My CBFM asked me to start POAS and I was happy to oblige...I went ahead and peed on a cheapie too! Let the peeing party begin!

HSG was a BREEZE! I certainly went in expected pain like my biopsy, but it really was pain free. The speculum of course was uncomfortable, but aside from that I didn't feel anything. As for the results, well my uterus and left tube were just fine...right tube however must have had some "debris" <~~ RE's word. I watched on the screen this POP-like motion on my uterus and the right tube fill, but this was well after my left tube filled. So glad things are all clear and we are all-systems-go! RE said she really wants us to fall into that group that gets pg within 3 months of an HSG. Come on your magic!!

Ginger ~ Thinking of you.

:dust: I hope I didn't miss anything...keep Thinking Pink! and gobble gobble! Bring on the Turkey!
zeri - i have a very interesting subconscious mind too! And perhaps this is the start to your BFP like last time~!! Ahh!! Did you POAS today??? I do hope we can/will continue to support each other regardless of where we are. ttc/preggo. I'm in this other thread with these group amazing ladies too! It kind of die down a bit since 5/9 ladies there are preggo. One other is checking in every so often... and two other turned into a ntnp :shrug: I guess once one become pregnant.. the things you obsessed with are much more different than the ones ttcing. And afterall.. no news is great news when you're preggo so there aren't as much updates anymore. I am so grateful to have found this site and to connect with all of you ladies. :hugs:

fire - yes~ I made the crust from scratch. I'll post the recipe below. :haha: @ your nipple dream. I dreamt about AF/BFP and woke up with thinking.. "is this still a dream???"

xoxo - so glad to hear HSG was a breeze!! And FX you will be :happydance: with turkey baby~!!! I posted that yesterday (cd6) and didn't realize I was actually cd7! (well.. cd8 now) :haha: thanks for reminding me cybersynching buddy~~~~ I usually pee on opk on cd8 (but it usually said i should pee on it on cd10 onward since I usually O around cd16-18 :shrug:) but who cares.. I shall go home and poas today! :haha:

pie crust recipe:
* I didn't try this recipe because I wanted to make mini pie crust.
But I've had great success with this site's recipe. [link]

* The recipe I did try: [link]

1. sift 1.5c flour + 1/4c sugar + pinch of salt
2. cut 1/2c of COLD butter into small pieces
3. incorporate the butter into the flour mixutre until sand-like texture
4. make a well and add egg mixture (1 egg, beaten with 2 teaspoons of water)
5. mix the ingredient and kneed the dough for a little bit
6. cover the dough and leave to rest in the fridge for ~45min
7. sprinkle some flour on the board and roll the dough out to about 1/8 inch thick (I cut out little piece from the dough at a time) and cut out ~3.5inch round shape (I use cupcake pan for the tart shell)

** butter the pan and place the dough in and gently prick the bottom of the dough with a fork couple times
** put a round circle parchment paper in the center the dough and put some baking beans on it (prevent it from puffing up. i just use a regular store bough beans as weight)
** bake in oven 375F for 10-12 min (I did 10min in my oven)

Voila~! :bodyb:

Oh yeah... I cut out like a rectangular strip of parchment paper and place it between the pan and the dough so I can use it as a handle to lift up the little tart shell after it's baked.
Good to hear your HSG went well, xoxo! It must've been cool to see the dye going through your tubes too. Now that both tubes are good to go, you might be pregnant again very soon! I've always heard that fertility is really good post-HSG too.

:haha: at Hollywood moment and jumping on the ferry! You're hilarious! :laugh2:

Fire - Glad to hear I'm not the only one having weird dreams. Sorry you're expecting AF, though. :-( That girl just can't take a hint, can she?

Dear AF, your commitment to the task has always been second to none. Due to your extraordinary dedication, however, we note that you have neglected to take the vacation days owing to you over the years, and have now amassed over 9 months of holiday leave. As this vacation time cannot be carried over to the following year, we require you to proceed on vacation leave immediately.Do enjoy this well-deserved break (we certainly will!:happydance:)
What a relief that I do NOT have to cook for Turkey Day! Leaving that to my Mom and my sister...I just grab a cooked honey ham from our local place and head down to visit with them! (Lxb ~ I want to learn to bake from scratch. It all looks and sounds yummy!) sister and I are Black Friday Shoppers (even though I prefer to pay full retail to get my sleep!). This means I might not get to bed until after 6am on Thursday (up all night Wednesday (21st) into Thursday (22nd) for a Thanksgiving Morning Doorbuster!)...when do I temp? Is it ok to sleep 6am-9am, then take my temp? And WHEN do I poas? Oye! TG Doorbusters and Black Friday are NOT GOOD for Operation Knock Angel Up!

Edit: I like the additional messages to AF. It's like bombarding your Congressman for a new stop sign!
lxb - oops, I think we must've been posting at the same time earlier. Thanks for posting that pie-crust recipe. Maybe I'll get ambitious and bake something for Christmas. Hmmm...

So you're CD8 too? You guys will be O'ing again before you know it! Let the POASing begin!

As for me - 8 dpo- told myself I wouldn't but had the urge to pee on something this afternoon just for kicks, so did end up peeing on an opk over lunch (well, not OVER lunch, but you know what I mean...hehe..). The line was a bit pinker than I expected it to it made me...:-k I brought an hpt back to work this afternoon and decided I would pee on it just in case, but so far it looks like an BFN. Of COURSSSE!! :dohh: I have virtually no chance of being preggo and am still peeing on things every chance I get! :dohh:
What a relief that I do NOT have to cook for Turkey Day! Leaving that to my Mom and my sister...I just grab a cooked honey ham from our local place and head down to visit with them! (Lxb ~ I want to learn to bake from scratch. It all looks and sounds yummy!) sister and I are Black Friday Shoppers (even though I prefer to pay full retail to get my sleep!). This means I might not get to bed until after 6am on Thursday (up all night Wednesday (21st) into Thursday (22nd) for a Thanksgiving Morning Doorbuster!)...when do I temp? Is it ok to sleep 6am-9am, then take my temp? And WHEN do I poas? Oye! TG Doorbusters and Black Friday are NOT GOOD for Operation Knock Angel Up!

Edit: I like the additional messages to AF. It's like bombarding your Congressman for a new stop sign!

I think FF says you have to get at least 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep before temping in the mornings, so I guess 6-9 should be okay, although your temp might be different from the other days you got more sleep... As for poas (do you mean opks?..maybe you can carry a cup with you and pee in the store bathroom? :shrug: or maybe aim the pee at the stick...?
lxb - oops, I think we must've been posting at the same time earlier. Thanks for posting that pie-crust recipe. Maybe I'll get ambitious and bake something for Christmas. Hmmm...

So you're CD8 too? You guys will be O'ing again before you know it! Let the POASing begin!

As for me - 8 dpo- told myself I wouldn't but had the urge to pee on something this afternoon just for kicks, so did end up peeing on an opk over lunch (well, not OVER lunch, but you know what I mean...hehe..). The line was a bit pinker than I expected it to it made me...:-k I brought an hpt back to work this afternoon and decided I would pee on it just in case, but so far it looks like an BFN. Of COURSSSE!! :dohh: I have virtually no chance of being preggo and am still peeing on things every chance I get! :dohh:

:rofl: We are all POAS Addicts! I couldn't wait for my CBFM to make it's first request! LOL!

Thank you for the info on temping. I'm not sure what I'll do...if it's too wacky, then I'll discard it. Not looking forward to having to do that since I'll be so close to Oing! *sigh* And yes, I meant peeing on OPKs...I use the CBFM and cheapies, so I guess I'll be toting a paper cup around! The extremes I will go through are crazy! If I didn't love my nieces and nephews, this wouldn't be an issue!
xoxo - agree with zeri that if you get ~3 hours of sleep you should be okay. but note though.. you temp might be higher compared to the previous days where you temp at an earlier time. My temp is certainly different if i temp at 6:30am or 9:30am (higher). after you get the temp at the later time, you can use bbt temp adjuster. I think I mastered at aiming at the stick now! :haha: I try to do OPK at around the same time everyday so I don't miss any surge. if you feel like you dn't have much pee to give.. you can do what zeri suggested. bring a cup! :dance:

I used to be scared of baking!! but as long as you follow the recipe... you should be okay and it can be quiet easy~~ :) but it's a big bummer when something didn't turn out right. because it's not like cooking.. you can add different flavor to make it better. when a cake doesn't rise.. it doesn't rise. and there's not much you can do to savage it.

zeri - yep! think we posted at the same time~! hehe.. you should definitely try to bake something~!! there's nthing like homemade dessert~! everything just taste better from scratch~~ did you take pic of your pee stick??? it feeds my obsession :haha: :rofl:
xoxo - so glad the HSG was a breeze and its so awesome that it pushed the debris away. That is the perfect outcome on every level!! It's definitely BFP time!!! :dust: turkey babies!!!

I'm hoping I won't need to but will definitely get one in January if Pink Sticky hasn't taken up nesting by then.

So my question with the CBFM is do you push the button to set it to day one the day of AF or the day after AF? Because when I set it for the first time the lady on the phone told me to set it to day 1 the day after AF arrived....

Your black friday shopping sounds fun! Your sister is SERIOUS! I hope you get some amazing deals :) and I agree temp after 3 hours is okay but it will probably be slightly higher than normal. Many mornings that's kind of what I do because I always wake up between 4.30-5.30am to pee and I don't feel like temping then so I go back to sleep and temp 3 hours later.

lxb - thank you so much for the recipe. I just showed DH the tarlette one and he got super excited and said "No way you are going to make that?!" I said yup and he asked how would I make the crust. And I said "from scratch. not like how your mother would just by buying the shells from the bakery and filling them" :haha:

I will post photos (if I have success!) but it does look like a good recipe!

Exciting that it's POAS time :) :) what day do you predict your Ov for this month? Are we in sync? :dust: :dust:

Zeri - I know what you mean about the POAS even if you kind of know you are out. I deliberately left all my HPT at home as I didn't want to use them all up on a month that I'm 99% probably out. But now I'm starting to think maybe I should POAS....and my boobs are slightly sore but probably because I've been poking them :haha:

If AF doesn't show by the morning of TG eve (Wednesday) then I'll go get one, but I'm sure she'll have made her appearance by then - she's due either Sat or Sunday (probably Sunday) and I have all the rumblings of her on her way. And her ugly uncles and relatives on my chin and forehead :haha:

Zeri - do you have any other symptoms?

:dust: :dust:
Oh right, sorry Fire...I missed the question all together! If AF shows later in the day, then the next morning you set as CD1. Some women wake to AF and get to set CD1 right away. I need to work on my critical reading skills!

I just looked at your chart and your temps are still up there! Maybe no need to set the CBFM!
xoxo - no problem!! Thanks!! I'm going to be setting it this month...

I just wasted an OPK and a CBFM stick because I left my HPTs at home (on purpose because I was sure I was out this month) but I got the urge to POAS and I was reading that the LH should surge if you have HCG in your bloodstream. So I POAS but alas no LH. Which is good in a way because then I can just chill out and expect AF and not keep symptom spotting every two minutes :haha:
fire - looking forward to see those pics!! I bet it will be a success~!! As for using opk to test for hcg. It's not always that's the case! Some people got +opk but also got AF. Some people got -opk and got preggo! I'm still holding out hopes for you~~

STICKY DUST~!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:dust: :dust: :dust:
:dust: :dust: :dust:
:dust: :dust: :dust:
:dust: :dust: :dust:
:dust: :dust: :dust:
:dust: :dust: :dust:
I tell you, this POAS thing is an addiction! It's so hard to resist, isn't it? Still looking forward to see what your temp does tomorrow, Fire.

No real symptoms for me - some lightheadedness on and off, but that's a usual PMS symptom anyhow.

Hope you guys have a good weekend! I may not have time to post but will be checking in on the go!
Hi guys,

fire- glad you were able to speak to your parents and things are better with DH. It makes sense the way you described it.
I think OPKS take longer than a regular HPT if used to detect pregnancy. Sooo this is interesting!
When I travel I take an old pill bottle or an almost empty one and fill it will all my sups. Actually I have one for when I am working as well. I need to take my prenatals and Vit D away from my thyroid meds and Vit D away from my prenatals etc so spread things out in the day. I carry a little bottle with what I want that day while am out of the house.

XO- I love shopping in the US! Things are so much cheaper. I had to buy new boots recently, as a few weeks ago there was snow. I was hoping to hold out till Christmas, when I would be in the US but thought well it is October and snow.....but now since it has been clear and I spent a ridiculous amount of money on boots:growlmad: Have fun on Black Friday! I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving:coolio:

LXB~ I need to stop being so lazy and bake! I cook meals from scratch but never got in the habit of baking aside from toll house choc chip cookies:blush:
I really should as I could eat desserts more often if I use gluten free flour. My mother was a cake or brownie in the box kind of person and I just never began.
I made a peach and cream pie only once but used a premade crust.

Zeri~ I do not recall any pregnancy dreams but I think you get more vivid dreams as you wake up while in deep sleep to pee and also from the hormones. I tend to have wacky dreams in general and def remember more of them when pregnant.

I am traveling this weekend. Not sure where I am cycle wise but think I may have O'd, not really tracking. I worry about scanners and things like that when I could be pregnant, but do not have any signs that I could be. I am going to the Baltics. I want to see if I can get bee propolis or some honey type things. Was looking into royal jelly and apparently fresh is rare but I may find some. Bee keeping is traditional and there are lots of shops selling honey and beeswax candles etc.
Gingersnaps - why do you take the vit D separate from your prenatal? Is this just to give things different absorption times?

Your travels sound fun! Are you based in Moscow? I'd LOVE to travel to that part of the world but I haven't had the opportunity to go there...

I think you might have put it in another post - but are you ttc your first child? We had an earlier discussion about how kids are energy suckers but we all really want amazing little energy suckers....

DH and I are about to run out to meet his cousins at a bar but just wanted to quickly post something!!

:dust: :dust:
My temps took a dive bomb this morning :(

But at least I know the witch is gonna show tomorrow. She's very accurate with all her signals!
Fire ~ Boooo! That :witch: doesn't listen! Now to schedule yourself with your DH in about 10 days, right? I'd double his dose of black maca starting on CD11 :haha:

Ginger ~ Fresh Royal Jelly would be amazing to have! Hope you can find it. Safe travels!

Lxb ~ Did I see a +ve OPK on your chart? Fx!

Zeri ~ Any new symptoms? Have you peed on anything lately? :haha:

:dust: Think Pink! :dust:
Ginger - how was your travel? Did you find any good honey? Beeswax candle sounds interesting! Don't remember if you've mention or not but do you temp?

Zeri - no symptoms could be good symptoms! Fx!

Fire - :gun: to af!! Well at least you can hand her the letter in person now and she shall be a no show next cycle! :thumbup:

Xoxo - yes... Got +OPK today. Which is far too early?! It's only cd 10! I usually o around cd 16-18 :shrug: thinking its a fluke? I used clear blue digital and it showed a smiley face but when I looked at the stick... I don't see 2 lines. I saw a blue control line with blue 'smear' at the bottom. :shrug:

Took a pic... It looked lighter when I took the pic but it was more smeared blue at the bottom of the window :shrug: will see if I get a + tmr. I also read people with pcos will get false positive....not sure if I have pcos :wacko:

lxb - you might be having a lunar ovulation this month as well as your normal ov!!!

Sometimes when I try to read the stick on the CB when I have a +ve it doesn't always show two clear lines and looks kind of smudgey.

It's BD time!!! :) :)

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