BD on day of positive OPK

Hi girls! Hope everyone had a good weekend

lxb - time to get busyyyyyy!!!:sex: I hope this is your month!! :dust:

Fire - sorry about AF showing. Ditto to xoxo about the double dose of maca though! How has BDing been this last week?

xoxo - any positive opks for you yet or will be this coming week? Hope you get to time BD well, in the midst of holiday activities and all. The Black Friday shopping sounds quite exciting! I love sales but wonder if it would be stressful to shop with 1 million other people trying to grab the same sales. Is it stressful for you?

Ginger - thinking of you! :flower:

AFM - I haven't peed on anything else yet but have an extra opk in my bag and might just pee on it before the day is out, or maybe not... It's only 11 dpo today and I'm getting that AF-coming on type of feeling - softer breasts, lightheadedness, cramps, ...:nope: I'm hoping she doesn't show early because not only would that mean I"m not pregnant, it would also mean my cycles are getting shorter and shorter for some reason. Sigh! Not good. :-(
Just went to the bathroom and I'm spotting...:nope: What does this mean? My LP has never been this short ever. I'm really worried that with my 2-day periods and shortening LPs that I'm starting to get into perimenopause. :cry: I just feel like my hormones are changing. For the past couple months I've been having these weird PMS symptoms, like nausea and lightheadness that I never had before, and now my cycles are shortening! I just feel like this is sooo NOT a good sign!! :cry::cry: Going off to google it now...
Zeri ~ Don't read too much into Dr Google...sometimes he can do more harm than good. I often have spotting a few days before AF and my Dr referred to it as premenstral spotting. He didn't seem worried about it, so I never did :hugs: On the other hand, can the spotting be from implantation perhaps. Fx for you!

G'morning ladies! :dust:
fire - eek!! I looked up lunar ovulation.. and it seems like my lunar ov schedule for last week! :haha: :shrug: I got a -OPK this morning! Perhaps that was a fluke. Guess I should test in the evening time again :shrug:

zeri - :growlmad: @ spotting! Could it be IB? Could you have Oed earlier?

xoxo & ginger - how are you ladies?

afm, sneezing like crazy since this morning!! Hope I'm not getting sick (nose is stuffy and forehead is a bit warm) :dohh: dh & I did a LOT of yard work this past weekend and i'm sore all over! :haha: I'm really out of shape.
lxb - so do you think you O'd already, or not yet? Cd9? does seem a bit early.. Sorry you're feeling sick. Hope you feel better in time to 'get it on' during your fertile window.

xoxo - thanks. I sometimes have premenstrual spotting too - but usually only from 13 dpo -day before AF. I highly doubt this spotting is IB (oh but how I wish!) - I'm getting my regular pre-men symptoms and I can feel the cramps gearing up. :-( I'm not so much disappointed about not being preggo (figured I was out anyway) than the fact my LP seems to be getting shorter -which I think correlates with decreased estrogen or something. It just seems to fit with my 2-day periods and other symptoms. I just hate the thought of possibly starting perimenopause at this age - 36 (will be 37 next June) - I'm not ready for that! :nope: On the other hand it could be related to my PCOS.. don't know.

Speaking of age, how do you girls feel about conceiving over age 35 in general? Are you worried about fertility? How many children would you like to have? Just curious.. I think that conceiving at this age has its challenges, which of course aren't insurmountable. In my case, it's harder now than it was a few years ago because DH and I are more tired (that's because of the toddler, tho), and DH's libido is lower. I had a m/c last year and I can't help but wonder if my age contributed to that too.. :shrug: Then the changing hormones...I don't know. Sorry to be such a downer, but how do you girls feel about it?
Hi Zeri - do you do temps? I can't remember if you do or not...
I think being over 35 is something to definitely be aware of, but not freak out about...I only want to have one child... I am well aware of being almost 37 too and while maybe on the outside we don't look it, I have noticed differences in my cycle compared to when I was younger. Shorter cycles/lighter being one of those things...which btw I'm drinking grapefruit during my period and taking baby aspirin to see if it gets things flowing more than it did last month... (will let you know how it goes) I'm also not exercising as much..I noticed things getting lighter as of about 2 years ago when I really upped my workouts - I was working out everyday quite I pretty much don't work out at all... I go for walks or hikes but no hardcore cardio...

lxb - boo for sickness :( I get congested when I doing planting in the garden sometimes...that is weird to get a +ve opk so early but the more I'm reading about lunar ov the more I think it is possible....but maybe just ignore it... you could have had a surge of LH but no ov at that time, I'm sure you'll get your Ov at the normal time as well this month....this is your month!!!! I can feel it :) :) :dust: :dust:

xoxo- I saw on your chart you got a H on your monitor!!! Yippeeee!!! All going PERFECTLY as planned :) :) Turkey baby!!!


Ginger hope you are great! :dust:
Lxb ~ My DH had me helping him do yard work too! Do you have allergies? That would explain the sneezing. Hope it isn't a cold coming on. I was once told a flux in estrogen can cause a random +ve on an OPK :shrug: If in fact it turns out to be ovulation, maybe your eggy woke up quickly this's your LP that needs to be between 10-14 days long.

Zeri ~ Speaking of LP. Has the spotting continued? Sorry you are having these concerns...can you ask your Dr to do blood work on CD21 to see what is going on with your hormones? As for having a baby at 37 years old...I will be happy with one healthy one at this point. Fertility is a concern, but that is what my Dr is for :) I dream of the sounds of pitter patter running through my house, or the sweet smell of a baby after a bath, and the kisses filled with drool...I know each of those have a counter, but I'm willing to take the good with the challenging! I imagine you are not only exhausted from chasing your LO, but from the ups and downs of ttc!

Fire ~ Are you still on vacay with the in laws or is that coming up?

Ginger ~ Hope this finds you well!

AFM ~ Follie scan is tomorrow. Praying I have a good one growing in there...8am will not come fast enough!

xoxo :dust: Think Pink!
Fire ~ started a response...walked away...came back and posted, then saw your post *oops*

My CBFM can read High for a few days, so we shall see. My cheapie OPK is still faint...fx for a true Turkey Baby!
xoxo I just got teary reading this part of your post:

I dream of the sounds of pitter patter running through my house, or the sweet smell of a baby after a bath, and the kisses filled with drool...

It's so true! And the counter isn't so bad either...I guess in my 20s I would never have been able to see that side of it!

Good luck with the follie scan tomorrow morning!!

Have you had the test for egg reserve done? What does it involve? Is it just a scan?
Thank you Fire!

My tests for ovarian reserve/ovulation (both done by blood work): I have had my AMH, anti Mullerian Hormone, came back on the low side of normal (.87). It took nearly a month to get the results back! My FSH was still good, 8.1. Have you had any testing done?

Hope you ladies are doing well today!
xoxo - I decided I'm going to get my AMH testing done when I'm overseas in about 3 weeks. I found the clinic I'm going to go to... But I have to wait to get back home to have the HSG done (hopefully won't need it) in Jan and probably if I was to get FSH testing I will need to wait to get back home for that too.

My DH keeps going to the jacuzzi this week - he loves it and I keep having to drag him out and limit his time in it - I'm so worried it will damage his sperm! It took me so long to stop him from using the laptop on his lap! Urgh!!!

lxb, ginger, zeri and xoxo sending you all loads of
:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

lxb - hope you are too busy BD'ing to read this msg :) I say start right now right up until you get your next +ve OPK :) :)

zeri - the grapefruit and baby aspirin seems to be helping AF to flow a bit better. We'll see tomorrow though if I have any flow....hope your spotting and cramps have gone away, how you feeling?

xoxo - FX for tomorrow follies!!!
lxb and xoxo - looks like you both are gearing up to O soon. Sending you lots of :dust::dust::dust: that you both catch that eggy!

Hope the Thanksgiving preparations are going well for everyone too. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving where I'm from, but it looks like a nice holiday and opportunity to spend quality time with family/friends.

Fire - great to hear AF is flowing better. I did try baby aspirin last month but found it was making me dizzy, so I stopped, although I've heard great things about it helping with the uterine lining. By the way, have you ever tried Red Raspberry Leaf for building up the lining/longer AF? I've heard good things about that too. I've been drinking it and like it a lot.

:growlmad: to your DH for frustrating your spermie-protection plans! I'm sure it must be wonderfully relaxing for him, but definitely not the best idea when ttc! Urghh! Does he cooperate when you try to drag him out? It must be stressful to try to manage all of the factors that could hurt your ttc chances, like potentially damaged sperm - sometimes men don't understand these things.

As for me (AFM) - thanks for the comments re: the spotting/age thing. Maybe I do need to have a hormone test done, since the last one I had was a few years ago. The spotting seems to have stopped/slowed for now, but I'm still feeling AF-type cramps on and off, and my breasts are still soft. I think she's on her way and that the spotting is probably just some weird premenstrual-type spotting, which I've had before in a few cycles. She's due on Thursday so will just have to wait it out and see. Urghh!
Zeri - I like raspberry tea - I forgot about it though - so I'll get some when I go out to the store today :) thanks for the reminder!!!

lxb - come on Turkey baby!!!! How you feeling today?

I bought all the ingredients for the tartlets :) I might make them today :) I just said that to DH and he said YES!!!! I feel bad about dragging him out of the jacuzzi because it is the only thing that relaxes him enough so he gets a full night of sleep. So I limit him to 5 minutes. He's okay with that, but I'm worried that by that time the damage has already been done :( waaaaa ttc is a full time job on so many levels!! hehehehe

xoxo- how did the follie scan go today?

Its boring to be on CD3 !!! The only thing I can count down to now is ov in 8-9 days I wanna hear about everyone else :)

zeri - you gonna :test: soon?

xoxo - yes! I have bad allergies~ hoping that it's the allergies! I did wake up to stuffy nose though (although not that uncommon from my allergies) how was the follie scan?

zeri - it could very well be old blood. af-type cramps also could mean pregnancy! i'm with fire.. when are you going to test?! :thumbup:

fire - men! they need to know their spermies need room to breath and be cool as cucumber! can't wait to see how the tartlets turns out!

afm, cd12. Got -OPK yesterday morning and evening. So I'm thinking it could very well be a fluke for that +opk on cd10 as temp is still down this morning. I forgot my pee stick today!!! Ahh.. I want to pee on something! :haha:

dh & I were planning our thanksgiving menu! Wondering what to make for dessert~!! Mmmm....
lxb- What are you thinking of for Thanksgiving dessert? Hearing about your treats makes me hungry - they sound so delicious! Do you think you're gearing up to O on Thanksgiving Day too?

xoxo - forgot to ask about the follie scan. How did it go?

AFM - Not sure I'll bother testing, really.. The spotting seems on and off... but I think I'll just wait to see what happens between now and Thursday. I've wasted so many tests already, and I still feel like AF will show up any minute. You know how she likes to crash a party!:witch::grr:
lxb - you have a lot of patience! these took me SO long to make :) but baking is fun :) :) I guess we won't have so much time to do this when we have babies :)

I don't know how to put this into the spoiler thing :( but here are the tartlettes!! I just ate one and it was yummy!

Thanks for the recipe! It was great. That blogger seems like a professional pastry chef :)


  • tartlettes.jpg
    32.8 KB · Views: 1
zeri - thinking of making fruit tart, cream puff, and strawberry/red bean mochi~ hehe.... probably need to bake those puff and tart shell ahead of time because i only have one oven and it will be occupied by that turkey~~ :haha: FF predicted me to O on Saturday... but I could O anywhere from cd16-18 (cd16 is thanksgiving day) so guess we'll see~ :thumbup:

definitely agree that af likes to crash party! i usually would like to wait 'til af is late to test too~~ i'm still thinking the spotting could still be implantation spotting~ fx :dust: :dust:

fire - AHH!! seeing your pic made me DROOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want some now!!! they looked ssooooooooooooo good!! If I were you I would've eaten like 3 already! :rofl: MMMmmm!!
lxb - your dessert menu sounds AMAZING!!!

And yes I've officially eaten 3 of the tartlettes!! DH went out but he came back and is now scoffing down his first one. He said its YUM!

If you O from TG onwards that's perfect! You can time your BD perfectly to meet the eggy!

Zeri fx you are having implantation bleeding I have a good feeling about that!

xoxo - hope you got good results on your follie scan!

Fire ~ Those look yummy! And DH in the jacuzzi...well, if they make new swimmers every 24 hours, then one good long hot soak isn't going to harm him, right? My DH and I conceived in a sauna (we have one at our cabin), I had completely forgot the heat could've been harmful! {We did mc, but it was due to a chromosomal issue (aka my eggy).} And having your AMH done...I like it! :thumbup: I advise all of my friends without children to have it looked at...especially my gf's who are still searching for Mr. Right!

Zeri ~ Poas for us...well, if you have one! Inquiring minds NEED to know! :haha: And if you do decide to have additional labs done, I hope the findings put your mind at ease. :friends:

Lxb ~ I really need to pick up a sifter and learn to bake! And guess who will be attempting to make a leftover turkey casserole baby?? ME!

RE showed me a 13mm follie on my right side, yes the right side is Oing again! Hope my tube is ready now that it has been cleared out! She said based on my lab work, I should have a +ve OPK in 3 days and O in 4-5 days! FX!

:dust: darling!
Mmmmmm!!! Those tarts look great, Fire! Wow, you guys are so talented in here! lxb - your dessert idea sounds yummy too. Wish I could be at you guys' table for Thanksgiving. I think I would eat my belly full. :munch:

xoxo - Glad the follie looks good and that you're gearing up to O! Turkey Babies on the way! :happydance:

AFM - still waiting it out. DH and I Bd'd earlier and there was a lot of brown spotting/discharge afterwards, so I'm still feeling this is the start of AF. No significant symptoms really. Sorry for holding out on you guys re: the testing, but only another day or so to go and then I'll know what's going on!

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