BD on day of positive OPK

xoxo - Turkey weekend BD!!!


lxb - sounds like you too!! Turkey weekend BD!!!!

:dust: :dust:Turkey casserole babies :dust: :dust:

xoxo- what is the difference between AMH and FSH? I was reading a bit online but not sure I really understand it...

zeri - yay for BD! clear out the swimmers!!! What day are you on now?

13 dpo today. The witch :witch:is definitely gearing up to show her ugly face. More cramps this morning and the spotting is turning more reddish now. Darn her!! I had a tiny bit of hope that the spotting might've been IB, but in the back of mind I still knew it was unlikely, having only Bd'ed 5 days from O and all. Oh well...! :-( On to the next month. Think I'm definitely going to try the Clomid next month. I just hope I get to BD on a fertile day and not have next month be a total bust like this cycle. Bah!! :growlmad:
Hi guys:flower:

Well back but with no bee products (propolis or jelly) did not find a shop but was rushed and mostly in the new town not the more touristy old town. I have a bad cold, think got it from the plane, tired but otherwise ok.

Xo- good results! I have never had the AMH or such but my doc thought I had a good follicle count about 1.5 years ago. That does not mean my quality is good but there were a lot and of a good size (she said i was about ready to ovulate). I did find here a test that said menopause, apparently it is for FSH. It is a urine test, I just need to find the right time to try it.
Happy Bding!

fire- wow those pastries look soooo good! I take the Vit D away from the prenatal because I heard it can interfere with iron absorption. Yep, TTC my first sticky bean.

LX - Do you use opks twice a day? I use them early afternoon and eve as you can miss the surge if you take it too early in the day. Do you check CM? I do and I tend to get fert CM before a pos opk. Good luck:thumbup:

Zeri- what color was your spotting? Has it stopped? I used to get spotting from after O till AF, it began light brown and then got darker and heavier, closer to AF. Mine turned out to be low progesterone from an under active thyroid. Very easily treatable, if correctly diagnosed. Sometimes you can have spotting on an off month from an annovulatory cycle or other cause.

Well got to run. Happy Thanksgiving to all the US ladies:kiss:
Happy TUrkey day!!!

Just wanted to stop by to say hi to you ladies. :wave: will post more later
Likewise! Just wanted to say a quick hiiiiiiiiii!! and send you loads of :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:

Happy Thanksgiving!
Ditto! Will update later, Just stopping by to say Happy Thanksgiving to all!!

(and Happy :sex: too, to all O'ing this week!) :winkwink:
To those of you in U.S - hope you had a great Thanksgiving and are out enjoying the Black Friday shopping madness! (if you do partake).

lxb - I see you got a positive opk yesterday! Yayyy! Did you get any BD in? Hope so!
xoxo - looks like you might be gearing up to O too!

Ginger - hope you're over the cold by now! Thanks for the comments re: progesterone. The spotting did turn into AF (which has been pretty light as usual - 2 days). I feel like my estrogen/progesterone are declining which might explain the spotting. Think I'll try the Clomid this cycle, which hopefully will help the progesterone issue.

Fire - how're you doing?

Looking forward to hearing how everyone's doing.
Dropping in for a quick second (super busy, but fun time with the family). Still no +ve OPK...I pray the lack of sleep isn't delaying it :shrug:

I'll catch up soon...hope everyone had a good Turkey Day!

Happy Black Friday! Think Pink.
xoxo - hope you get your +ve OPK today or tomorrow :) 'coz its Turkey BD time!!!

How was your shopping? I thought about going to some stores but ended up sitting by the pool instead :)

zeri - I took grapefruit juice during AF this month and it was quite good - I think it definitely helped with the flow. But I still only had 2 full days of AF followed by basically 2 days of spotting

lxb - how you feeling? did you get some turkey BDing in?

AFM - I had a strange ttc dream: I found a note on my parents letterbox that was addressed to me - it was from some girl who I'd 'lost' contact with (in real life I have no idea who it was) anyway she left a whole bunch of OPKs and HPT's and other POAS things in the letter box and she said on the letter: "You might not remember me, but I met you a long time ago these are the things that helped me TTC" and then she had her sticker on the bottom of the letter and she was a DDS - dentist. Then in the dream I was running to get the train that some of my other friends were on but I missed it and I was trying to call and let them know, but as soon as I go to the station there was a train there anyway so I got on the train and there was a guy who had a massive suitcase in my way and I was completely stuck and I started to get into a fight with the guy. But I realized it was going to be fine and I'd have to change stations somewhere and get on another train and my friends would be there from the train before....
and I woke up...

WEIRD! I have no idea what that means. Except Zeri it reminds me of the ttc dream you said you had about missing the boat....

Lots of pink and :dust: to you all!
I got a high on my CBFM today - xoxo - how many days do you generally get H's before you get peaks? In the first month of using it I only got 2 days of H's before 2 days of peaks - I hope this month I'll get 4 days of H's and 2 days of peaks not 2 days of H's before the peaks because that means I'll Ov 2 days early :(
I'm home and all shopped out! It was as chaotic as I expected, but I loved spending the time with my brother and parents even came out! It was a real family event!

Lxb ~ A +ve OPK with a dip...hurray for Oing! :dance:

Fire ~ I love my family, but I would have preferred to have been lounging by the pool with them! It is my understanding FSH is the actual trigger for the follies to start growing, while AMH is a level tested that says how many eggs you have in reserve. Is that what you have found in your readings?

Zeri ~ really, the :witch: showed? :grr: On to Christmas :xmas16: babies! Have you decided to give the Clomid a shot?

Ginger ~ I hope you are feeling better...I always blame someone on the plane if I fall sick after a trip! :plane: And no Fresh Royal Jelly...I was hoping you'd come across some and fill us in! Next time perhaps!

AFM ~ STILL no +ve OPK. I haven't started to worry...yet! I am hoping I just need a good night's rest to bring on the +ve :sleep: If not, I'll call my RE Monday morning to see if a HSG can cause either an annovulatory cycle or a delay in ovulation. Who knows what is going on! My DH was sweet this morning...he looked an my super faint line on my OPK, kissed my head and said he thinks my egg is trying to come in "under the radar." He said not to worry, he'll send in an advance team to cut her off at the cross! :haha: Another growing pain of ttc I suppose.

I hope I haven't missed anything...I am exhausted, so I will catch up again tomorrow (using critical reading skills!). Think Pink! Heaps of :dust:'re up to lead us to BFPs! :friends:
I got a high on my CBFM today - xoxo - how many days do you generally get H's before you get peaks? In the first month of using it I only got 2 days of H's before 2 days of peaks - I hope this month I'll get 4 days of H's and 2 days of peaks not 2 days of H's before the peaks because that means I'll Ov 2 days early :(

Yay for the high reading! It can give you a few days of high (I think mine gave me 6 days of high one month) while it is still learning your cycle. You will always get 2 days of is a default set by the manufacturer. Many women put a "used" stick in it and it still reads as peak. :flower:
hi ladies!
i looked back at my notes from our dd.

first high on cbfm we bd
then skipped two days (both high on cbfm)
bd'd on the 4th high.
skipped the peak
bd'd on the 2nd peak

i hope this helps:hugs:

Thanks vkj!! It's super helpful to know what BD patterns were successful for people.

xoxo- Yayayayay for +ve OPK and peak on the monitor today!!! Perfect timing :)
your temps have been consistent (not too sawtoothy) which my acu would say is a great thing :)

lxb- looks like your temps are going in the direction of Ov :) keep up the BD!!!

zeri - how are you feeling? What CD are you on?

ginger - where are you at with your cycle? I was just looking for bee farms online to see if I could get some fresh propolis or pollen what a great idea :)

AFM- got a high on the monitor today - just realized I only have 2 OPK sticks left so I'm going to use them on CD10 and CD11 and hope that the monitor is accurate/useful this month and shows my peak days on the +ve OPK days. It looks like I'll get a +ve on the day we are flying back home. Not the greatest timing but I'm hoping we get upgraded seats so we'll be rested when we get home and DH will be in the mood :)
Fire~ Last month my CBFM went to peak the day after my OPK was +ve...this month they are both +ve/peak at the same time...fx for the flight upgrade! Get the black maca ready!

I'm so glad everything went +ve today. :headspin: I was starting to think something was up because I haven't been able to temp regularly. DH is being a sport...his bestfriend has a 10 day old daughter and my sister has a 2 year is fair to say he has a touch of babyitis! :haha: It's about time!

Hope you ladies are well! Happy BDing! :dust:

I have all of a sudden gone blank with protocol! :help: With a +ve OPK this morning, what would be the optimal time for BDing tomorrow? My instinct is screaming in the morning (background: last night 8p -ve OPK, 9am this morning +ve OPK).

I cannot believe I even have to ask this :dohh:
Tomorrow morning is the optimal time! (According to my acupuncturist -I asked this of her last month-and when I said mornings would be impossible then she said night of the +ve OPk)

Especially because it sounds like you caught the surge close to when it began.....


I know the feeling though I'm getting anxious already about timing!! Because that's the whole key to this is getting the timing right :)

Although if you throw in an extra BD tonight it probably wouldn't hurt - but then you want to make sure he's still up for it in the morning - tomorrow morning is the best timing if you have to pick one or the other....
Thank you Fire! I am like you, some women get anxious during the tww, I get anxious over timing BDing! I wish he'd go for round 2 today, but him being 44 those days are few and far between! I'll hit him up in the morning and pray he doesn't ask me to wait until lunch!

I looked around online, Dr Google, and it seems mornings are def ideal...glad that coincides with what your acupuncturist says! Fx my DH is up and at 'em!

:dust: Hoping you'll catch your eggy this round too!

It's time for Christmas BFPs ladies! Looking forward to those Hallmark moments! :xmas12:
Wow lots of O action around here! Hope everybody is getting or gearing up to get some good BD!

xoxo - I get anxious about timing BDing too. DH is 44 as well and sometimes not up to it when I want him to be. I'm on the Clomid this cycle (CD 6 today) but am feeling pretty sure this cycle may end up being a bust due to lack of good BD. DH has been pretty busy lately too. UGH!

lxb and Ginger - thinking of you guys!

Fire - how's it going with the black maca?

Was thinking this morning, wouldn't Christmas BFPs be awesome? What a lovely way to celebrate the holidays!
Zeri ~ I think my DH has been a trooper with BDing because his best friend of 20 years is now a Daddy and we just spent a few days with my 2 year old nephew. I'll have to remember to get him around LO's when it's O time! He really has a touch of the baby bug! This morning he woke me and said we had to BD...I thought I was dreaming!
Yay for Clomid! It's early still, so hopefully things slow down for your DH and you get to seduce him! :bunny:

Fx for us all to get Christmas BFPs :xmas12:

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