BD on day of positive OPK

That's great you got some BD, Fire! Great timing too!! :)

CD 12 for me...sigh!! Not sure what will happen this month in terms of BD.

Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR to all!! Let's hope this New Year brings us continued blessings!

Happy New Year's!
Happy New Year~~~ :drunk: :drunk: may this be one of the best years yet~~!!

Happy New Year!!!

I've got a good feeling for all of us this year :)

PS. I was in bed by 12.05 last night, we went to a party at 8pm and left by 10.30pm!!! It was DH's friends and I was like do you think we can leave before 12, is that weird, he was like we do whatever we want...let's go. What can I say I'm so much sober fun hehehehehe
lxb your temps are lookin' goooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!!!!
Zeri ~ Fx for you to O!

Lxb and Fire ~ :dust: to start out 2013! Hope the TWW is treating you well...let the boob mashing commence!
Zeri - fx for O and for those spermies to meet the eggy! :dust:

Fire - :haha: I was in bed by 11:40 and I think I fell asleep before midnight hits! Dh and I just stayed home and I think we were watching FRIENDS on tv! :haha: fx for you this cycle too~~. C'mon BFP!

Xoxo - how are you feeling? When's your next appt? Are you having any craving or ms?

Afm, feeling the same as every other cycle. So not really feeling positive this month. Plus...not sure if I've told you girls this, but one of my sister just gave birth to my niece (her baby #2) on dec 27th. Dh and I have been babysitting our 3 year old niece for the past 4 days. Hehe certainly exhausting to keep up with the energy of a 3 year old but so rewarding.

And just ~2 weeks ago, my sis and I noticed our other sis (I have 2 sisters) looks a little preggo (it would her #2 as well) and when we asked, she said no. Anyways, she finally told us she is (she told me she's 8 weeks but she told my other sis she's 10 weeks)!! It's just a mixed emotion feeling for me as she is one of those that is 'competitive' and simply feeling the need to react to what we do. The reason I say that is because as far as I know, she wasn't trying or planning on trying anytime soon until my 2nd sis announced her pregnancy back in June and me telling her about my mc in July pushed her to ttc.

Okay, rant over. Sorry for the rant :). Of course, I'm still happy for her and can't wait to meet my niece/nephew in July time!

Been feeling sooo thirsty for,the past few days....but I think I was the same during this time last cycle as well. Other than the thirst, pimples, and sore boobs...feeling normal~

:dust: :dust: :dust:
lxb - temps are looking good this morning!!!
Feel free to rant away :) that's what we are all here for. And I hear you on your sister - that must be so annoying...I don't have sisters but sometimes I feel like some of my girlfriends act like they are still in High School and it's super boring.....

xoxo - how you feeling?

Zeri - where you at with O and BD?

I need to order a new thermometer on Amazon and next month start again with temping....but to be honest not temping for this month has been kind of a relief. Whether I temp or not doesn't affect our BD schedule - because that just seems to happen whenever he wants to (grrrr) and knowing that I might have mis-timed things can make me anxious. Anyway having said that I'd still rather be informed so I'm going to get on the temping wagon again next month :)
Hi ladies! :dust:

Lxb ~ I agree with Fire, vent away. It's not that we're not happy or excited for others, it's just a reminder of what we should have, but currently don't. I have faith that we will all get there and will one day be holding our much wanted and much loved LOs. Uncle pimple and Auntie Sore Boobs :grr: It isn't fair that we get the same symptoms either way...stay away witch :af:

Fire ~ So by default you've surprised yourself and taken a much welcomed break from temping. FX!

Zeri ~ Hopefully you've been ringing in the new year with lots of BDing to catch that eggy!


AFM ~ Boobs are def very sore. I do still get pimples (like a family member who has over stayed their welcome). I'm not sure I've had MS...worries me a touch, but I know whatever is meant to be is going to be, so I'm just waiting for my scan in a week. God willing, I should be at 8+2 when I go...fx third time IS the charm!
xoxo - third time is definitely a charm. I am sending you loads of sticky vibes.

I wouldn't worry about the no MS thing - my acu said that if your hormones are balanced you shouldn't get MS, I was talking to one of her heavily preg patients and she concurred she hadn't had MS w/ her current pregnancy (but had had it the times she mc), she also felt it was because her hormones were more balanced this time.

8+2 already!!! Super exciting. How time flies!!!!!!!!!!

I've never been preggy (that I know of - I might have had a chemical in the past and never realized, I've read that is kind of common) but I can't wait!!! I seriously have no idea what to expect, or what symptoms would show up, especially in the early days...

Right now I just wanna test already hehehehe :) but I've got at least 10 days to go, and even that would probably be too early...
Hi girls,
lxb - HUGS! it must've been hard to get the unexpected news of your other sister also being preggo, especially when it might just be a competition thing for her. I would feel down about that too. It's like you're surrounded - and it just makes it a sad reminder of what you want but don't have. :-( Whenever I see a pregnant person (especially someone I know who I didn't know was pregnant, it always hits me the gut - and I don't have to see them all the time). Hopefully, you'll be preggo soon, though. Any interesting symptoms over the last few days? Are you going to test early or wait till AF shows?

xoxo - Glad to hear you're doing well! So you're 7 + weeks now? I think my ms started around 8 or 9 weeks for my first pregnancy. Before that I was concerned about not having any ms too. Hopefully you'll have a great scan next week. And yayy for sore boobs!

Fire - are you feeling hopeful about this month? I would be! :) What day are you going to test? Feeling excited for you!!

AFM- thanks for the BD wishes, but not much of that going on, unfortunately. :-( DH was really busy last week and is just getting a break this week. Been feeling like nothing much is happening for me (baby trying-wise) and have been feeling a bit down about it. Anyway, CD15 ewcm yet for me :-( but opks seem to be fading in, so we'll see what'll happen over the next few days. I'm not feeling terribly hopeful, unfortunately.
fire - waiting to see that temp! How are you feeling so far? It's great to hear not temping has given you a relief~ that's always a good thing!

xoxo - my sis didn't have ms at all~! And now she has a beautiful baby girl (who's now ONE WEEK OLD!) Can't wait to hear about your appt in a week! And see scan pic update of your beautiful rainbow bean~~ :cloud9:

zeri - fx those ewcm is making its way! I'm thinking perhaps it's just waiting for your dh's break! :haha: time to get BD!

afm, I've noted down some symptoms over the past few days...but nothing out of the ordinary as I checked last cycle's info and it look similar~ so not holding my breath on it :shrug:
Zeri ~ Come on OPKs! Have you been able to get your DH to take the black maca?

Lxb ~ Soooo close to testing...keep hurting ta ta's! And temp, keeeeepp rising!

Fire ~ How are things with you?

Think Pink :dust:
I am completely symptomless right now, in fact I feel the same as I felt in the first half of my cycle. I wonder if I even O'd. Kinda wishing I'd been temping. I haven't even ordered my thermometer yet. We only BD once the day of the +ve OPK - I did use softcups but I'm feeling like it would have to be pretty miraculous if it worked. I mean does anyone besides teenagers get a BFP from BD ONE time?

I started my DH back on black maca - Zeri I totally recommend it - he seems to have more energy in general, but I've learnt if I put too much in his shake the shake gets thrown down the sink, so I can usually only put a heaped teaspoon in it.

xoxo - super excited for your scan! And thanks for being there lighting the pathway for the rest of us. I love knowing what happens next. Although who knows how LONG this is going to take me with my ONE BD a month routine!!! I don't even know if I can get preggy or if my DH's spermies are crappy. This being in the dark thing is not so enlightening hehehehe

lxb - test?! test?!!!!! I would be if I were you right now :)
Just a quick drive-by to say that Fire, sometimes I wonder about that one BD thing too. But I did get preggo twice with just one BD the day of the positive opk...but it was on Clomid - so that they may helped things too? Not sure... Anyway, if you did O after the day of your positive opk I think you have a good chance, as that's the best time for conception, they say.

Meant to ask you before, though - how long was your abstinence period before BDing that one time? I'm wondering how much abstinence before affects sperm quality...I was reading online that the quality goes down after a few days in men with low sperm counts, so it's better to BD frequently leading up to O... of course, that's a challenge for men with low libido issues. The last time DH and I Bd'ed was 2 weeks ago so I think we BD now the spermies may not be of the best quality.

Anyway, just talking out loud. Have to run now. Be back later.
Ok, my meeting just got cancelled so I'm back. :) Fire, I've seen on FF's Pregnancy Charts that people do get knocked up from one Bd on the day of O or the day before O only, but I generally notice as well that the abstinence period isn't too long before that, so maybe the sperm would be at their best quality. I'm not sure about the rates for people who BD once in the fertile period with no BD for a good while before that. Anyway, hopefully you did O when you think you did. If so, I still think your chances are quite good. And it's great that the maca is working for your DH! maca is supposed to help with sperm quality too, so it could help your DH in that department if is sperm count is low.

Still no BD for me... CD16 today and still no ewcm. Will take the opk later today but yesterday it was still faintish. DH still isnt' sold on taking the maca again, but he has taken a couple pills of the Horny Goat Weed. Not sure if it's having an effect yet though. I've been feeling down about our lack of BD - in terms of ttc on a whole, and also as a couple. I'm feeling like we're headed for an asexual relationship by the way things are going. :-( Is it normal for guys in their 40's to not have much drive?

How often do you guys BD when not trying? Just trying to get some perspective here.

lxb- what unusual symptoms have you noted? Share!

xoxo- hi preggo lady! how're you feeling today?
Hey Zeri - so we BD on CD8 and CD11 (CD11 was day of the +ve OPK) I know what you mean about the healthy sperm thing and I was worried about that in previous months but I realized that it gets more stressful for me worrying that we might not even BD at all on the day of the +ve OPK if I 'use' up all my BD 'chances' in the days beforehand. Ie if we BD on CD9 or 10 he won't be ready to BD again on CD11 or 12.
When we are not ttc we BD on average once per week...but there can be lapses between 2-3 weeks :( in general I do feel like BD more often in the first half of my cycle and because I'm the one who has to instigate most of the time that's when it generally ends up happening because it's kind of an effort. Mainly because I can't just jump him, he won't go for that I have to drop subtle hints for a few days leading up to when I want to or 'plan'/'book' ahead. Sometimes I wish I was a cougar and had a 20 year old on the side to play around with heheheheheh, the over 40 year old guy thing is pretty disappointing, I've spoken to a number of my girlfriends who have the same issue. And all the ones dating or married to guys younger than them don't have that problem at all.

I notice when we are away in Florida we BD more because it's more relaxed for him and he feels like he can BD during the day. DH gets really tired in the evenings which is one of the reasons why we don't BD much....and in the mornings he's on such a tight schedule that doesn't happen weekends end up being our BD window. I always just hope that Ov happens on a weekend or at least a Friday night!!!

I feel like I could go a bit crazy trying to figure all this stuff out. Also my DH can be so difficult. Usually it's the woman in the relationship who's difficult, but in this case I'm really chill and easy going and he has all these habits and ways of doing things that are inflexible in many ways. In the past I worried about that and what it would be like with a child - my Dad was a grumpy old man I thought I don't want my kid to have a grumpy old man Dad as well, but I realized I'll be the primary caretaker and as long as I can manage DH I know he'd be fantastic with our child and not grumpy.

lxb - when is testing time? :)

xoxo - :wave: :wave: yay!!!
Thanks for your reply, Fire. It's great that you got some BD on CD8 to help flush out the old swimmers. I did some more reading online lunchtime and everything said it's best to have a fresh supply of sperm. So I think your chances are really good this month! But I hear ya on the scheduling BD thing - and using up your 'chances' beforehand, lol. I was trying to figure that out last night too -when would be the best time if I only had one chance etc. It's soooo stressful! I wish our DH's would just be more cooperative and willing sometimes..or more like lxb and xoxo's OH's!! That would be great! :) Anyway, DH definitely has more energy during the day as well...the nights are pretty tiring for both of us, which makes weekends generally the best time for us as well, so I've hoping the same thing about O falling on Sat/Sun/Mon too.

Sorry about your DH being inflexible at times as well. It definitely sounds like you're personality is more easy-going. If you're the primary care-taker of your child, I agree that would help to buffer things a bit. I'm the primary care-taker of our DD and 'softer' with our DD than DH. But his stern approach definitely comes in handy a lot of the time, so we help balance each other out.
fire - it's perfecty normal for some pregnant women to have ZERO symptoms! (yeah.. look who's talking! Im the huge symptom spotter as well!) but I agree. you've definitely got a great chance! I've seen charts with ONE bd before or on the day of +opk that turned into BFP. So never say never. A fellow bnb buddy of mine BDed once ~2 weeks after her endo (maybe ~2 days before O?) and got her bfp! So u'r definitely still in the running~

:dust: :dust:

zeri - I think we BD ~weekend time as well when we're not ttc and sometimes weeks without either. DH is definitely a morning person. And we started to fall asleep ~9:30~ :haha: So during ttc, we would try to get ready for bed much earlier else both of us would be half asleep and neither one will initiate~ :dohh:

FX for some ewcm and for weekend O! C'mon DH, get your spermies ready~~ C'mon horny goat weed... work your magic!

as for symptoms.. the ones I've noted are similar to the ones I've noted last cycle. Sore boobs and pinches in belly! I also threw up once last cycle at ~8-9 dpo.. perhaps the hormones is acting up during tww. Also, been so thirsty too (also same as last cycle :shrug:). And I got ~5 canker sores :dohh: :dohh:

xoxo - which day is ur appt? can't wait to hear update~!

afm, same o symptoms. Sore boobs, thirst, minor twinges and that's about it. Watery cm turned creamy cm today~ Thinking I'm going to get some FRER on my way home from work today as I only have 1 FRER left. Still debating when I should pee on it~ :haha:
Zeri if you are on CD16 today and your OPKs are getting darker then this weekend to BD could be perfect. Don't worry about the flushing out of spermies, I know it is a factor but I wouldn't let it worry you, there's so much else going on with the whole conception thing that its not worth stressing over. I really believe one well targeted BD will do the trick.

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