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BD on day of positive OPK

lxb - its definitely POAS time!! Maybe tomorrow morning use the FRER? Exciting!!!

I've thrown up around 8-9DPO on a ovulatory cycle before as well - I think the progesterone surge can make you feel sick amongst other things...but then there are cycles where I feel absolutely nothing....

The thirsty thing is interesting - I wonder why hormones do that. Now I come to think of it I've been pretty thirsty lately too...I'm gonna go research that one :)
Just a real quick post... DD's in the bath so I snuck a quick read:

opks have faded out. :shrug: No idea what's going on. Don't know if O is delayed this cycle for some reason. Hope I haven't O'd yet and missed my surge. Ugh!!

lxb - :test:

Fire ~ I know you needed the break from temping, by default, but I cannot stalk your cycle without it! :haha: As for BDing once and getting lucky, it CAN happen. It DOES happen. Have faith...most IUI's are a one time shot.

Zeri ~ Ode to the 40+ year old husband...I'll tell you what, it was almost as though my DH was endowed a dimmer switch at 40! He goes through spells...bright lights some weeks, then night lights the others. Thankfully we haven't arrived at "off" yet. :haha: FXed the OPK gets darker...sorry it was fading.

Lxb ~ Your symptoms seem promising and your temp looks perfect! Keeeeep rising temp and stay away witch :grr: her uterus is in the process of being occupied! No vacancy! I'm liking the being thirsty...fx its a symptom of a bfp! You thinking of testing Sunday?

afm ~ I have these waves of feeling car sick when I'm not even in a car, but not sure if I am making them up or if they are real! :shrug: My DH had to leave today for 2 weeks, so I'll be going to my ultrasound alone on Wednesday...yikes! I am on the fence...I am really looking forward to going, but don't want to go alone. My BFF offered to go, but that was on New Year's and it might of been the martinis talking! lol
xoxo - yes take your BFF to your appointment. More fun that way!!! Someone to share it with :) I'm sure she'll totally go w/ you. Do you get photos at this one?

I'll start using my glass thermometer tomorrow morning - I'm starting to get curious (anxious?) about my temps too! hehehehe

lxb - is it morning already can you POAS?

zeri - if you are using the OPK at night there might not be enough hormone in your pee (diluted) for it to pick it up. I'd try again tomorrow after you've held your pee for a bit...
I did my temp this morning but I woke up at 10am and it was 98.8 so I went on that website and adjusted it as if I temp'd at 7am - it readjusted it to 98.2. :( booooo I kind of liked the super high temperature!!
98.2 is a good high temp! :thumbup:

Afm, I got a mega temp drop today. Grr hate 97.9! :dohh:
lxb I was just stalking your chart while you were writing that.
Bah! That SUX. I'm so sorry. BUT you never know until the witch is really here. Last month I was on FF and I did find BFP charts that had temp drops at the end of the cycle, there's not that many, and even less in our age range, but they do exist, the thing is most all of them did pick up a day or two later to high temps again, so the next day or so you will know.
lxb - sorry about the temp drop... :-( I guess you didn't bother to use the FRER then? :-( I still hope AF stays away... sounds like your timing was good this month as usual.

Fire - 98.2 is fairly good temp. Especially since you're only 8 dpo. That's plenty of time for all kind of things to happen!

xoxo - sounds like you're getting the beginnings of morning sickness. Mine started with a queasy feeling too, mostly when I hadn't eaten for a while. What day is your scan this week?

AFM - STILL no ewcm.. :-( Haven't done my opk yet for today (CD 18). No idea what's going on. But I decided I would try to get DH to BD today anyway (to flush out the old spermies). So I came home from the beach and DH was watching TV. I bathed and went to lie down with him ( in a shirt and underwear only, hint, hint!!), but DH continues watching his Program. After a while, I sighed and said, "I thought you were going to give me some, but I guess you'd rather watch TV.. :growlmad:), so he turns to me and says, "Later....I masturbated this morning", :huh: Then he confides he's been masturbating every morning for the whole week!! I was like..:shock: I didn't even know how to process that. So then I said, "Oh, well...at least you still have a sex drive". And he looked at me and said, "Of course I do! What makes you think I don't?" :dohh: I tried to explain to him gently after that that it would be nice if instead of using his hand, he could wait (he does it in the mornings, when I'm at work), and do it with me, because I've been feeling like he didn't want to have sex with me. Don't know if it really sunk in though. :shrug:Ugh!! Men!! I don't even know whether to be happy or irritated now! On the one hand, I'm glad he still has a drive and that he was flushing out the old spermies on his own (yayyyy!:happydance:), but on the other hand, if he keeps this pattern up, I probably still won't get preggo because there'll be no spermies left when I need for him to get busy!! :dohh:Grrrr. If I'm fertile this week, I'll see if I can talk to him and get him to hold off for a day or two, I guess. :shrug:
zeri - you don't have to worry about old spermies!! That's great :) I wish I could say the same about my DH but I know for a fact he's not clearing them out on his own :(

If your DH doesn't feel like BD you can always just get him to do it into a soft cup and you could get the spermies in that way!!!!!
Thanks, Fire. Unfortunately, I've never seen softcups where I live - but maybe I can order them online for the future. How are you feeling today?

lxb- I see you had another temp drop. ;-( How are you feeling?
fire - nice high temp today~ fx it stays up~ how are you feeling? :dust: :dust:

zeri - :growlmad: @ dh masturbating every morning! (well... positive side of this is like you've mentioned, he has high sex drive!!) So you guys should communicate that he should find you so his spermies don't go to waste~ :thumbup: Any sign of O yet? Perhaps the eggy knows it shouldn't come until you have some spermies waiting for it~

xoxo - yay to ms~! :thumbup: hope it's not too bad for you~ when is your appt?

afm, yeah... another temp drop this morning along with light spotting. Pretty sure af will go on full flow today. I had a massive migraine last night and I refuse to take any pain killer (I only have ibuprofen at home) as af didn't show yesterday and I was worried that it will harm the bean if there is one in there. Luckily...some ice pack help soothe it and I was able to fall asleep.

I think I'm in a bit of a denial. And I hate the 'waiting for af' time. Deep down I know there's nothing but bloat but at the same time... as long as af hasn't show...I still had the slightest hope. Even if it has and if it's light... I would be wondering/hoping if I could be one of those who has 'light period' during pregnancy :dohh:
Zeri ~ Oh boy. Boys and their toys! :haha: Glad you were able to talk with him...now to just convince him to throw some of those seeds your way! Fx!

Fire ~ Yay for temping again! :dust:

Lxb ~ I too hope you get to be the person I know who had light spotting and turned out to be preggers! I'm holding fast to hope! Throwing buckets of :dust: your way!

AFM ~ My scan is Wednesday at 8am. I am trying to stay positive, but with a history of mc I am quite nervous. I just need to get to Wednesday morning and lay off of Dr Google in the meantime...

:dust: :dust:
xoxo - yes now is the time to stay away from Dr Google and just know and feel that everything is good and fine. I'm excited for you for Wednesday!!

lxb - sending you lots of :dust: :dust: are you going to :test: ? the spotting w/out AF is a good thing!

zeri - I've never seen softcups at the store, I also got mine from ordering online. I think they are good - well they seem to keep things (spermies) in place for longer than they would if they weren't there. But we'll see if they actually do anything...

I read something interesting on one of the other forums that someone said everytime there are sperm around the egg it gets fertilized but whether or not it implants is a different thing. I wonder if that's true or if its just an old wives tale.

I'm kind of liking my glass BBT thermometer. It's old school but because I'm v-temping these days it feels more hygienic and I can put it in a hydrogen peroxide solution. The only thing that freaks me out a bit is DH gets up at 7am with the alarm (that's when I temp) and he has been know to jump back ontop of me while I'm still in bed to wake me up (he's 200 pounds!) if he landed the wrong way the thermometer could break!!! I have to remember to warn him tomorrow morning!
lxb - I just saw that you put your cycle on day 1 - has your spotting become light AF?
:( I'm so sorry :(
Or are you just being cautious, but AF hasn't really arrived?
xoxo - Ahh~ Wednesday is coming up~~ Sending some positive energy your way and everything will be perfect~!! And yes, no more dr google! Only use it for positive things!

:dust: :dust: :dust:

fire - eek! Oh yes! better warn him before he landed on the wrong place. :dohh: Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's AF. Same cramps and same type of flow. It would be pretty scary to have that type of bleeding if indeed there's a bean in there (it won't be looking good). So, yeah, off to cd1!

Sending you ladies lots of sticky dusts! C'mon 2013 BFPs! Show yourselves!
:dust: :dust: :dust:
:dust: :dust: :dust:
lxb - so sorry AF came along :( but at least your free to get on with another cycle. It's so disappointing when she arrives but then it's on with the next one, it's like we're TTC warriors picking ourselves up after each disappointment. waaaaaaaaa!

zeri - anything new happen for you today? I seriously think it's a great thing your DH hasn't lost his sex drive. It's a sad thing but I would be so stoked if I found out my DH was masturbating!!!

xoxo - Wednesday I am sending you loads and loads of good vibes.

AFM - I'm in a BAAAAAAAAAD mood today! I'm snappy with everyone. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm probably at the peak of progesterone in my cycle so take a deep breath and maybe keep some emails as a drafts instead and see how I feel about sending in a few days time! Because most probably I won't want to.....
lxb - I'm so sorry about AF too. How are you feeling? I think Fire's analogy of TTC warriors is spot on. I know for me when spotting/AF starts I grieve for a while, then pick myself up and start to feel hopeful for the next cycle, but I guess after a while that can get tiring too. Do you plan to do anything different this cycle? Was there anything different the time you got your BFP?

Fire - sorry you're in a bad mood. :-( Does that usually happen at the peak of your LP, or do you think it could be a symptom? Any interesting symptoms to report? Are you going to test anytime soon?

xoxo - Thinking good thoughts for you for your scan tomorrow! :) I know the anxiety will still be there, though. Hopefully all will be okay! Is the queasy feeling still there?

AFM - I'm glad that DH still has a drive, too. Hopefully the regular masturbation will help keep things healthy. Yesterday after I posted I did an opk and it was pretty close to positive. I think it would've been positive by evening. So last night I was planning to seduce DH...but we didn't end up having dinner till about 9 pm, and DH ended up falling asleep after, so my seduction plans were foiled. :-( Anyway, this morning I told him I felt bad that he was sleeping last night when I wanted to :sex:, and that he owed me a lunchtime quickie (I live close to work). He seemed interested in BDing right then (it was about 7.30 and I was late getting ready for work- so I brushed him off and said "no, lunchtime" (I was worried DD would wake up and that I wouldn't get to lie down for a while afterwards, and that I would be late for work), but he ended up jumping me anyway! :happydance: It worked out okay - DD didn't wake up and I got to lie down for about a half hour afterwards,, so yayyy! Of course I did reach late for work, though. Anyway, I'm just glad I got some. :) The only problem is that I didn't see any ewcm this cycle (don't know why - despite drinking tons of grapefruit juice last week), so it might all be for nought! But I'm still glad to have a half-chance rather than no chance at all! :)
Zeri ~ HURRAY! Some things are worth being late to work for! "Sorry, I was trying to make a baby!" I'd excuse my employees for that! :haha:

Lxb ~ :hissy: AF just DOESN'T LISTEN! Sorry if I've missed this, but have you been in for any blood work?

Fire ~ Glass v-thermometer and DH jumping on you in the morning~~YIKES! Not a pretty picture. Try explaining that to the ER Dr! (Does the glass still have mercury?) Fxed for a BFP!

AFM ~ I woke up feeling quite nauseated and my boobs are full/heavy/tender. Is it Wednesday yet?

:dust: Think Pink!
Zeri - yaaaaaay!!! For getting jumped. That is awesome. So it is just a matter of figuring out when is his best time (sounds like mornings are the go!) Are you going to test the OPK again tonight? Maybe you could even be late for work tomorrow morning? :dance:

lxb - what bloodwork are you going to get? I still want to get CD1 FSH/LH and get the HSG done. (clarify I don't 'want' to, but I will if a BFP doesn't show)

xoxo - C'mon tomorrow!! I'm so excited for you :) we'll all be waiting here to hear how it goes :) yippeee for feeling sick and big boobs!

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