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BD on day of positive OPK

xoxo - yayy for nausea and big boobs! :)

Fire, any interesting twinges/symptoms?

AFM - Opk at noon today wasn't positive just yet - maybe later today. I felt fluish this morning so I think that's what's delaying things. I only have 2 opks left and wanted to save those, so I'm hoping O really does happen either today or tomorrow - probably tomorrow though. Bah! Maybe I'll see if DH is interested in Bding again tomorrow, though.

lxb - Hope you're feeling ok today!
No symptoms for me - just the normal 10DPO irritation and bloated body and face (not cute) nothing out of the ordinary that would indicate a BFP for me. I was aware of this kind of 'womb' flutter I would get on and off from about 7dpo to 9dpo but I think this was just an over awareness, ie. too much symptom spotting of normal stuff. It really didn't feel out of the ordinary from other months.

I don't have any FRER at home right now so I don't think I'll be testing in the next few days, unless I get some online....or get the urgency to run to the pharmacy and buy some...

I think every TTC warrior should be automatically allocated an unlimited supply of OPKs and HPT of all varieties so we can pee and speculate as much as we need and want to!!!
fire - i know I can use this advice myself. But I've known a lot of ladies here who has gotten their BFP while thinking they were out the whole time due to lack of symptoms! Perhaps the whole blood panel? We'll see what the OB suggest :shrug: Hoping this month is it for you and you don't need to get those blood test done! :dance:

zeri - yay for dh jumping on ya!! now.. he just needs to do that more often! :thumbup:

xoxo - it's almost tomorrow!!!! yay for heavy boobs! :dance:

go TTC warriors~~~~ :bodyb: :bodyb: :bodyb:

afm, cd2. AF has been heavy and clotty! Cousin cramps are here! Hope I don't speak too soon.. but uncle pimples are nowhere in sight~ Just been feeling exhausted! And I've got this super bloat! Like hard bloat! I could very well passed for a first time preggo lady that's well into 2nd trimester! :dohh: boobs still hurt when I mashed my hands onto them~ :haha:

the first two days of af is just one of those times that you feel pity and bad for yourself. And the cramps and heavy flow certainly didn't help lifting up any mood~ :wacko:

Here's to a better tomorrow~

:drunk: :drunk: :drunk:

Here's to ttc warriors & Oh yeah.. and sticky pink dusts~

:dust: :dust: :dust:
lxb - I know it's not much of a consolation but a heavy flow is better than a light/no flow. AF is much lighter than she's been for years for me and that worries me at times.
Did you do grapefruit juice last cycle? Are you going to drink it this cycle? I think it really helped my ewcm this cycle and maybe having it over several cycles improves it in general?? Are you going to the doctor tomorrow for the CD3 tests? There's something nerve wracking but also exciting about getting tests done....
Saw the HB again and little tiny buds for arms and legs! So relieved (for now)...I'll post a pic shortly. Thank you for the positive wishes!
xoxo - Yay!!! I woke up early this morning just to check to see if you'd posted.

HB is so awesome. That must be so amazing to see that. Arms and legs!!! Can't wait to see the pic :)

I had a weird dream last night where I found out my Aunt (who in real life is 70) was preggy and in the dream she said she was 42. Weird!!
So, the head is the first circle on the left, then the body has the tiny little gummy bear arms and legs!
xoxo - LOVE the scan pic!!! such cute LO~~~~~ :cloud9: :wave: hiiiiiiii little sticky pink y santa baby gummy bear~~~~~

fire - Hmmm.. weird dream!! maybe it means someone is going to be preggo soon!!! :dust: :dust: nice high temp today~!!! :dance:

afm, just found out a relative is expecting and due date is June! :wacko: such great news and yet...made my heart clench.
Wow! I love her little arms and legs :)
(hope its okay that I'm calling her her for the moment even though she could be a he)
Life is amazing....
lxb - don't worry about your relatives - it's easy to get pulled and start to feel happy-sad when you hear other people's announcements - two of my much younger cousins just told us last week they are both due in June. (kind of odd because they are sisters too)

Just come back to yourself and know that the timing is always perfect and just know your LO will make its way into the world, she's just figuring out some stuff out there in the ether right now but she'll be here soon :)
xoxo - what a cute little gummy bear!! :) yayyyyy!! You must be so relieved! :) Is it real to your OH as yet?

Fire - definitely a strange dream.... Could be a sign of ttc-on-the-brain, or it could be a good preggo sign, like lxb said. Did you mention when you were going to :test:

lxb - I'm sorry you're surrounded by a baby boom! :-( And it really sucks to get this type of news during AF, too.

AFM - nothing much. Had a bit of ewcm last night, but not sure if I O'd or not. I'm hoping so, otherwise my one-shot BD wouldn't really count. :-l
I don't mind if we refer to the LO as a 'her'...we do THINK PINK around here :)

Fire ~ What a unique dream...maybe its there to show you that you're only as old as you feel :shrug: Hmmm...or to show miracles can happen and maybe yours is in the making! Is it time to test yet?

Lxb ~ Psst...I know this is going to seem crazy, but I get green too at other pregnant women. Especially those who say, I don't know how it happened...I'm like, really? I can tell you all about it and so can my husband! In the meantime, vent here if you need to...

Zeri ~ Come on O! Was the OPK any darker or did you say you were going to wait to use it?
I don't know when I should :test:
It feels like its such a long shot....I mean we had ONE shot....
I'm thinking if I don't get a temp dip by next Tuesday (6 days) then I'll test (?)
I dunno what do you girls think? If I had FRER tests I'd be peeing on them right now, but I'm pretty sure that would be unproductive....

lxb and xoxo - yes those people who say 'I don't know how it happened, I just went with the flow, I just didn't try and it just happened etc' are super annoying...Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....I don't want to know what they have to say, yet the same time I'm completely compelled to hear about what they have to say about how easy etc. it was. Grrrrrrrrrr

zeri- you can be my ONE shot buddy!!!
At least you know you've got a morning guy :)
Fire ~ I vote if you don't get a dip by CD13 or 14, then you :test:

:wave: Lxb and Zeri

Think Pink!
wss^^ test Fri/Sat is no temp dip!

xoxo - LOVE your new ticker!! Happy raspberry week! :hugs:

zeri - how are you doing? hoping dh is jumping on you and for ewcm! :thumbup:
Fire, I agree with xoxo. 6 days away is a LONNNNNNG time! But I like to pee on things, so...:blush: I understand wanting to wait it out a bit, but you CAN get a fairly accurate result by 12 dpo/tomorrow too. I vote :test: I'm interested to see what result you get, fellow ONE-SHOT BUDDY! I agree that a one-shot chance may not be as great as doing it a lot around O, but I still think the timing is the most crucial thing, and it sounds like your one-shot was well-timed with O, and you had ewcm, so I think you have a fairly good chance of getting a bfp still.

I hate those girls who get pregnant so easily too. Last night I was watching an old Kardashian episode - the one when the older sister, Kourtney finds out she's pregnant. She only decided to take a test because she was throwing up and eating a lot - and behold! She was actually about 6 weeks pregnant. That would never happen to me! I guess ttcing makes you more aware of your body though. Has anyone ever watched "I didn't know I was pregnant" on TLC? Some of those women only find out they're pregnant when the baby comes out! :wacko:

xoxo - I didn't take any more opks, so still don't know if I O'd.

lxb - hi!!
Oo zeri! i've seen that show "I didnt know I was pregnant". They only find out when they were in labor or from the ER because they think they got some food poison from extreme stomachache! :dohh: I sometimes wonder if I could be preggo even though I'm getting my period because of that show! :haha:

but according to what i've read... some people maybe still get period (or what they think is period) throughout their whole pregnancy (light bleeding). And some of them have irregular cycles that they simply don't have any suspicion with any late period as there's no such thing to them.
xoxo - she's a raspberry! So cute :) :)

lxb and zeri - I don't know that show - it sounds disturbing though - very disturbing for us TTC warriors :)

I'm going out in the world today so maybe I'll pick up some FRER. But the problem is as soon as I have them I peeeeeeeeeeeee on them! If I get some you guys will have to coach me out of using them all up too quick.

xoxo what were the internet cheapies that you were recommended to get by your RE?
I've got a real life story that is just as disturbing as those women who just "don't know" they're pregnant. My brother has a step daughter who is just now 21 years old, graduated valedictorian of her high school and she is currently pregnant with #2! The kicker...well, she claims her boyfriend dtd with her while she was asleep and she didn't even know it. :dohh: After her first you would've thought the girl would've started birth control! My heart sinks at these stories...you can only imagine what it did when I heard this!

Meanwhile, yes gummy is a raspberry! I was hesitant to put the ticker up, but figured at some point I have to accept that I really am still pregnant!

Fire and Zeri ~ One shot wonders! The newest chapter in our book!

Lxb ~ I literally spit my drink out when I read "I sometimes wonder if I could be preggo even though I'm getting my period..." :rofl: Maybe just watching that show in your sleep will do the trick!

PS The internet cheapies OPK and HPTs are Wondfo...here is the link (hope it works):
Wondfo here I come! Just ordered them and they are arriving on Monday :) Yaaaaaay POAS time!

xoxo - You ARE preggy!! How awesome :) You have a raspberry :)

zeri - :wave: one shot wonder buddy!!

lxb - did you do the CD3 tests or you waiting until next cycle?

:dust: :dust:

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