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BD on day of positive OPK

Ohhh, you're KILLING, me Fire!! Monday is such a lonnngg way away!! I thought you were going to the store to pick up a FRER! (pout, sulk!) Ok, I'll stop whining now... but won't Monday be 16 dpo for you? I'm guessing you'll only test then if AF doesn't show..

lxb - you're not alone with the 'thinking I'm preggo even though I have AF' thoughts!

xoxo - pregnant with #2 at 21? Getting pregnant in her sleep?? Who are these people? :dohh: How annoying!!
I got a temp dip this morning :( bummer :( at the same time I got my email saying your wondfo strips have shipped :( waaaaaaaaaa
Feeling kind of bummed out by it. That feeling of helplessness - like it feels like an impossibility that I could get pregnant being a one hit wonder :(

lxb - I'm about to have one of those days "could I still be preg with a temp dip" waaaaaaaaa

xoxo- I wanna get pregnant in my sleep!!
Oh I'm sorry, Fire. :-( That sucks! What bad timing with the wondfo email too. :-(

I'm probably in the same boat. I know it's possible to get knocked up with a one-shot..although maybe having timing as close as possible to O, ewcm, and a high sperm count make it more likely? Did you say your DH was unwilling to do a SA? It might help to see what his numbers are. Are you going to do the HSG/other tests next month too?
fire - probably waiting 'til next cycle to do cd3 test. I remember I peed on a fertility stick test from FRER on cd3 before and the result looks okay (the green packaged stick came in the FRER HPTs package). I saw a blank circle.. did you take temp at a diff time? You know.. implantation can be anywhere between 7dpo - 12dpo... let's see what your temp is like tomorrow! FX!

xoxo - wow.... getting pregnant in her sleep eh? I guess it's all the game of chance.

:haha: glad i'm not alone in "Could I be preggo w/ af" thoughts~ And the super bloat that I have is only contributing to that thought~! :dohh:

One hit wonder twins!! fire & zeri! It IS possible!! Keep PMA!

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Fire - I just ordered 25 wondfo hpts from amazon! why??? I have no idea :rofl:
Yay for buying HPTs in bulk!

Boo for temp dropping!

Come on one hit wonders! :dust:
Yay! Wondfos!! Is that what they are called?

Anyway yes it's always good to have a supply...I got the 50 pack...and then I'll be fully POAS stocked with OPK's, CBFM sticks and HPT like I'm going stocking up for the apocalypse.
lxb - Also I don't know why it has a circle - I temp'd at 7.00 am same as the other days? what did I do wrong?

"The open circles or clear dots on your chart mean that you have entered something in your data that may make those temperature points unreliable. In most cases it is the time the temperature was taken or that you entered that you were sleep deprived."
Ah okay that's what it was! I entered sleep deprived - I went out last night and got home at 12, then we were woken up at 3am by the house alarm playing up and I was tossing and turning all night, you'd think that'd make the temp actually recorded higher than it should be, in that case I'm definitely on the slippery slope downwards :(
nah~~ I would think it would led to a higher temp. but according to dr. google.. it won't necessary cause a higher temp, it just simply means you body is not in a resting stage and the temp could not be reliable.

I was taking my temp in the evening time just for the heck of it during tww. And I was bumped out as it was lower than my 'morning temp'. I expected temp taken any other time would be much higher due to our activities in the day time. But from what i've read, our body temperature could cause by our surrounding when we're awake. So any other temp taken other times/during sleep deprive doesn't really say much.

lxb - thanks for the hope!!! I'm taking it :) and gripping onto it like a cat on the edge of a cliff :) it would be so awesome if it just magically popped up again tomorrow. I just wanna at least get to peeeeeee on my Wondfos!

:dust: :dust:

My wondfo is expected to be here: Thursday January 17, 2013 - Saturday January 19, 2013

I had a feeling I'll just test one out just for the heck of it~ :rofl: (Yeah.. speaking from someone who's currently on CD5! :shy:)
Well by the time it arrives you'll be gearing up for O and then shortly after that you can pee like crazy on the wondfo's.
Was AF heavy? Do you think there is a chance you could be preg and have just got AF? (for real not reality tv) ?
I'm getting wondfos so hopefully xoxo's bfp on the wondfo will be good luck for us too :)
AF was heavy. Day 1 and 2 were heavy with clots! Day 3 was medium/light? Day 4, light.

:haha: it would be a shock of my life if I see 2 pink lines! I still have this super bloat! So physically--look wise... I could pass for someone who's pregnant with #1 in her 2nd tri! :wacko: Plus.. my temp from cd3 and cd4 were in the 97.7 range. So dont think it's all possible.
lxb - Maybe with heavy AF you don't want to see two pink lines - that could mean trouble ahead :( but I think heavy AF in general is a good thing.

Are you going to get your AMH tested?

AFM - temps went back up again today. So maybe I'll get to POAS on Monday afterall!!!
I wonder if my cycles have been extended in length because of the myo inositol I've been taking everyday. I literally don't go one day without taking it with my prenatals...so I'm wondering if it has done something....
Yay for high temp!! :dance:

Don't think the prenatal could affect cycle length though... It's all looking good!! Can't wait to see ur update tmr! :dance:
I've been taking myo inositol 3 caps 750mg with my prenatal everyday. I originally started taking it because I read that people who are doing IVF take it to improve egg quality and to help with Ovulation. But I also noticed when I take it it makes me happy...so I kept taking it. I wonder if its extending my LP...
Wow Fire! That's a nice high temp for CD14!! Even if the inositol extended your LP, I don't think your temp would be in that range if you were ending your cycle. Is today normally AF day for you?

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