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BD on day of positive OPK

fire - :haha: no, i never peed on the hpt. :haha: believe me.. I had the exact same thought when i saw that smiley face! :shy: dont think it's all possible though as my temp were low yesterday (couldn't help it.. one last temp)! AF was heavy + clotty too!
Do you get two rounds of +ve OPKs in a month? Because you got an early +ve last month too right? Do you think you could be O'ing twice in a month?
hmm... :shrug: who knows. I get random twinges on left/right side. So.. I guess it's possible?

No, it's not this cycle that I got 2 +opk. I got +opk on cd 16 last cycle (Dec). On Nov cycle, I got a +opk on cd10, -opk on cd11-cd13, +opk on cd14 (but I didn't test afterward though) and ff said I Oed on cd16 based on my temp.

my chart: https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/3ae74d
Ah November was your odd cycle with +ve -ve and +ve OPKs all mixed together.

So I have a feeling you might O on CD10 this month - you are using the digi OPKs I think they are pretty accurate - ie. a surge is definitely a surge whereas with the ones where you have to read the line it's not always clear if the surge is there or not....

I am trying to hold my pee until UPS delivers the wondfo's this afternoon but I keep going to pee and saying "okay last time" and it never is. Who am I kidding?!!
:test: Just lurking to see if Fire's HPTs have arrived yet :-=

Lxb ~ I'm now curious what the +ve on CD8 is from...are you taking any new supplements? If you O tomorrow CD9, then you will have a 23-24 day cycle. I'm curious if the OPK will be +ve tomorrow.
fire - has ups deliver your tests yet??????? ah~~~ I want to see some pee sticks!!

xoxo - no, i'm not taking anything new. Just prenatal vitamin as usual. Dont think I will O so early but I guess my body does have a mind of its own. Waiting to pee on the stick tmr~ :haha:
The peesticks arrived and I tested (like 5 times)



one of the sticks had an evap line on it - it wasn't exactly pink tho - more like invisible ink kind of color but when you held it a certain way you could see a super faint line but it wasn't pink.

So now I'm sitting here and feeling all pimply and sorry for myself!!! And wondering where the hell is AF?
Okay I will do that.

But if I really am 16DPO then even though it's not FMU if I was preg then that 2nd line would definitely show up as something...

Urgh now I just want AF to show up and stop torturing me :( and take her ugly pimply relatives with her.

I think that the myo inositol must have lengthened my cycle by 2-3 days.

:cry: :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
Fire :hugs: FMU is def going to do the trick!

Lxb ~ Hoping you get another +ve in the morning.

Zeri ~ Have you poas yet?

I want to pee on a stick! I should put the + OPK means BFP theory to the test...

Aww Fire...:-( I'm so sorry it wasn't a bfp...how disappointing! I was really hopeful it would be. Sorry u're feeling down too. Looks like the myo def lengthened your cycle by a few days too. :-l
xoxo - Yes!!! Can you please try the +ve OPK during preggy thing to test!
That's a great idea :) I am so curious to hear if it works...

Also I love those wondfos - I peed on 6 of them today (as if they were going to make any difference the more I peed on) but they are so cheap I didn't feel bad. With FRER that I get from CVS I feel guilty when I start peeing like crazy as those tests are like $7-10 each. These ones are like 32 cents each!!!
zeri - yeah its a bummer. but at least I know that the myo did lengthen my cycle, I think it might have made AF slightly heavier too - which I can only hope means better egg quality over all.....

I think I'm going to get the CD3 tests done this month...my insurance probably won't cover it so I think I'll go to one of those places where you can pay a 'cash' price for your blood tests and then take them to your own RE/Obgyn or use Dr Google to interpret the results. My DH is so uncooperative with this stuff its almost like why bother but I figure I do everything on my end and hopefully one day he'll come to the table....
Temps took a dive again. bFN again of course :( and I've got major AF cramps.
Time to book in my bloodwork :( for cd 3. I guess my cycle has extended from taking the myo inositol.....

Lxb you get some bd in last night?

Zeri now 4 days until :test: time :)!

Xoxo - how was your sleep? Do you have one of those body pillows? And I don't mean your DH :) can you pee on an opk for us? :)
fire - BOO to temp dip! :growlmad: I'm still hoping af is a no show though~~

zeri - ALMOST test time!!! :dance:

xoxo - YES!! pee on OPK!!! :haha: we all love pee sticks!! :dance: especially when they have two pretty lines~~~

afm, got to BD last night...but I didn't tell DH about the +OPK though. And he finished when we're in non-ttc position! :dohh: :shy: he usually would tell me when he's about to 'come' but he didn't last night. I guess he has an idea of where I'm at in my cycle and it's too early to try. O well... let's see what my pee stick say today :shrug:
I'm sorry about the temp dip, Fire. :-( Booo! Sucky AF!!

lxb - wow, O time already? It's good you're already getting the BD in! I'm sure the swimmers will find where they need to go. :)

xoxo - It's so great to see the progress on your ticker! A little olive....awwwww. :) You'll be starting to poke out in a little bit. Will you post a bump pic for us when you do? Are you still feeling sick? I'm hoping we can all join you on the preggo boards sometime soon.

AFM - Only 6 dpo today - so no POASing yet, although I really want to. I missed peeing on things last cycle so am happy to be able to do it this month, even if it means obsessing over an evap line, lol.
AF just arrived. BLAH!!!!!
Well at least I have a 28 day cycle now. Hmmmm...

lxb - I wonder what that fluke OPK meant....weird....
Fire ~ :hissy: Shucks! Onward with blood test! I'm sure you know, but CD3 you want FSH, LH, Estradiol and prolactin. Will you schedule your HSG for CD9 as well?

Lxb ~ I'm sure there is an answer out there for WHY in the world you had a random +ve OPK...I'm intrigued!

Zeri ~ You're up next for POAS! :dust: and fx!
Okay awesome I just ordered the bloods (I'm getting LH, FSH and estradiol done - I had prolactin done in Australia and the doc said it was super low so not to worry about getting it done again)

I guess I'll go and get them either on Thursday or Friday depending if I call today or tomorrow CD1....

xoxo did you fast before you had your CD3 tests done?

It doesn't say on this test that you should, but I don't even think for the ones that you definitely need to fast for eg. cholesterol they do... but I guess it only cost $130 to get all these done so they don't feel obligated to tell you 'doctor' type things....

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