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BD on day of positive OPK

Xoxo from the prev page - did you have to fast before cd3 bloods?
lxb - yeah, I wonder why you would get a positive so early then a negative? Maybe you're one of those people who O twice in a cycle? Or maybe your body geared up to O but then didn't? Hmmm...

Fire - I don't think you have to fast for Cd3 bloods, unless you're checking things that would be affected by blood sugar levels etc. I don't think the hormones are affected by that. I think I fasted for mine sometime ago because I wasn't sure, but the lab techs didn't ask me about fasting when they took my sample.
Okay great thanks Zeri! I guess it would be pretty weird to have to fast because that shouldn't affect hormones. I've been reading about myo inositol and I think it does extend some cycles and lp but also egg quality and progesterone so I think I'm going to stay on it for at least another month. How many dpo are you today?

Lxb did you poas this morning yet?

Xoxo how you feeling today?
Zeri - yea, I'm wondering the same thing too. Think it happened twice before. Been googling! :dohh: it could mean I'm gearing up for o but didn't for some reason, I'm preggo (which I highly doubt), I have cyst that could cause false positive from the fluids (no idea if I have cyst or not), or just simply false positive?

I had some super bloat during and after af that made me felt like im preggo and perhaps I had miscarriage - chemical. But since I didn't take hpt, I don't really know. And the positive OPK was detecting the ity bity raised hcg? :shrug: I was pretty convinced that I was preggo when I had my period and even after it ended :dohh: and then I manage to convinced myself that I'm crazy! :haha:

Will poas in ~2 hour? We'll see what it says. Temp this morning was still low.

Zeri - is it almost time to poas?!?!

Fire - hope af isn't too bad :hugs:

Xoxo - hope ms isn't too bad :hugs:
:haha: my hpt test stripes will be here tomorrow! Haha I have a feeling I would do some pointless poas hpt! :shy:
Looking fwd to your opk results, lxb! You're not crazy for thinking you're preggo even with a period, especially since you can have AF-type bleeding and still be preggo, which happens to a lot of women. My AFs have been fairly light over the last few months, and sometimes I swear every month I think, 'What if this is implantation bleeding?", even on the months I hardly have a chance! So you're not alone. You covered your bases well last month too, so pregnancy could've been a huge possibility too.

When do you think you'll O this cycle?

AFM - 8 dpo today, I think. I seem to getting that lightheadness that comes a few days before AF... :-(, and my breasts were kind of floppy this morning. :-( I feel like my progesterone might be lower than it used to be last year -which isn't good. It just seems that my pre-AF symptoms are coming earlier and earlier. Maybe I really need to try temping again to see what's going on. Anyway, ust trying to stay patient and hopeful. I may test tomorrow or Saturday, I guess. I have 4 IC's at home so might as well!
I usually O around Cd16-18. So about ~5 more days?

Yeah, I've heard it's normal for some women to bleed throughout pregnancy and to have healthy babies. But my temps are low... I would think it would be high if pregnant.

Ahh!! Is it Saturday yet?? I want to see some pee sticks! Think my ic arrives today but not sure what time. Maybe I'll pee on one just to satisfy my addiction when I get it! :rofl:
Of course you are going to pee on one!!!!

I'm about to go get my CD3 bloods taken :0
Of course, lxb, poas! :thumbup:That's what we do around here! And at 32 c., why not? :flower:

Hope your appt goes well today, Fire!

xoxo, how are things with you?
Fire - hope appt goes well!

Zeri - r u sure you are going to wait until Saturday? :haha:

Xoxo - how r u feeling?

Ginger - I wonder if you still check in here :hugs:

Wondfo is delivered!! Hahha it said its at my front door! Guess what I'm doing tmr morning?! :rofl:
lxb - you could try pee on the wondfo now, coz if you are preg it should show up even though its not FMU....

xoxo- how you feeling?

zeri - you really want to wait until Saturday? you could do one now.....

AFM - had the bloods drawn...now waiting for the results in a couple of days....and I received the interpretation graph for the AMH from Australia - it was fine...phew!
Good to hear the AMH result was fine, Fire!

lxb - did you POAS yet?

AFM - Peed on an hpt late last night/early morning (after 12 am), and it was a fat raging BFN. As in the BFN of BFN's. Stark raging white..... not even a little ghost line to obsess about...:cry: I wasn't surprised but still sad about it. I know it's still early (I'm 9 dpo today), but I feel out already. Sigh....:sad2:
Zeri - I did as I got home! :haha: I imagined those test to be bigger (from those online pics) but they're so puny!! No wonder they need to be dipped! Can't imagine someone can splash their pee on it without hitting the result window! :haha: result was sparkling with a very dark control line! :bodyb:

9dpo is still too early! Implantation can occur between 7-12dpo! Definitely still in the game!

Fire - glad to hear your amh test is great! :thumbup:
Lxb ~ Told you you'd have to be a pee-sniper to hit the mark! :haha: Dixie cups (or the like) are the trick for using those!

Zeri ~ FXed! We need a Jan 2013 BFP!

Fire ~ Hope your blood results come in quickly! And that is GREAT news about your AMH!

AFM ~ I've been good. DH comes home tomorrow...he wants to see Olive, so I'm hoping my Dr can squeeze us in next week. I wouldn't mind seeing that she is still progressing either ;) I've been wanting fruits, but nothing around here is fresh. So I went online and signed up for a fruit of the month club...my hope is that we can eat all of it or I am going to have to learn real quick how to make preserves or jam! :haha: The power of a craving and the internet!

:dust: Think Pink!
xoxo - yay for fruit of the month club! I had organic delivery a few times - the fruit part was amazing - the veggies not so much they sent too much of the same stuff!
And yippppeeee for your DH seeing OLIVE :)

I realized I accidently ordered the 'sensitive' estradiol test instead of the normal estradiol test, serves me right for not going through a proper doctor for it, but I'm hoping the results will still be the same - just a different scale maybe (?)

Zeri :test: tomorrow!!! Yayay!!

lxb - how many days until estimated Ov? Also I read on your journal you are going to see an RE soon, when are you doing that?

I'm gonna start temping again tomorrow!
xoxo - mMmm.. fruits sounds great~ preserved jam sounds great too!! YUM!

fire - Jan 24th is the RE appt! :thumbup: so excited to get this ball rolling! :dance: Ah.. let the temping begin~!! :haha: I've said i wanted to take a break from temp this cycle... but ever since that false positive on OPK.. i've been taking my temp for the past few days! :dohh: so much for 'break' .. haha... but i guess it's good to confirm that I haven't O yet. Think ~5-6 more days? :shrug: would be cd16-18 by then.

zeri - is it tomorrow yet?? :dance:
Zeri - I forgot to add this but I meant to reiterate what lxb said - 9DPO is way too early to tell yet.
If you have cheap HTP then :test: tomorrow!!

lxb - so great you have your appointment coming up. Don't give up on temping now! Its the most important time to do it :)

I'll have temps starting tomorrow I promise!

xoxo- hugs to you and OLIVE!!!

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