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BD on day of positive OPK

Zeri - did you poas?? Waiting to hear your update!


Afm, still -OPK and temp still low. Dear O, where are you? :shrug:
Hi, hope everyone had a good weekend.

lxb - sorry to hear you haven't O'd yet. Is it later than usual this month? I wonder if you were gearing up to O before but then it got delayed for some reason. This cycle the cold delayed my O by about a week.

Nothing exciting to report, unfortunately. :-( I wish!!! I was feeling a bit hopeful on Saturday morning because I had a sharp aching pain on one side (in my uterus area) overnight, which seemed similar to the implantation pain I had had before in my first preg. But the tests I took on Saturday on Sunday were both negative. :-( Bah!!! Was so disappointed. I feel like AF is on her way because my breasts have flopped and I can feel the lightheadedness coming on. I think I'm 12 dpo today. Not feeling much of the TTC-warrior spirit these days... Just starting to feel dejected and hopeless...like this may never happen. :-(

Anyway, hope everyone is having a better day!
Zeri if you implanted on Saturday then the hsg won't show up for a couple of days no? Don't give up hope! I know how you feel though. I was thinking last night it may take me so much longer than anyone else to make this happen not only do I have age (both me and DH) running against me I've got the one hit wonder factor to contend with as well. Those things make me wonder if ttc is really going to be possible at all :( and maybe I should be real about it instead of hopeful :(
Lxb - I agree with Zeri I think the cold can mess with O. How many days until your appoint? At leat you can get verification that you did O at your appointment.
Xoxo :wave: and :hugs: to Olive!
Just got my cd3 results: fsh 5.4 lh 2.5 estradiol 23 they seem to be all in range....
Now I have to Dr Google what that all means!
Those results sound good, Fire! That must be a relief - one less thing to worry about, right? :winkwink:

Thanks for the hope...:flower: I thought about that too (hcg not being enough yet, etc). As much as I want to be hopeful it really feels like she's coming...:growlmad: Oh how I hate that witch!!

And yeah, I hear you on feeling like the odds are against us... DH and I have age against too, and the one-shot per month really isn't helping matters. :-( This month I felt good because for having one good shot at least, but if that one shot didn't work this month, then I feel like why should it work next month or the next time, you know? I don't know what to really try next to help things. I think Clomid really helped me a lot in my previous conception attempts...with that I got preg with one BD only, but I think I've had too many cycles on it already. I think you mentioned your gyn didn't want you to try it... do you think you might consider that or something else to help give you an edge? Where I live the gyns sometimes recommend it to older women/women with fertility issues to give a better egg. I mean, the good thing is that we're both ovulating regularly and cycles seem to be fairly regular...so I guess there's always a chance. It might just take a little bit longer than it needs to...and that's a concern too because when we do get preg then there might be other issues! :wacko:

Hi to lxb and xoxo!! :flower:
zeri - definitely agree with fire that you could have implantation and hcg still hasn't rise soon enough yet. remember xoxo was CONVINCED that af is coming?? FX to Jan BFP!

:dust: :dust: :dust:

fire - great to hear all results are great~ Sending pink sticky vibes~

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Hi Zeri- yeah I think the one shot thing probably means the % for a BFP decreases. So maybe it will just take a bit longer for us? One shot is still a shot....but I also agree being older and preg isn't ideal either...
I haven't spoken to my OBYN about clomid....I had been doing Chinese medicine but I stopped because I wasn't convinced it really did anything it felt a bit weird because the herbs they use are not really regulated and I felt weird that I didn't know what I was taking plus it was ridiculously expense and the woman was kind of abrasive...now that my bloods have come back and seem to be okay I might go get the HSG test done either on Wednesday or wait until next month. But I also want to get an ultrasound done to make sure that I actually do Ov, I mean I think I do it seems that I do with OPKs and temping - but you never know.

You are definitely not out this month keep the hope up until AF really does arrive because loads of people say they thought that AF was coming when they got their BFPs :)

lxb - are you peeing on the OPK twice a day?
fire - no.. just once a day until i feel like i'm getting -opk when I should be getting +opk. it's cd15.. so maybe tomorrow? :shrug: temp is still low. so definitely no O yet.
lxb you are using CB digitals right? When you take it out are you seeing an extra line?

I tested using the CB digi and there was no smiley today but when I took it out I could see the second line - not super dark but it was there... so I'm guessing I'll get a full +ve in a few days.

I think this is what the CBFM detects because I used that as well and it gave me a "High" and I looked at this stick as well and it also had the faint second line....

The only reason I was wondering if you were checking twice a day is because I've missed the surge on the CBFM before but picked it up on the CB digi later in the day....and then the next day the surge has gone...you usually Ov on CD16 right? So you should be getting your surge pretty soon..... :) :)

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
lxb - yes, maybe testing twice a day might help make sure you catch that surge when it comes...? I'm not familiar with the CB digitals, though. I've almost missed my surge on opks a couple times by testing once a day only. Do you have any other signs of approaching O - like ewcm? Hope your egg comes soon and the:spermy: catch it!

Fire - I was going to ask you if you had HSG on the brain earlier...cause in your post to me earlier you talked about 'hsg not rising fast enough..." :haha: I didn't know you were thinking of doing it this month. That's a good idea to get it checked now. Regarding O - I think higher temps in the LP are considered a fairly reliable sign of O, according to FF and other fertility sites. That and the CD21 progesterone test. Did you have that one done?

Thanks to you and lxb for the encouragement. I guess I'll just wait around for the next few days and see if she comes! :coffee::grr:
zeri - oops yes I meant hcg - I've definitely got the HSG test on my mind....to me that could be the only thing 'wrong' on my side for fertility that I can think of....(blocked tubes)

My CD 21 test for progesterone was 22 but I don't know if the test was timed properly because it was actually taken on CD18 of the cycle when I probably o'd on day 14/15...
I don't know if progesterone of 22 indicates that I o'd - the doctor in Australia wasn't really sure - she wasn't an RE...so something else for me to Dr google!!!

Sending you guys loads of :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

And stickies to Olive :)
zeri - fx!

:dust: :dust:

Ahh. little miss olive is now a prune~~ :dance:
Zeri ~ I too was SURE AF was coming. My boobs even got a bit "flat" for lack of a better word and I had that heavy AF feeling. It is so cruel of Mother Nature to toy with us with symptoms that are NOT cut and dry. FXed...and an extra heap of :dust:

Lxb ~ You get to go to the RE in 3 more sleeps! Yippee! I am def a fan of going to them, I really hope he/she starts to provide you with the support and answers you need to get your BFP! :hugs:

Fire ~ Your #'s are great! Your FSH and AMH tell the same story, so you are def in the game! Can you go somewhere and have them do a round of cycle monitoring (ultrasound measuring follicle(s) and bloods for progesterone, LH and estradiol)? My Dr liked to see me 2 days before my estimated O.

AFM ~ Nothing new to report here...I cannot believe they use a prune as a form of measurement. 10 weeks = prune I'm voting we stick to calling this LO Olive...no wonder Drew Barrymore went with naming her DD Olive, the other choices are not as appealing! :haha:

PS Lxb, feel free to overnight me a chocolate cake at your convenience. I can just smell it baking now...:haha:
Someone say chocolate cake?!!! Yummmmmmy!!!!
I'm trying to be 'healthy' this month but I've been faltering here and there with candy that I got overseas but I'd rather slip up and eat chocolate cake instead!!!

I rather call her Big Olive than Prune. Although I do remember a girl in my grade school called Prue - I always thought that name was kind of unfortunate.

Urgh the flat boobs thing sux I know that feeling too well right before AF - I use to call it Claire Danes boobs to my DH (she has no boobs) BUT then I saw the golden globes and since she's had a baby she has boobs!!

That's a good idea to do cycle monitoring - I will ask my OBYN about that and time it to see right before Ov. I think that progesterone at CD21 of 22 does indicate ovulation but I actually want to see the follicles on the screen!

lxb - c'mon Ov!!!

Zeri - sending you more and more :dust: :dust: :dust: please get a BFP!! And give some hope to the one hit wonders of the world :)
xoxo - Oo.. I'm definitely in for calling her little miss olive~! I think the 'prune' looked like an alien head :wacko: Mmm.. chocolate cake?? YUm! haha...

my niece is turning one month old this weekend!! AHh!! Time flies! My sis is asking me to bake some mini cupcakes~ so i'm thinking mini red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting with fondant decor~ Mmmm~~

fire - oo.. cycle monitoring is a great idea indeed~ :thumbup:

blah to flat boobs! As if AF is not bad enough...and hv to feel like boobs had been deflated :dohh:

zeri - still holding out hopes for you~ C'mon one timer power~! :dance:
Got +OPK yesterday...temp still low though. Lets see what the pee stick says today :bodyb:

:haha: is it time to pee on those puny hpt yet? :haha:

How are you ladies? Zeri, did you poas? Updates? Fire, are you doing anything diff this cycle? How's miss little olive doing and mama-to-be?
Hi ladies!

Lxb ~ a one month old...how sweet! I'll take an order of red velvet cupcakes too! Seriously the only thing that seems to settle my stomach is sweets, which I am trying my best to avoid...I can't win! Good luck at the RE tomorrow!

Fire ~ If your Dr will do it, it's worth having done! I do believe you are Oing though, but the reassurance is priceless.

Zeri ~ Heelllooo :wave: Just checking on you!

Afm ~ Scan today was sweeet! Saw her move her arms and legs...saw her spine...it's just amazing how much has changed in 2 weeks and how much more it will continue changing!

Sending :dust: and pink vibes your way! xoxo
Got +OPK yesterday...temp still low though. Lets see what the pee stick says today :bodyb:

:haha: is it time to pee on those puny hpt yet? :haha:

How are you ladies? Zeri, did you poas? Updates? Fire, are you doing anything diff this cycle? How's miss little olive doing and mama-to-be?

Hope you've perfected your sharp shooter skills...peeing on a puny HPT is like writing on a grain of rice! :haha:
xoxo - that's great you got see little Olive again! Isn't it awesome to see them wiggling around? It'll be even better once you feel her start to move! Pregnancy is really an amazing thing. :) Sweets/Carbs and fruits were the only things that really helped MS for me too.

lxb - those cupcakes sound delicious! I'm sure your family will enjoy them. With the low temp today, do you think today is O day?

Fire - is it today you were thinking of taking the hsg?

AFM - 14 dpo today. AF day. :wacko: :growlmad: I felt a little hopeful this morning when I got up and didn't see her...but a few hours ago I started getting cramps and brown spotting, so I think she's on her way :nope::nope::nope: Feeling really depressed and dejected about it overall. Don't know what else to say. :-( I just want to be pregnant again so badly. :cry:

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