BD on day of positive OPK

Hey lxb - the day before I got the +ve OPK

I ovulated on day 12 and we bd on day 10 in the evening.

Still a chance...swimmers live 24-36 hours. I have a friend who thought she was safe b/c O wasn't due for a couple of days, she is expecting a baby girl any day now! Either way, glad you are quite in sync with your body! That will prove quite useful if needed in the future.

Can we have IB 8dpo? I've been cramping too though.
O yea~ u'r still in it girl~! I know two ladies here that BDed ONCE... 1 or 2 days before O day and got their BFP! That just goes to show only once is enough~~ :thumbup:

xoxo - where are you in your cycle?
xoxo 8dpo IS the exact time that IB occurs - I think 9DPO is the average with the average being 6-12dpo :)

Thanks for your encouraging words but I really think I'm out this month - DH is 42 - and although he hasn't had a SA done - so I don't know for sure - I can't imagine his swimmers lasting 48 hours for the eggy :haha:

But I'm happy my cycle is becoming less foreign to me. I have an O date predicted for Nov 2 :) so I'm putting that one out there so all the stars can align a lucky BD on that day or the day before on Nov 1st.

lxb FX for you - when are you going to test again?

Oh another question - I've noticed DH's BD pattern he doesn't seem to be able to do it 2 days in a row. He's so stressed with work and things and if I didn't push it he could probably go 2 weeks without even doing it....SO if I find myself around Ov day again with DH feeling tired stressed which day do you think has the best chance if I can only get him into bed once over the 3 fertile days?

I am thinking for me it might be the day of the OPK and hope that his swimmers live until the next day. I'm worried that if I do the day after the OPK that I might miss the egg....any thoughts or feelings on this??
ooo~~ xoxo!! if you're indeed 8dpo... I smell a bfp!! :haha: I know a lot of people have temp dip on 8dpo!! :happydance:

planning to test with fmu tomorrow~ i'm nervous!!!

firebaby - hmm... perhaps bd ~1 day before O? that way, it will take some stress off on 'o' day~ I find myself always a little more nervous if i know i O that day!

usually, once you got a +opk, you'll ovulated within the next 24-36 hours? (supposedly.. but sometimes it could be ~48 hours?). So I think if you bd on the day you got a +opk, you got a pretty high chance for that bfp~~
xoxoxo if your temp dipped on 8DPO this is a great sign too :)
what day would AF usually be due for you? When are you going to test?

lxb tomorrow morning yipppeeee!!!!

I agree with you about the day of Ov stress I'm gonna aim for a day before Ov, so for me that is the day of the +ve OPK :)

I think acu two times before Ov really made a difference (in terms of my body functioning in the way it should) this month.
Thank you ladies! I am 8dpo today, 9dpo tomorrow. The fertility specialist is checking my quant beta on 10dpo (Wed) b/c DH leaves on the 12th. AF is due on Sunday the 14th (I traditionally have a 27-28 day cycle). It'd be lovely to get a BFP, but I'm ok if I end up in my next ttc cycle.

Fire-I too am scared I missed eggy because FS said to BD day after +ve OPK. It's so contradictory, but I followed her orders and woke DH up at 6:30am on the off chance the eggy was en route! I'd BD day of +ve if I had my choice.

Lxb-FX!! Excited for you.
Xoxox I think your FS was right! The day after the +ve opk is perfect! Especially in the morning. My DH takes sleeping tablets so morning BD are pretty much out of the question so by the time I wait until that evening I've missed the egg. When I called my acu lady and asked her on the day of my +ve opk when we should BD she said that night and that morning. So if you did that morning I think you caught it! I have a good feeling about this month for you to get a BFP :)
Can you BD day of and day after? That's what I would do if DH could, which sadly I dont think he can :(

Lxb - did you test again? Exciting!!
Lxb...thinking of you!

Fire. When things are timed it throws seduction and romance out the window, so it can be challenging to get DH in the mood. I need the Dr to say BD day of +ve and day after +ve for him to engage that way. He follows her advice strictly during O time. Annoying really. I'll talk with her about it tomorrow. Thank you for your +ve thoughts. Good luck to you as well.
temp dropped BIG time this morning. I'm feeling gutted. :( and didn't even bother to test this morning. I just hope if AF is going to show.. please show already~! I have a camping trip this coming Friday-Sunday.. just hope it isn't too bad.

how are you ladies doing?

definitely agree. when things are timed.. it certainly feel like a duty!
lxb - so sorry about the temp drop :( but you are not out until AF shows!! So don't get too bummed out!!

So my new approach to trying to handle disappointments is this: try to treat every cycle as a learning experience to figure out something new for your body so when the BFP does come you'll have a whole lot more body awareness which will put you in good stead for being preggy, giving birth and just handling the ups and downs of life in general.

I dunno sounded good in my head.

But to be honest I'm also bummed because I know in my heart that I am out this month too so I just have to look hopefully towards next month and put all my energy into that.

I've been feeling super lethargic too. Not preggy lethargic more like bummed out lethargic!

xoxox you are lucky your DH follows your doctors orders :)

Where are you today? When are you going to test? Please show a BFP!! I would love to read some great news :)

Speaking of...I hope Gingersnaps is going really well with her pregnancy :)
Lxb & Fire...more crummy news! No HCG in my labs today. RE said I'll likely get :witch: in a couple of days!

I like your outlook Fire...what can I learn from this? Well, first thing I've learned is I think I should've BDed the day OF my +ve! Dadgum Dr and DH for listening to her!

Hugs. On to November!
fire - loving your thoughts. yeah, i'm definitely learning something new about my body each cycle. and also learn that no two cycles are the same! agree that the most important thing is to learn to keep the positive attitude and move on with life. our lives are filled with little bumps here and there. As a fellow ttc buddy once said.. 'we all are failing our way to success". so our day will come. :hugs:

xoxo - :hugs: what makes you RE make that conclusion?
lxb and xoxo I'm intending (in a not heavy, light and tippy toe way) for November for BFP's then!!! :)
Altho it's not officially a no until flo shows.... :)

I've never had a BFP! So one day (hello November are you listening) I just wanna see those double red lines beaming out from that plastic stick. Hehehehe. And then I wanna go online and hear that you guys saw the same lines :) (in November or October too!!)
Thank you ladies!

I like it Fire! Think pink for October and/or November! We'll quietly take those BFPs by storm!

Lxb, by the RE's conclusion do you mean why did she say AF in a couple of days? If so, she not only drew for Betas, but estrogen and progesterone too. Guess they are at AF levels...I've only had one cycle since my mmc, so things are still trying to regulate. An early AF is a growing pain of a D&C I suppose.

Meanwhile, I vow to be committed to temping come CD1! (I like how you just "know" based on bbt)

Fx and :dust:

xoxo - yes start temping! Its strangely addictive - as in its the first thing I think of doing when I wake up in the morning :)


xoxo - :hugs: Here's to November Cycle~ :drunk: haha... be warn though... like fire said, temping is addictive!!

fire - temping is the first thing I do~! And then remembering to enter the data! :haha:

There will be days where you:
- happy because you temp is up
- sad because your temp drop
- CONFUSED! by your temp
- temp several times! haha.. just want to make sure the reading is right!
- you just want to go sleep already just so you can see what the temp is like tmr
- stare at other people's charts to find similarity
- you'll find excuse as to why you temp was high or low

:haha: I think I pretty much sum up my craziness for temping for these few cycles! :shy:

afm, cd2 today. cramps are manageable. So hopefully it won't be too bad for camping trip this weekend (Fri-Sun, 5 hours drive each way).
Think pink Oct/Nov!! I love it! I'm gonna do a little pink visualization every now and then while I'm working on my computer :)

Pink light filling up my womb, then the whole room, then flowing into my computer through the internet and flowing to you guys too :)

Yipppeeee for thinking pink!!

lxb hope you are done with the crampy part of AF. Cramps suck.

xoxo - best AF comes and goes fast so you can get to Ov time again :)
Hi guys,
Nice to see you all still chatting and thanks for thinking of me:flower:
I had a chemical pregnancy, so needed a break from TTC sites.
Have just come back on now with thoughts for this cycle.
I have been on vitamin D pretty regularly for a few months now and hoping that does a miracle with my eggs:baby: I took it before but not regularly and only in the winter.

FB - I think in your case bding the eve of a pos OPK would be good. Try to bd as much as possible leading up to your pos. It is hard as you guys were, saying not to make it a chore but from an old veteran here, I just make sure I initiate at various times of the month and do not even say when I am ovulating. Regular sex is best as you want fresh swimmers waiting for the egg and in the guys case you want him to have a fresh supply as well. That is a difficult situation with him being stressed and not wanting to too often. Do you track cm? It varies with people but I tend to get a bit stretchy mixed with creamy right before My pos OPK and the day of my pos I get really watery. I notice also my sense of smell increases around My pos. I think the spike in estrogen causes that. I am lucky my cycles are pretty regular and I can usually guess what days will be fertile in advance. My main problem is we both travel a lot.

Xo- good luck for November and a summer babe:flower:

LXB - I admire you ladies for temping:thumbup: my schedule is too wacky for temping, I am not too familiar with what things mean but hope the temp drop is temporary and it goes back up:hugs:
Camping sounds fun, where are you guys going?
Gingersnaps - I'm so sorry. I'm sure you've been feeling super sad and bummed out.
Good that you took a breather. I hope you feeling okay :( or as okay as you can be :(

I have read good things about vitamin D also - I have been taking a chocolate chewable vitamin D3 2000IU for a couple of months.

I was also reading about D-Chiro-Inositol on a few different msg boards and how it has helped loads of people get preggy. One way they recommend eating it is baking muffins using farinetta flour which is apparently super high in D-Chiro Inositol...I ordered some of the flour today because I decided I'm already taking a lot of vitamins it would be good to get some of the nutrients through food instead of adding another pill to the list. I don't have PCOS (this is what they recommend farinetta flour for) I think that anything that helps to have a strong Ov has to be a good thing....I also heard good things about it when I was in Japan. If you are interested google D-Chiro Inositol and farinetta flour and a bunch of stuff will come up :)

Oh and also I ordered some Coq10 - I read so many good things about it - I couldn't resist....

I agree with you on having fresh swimmers I know they recommend doing every second day - but that doesn't really happen for me so I'm going for maybe every 3rd or 4th. And definitely not gonna tell DH anymore about when I'm Ov it puts WAY too much pressure on things.

So I'm revising Oct/Nov think pink to Oct/Nov think pink sticky!!! For all of us.

Ginger - so glad you are back but really bummed about the chemical :( but Think Pink Sticky!

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