Hello ladies! Yes, it does seem as though alot of crazy sh*t happens to to me, and I really wish it didn't! Oh, to have a semi normal life for once....
DM, I frisking LOVE those boots! I want a pair for me since I don't think I can get away with putting them on Colby.
The baby pictures are so cute! I feel bad that I haven't taken as many of Colby as I thought I would. Well, I think I do have quite a few really, I just haven't put them on the computer, what with the whole switching laptops etc.
Ahhh, wobbly bits (as you ladies call them). I think everything on me is still wobbly. I wonder if I will ever get back into regular clothes at all... Right now my excuse for wearing maternity clothing is that regular clothes hurt my incison still. I figure that's good enough! I have tried to start exercising again. Its hard going when you've been on bedrest so long. I did some on the elliptical the other day, and that was hard, and I've done a bit on the stair stepper and that was alright. I've been going on walks for the past few weeks and I decided to try my old route, which is about 4kms with some big up hills. I don't think I did too bad, but I don't think I can do it everyday just yet. I haven't weighed myself for a few days; I kind of wanted to have a few days of good exercise down before I did that as it gets depressing seeing it stay the same day after day.
I'm not sure I really understand why the riots are taking place over there, but I really hope you all stay safe over there.
I'm waiting to hear from my Dr about possibly having a D&C. I saw my OB for the first time since having the baby, just last week. She has agreed that the continued bleeding and pain in my abdomen is sort of strange and she thinks it needs investigating. I guess because its bright red and when clots do come out, they are kind of little, like something is trying to heal constantly but not really doing it. So she has decided to go in to look around and do a D&C to remove anything that could be causing the prolonged bleeding. She has an open slot on her OR booking list for this Wednesday, and she wants to shuffle me into it, but she doesn't know how to anesthetise me because my heart has become a bit more symptomatic these days. So she said she would have to do some homework about the cardiac issues, and I might not hear about surgery until later Tuesday, and then have to be there for Wednesday, which kind of sucks. But yeah, my concern is what Ian will do with Colby and Ian while I am in surgery. Like, where will he keep Colby since he shouldn't be in his car seat for more than a couple of hours at a time. And where will he feed him? And Ian has a tendancy to fall asleep in our vehicle in the parking lot while I am in surgery, and I don't want him falling asleep in the vehicle with Colby in there, since he won't be on a monitor and I don't think he should be kept in a warm vehicle for that long...
So many issues to think about...
Colby still isn't sleeping very much at all. My OB 'prescribed' me 6 hours of solid sleep. She said she didn't care how I got it, or who took Colby, but she said I needed it as my heart is getting worse from lack of sleep. So I told Ian this and he got mad, thinking I was bad mouthing him to the Dr (which I kind of was because he has been asshole with Colby and me and not helping too much). So anyways, he did look after him in the living room this weekend, but I can't trust Ian to get up and take care of him, so I was still setting my alarm to go check that he was taking care of him. Friday-Saturday was alright, but on Sat-Sunday, he finally got to see what I was talking about. He complained about getting only 3.5 hours between his feed on Friday night, and i said that was awesome and I wished I had that all the time. Well Sat-Sunday, after his 2AM feed, he wouldn't go back to sleep. Everytime Ian put him down, he woke up. This went on until about 7AM when Ian finally fell asleep holding him. I came out to the living room at 8Am and Ian was so pissy and all he wanted to do was go back to sleep, which I let him, til 9AM, then I said he HAD to get up and start the day as people needed feeding, the dog needed to be let out etc... Man was he a cranky pants! And now he knows what its like to be me 5 days or more, a week.
Man, when I say Colby doesn't sleep, this is what I mean.... he got up for good at 7AM and didn't sleep til 10:30AM. As soon as he drifted off I put him down, and 10 minutes later he woke up. So then he was awake from 10:40am ish to 5PM, which was when he finally napped... He slept from 5PM til 6:30PM and has been awake ever since, and it is now 10PM... How is this even physically possible??