Mel, Harrison is a cutie pie!
Hann, your MIL is ridiculous. You shouldn't be forced into having visitors. Also, impressive pumping. About your friend, it's a touchy situation. I think maybe you could offer to point her to resources for PND and say you thought they were helpful for you thought you'd pass them over. I know it's technically a lie, but it might feel better...just an idea.
Sherri, your post made for great reading during the nearly 4am feeding. Thank you for the entertainment.
SB and DM, you must be gluttons for punishment, although I will admit thinking about saving outgrown baby clothes "just in case."
Wez, J is adorable with his sun glasses. Congrats on the sleep
Caz, hope you get some better sleep. I have to say, 8:30-1:15 would be an accomplishment for me.
Freckles, 7hrs of sleep sounds amazing. Enjoy!
Simmy, 5hrs is great for that age. Jill barely ever sleeps that much. Most nights it's 4hrs and then 1-2hr blocks after that.
Jenni, glad hubby came home early.
Clarea, hope Niamh feels better soon. Love your new icon photo. What a cute smile!
Does anyone have advice for when the baby becomes hysterical and can't latch on properly? Jill started doing this partway through feeding. She started crying and kicking arms and legs and took about 5 minutes to calm down before she would re-latch. It's happened twice tonight. Hope she doesn't make a habit out of it.