Beanies 2 Babies January 2012

want2bmomma : Wish it never happened :nope: am so sorry this is happening, guess nature wants it this way. You sound strong.. we r def. here for you when u need us:thumbup: (see.. what came to your mind !! i told'ya !! thats exactly what happened to me :shrug:) tc sweets..:hugs:

suzyms : OMG. nothing worse could happen right before your wedding:nope: am really sorry for what you are going through. Is your DH feeling good now?? Am sure the wedding would go smoothly. I always believed when things don't go well before a big event , its a good sign. :thumbup: so where are you guys going for honeymoon :happydance: :hugs:

Hope all others are doing fine. :hugs:
Want2bemomma, ohhhh no babes i feel so sorry for you......its awful isnt it! Well you know where i am if you wana chat....lotsa big hugs to you, we will get our sticky beanies soon i know it

Hey girls, how is everyone else today? im feeling okay today.....cant wait for the bleeding to stop and this cycle get out of the way as i wont be going anywhere near any spermys this month! I think it will be the pull out method until after next af....:thumbup:

Skav how you getting on hun, are you opk'ing???? Ohhh we can be bump buddies yet i know it!!! :hugs:
:flower:Caite, I dont know how I missed your bday post but HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY lovey!

Wanntabe, I am sooooo very sad for your news. I wish I could say something to ease the blow. I am here if you want to chat sweetie pie! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Skav, aww, thank you sooo very much for the kind words. They do mean a lot. How are you getting along? :shrug:

Love you ladies..I could not be in a better place than I am on BNB!
Morning ladies. So I had some cramping last night and this morning the flood gates have opened. Having a mc makes me feel so part of me totally believes that this is natures way to take care of something that wasn't right and then the other part of me worries that something is faulty with my equipment (sorry for such a lack of finesse with that word selection). Anyway, the MD says I have to sit one AF out and then we will try again. So I will get to enjoy some of my summer with a cold beer and a bit of wine and then the other half hopefully we will be expecting.

Babydust to us who TTC and sticky beans to those expecting!!!!
Want2be, how you doing babe? hope you okay? My floodgates opened yesterday and are flowing a lot today, its really sad but i keep thinking that it wasnt meant to be this time and that my sticky beanie is not too far away. Looking forward to us getting our sticky beanies together.......wont be long now i know it xxxx:hugs:
You guys will be pregnant with a sticky bean before you know it. :) Hugs. :) :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thanks Asib :)

I am pretty tired. No nausea today, surprisingly. My breasts are just SO sore and my nipples are enormous. Believe it or not, my belly is starting to pooch a bit, and my pants fit funny. My mom swears it's going to be a girl. :p I was going along cleaning and doing well.. until I nearly passed out. I haven't had any more cramping in the past day or two, so I am happy for that. Just going to rest for a while and drink water.
hey all..

hope you all are doing fine...

CAITE maybe you will show soon ... how cute :hugs:
want2b, guess your relaxing and taking a rest from this and babyhopes will get the sticky beanie soon as Caite says..
Asib & are you doing?

me, going on so far..Day 16 ..O is no where to be seen :shrug:..this is what happens when you have an irregular cycle..b4 m/c i usually did O on day 24, but last month I O'ed on day 17...:shrug: i just don't know..i have only 1 OPK left and don't want to buy anymore..since i'm afraid I would be a POAS addict !! :haha:

Hope you guys take care, :hugs:
Hey ladies. I am doing ok. I get some cramping every now and again and can't wait for this flow to stop. My backache is pretty much gone, just a little sore but not like it was. The emotions definitely come and go in waves. We are definitely going to try after my next cycle. Babyhopes: I totally agree with you. This was nature's way of taking care of something that wasn't going right for whatever reason. We will do it next cycle. I just hope this mc doesn't get my cycle all out of whack, I was reading that sometimes that happens. Have any of you ladies heard anything about that?

Skav: I'm keeping fingers crossed for your O to happen soon....sending lots of babydust your way!!!!!

Asibling: Thanks for the support. How have you been?

Have a wonderful evening!

Sticky beans and babydust to everyone!!!! :thumbup:
Thanks a lot want2bmomma. Did your OB/GYN advice you to take any drops to contract the uterus?? Anyway, hope your feeling better with the cramps..:hugs: I am so sorry to say this but b4 my m/c I had cycles of 30/35 days. After my m/c I got AF after 2 months. Later 2.5months and they were very light like spotting !! and ovulated only after 4 months :dohh:

I hope and pray it doesn't happen to you..everyone's different so.. you would be just fine :flower::hugs:

Sticky bean and sticky babydust to all:dust::dust::dust:
Hi ladies,
I haven’t been on for a few days so I wanted to make sure you gals didn’t think I deserted you.
I’m just suffering a major cold/sinus infection. Its day 3 and I’m in the worse pain ever. I will jump back on when I’m feeling a little better.

Hope you’re all well ;)
becca sorry you are feeling blah..My throat hurts and my daughter has strep again so uggh for me.

Wantobe, I am okay..No real signs of pg to report which worries me a bit..sleeplessness and sore bbs is all.. How are you doll? I am thinking of you and Hopes every day! :hugs:
Hey ladies. Still lower back pain, thought it was getting better but took a turn for the worse. I can tell it is associated with the mc, as I really never have lower back issues. My MD did not mention anything about drops. She said I would pass it on my own (which seems to be the truth). I am ready for things to dry up and my AF to come back around so we can get started again. This was my first pregnancy and even though it ended in mc, the positive thing is I got pregnant on my first try. Hopefully next time we can get the bean to stick.

How's everyone else been?
Hey ladies :)

Poor Becca! I hope you feel better.

Asib- Strep stinks... I hope you feel better. and your sweet little girl too!

Want2bmomma, *HUGS* feel better soon, ok?

Skav- I don't know, I feel huge.

baby hopes- hope you are feeling okay dear. :)

I am irritated, waiting to hear back from the nurse at the hospital. I am having some lingering infection that hasn't cleared. I need some more medicine. Next Wednesday is my first Official appointment. :p
Hoping all of you ladies are doing great. :)

Went to a doc's appt today. Had a new doctor who did an ultrasound. We saw a sac.. no baby, and it measured around 5w3d. Well. We figured it based on my ovulation. Actually, one day after, and it made it seem a little less scary. I thought I was 6w5d based on my LMP, but I wasn't because I ovulated SO late.

Got some more bloodwork done. I will know the results tomorrow. Then I go back on Friday for more. Ugh. I won't know the results of that until next week. I have an appointment next Wednesday, but I don't think I will be doing much other than learning about nursing, etc. Then I have another ultrasound June 9th to see our little bean.

Trying not to worry, I have read it is pretty common not to see anything this early, so just staying calm. I've been put on "lock down". Not allowed to go further than 25 miles without a drs ok. They also want to put me on progesterone at 16 weeks. Which I have to pay out of pocket for and hope our insurance will cover it..

Keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers. How are you girls? It's been quiet. :hugs:
caite 19 I hope you get good results back! I am worried about that..I have no symptoms at all and I ovulated late this pregnancy cycle..They say I am 6 weeks but my last mens was april 13th and I ovulated May 1st..I am not scheduled for my first scan until next week Wednesday! I have no ms no nothing so...worried I am! :shrug: Keep us posted and fxd for a healthy baby for both of us!
I would say go from your ovulation date. That's what the woman told me, it's more accurate. Either way, I am sure it will be fine :)
when will you know? I am going to stalk you! I want everything to be okay for you..:hugs:

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